983 resultados para fracture healing, CYR61, vascularization, chondrogenesis, fixation stability


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Purpose: To evaluate the biomechanical fixation, bone-to-implant contact (BIC), and bone morphology of screw-type root-form implants with healing chambers with as-machined or dual acid-etched (DAE) surfaces in a canine model. Materials and Methods: The animal model included the placement of machined (n = 24) and DAE (n = 24) implants along the proximal tibiae of six mongrel dogs, which remained in place for 2 or 4 weeks. Following euthanasia, half of the specimens were subjected to biomechanical testing (torque to interface failure) and the other half were processed for histomorphologic and histomorphometric (%BIC) assessments. Statistical analyses were performed by one-way analysis of variance at the 95% confidence level and the Tukey post hoc test for multiple comparisons. Results: At 4 weeks, the DAE surface presented significantly higher mean values for torque to interface failure overall. A significant increase in %BIC values occurred for both groups over time. For both groups, bone formation through the classic appositional healing pathway was observed in regions where intimate contact between the implant and the osteotomy walls occurred immediately after implantation. Where contact-free spaces existed after implantation (healing chambers), an intramembranous-like healing mode with newly formed woven bone prevailed. Conclusions: In the present short-term evaluation, no differences were observed in BIC between groups; however, an increase in biomechanical fixation was seen from 2 to 4 weeks with the DAE surface. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:75-82


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Purpose: Numerous "in vitro" investigations have been conducted to evaluate the role of screw size and pattern in determining optimal resistance to deformation, often these have been controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of screw size and insertion technique on the stability of sagittal split osteotomies.Materials and methods: This study used twenty polyurethane replicas of human hemimandibles with a prefabricated sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO). The hemimandibles were stabilized with 1.5 mm and 2.0 mm titanium screws inserted in an inverted L configuration. All specimens were tested to determine the strength and stability of the fixation.Results: In all cases there was failure of the synthetic bone before there was any evidence of screw failure. There were no significant differences in the load necessary to make the construct fail between the 1.5 or 2.0 mm screw sizes.Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference between the strengths achieved with screws of 1.5 and 2.0 mm diameters for fixation of SSRO performed in synthetic mandibles. There was no fracture of the 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm diameter screws in any of the tests. 1.5 mm diameter screws in an inverted L pattern have as much stability and mechanical resistance as a 2.0 mm screw, may be safely used for this procedure. (C) 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with mandibular angle fractures treated by intraoral access and a rectangular grid miniplate with 4 holes and stabilized with monocortical screws.Patients and Methods: This study included 45 patients with mandibular angle fractures from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery São Paulo State University, Araraquara, Brazil, and from the Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. The 45 fractures of the mandibular angle were treated with a rectangular grid miniplate of a 2.0-mm system by an intraoral approach with monocortical screws. Clinical evaluations were postoperatively performed at 15 and 30 days and 3 and 6 months, and the complications encountered were recorded and treated.Results: The infection rate was 4.44% (2 patients), and in 1 patient it was necessary to replace hardware. This patient also had a fracture of the left mandibular body; 3 patients (6.66%) had minor occlusal changes that have been resolved with small occlusal adjustments. Before surgery, 15 patients (33.33%) presented with hypoesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve; 4 (8.88%) had this change until the last clinical control, at 6 months.Conclusions: The rectangular grid miniplate used in this study was stable for the treatment of simple mandibular angle fractures through intraoral access, with low complication rates, easy handling, and easy adjustment, with a low cost. Concomitant mandibular fracture may increase the rate of complications. This plate should be indicated in fractures with sufficient interfragmentaty contact. (C) 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:1436-1441, 2011


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Recent studies have evaluated many methods of internal fixation for sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO), aiming to increase stability of the bone segments while minimizing condylar displacement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, through biomechanical testing, the stability of the fixation comparing a specially designed bone plate to other two commonly used methods. Thirty hemimandibles were separated into three equal groups. All specimens received SSRO. In Group I the osteotomies were fixed with three 15 mm bicortical positional screws in an inverted-L pattern with an insertion angle of 90°. In Group II, fixation was carried out with a four-hole straight plate and four 6 mm monocortical screws. In Group III, fixation was performed with an adjustable sagittal plate and eight 6 mm monocortical screws. Hemimandibles were submitted to vertical compressive loads, by a mechanical testing unit. Averages and standard deviations were submitted to analysis of variance using the Tukey test with a 5% level of significance. Bicortical screws presented the greatest values of loading resistance. The adjustable miniplate demonstrated 60% lower resistance compared to bicortical screws. Group II presented on average 40% less resistant to the axial loading. © 2012 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Atrophic mandible fractures are frequently a challenge to stabilize. This study evaluated, through mechanical testing in vitro, the number of locking screws that is sufficient to withstand loading when applied with a locking reconstruction plate in the fixation of atrophic mandible fractures. Polyurethane mandibles with a simulated linear fracture at the midline were used as substratum. Results show that resistance of the fixation is poor when one and two screws are used on each side of the fracture. Three screws on each side of the fracture significantly increases the resistance to displacement. However, no additional strength is added to the construct when more than three screws per side are used. © 2013 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Fractures of the mandibular angle deserve particular attention because they represent the highest percentage of mandibular fractures and have the highest postsurgical complication rate, making them the most challenging and unpredictable mandibular fractures to treat. Despite the evolution in the treatment of maxillofacial trauma and fixation methods, no single treatment modality has been revealed to be ideal for mandibular angle fractures. Several methods of internal fixation have been studied with great variation in complications rates, especially postoperative infections. Recently, new studies have shown reduction of postsurgical complications rates using three-dimensional plates to treat mandibular angle fractures. Nevertheless, only few surgeons have used this type of plate for the treatment of mandibular angle fractures. The aim of this clinical report was to describe a case of a patient with a mandibular angle fracture treated by an intraoral approach and a three-dimensional rectangular grid miniplate with 4 holes, which was stabilized with monocortical screws. The authors show a follow-up of 8 months, without infection and with occlusal stability.


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Bars and steel wires are the most commonly used methods to achieve maxillomandibular fixation, although there are numerous alternatives described for this same purpose. In cases of edentulous candidates for the conservative treatment of facial fractures, none of the conventional methods can be instituted for maxillomandibular fixation. Fixation in such cases is achieved with the aid of the total dentures of the patient or the confection of splints, but these methods lead to eating and oral hygiene problems. This article reports the case of an edentulous patient with a comminuted mandible fracture treated with a rarely described technique in which intermaxillary fixation was achieved with titanium miniplates.


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Objective: To evaluate healing time before loading, areas compression and tension and location of insertion on mini-implant stability. Design: Six minipigs were used. Each animal received 3 mini-implants in each quadrant: 1 mini-implant was used as an unloaded control (G1, n = 24); the other 2 were loaded with 150 g-force at three time intervals (G2: immediate loading, G3: after 15 days and G4: after 30 days), with 16 mini-implant in each experimental group. After 120 days, tissue blocks of the areas of interest were harvested. Clinical analysis (exact Fisher test) determined the survival rate. Histological analysis (Kontron KS 300TM, Zeiss) quantified the fractional bone-toimplant contact (%BIC) and bone area (%BA) at each healing time point, areas of interest, and insertion site (ANOVA and t tests for dependent and independent samples). Results: The mini-implant survival rates were G1: 71%, G2: 50%, G3: 75% and G4: 63%, with no statistical differences between them. The groups presented similar %BIC and %BA. There were no differences between the compression and tension sides or maxillary and mandibular insertion sites. Conclusions: These results suggest that low-intensity immediate or early orthodontic loading does not affect mini-implant stability, because similar histomorphometric results were observed for all the groups, with partial osseointegration of the mini-implants present.


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Primary stability of stems in cementless total hip replacements is recognized to play a critical role for long-term survival and thus for the success of the overall surgical procedure. In Literature, several studies addressed this important issue. Different approaches have been explored aiming to evaluate the extent of stability achieved during surgery. Some of these are in-vitro protocols while other tools are coinceived for the post-operative assessment of prosthesis migration relative to the host bone. In vitro protocols reported in the literature are not exportable to the operating room. Anyway most of them show a good overall accuracy. The RSA, EBRA and the radiographic analysis are currently used to check the healing process of the implanted femur at different follow-ups, evaluating implant migration, occurance of bone resorption or osteolysis at the interface. These methods are important for follow up and clinical study but do not assist the surgeon during implantation. At the time I started my Ph.D Study in Bioengineering, only one study had been undertaken to measure stability intra-operatively. No follow-up was presented to describe further results obtained with that device. In this scenario, it was believed that an instrument that could measure intra-operatively the stability achieved by an implanted stem would consistently improve the rate of success. This instrument should be accurate and should give to the surgeon during implantation a quick answer concerning the stability of the implanted stem. With this aim, an intra-operative device was designed, developed and validated. The device is meant to help the surgeon to decide how much to press-fit the implant. It is essentially made of a torsional load cell, able to measure the extent of torque applied by the surgeon to test primary stability, an angular sensor that measure the relative angular displacement between stem and femur, a rigid connector that enable connecting the device to the stem, and all the electronics for signals conditioning. The device was successfully validated in-vitro, showing a good overall accuracy in discriminating stable from unstable implants. Repeatability tests showed that the device was reliable. A calibration procedure was then performed in order to convert the angular readout into a linear displacement measurement, which is an information clinically relevant and simple to read in real-time by the surgeon. The second study reported in my thesis, concerns the evaluation of the possibility to have predictive information regarding the primary stability of a cementless stem, by measuring the micromotion of the last rasp used by the surgeon to prepare the femoral canal. This information would be really useful to the surgeon, who could check prior to the implantation process if the planned stem size can achieve a sufficient degree of primary stability, under optimal press fitting conditions. An intra-operative tool was developed to this aim. It was derived from a previously validated device, which was adapted for the specific purpose. The device is able to measure the relative micromotion between the femur and the rasp, when a torsional load is applied. An in-vitro protocol was developed and validated on both composite and cadaveric specimens. High correlation was observed between one of the parameters extracted form the acquisitions made on the rasp and the stability of the corresponding stem, when optimally press-fitted by the surgeon. After tuning in-vitro the protocol as in a closed loop, verification was made on two hip patients, confirming the results obtained in-vitro and highlighting the independence of the rasp indicator from the bone quality, anatomy and preserving conditions of the tested specimens, and from the sharpening of the rasp blades. The third study is related to an approach that have been recently explored in the orthopaedic community, but that was already in use in other scientific fields. It is based on the vibration analysis technique. This method has been successfully used to investigate the mechanical properties of the bone and its application to evaluate the extent of fixation of dental implants has been explored, even if its validity in this field is still under discussion. Several studies have been published recently on the stability assessment of hip implants by vibration analysis. The aim of the reported study was to develop and validate a prototype device based on the vibration analysis technique to measure intra-operatively the extent of implant stability. The expected advantages of a vibration-based device are easier clinical use, smaller dimensions and minor overall cost with respect to other devices based on direct micromotion measurement. The prototype developed consists of a piezoelectric exciter connected to the stem and an accelerometer attached to the femur. Preliminary tests were performed on four composite femurs implanted with a conventional stem. The results showed that the input signal was repeatable and the output could be recorded accurately. The fourth study concerns the application of the device based on the vibration analysis technique to several cases, considering both composite and cadaveric specimens. Different degrees of bone quality were tested, as well as different femur anatomies and several levels of press-fitting were considered. The aim of the study was to verify if it is possible to discriminate between stable and quasi-stable implants, because this is the most challenging detection for the surgeon in the operation room. Moreover, it was possible to validate the measurement protocol by comparing the results of the acquisitions made with the vibration-based tool to two reference measurements made by means of a validated technique, and a validated device. The results highlighted that the most sensitive parameter to stability is the shift in resonance frequency of the stem-bone system, showing high correlation with residual micromotion on all the tested specimens. Thus, it seems possible to discriminate between many levels of stability, from the grossly loosened implant, through the quasi-stable implants, to the definitely stable one. Finally, an additional study was performed on a different type of hip prosthesis, which has recently gained great interest thus becoming fairly popular in some countries in the last few years: the hip resurfacing prosthesis. The study was motivated by the following rationale: although bone-prosthesis micromotion is known to influence the stability of total hip replacement, its effect on the outcome of resurfacing implants has not been investigated in-vitro yet, but only clinically. Thus the work was aimed at verifying if it was possible to apply to the resurfacing prosthesis one of the intraoperative devices just validated for the measurement of the micromotion in the resurfacing implants. To do that, a preliminary study was performed in order to evaluate the extent of migration and the typical elastic movement for an epiphyseal prosthesis. An in-vitro procedure was developed to measure micromotions of resurfacing implants. This included a set of in-vitro loading scenarios that covers the range of directions covered by hip resultant forces in the most typical motor-tasks. The applicability of the protocol was assessed on two different commercial designs and on different head sizes. The repeatability and reproducibility were excellent (comparable to the best previously published protocols for standard cemented hip stems). Results showed that the procedure is accurate enough to detect micromotions of the order of few microns. The protocol proposed was thus completely validated. The results of the study demonstrated that the application of an intra-operative device to the resurfacing implants is not necessary, as the typical micromovement associated to this type of prosthesis could be considered negligible and thus not critical for the stabilization process. Concluding, four intra-operative tools have been developed and fully validated during these three years of research activity. The use in the clinical setting was tested for one of the devices, which could be used right now by the surgeon to evaluate the degree of stability achieved through the press-fitting procedure. The tool adapted to be used on the rasp was a good predictor of the stability of the stem. Thus it could be useful for the surgeon while checking if the pre-operative planning was correct. The device based on the vibration technique showed great accuracy, small dimensions, and thus has a great potential to become an instrument appreciated by the surgeon. It still need a clinical evaluation, and must be industrialized as well. The in-vitro tool worked very well, and can be applied for assessing resurfacing implants pre-clinically.


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Isolated lateral malleolar fractures usually result from a supination-external rotation (SER) injury and may include a deltoid ligament rupture. The necessity of operative treatment is based on the recognition of a relevant medial soft-tissue disruption. Currently used tests to assess ankle stability include manual stress radiographs and gravity stress radiographs, but seem to overestimate the need for fracture fixation.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the advantages and surgical technique of a trochanteric flip osteotomy in combination with a Kocher-Langenbeck approach for the treatment of selected acetabular fractures. DESIGN: Consecutive series, teaching hospital. METHODS: Through mobilization of the vastus lateralis muscle, a slice of the greater trochanter with the attached gluteus medius muscle can be flipped anteriorly. The gluteus minimus muscle can then be easily mobilized, giving free access to the posterosuperior and superior acetabular wall area. Damage to the abductor muscles by vigorous retraction can be avoided, potentially resulting in less ectopic ossification. Ten consecutive cases of acetabular fractures treated with this approach are reported. In eight cases, an anatomic reduction was achieved; in the remaining two cases with severe comminution, the reduction was within one to three millimeters. The trochanteric fragment was fixed with two 3.5-millimeter cortical screws. RESULTS: All osteotomies healed in anatomic position within six to eight weeks postoperatively. Abductor strength was symmetric in eight patients and mildly reduced in two patients. Heterotopic ossification was limited to Brooker classes 1 and 2 without functional impairment at an average follow-up of twenty months. No femoral head necrosis was observed. CONCLUSION: This technique allows better visualization, more accurate reduction, and easier fixation of cranial acetabular fragments. Cranial migration of the greater trochanter after fixation with two screws is unlikely to occur because of the distal pull of the vastus lateralis muscle, balancing the cranial pull of the gluteus medius muscle.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate relapse and its causes in bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Literature research was done in databases such as PubMed, Ovid, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From the original 488 articles identified, 14 articles were finally included. Only 5 studies were prospective and 9 retrospective. The range of postoperative study records was from 6 weeks to 12.7 years. RESULTS: The horizontal short-term relapse was between 9.9% and 62.1% at point B and between 15.7% and 91.3% at pogonion. Long-term relapse was between 14.9% and 28.0% at point B and between 11.5% and 25.4% at pogonion. CONCLUSIONS: Neither large increase nor decrease of relapse was seen when short-term values were compared with long-term. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy for mandibular setback in combination with orthodontics is an effective treatment of skeletal Class III and a stable procedure in the short- and long-term. The etiology of relapse is multifactorial: the proper seating of the condyles, the amount of setback, the soft tissue and muscles, remaining growth and remodeling, and gender were identified. Age did not show any correlations. To obtain reliable scientific evidence, further short- and long-term research of bilateral sagittal split osteotomy setback with rigid internal fixation should exclude additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, and include correlation statistics.


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BACKGROUND: Percutaneous Kirschner wire fixation represents the classic treatment for displaced supracondylar humeral fractures in childhood. This type of treatment first requires satisfactory reduction of the fracture. Failure to achieve a satisfactory reduction or inadequate stabilization can result in instability of the fracture fragments, which can result in either an unsatisfactory cosmetic or functional outcome. In our experience, these problems can be overcome with the use of a small lateral external fixator. METHODS: Between 1999 and 2005, thirty-one of 170 Gartland type-III supracondylar humeral fractures were treated with a lateral external fixator. The outcome of treatment was analyzed with regard to limb alignment, elbow movement, cosmetic appearance, and patient satisfaction. RESULTS: In twenty-eight of the thirty-one patients, a satisfactory reduction was achieved with closed methods. All children except one had a normal or good range of movement. The cosmetic result was excellent in all cases. All of the children and their parents stated that they would choose this treatment again. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a small lateral external fixator seems to be a safe alternative for the treatment of displaced supracondylar fractures of the humerus when a closed reduction appears to be unattainable by means of manipulation alone or when sufficient stability is not achieved with standard methods of Kirschner wire fixation.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate horizontal relapse and its causes in bilateral sagittal split advancement osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation of different types. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of the literature was performed in the databases PubMed, Ovid, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From 488 articles identified, 24 articles were finally included. Six studies were prospective, and 18 were retrospective. The range of postoperative study records was 6 months to 12.7 years. RESULTS: The short-term relapse for bicortical screws was between 1.5% and 32.7%, for miniplates between 1.5% and 18.0%, and for bioresorbable bicortical screws between 10.4% and 17.4%, at point B. The long-term relapse for bicortical screws was between 2.0% and 50.3%, and for miniplates between 1.5% and 8.9%, at point B. CONCLUSIONS: BSSO for mandibular advancement is a good treatment option for skeletal Class II, but seems less stable than BSSO setback in the short and long terms. Bicortical screws of titanium, stainless steel, or bioresorbable material show little difference regarding skeletal stability compared with miniplates in the short term. A greater number of studies with larger skeletal long-term relapse rates were evident in patients treated with bicortical screws instead of miniplates. The etiology of relapse is multifactorial, involving the proper seating of the condyles, the amount of advancement, the soft tissue and muscles, the mandibular plane angle, the remaining growth and remodeling, the skill of the surgeon, and preoperative age. Patients with a low mandibular plane angle have increased vertical relapse, whereas patients with a high mandibular plane angle have more horizontal relapse. Advancements in the range of 6 to 7 mm or more predispose to horizontal relapse. To obtain reliable scientific evidence, further short-term and long-term research into BSSO advancement with rigid internal fixation should exclude additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, and include a prospective study or randomized clinical trial design with correlation statistics.