966 resultados para domain analysis


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Cleavage of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the aspartyl protease beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE) is the first step in the generation of the amyloid beta-peptide, which is deposited in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Whereas the subsequent cleavage by gamma-secretase was shown to originate from the cooperation of a multicomponent complex, it is currently unknown whether in a cellular environment BACE is enzymatically active as a monomer or in concert with other proteins. Using blue native gel electrophoresis we found that endogenous and overexpressed BACE has a molecular mass of 140 kDa instead of the expected mass of 70 kDa under denaturing conditions. This suggests that under native conditions BACE exists as a homodimer. Homodimerization was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation of full-length BACE carrying different epitope tags. In contrast, the soluble active BACE ectodomain was exclusively present as a monomer both under native and denaturing conditions. A domain analysis revealed that the BACE ectodomain dimerized as long as it was attached to the membrane, whereas the cytoplasmic domain and the transmembrane domain were dispensable for dimerization. By adding a KKXX-endoplasmic reticulum retention signal to BACE, we demonstrate that dimerization of BACE occurs already before full maturation and pro-peptide cleavage. Furthermore, kinetic analysis of the purified native BACE dimer revealed a higher affinity and turnover rate in comparison to the monomeric soluble BACE. Dimerization of BACE might, thus, facilitate binding and cleavage of physiological substrates.


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Simulating surface wind over complex terrain is a challenge in regional climate modelling. Therefore, this study aims at identifying a set-up of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) model that minimises system- atic errors of surface winds in hindcast simulations. Major factors of the model configuration are tested to find a suitable set-up: the horizontal resolution, the planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterisation scheme and the way the WRF is nested to the driving data set. Hence, a number of sensitivity simulations at a spatial resolution of 2 km are carried out and compared to observations. Given the importance of wind storms, the analysis is based on case studies of 24 historical wind storms that caused great economic damage in Switzerland. Each of these events is downscaled using eight different model set-ups, but sharing the same driving data set. The results show that the lack of representation of the unresolved topography leads to a general overestimation of wind speed in WRF. However, this bias can be substantially reduced by using a PBL scheme that explicitly considers the effects of non-resolved topography, which also improves the spatial structure of wind speed over Switzerland. The wind direction, although generally well reproduced, is not very sensitive to the PBL scheme. Further sensitivity tests include four types of nesting methods: nesting only at the boundaries of the outermost domain, analysis nudging, spectral nudging, and the so-called re-forecast method, where the simulation is frequently restarted. These simulations show that restricting the freedom of the model to develop large-scale disturbances slightly increases the temporal agreement with the observations, at the same time that it further reduces the overestimation of wind speed, especially for maximum wind peaks. The model performance is also evaluated in the outermost domains, where the resolution is coarser. The results demonstrate the important role of horizontal resolution, where the step from 6 to 2 km significantly improves model performance. In summary, the combination of a grid size of 2 km, the non-local PBL scheme modified to explicitly account for non-resolved orography, as well as analysis or spectral nudging, is a superior combination when dynamical downscaling is aimed at reproducing real wind fields.


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Purpose. To investigate and understand the illness experiences of patients and their family members living with congestive heart failure (CHF). ^ Design. Focused ethnographic design. ^ Setting. One outpatient cardiology clinic, two outpatient heart failure clinics, and informants' homes in a large metropolitan city located in southeast Texas. ^ Sample. A purposeful sampling technique was used to select a sample of 28 informants. The following somewhat overlapping, sampling strategies were used to implement the purposeful method: criterion; typical case; operational construct; maximum variation; atypical case; opportunistic; and confirming and disconfirming case sampling. ^ Methods. Naturalistic inquiry consisted of data collected from observations, participant observations, and interviews. Open-ended semi-structured illness narrative interviews included questions designed to elicit informant's explanatory models of the illness, which served as a synthesizing framework for the analysis. A thematic analysis process was conducted through domain analysis and construction of data into themes and sub-themes. Credibility was enhanced through informant verification and a process of peer debriefing. ^ Findings. Thematic analysis revealed that patients and their family members living with CHF experience a process of disruption, incoherence, and reconciling. Reconciling emerged as the salient experience described by informants. Sub-themes of reconciling that emerged from the analysis included: struggling; participating in partnerships; finding purpose and meaning in the illness experience; and surrendering. ^ Conclusions. Understanding the experiences described in this study allows for a better understanding of living with CHF in everyday life. Findings from this study suggest that the experience of living with CHF entails more than the medical story can tell. It is important for nurses and other providers to understand the experiences of this population in order to develop appropriate treatment plans in a successful practitioner-patient partnership. ^


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Detailed stable isotopic and calcium carbonate records (with a sampling resolution of 3000 yr.) from the middle Miocene section of hydraulic piston corer (HPC) Hole 574A provide a sequence that records the major shift in the oxygen isotopic composition of the world's oceans that occurred at about 14 Ma. The data suggest that this transition was rapid and spans about 30,000 yr. of sediment deposition. In intervals before and after the shift, the mean d18O values are characterized by a constant mean with a high degree of variability. The degree of variability in both the d18O and d13C records is comparable to that observed for the Pliocene and earliest Pleistocene and does not show a significant change before or after the major shift in the d18O record. Whereas the oxygen isotopic record is characterized by relatively stable mean values before and after the middle Miocene event, the d13C record shows a number of significant offsets in the mean value separated by intervals of high-frequency variations. Time and frequency domain analysis of all records from Hole 574A indicate that the frequency components shown to be related to orbital changes in the Pleistocene record are also present in the middle Miocene. The high variability observed in the Site 574 isotopic records places important constraints on models describing the role of formation of the Antarctic ice sheet during the middle Miocene climatic transitions. Thus, HPC Hole 574A provides a valuable sequence for detailed study of climatic variability during an important time in the Earth's history, although we cannot provide a definitive explanation of the major oxygen isotopic event of the middle Miocene.


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En este Proyecto se pretende establecer la forma de realizar un análisis correcto y ajustado de las redes SMATV (Satellite Master Antenna Television), incluidas dentro de las ICT (Infraestructura Común de Telecomunicaciones), mediante el método de análisis TDA (Time Domain Analysis). Para ello, en primer lugar se procederá a hacer un estudio teórico sobre las ICT’s y sobre las bases en las que se sustenta el método de análisis TDA que sirva como puente introductorio al tema principal de este proyecto. Este tema es el de, mediante el programa de simulación AWR, caracterizar la señal más adecuada para realizar medidas de calidad en las redes SMATV mediante la técnica del TDA y ser capaz de realizar un estudio conciso de estas. Esto se pretende conseguir mediante la definición más correcta de los parámetros de la señal de entrada que se introduciría en la red en futuras medidas de prueba. Una vez conseguida una señal "tipo", se caracterizarán diferentes dispositivos o elementos que forman las redes SMATV para comprobar que la medida realizada con el método del TDA es igual de válida que realizada con el método de análisis vectorial de redes (VNA). ABSTRACT This project aims to establish how to perform a proper analysis and set of SMATV networks (Satellite Master Antenna Television), included within the ICT (Common Telecommunications Infrastructure) by the method of analysis TDA (Time Domain Analysis). To do this, first it will proceed to make a theoretical study on the ICT's and the basis on which the method of analysis TDA is based, introduction that serve as a bridge to the main issue of this project. This issue is about characterizing the most appropriate signal quality measurements in SMATV networks using the technique of AD through the AWR simulation program, and be able to make a concise study of these. This is intended to achieve through the proper definition of the parameters of the input signal, that would be introduced into the network in future test measures. Once achieved a signal "type", will be characterized different devices or elements forming SMATV networks to check that the measure on the TDA method is as valid as on the method of vector network analysis (VNA) .


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In this work we present a new way to mask the data in a one-user communication system when direct sequence - code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) techniques are used. The code is generated by a digital chaotic generator, originally proposed by us and previously reported for a chaos cryptographic system. It is demonstrated that if the user's data signal is encoded with a bipolar phase-shift keying (BPSK) technique, usual in DS-CDMA, it can be easily recovered from a time-frequency domain representation. To avoid this situation, a new system is presented in which a previous dispersive stage is applied to the data signal. A time-frequency domain analysis is performed, and the devices required at the transmitter and receiver end, both user-independent, are presented for the optical domain.


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During the last two decades the topic of human induced vibration has attracted a lot of attention among civil engineering practitioners and academics alike. Usually this type of problem may be encountered in pedestrian footbridges or floors of paperless offices. Slender designs are becoming increasingly popular, and as a consequence, the importance of paying attention to vibration serviceability also increases. This paper resumes the results obtained from measurements taken at different points of an aluminium catwalk which is 6 m in length by 0.6 m in width. Measurements were carried out when subjecting the structure to different actions:1)Static test: a steel cylinder of 35 kg was placed in the middle of the catwalk; 2)Dynamic test: this test consists of exciting the structure with singles impulses; 3)Dynamic test: people walking on the catwalk. Identification of the mechanical properties of the structure is an achievement of the paper. Indirect methods were used to estimate properties including the support stiffness, the beam bending stiffness, the mass of the structure (using Rayleigh method and iterative matrix method), the natural frequency (using the time domain and frequency domain analysis) and the damping ratio (by calculating the logarithmic decrement). Experimental results and numerical predictions for the response of an aluminium catwalk subjected to walking loads have been compared. The damping of this light weight structure depends on the amplitude of vibration which complicates the tuning of a structural model. In the light of the results obtained it seems that the used walking load model is not appropriate as the predicted transient vibration values (TTVs) are much higher than the measured ones.


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In this paper some aspects of the use of non-reflecting boundaries in dynamic problems, analyzed in time domain, are considered. Current trends for treating the above mentioned problems are summarized with a particular emphasis on the use of numerical techniques, such as Boundary Element Method (BEM) or mixed and hybrid formulations, Finite Element Method (FEM) plus BEM. As an alternative to these methods, an easy time domain boundary condition, obtained from the well known consistent transmitting boundary developed by Waas for frequency domain analysis, can be applied to represent the reactions of the unbounded soil on the interest zone. The behaviour of this proposed boundary condition is studied when waves of different frequency to the one used for its obtention are acting on the physical edge of the model. As an application example,an analysis is made of the soil-structure interaction of a rigid strip foundation on a horizontal non-linear elastic layer on bed rock. The results obtained suggest the need of time domain solutions for this type of problem


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La Energía eléctrica producida mediante tecnología eólica flotante es uno de los recursos más prometedores para reducir la dependencia de energía proveniente de combustibles fósiles. Esta tecnología es de especial interés en países como España, donde la plataforma continental es estrecha y existen pocas áreas para el desarrollo de estructuras fijas. Entre los diferentes conceptos flotantes, esta tesis se ha ocupado de la tipología semisumergible. Estas plataformas pueden experimentar movimientos resonantes en largada y arfada. En largada, dado que el periodo de resonancia es largo estos puede ser inducidos por efectos de segundo orden de deriva lenta que pueden tener una influencia muy significativa en las cargas en los fondeos. En arfada las fuerzas de primer orden pueden inducir grandes movimientos y por tanto la correcta determinación del amortiguamiento es esencial para la analizar la operatividad de la plataforma. Esta tesis ha investigado estos dos efectos, para ello se ha usado como caso base el diseño de una plataforma desarrollada en el proyecto Europeo Hiprwind. La plataforma se compone de 3 columnas cilíndricas unidas mediante montantes estructurales horizontales y diagonales, Los cilindros proporcionan flotabilidad y momentos adrizante. A la base de cada columna se le ha añadido un gran “Heave Plate” o placa de cierre. El diseño es similar a otros diseños previos (Windfloat). Se ha fabricado un modelo a escala de una de las columnas para el estudio detallado del amortiguamiento mediante oscilaciones forzadas. Las dimensiones del modelo (1m diámetro en la placa de cierre) lo hacen, de los conocidos por el candidato, el mayor para el que se han publicado datos. El diseño del cilindro se ha realizado de tal manera que permite la fijación de placas de cierre planas o con refuerzo, ambos modelos se han fabricado y analizado. El modelo con refuerzos es una reproducción exacta del diseño a escala real incluyendo detalles distintivos del mismo, siendo el más importante la placa vertical perimetral. Los ensayos de oscilaciones forzadas se han realizado para un rango de frecuencias, tanto para el disco plano como el reforzado. Se han medido las fuerzas durante los ensayos y se han calculado los coeficientes de amortiguamiento y de masa añadida. Estos coeficientes son necesarios para el cálculo del fondeo mediante simulaciones en el dominio del tiempo. Los coeficientes calculados se han comparado con la literatura existente, con cálculos potenciales y por ultimo con cálculos CFD. Para disponer de información relevante para el diseño estructural de la plataforma se han medido y analizado experimentalmente las presiones en la parte superior e inferior de cada placa de cierre. Para la correcta estimación numérica de las fuerzas de deriva lenta en la plataforma se ha realizado una campaña experimental que incluye ensayos con modelo cautivo de la plataforma completa en olas bicromaticas. Pese a que estos experimentos no reproducen un escenario de oleaje realista, los mismos permiten una verificación del modelo numérico mediante la comparación de fuerzas medidas en el modelo físico y el numérico. Como resultados de esta tesis podemos enumerar las siguientes conclusiones. 1. El amortiguamiento y la masa añadida muestran una pequeña dependencia con la frecuencia pero una gran dependencia con la amplitud del movimiento. siendo coherente con investigaciones existentes. 2. Las medidas con la placa de cierre reforzada con cierre vertical en el borde, muestra un amortiguamiento significativamente menor comparada con la placa plana. Esto implica que para ensayos de canal es necesario incluir estos detalles en el modelo. 3. La masa añadida no muestra grandes variaciones comparando placa plana y placa con refuerzos. 4. Un coeficiente de amortiguamiento del 6% del crítico se puede considerar conservador para el cálculo en el dominio de la frecuencia. Este amortiguamiento es equivalente a un coeficiente de “drag” de 4 en elementos de Morison cuadráticos en las placas de cierre usadas en simulaciones en el dominio del tiempo. 5. Se han encontrado discrepancias en algunos valores de masa añadida y amortiguamiento de la placa plana al comparar con datos publicados. Se han propuesto algunas explicaciones basadas en las diferencias en la relación de espesores, en la distancia a la superficie libre y también relacionadas con efectos de escala. 6. La presión en la placa con refuerzos son similares a las de la placa plana, excepto en la zona del borde donde la placa con refuerzo vertical induce una gran diferencias de presiones entre la cara superior e inferior. 7. La máxima diferencia de presión escala coherentemente con la fuerza equivalente a la aceleración de la masa añadida distribuida sobre la placa. 8. Las masas añadidas calculadas con el código potencial (WADAM) no son suficientemente precisas, Este software no contempla el modelado de placas de pequeño espesor con dipolos, la poca precisión de los resultados aumenta la importancia de este tipo de elementos al realizar simulaciones con códigos potenciales para este tipo de plataformas que incluyen elementos de poco espesor. 9. Respecto al código CFD (Ansys CFX) la precisión de los cálculos es razonable para la placa plana, esta precisión disminuye para la placa con refuerzo vertical en el borde, como era de esperar dado la mayor complejidad del flujo. 10. Respecto al segundo orden, los resultados, en general, muestran que, aunque la tendencia en las fuerzas de segundo orden se captura bien con los códigos numéricos, se observan algunas reducciones en comparación con los datos experimentales. Las diferencias entre simulaciones y datos experimentales son mayores al usar la aproximación de Newman, que usa únicamente resultados de primer orden para el cálculo de las fuerzas de deriva media. 11. Es importante remarcar que las tendencias observadas en los resultados con modelo fijo cambiarn cuando el modelo este libre, el impacto que los errores en las estimaciones de fuerzas segundo orden tienen en el sistema de fondeo dependen de las condiciones ambientales que imponen las cargas ultimas en dichas líneas. En cualquier caso los resultados que se han obtenido en esta investigación confirman que es necesaria y deseable una detallada investigación de los métodos usados en la estimación de las fuerzas no lineales en las turbinas flotantes para que pueda servir de guía en futuros diseños de estos sistemas. Finalmente, el candidato espera que esta investigación pueda beneficiar a la industria eólica offshore en mejorar el diseño hidrodinámico del concepto semisumergible. ABSTRACT Electrical power obtained from floating offshore wind turbines is one of the promising resources which can reduce the fossil fuel energy consumption and cover worldwide energy demands. The concept is the most competitive in countries, such as Spain, where the continental shelf is narrow and does not provide space for fixed structures. Among the different floating structures concepts, this thesis has dealt with the semisubmersible one. Platforms of this kind may experience resonant motions both in surge and heave directions. In surge, since the platform natural period is long, such resonance can be excited with second order slow drift forces and may have substantial influence on mooring loads. In heave, first order forces can induce significant motion, whose damping is a crucial factor for the platform downtime. These two topics have been investigated in this thesis. To this aim, a design developed during HiPRWind EU project, has been selected as reference case study. The platform is composed of three cylindrical legs, linked together by a set of structural braces. The cylinders provide buoyancy and restoring forces and moments. Large circular heave plates have been attached to their bases. The design is similar to other documented in literature (e.g. Windfloat), which implies outcomes could have a general value. A large scale model of one of the legs has been built in order to study heave damping through forced oscillations. The final dimensions of the specimen (one meter diameter discs) make it, to the candidate’s knowledge, the largest for which data has been published. The model design allows for the fitting of either a plain solid heave plate or a flapped reinforced one; both have been built. The latter is a model scale reproduction of the prototype heave plate and includes some distinctive features, the most important being the inclusion of a vertical flap on its perimeter. The forced oscillation tests have been conducted for a range of frequencies and amplitudes, with both the solid plain model and the vertical flap one. Forces have been measured, from which added mass and damping coefficients have been obtained. These are necessary to accurately compute time-domain simulations of mooring design. The coefficients have been compared with literature, and potential flow and CFD predictions. In order to provide information for the structural design of the platform, pressure measurements on the top and bottom side of the heave discs have been recorded and pressure differences analyzed. In addition, in order to conduct a detailed investigation on the numerical estimations of the slow-drift forces of the HiPRWind platform, an experimental campaign involving captive (fixed) model tests of a model of the whole platform in bichromatic waves has been carried out. Although not reproducing the more realistic scenario, these tests allowed a preliminary verification of the numerical model based directly on the forces measured on the structure. The following outcomes can be enumerated: 1. Damping and added mass coefficients show, on one hand, a small dependence with frequency and, on the other hand, a large dependence with the motion amplitude, which is coherent with previously published research. 2. Measurements with the prototype plate, equipped with the vertical flap, show that damping drops significantly when comparing this to the plain one. This implies that, for tank tests of the whole floater and turbine, the prototype plate, equipped with the flap, should be incorporated to the model. 3. Added mass values do not suffer large alterations when comparing the plain plate and the one equipped with a vertical flap. 4. A conservative damping coefficient equal to 6% of the critical damping can be considered adequate for the prototype heave plate for frequency domain analysis. A corresponding drag coefficient equal to 4.0 can be used in time domain simulations to define Morison elements. 5. When comparing to published data, some discrepancies in added mass and damping coefficients for the solid plain plate have been found. Explanations have been suggested, focusing mainly on differences in thickness ratio and distance to the free surface, and eventual scale effects. 6. Pressures on the plate equipped with the vertical flap are similar in magnitude to those of the plain plate, even though substantial differences are present close to the edge, where the flap induces a larger pressure difference in the reinforced case. 7. The maximum pressure difference scales coherently with the force equivalent to the acceleration of the added mass, distributed over the disc surface. 8. Added mass coefficient values predicted with the potential solver (WADAM) are not accurate enough. The used solver does not contemplate modeling thin plates with doublets. The relatively low accuracy of the results highlights the importance of these elements when performing potential flow simulations of offshore platforms which include thin plates. 9. For the full CFD solver (Ansys CFX), the accuracy of the computations is found reasonable for the plain plate. Such accuracy diminishes for the disc equipped with a vertical flap, an expected result considering the greater complexity of the flow. 10. In regards to second order effects, in general, the results showed that, although the main trend in the behavior of the second-order forces is well captured by the numerical predictions, some under prediction of the experimental values is visible. The gap between experimental and numerical results is more pronounced when Newman’s approximation is considered, making use exclusively of the mean drift forces calculated in the first-order solution. 11. It should be observed that the trends observed in the fixed model test may change when the body is free to float, and the impact that eventual errors in the estimation of the second-order forces may have on the mooring system depends on the characteristics of the sea conditions that will ultimately impose the maximum loads on the mooring lines. Nevertheless, the preliminary results obtained in this research do confirm that a more detailed investigation of the methods adopted for the estimation of the nonlinear wave forces on the FOWT would be welcome and may provide some further guidance for the design of such systems. As a final remark, the candidate hopes this research can benefit the offshore wind industry in improving the hydrodynamic design of the semi-submersible concept.


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Response to the steroid hormone ecdysone in Drosophila is controlled by genetic regulatory hierarchies that include eight members of the nuclear receptor protein family. The DHR3 gene, located within the 46F early-late ecdysone-inducible chromosome puff, encodes an orphan nuclear receptor that recently has been shown to exert both positive and negative regulatory effects in the ecdysone-induced genetic hierarchies at metamorphosis. We used a reverse genetics approach to identify 11 DHR3 mutants from a pool of lethal mutations in the 46F region on the second chromosome. Two DHR3 mutations result in amino acid substitutions within the conserved DNA binding domain. Analysis of DHR3 mutants reveals that DHR3 function is required to complete embryogenesis. All DHR3 alleles examined result in nervous system defects in the embryo.


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Currently there is no structured data standard for representing elements commonly found in transmedia fictional universes. There are websites dedicated to individual universes, however, information found on these sites separates the various formats into books, movies, comics, etc.; concentrate on only the bibliographic aspects of the material; and are only full-text searchable. We have created an ontological model that will allow researchers, fans, brand managers, and creators to search for and retrieve the information contained in these worlds based on how they are structured. We conducted a domain analysis and user studies based on the contents of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Marvel Universe, and Star Wars in order to build a new model using the Ontology Web Language (OWL) and an artificial intelligence reasoning engine. This model can infer connections between characters, elements of power, items, places, events, etc. This model will facilitate better search and retrieval of the information contained within these vast story universes for all users interested in them. The result of this project is and OWL ontology that is intuitive for users; can be used by AI systems; and has been updated to reflect real user needs based on user research.


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Interfaces designed according to ecological interface design (EID) display higher-order relations and properties of a work domain so that adaptive operator problem solving can be better supported under unanticipated system conditions. Previous empirical studies of EID have assumed that the raw data required to derive and communicate higher-order information would be available and reliable. The present research examines the relative advantages of an EID interface over a conventional piping-and-instrumentation diagram (PID) when instrumentation is maximally or only minimally adequate. Results show an interaction between interface and the adequacy of the instrumentation. Failure diagnosis performance with the EID interface with maximally adequate instrumentation is best overall. Performance with the EID interface drops more drastically from maximally to minimally adequate instrumentation than does performance with the PID interface, to the point where the EID interface with minimally adequate instrumentation supports nonsignificantly worse performance than does the equivalent PID interface. Actual or potential applications of this research include design of instrumentation and displays for complex industrial processes.


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Eddy currents induced within a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cryostat bore during pulsing of gradient coils can be applied constructively together with the gradient currents that generate them, to obtain good quality gradient uniformities within a specified imaging volume over time. This can be achieved by simultaneously optimizing the spatial distribution and temporal pre-emphasis of the gradient coil current, to account for the spatial and temporal variation of the secondary magnetic fields due to the induced eddy currents. This method allows the tailored design of gradient coil/magnet configurations and consequent engineering trade-offs. To compute the transient eddy currents within a realistic cryostat vessel, a low-frequency finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method using total-field scattered-field (TFSF) scheme has been performed and validated


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We review some recent results on the application of distributed Raman amplification schemes, including ultralong lasers, to the extension of the operating range and contrast in Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) distributed sensing systems. © 2010 IEEE.


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We analyze the physical-chemical surface properties of single-slit, single-groove subwavelength-structured silver films with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and calculate exact solutions to Maxwell’s equations corresponding to recent far-field interferometry experiments using these structures. Contrary to a recent suggestion the surface analysis shows that the silver films are free of detectable contaminants. The finite-difference time-domain calculations, in excellent agreement with experiment, show a rapid fringe amplitude decrease in the near zone (slit-groove distance out to 3–4 wavelengths). Extrapolation to slit-groove distances beyond the near zone shows that the surface wave evolves to the expected bound surface plasmon polariton (SPP). Fourier analysis of these results indicates the presence of a distribution of transient, evanescent modes around the SPP that dephase and dissipate as the surface wave evolves from the near to the far zone.