953 resultados para deflection-compensated roll
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skolkuratorerna upplever sitt arbete mot mobbning och hur de praktiskt arbetar mot mobbning. Metoden var kvalitativ och intervjuer genomfördes med sju skolkuratorer på olika skolor i två mindre kommuner. Studien visade att skolkuratorerna vill arbeta mer med det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbningen än det finns tid till. Deras arbete handlar mycket om att gå in och hjälpa där behovet och mobbningsproblematiken redan finns. I de metoder och program som finns att tillgå i arbetet mot mobbningen är det inget som rekommenderas utan det är upp till skolkuratorerna att själva utforma en metod som ska passa den individuella eleven. Det finns ett behov av att utveckla ett program- och metodkoncept som motsvarar dagens problematik.
Allt eftersom professionen tar allt större plats på den politiska arenan förändras politikernas roll vilket kan åsidosätta de demokratiska aspekterna. I studien tar vi oss an socialsekreteraren och åskådliggör dess komplexa yrkesroll i en politiskt styrd organisation vilket bidrar till svårigheter när beslut om LVU skall fattas. För att uppnå detta har kvantitativ metod i form av enkätfrågor använts. Resultatet visar att både politiker och tjänstemän har en hög tilltro till socialsekreterarens roll och dess beslutsfattande inom LVU. Socialsekreteraren anser att det är de som har inflytandet över och tar det avgörande besluten om LVU vilket även förstås då återremitteringar sällan sker.
Sedan början på 2000-talet har försäljningssiffrorna för CD-skivan inom musikindustrin varit på nedgång och minskat årligen, samtidigt som de nya digitala formaten har etablerats på den globala marknaden. Men trots många spekulationer, där CD-skivan sedan år tillbaka har stämplats som ett döende musikmedium, tyder försäljningsstatistiken på att CD:n och andra fysiska format fortfarande har en plats på den moderna globala musikmarknaden. I denna undersökning sammanställs försäljningssiffror från världens största musikmarknader, samt Sverige, för att få en tydligare överblick över hur försäljningsfördelningen egentligen ser ut mellan de olika musikformaten. Genom sekundäranalys, kombinerat med Boltanski och Thénevots teori om de olika typer av världar som existerar i vardagen, och deras respektive värdeordningar, analyseras den insamlade datan för att få en ökad förståelse för varför försäljningsfördelningen ser ut som den gör idag, och hur utvecklingen har sett ut under föregående år. Resultatet visar att den globala försäljningsfördelningen under 2014 var jämnt fördelad mellan digitala och fysiska format, med en andel på cirka 46% vardera av den totala globala musikmarknaden. Detta visar att fysiska format, trots en årlig minskning, år 2014 hade en roll på musikmarknaden som, ur försäljningsaspekt, var likvärdig digitala format, och CD-skivan (och även vinylen) kan därför inte ännu anses vara död.
Uppsatsen undersöker skillnader mellan att jobba som ljuddesigner på mindre indieprojekt jämfört med större spelproduktioner. Skillnader mellan att jobba som intern ljuddesigner jämfört med som konsult och hur andra utvecklare ser på ljud i spel tas även upp. Metoden som användes var kvalitativa intervjuer och tre intervjuer genomfördes. Analysen av intervjuerna utgår från uppsatsens syfte och frågeställning samt tidigare forskning om ljud i spel och inom organisationssociologi. Studien visar att det finns stora skillnader inom de olika produktionerna. Även inom olika indieprojekt. Kommunikation med resten av teamet och det administrativa arbetet skiljer sig mellan projekten. De större projekten har här en större fördel tack vare mer vana och användandet av en audio director.
Música componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
In geophysics there are several steps in the study of the Earth, one of them is the processing of seismic records. These records are obtained through observations made on the earth surface and are useful for information about the structure and composition of the inaccessible parts in great depths. Most of the tools and techniques developed for such studies has been applied in academic projects. The big problem is that the seismic processing power unwanted, recorded by receivers that do not bring any kind of information related to the reflectors can mask the information and/or generate erroneous information from the subsurface. This energy is known as unwanted seismic noise. To reduce the noise and improve a signal indicating a reflection, without losing desirable signals is sometimes a problem of difficult solution. The project aims to get rid of the ground roll noise, which shows a pattern characterized by low frequency, low rate of decay, low velocity and high amplituds. The Karhunen-Loève Transform is a great tool for identification of patterns based on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Together with the Karhunen-Loève Transform we will be using the Singular Value Decomposition, since it is a great mathematical technique for manipulating data
The deflection of a massive photon by an external gravitational field is energy-dependent. Interesting enough, any massive quantum particle, no matter what its spin is, undergoes dispersive deflection in external gravitational fields. Exploiting the dispersive deflection of the quantized massive electromagnetic radiation by the gravitational field of the Sun, we find an upper bound for the photon mass.
The cross-section for the scattering of a photon by the Sun's gravitational field, treated as an external field, is computed in the framework of R + R-2 gravity. Using this result, we found that for a photon just grazing the Sun's surface the deflection is 1.75 which is exactly the same as that given by Einstein's theory. An explanation for this pseudo-paradox is provided.
We calculate the gravitational deflection of massive particles moving with relativistic velocity in the solar system to second post-Newtonian order. For a particle passing close to the Sun with impact parameter b, the deflection in classical general relativity is Phi(C)[GRAPHICS]where v(0) is the particle speed at infinity and M is the Sun's mass. We compute afterwards the gravitational deflection of a spinless neutral particle of mass m in the same static gravitational field as above, treated now as an external field. For a scalar boson with energy E, the deflection in semiclassical general relativity (SGR) is Phisc[GRAPHICS]This result shows that the propagation of the =2E spinless massive boson produces inexorably dispersive effects. It also shows that the semiclassical prediction is always greater than the geometrical one, no matter what the boson mass is. In addition, it is found that SGR predicts a deflection angle of similar to2.6 arcsec for a nonrelativistic spinless massive boson passing at the Sun's limb.
We study the bending of light caused by a static gravitational field generated by a localized material source in the context of quadratic gravity. Our calculation shows that for light rays passing close to the Sun the deflection Phi lies in the interval 0 <
The running velocities associated to lactate minimum (V-lm), heart rate deflection (V-HRd), critical velocity (CV), 3000 M (V-3000) and 10000 m performance (V-10km) were compared. Additionally the ability of V-lm and VHRd on identifying sustainable velocities was investigated.Methods. Twenty runners (28.5 +/- 5.9 y) performed 1) 3000 m running test for V3000; 2) an all-out 500 in sprint followed by 6x800 m incremental bouts with blood lactate ([lac]) measurements for V-lm; 3) a continuous velocity-incremented test with heart rate measurements at each 200 m for V-HRd; 4) participants attempted to 30 min of endurance test both at V-lm(ETVlm) and V-HRd(ETVHRd). Additionally, the distance-time and velocity-1/time relationships produced CV by 2 (500 m and 3000 m) or 3 predictive trials (500 m, 3000 m and distance reached before exhaustion during ETVHRd), and a 10 km race was recorded for V-10km.Results. The CV identified by different methods did not differ to each other. The results (m(.)min(-1)) revealed that V-.(lm) (281 +/- 14.8)< CV (292.1 +/- 17.5)=V-10km (291.7 +/- 19.3)< V-HRd (300.8 +/- 18.7)=V-3000 (304 +/- 17.5) with high correlation among parameters (P < 0.001). During ETVlm participants completed 30 min of running while on the ETVHRd they lasted only 12.5 +/- 8.2 min with increasing [lac].Conclusion. We evidenced that CV and Vim track-protocols are valid for running evaluation and performance prediction and the parameters studied have different significance. The V-lm reflects the moderate-high intensity domain (below CV), can be sustained without [lac] accumulation and may be used for long-term exercise while the V-HRd overestimates a running intensity that can be sustained for long-time. Additionally, V-3000 and V-HRd reflect the severe intensity domain (above CV).
There is still controversy about the relation between changes in myocardial contractile function and global left ventricular (LV) performance during stable concentric hypertrophy. To clarify this, we analyzed LV function in vivo and myocardial mechanics in vitro in rats with pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Male Wistar rats (70 g) Underwent ascending aortic stenosis for 8 weeks (group AAS, n = 9). LV performance wits assessed by transthoracic echocardiography Under anesthesia. Myocardial function Was studied in isolated papillary muscle preparations during isometric contraction. The data were compared with age- and sex-matched sham-operated rats (group C, 11 = 9). LV weight-to-body weight ratio (C: 2.13 +/- 0.14 mg/g; AAS: 3.24 +/- 0.44) LV relative wall thickness (C: 0.18 +/- 0.02; AAS: 0.33 +/- 0.09), and LV fractional shortening (C: 54 +/- 5%; AAS: 70 +/- 8%) were increased in group AAS (P<0.05). Echocardio-graphic analysis also indicated a significant association (r = 0.74 P<0.001) between the percent fractional shortening index and LV relative wall thickness. The performance of AAS isolated In muscle revealed that active tension (C: 6.6 +/- 1.7 g/mm(2); AAS: 6.5 +/- 1.5 g/mm(2)) and maximum rate of tension development (C: 69 +/- 21 g/mm(2)/s AAS: 69 +/- 18 g/mm(2)/s) were not significantly different Front group C (P>0.05). In conclusion, compensated pressure-overload myocardial hypertrophy is associated with preserved myocardial function and increased ventricular performance. The improved LV function might be due to the ventricular remodeling, characterized by an increased relative wall thickness.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
There still controversy about the relation between changes in myocardial contractile function and global left ventricular (LV) performance during stable concentric hypertrophy. To clarify this, we analyzed LV function in vivo and myocardial mechanics in vitro in rats with pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Male Wistar rats (70 g) underwent ascending aorta stenosis for 8 weeks (group AAS, n=9). LV performance was assessed by transthoracic echocardiography under light anesthesia. Myocardial function was studied in isolated papillary muscle preparation during isometric contraction. The data were compared with age- and sex-matched sham-operated rats (group C, n=9). LV weight-to-body weight ratio (C: 2.0 ± 0.5 mg/g; AAS: 3.3 ± 0.7 mg/g), LV relative wall thickness (C: 0.19 ± 0.02; AAS; 0.34 ± 0.10), and LV fractional shortening (C: 54 ± 5%; AAS: 70 ± 8%) were increased in the group AAS (p<0.05). Echocardiographic analysis also indicated a significant association (r=0.74; p<0.001) between percent fractional shortening and LV relative wall thickness. The performance of AAS isolated muscle revealed that active tension (C: 6.6 ± 1.7 g/mm 2; AAS: 6.5 ± 1.5 g/mm 2) and maximum rate of tension development (C: 69 ± 21 g/mm 2/s; AAS: 69 ± 18 g/mm 2) were not significantly different from group C (p>0.05). In conclusion: 1) Compensated pressure-overload myocardial hypertrophy is associated with preserved myocardial function and increased ventricular performance; 2) The improved LV function might be due to the ventricular remodeling characterized by an increased relative wall thickness. Copyright © 2002 By PJD Publications Limited.