283 resultados para cyclotron


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研制成功了一台强流高电荷态全永磁ECR(Electron Cyclotron Resonance)离子源LAPECR2(Lanzhou All Permanent Magnet ECR Ion Source No.2)。该离子源在完成磁体装配后已成功在近代物理研究所320 kV高压平台上安装就位,与后束运线完成对接组装。离子源于2005年7月在14.5 GHz实现了第一次成功起弧,并引出较强的混合束流。目前离子源已与后束线以及部分实验终端完成了联调,在实验终端能够获得强流较高电荷态的离子束流。本文将着重论述该全永磁源的结构技术特点和主要参数指标。本文还着重论述了LAPECR2离子源在14.5 GHz微波功率馈入条件下的初步调试结果,在此基础上对束流向实验终端联调的实验结果进行了讨论,着重分析了影响束流引出与传输效率的主要因素。


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热电子在ECR(Electron Cyclotron Resonance)源中有着非常重要的作用,为了研究ECR源的工作参数(微波功率、磁场等)对热电子的影响,我们对SECRAL(Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou)等离子体在轴向发出的轫致辐射谱进行了系统的测量。从测得的轫致辐射谱中我们得到用来衡量热电子能量的参考量——光谱温度Tspe,并且对ECR源的几个工作参数与Tspe的关系进行了讨论。


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研制了一台体积和重量都较大、设计性能较高的全永磁电子回旋共振(Electron cyclotron resonance, ECR)离子源LAPECR2(Lanzhou all permanent magnetic ECR ion source No.2)。该离子源将用于中国科学院近代物理研究所320 kV高压平台,为其提供强流高电荷态离子束流。LAPECR2的研制采用全新的全永磁磁体结构设计,通过采用高性能的NdFeB永磁材料、优化的磁结构设计以及精确的计算,实测源体的磁场参数能达到高性能ECR离子源的设计要求。离子源采用较高频率的14.5 GHz微波馈入加热等离子体,波导直接馈入离子源以增强馈入微波的稳定性与效率。此外,还大量采用了一些有利于提高离子源高电荷态离子产额的关键技术,如铝内衬等离子体弧腔、负偏压盘、铝制等离子体电极、三电极引出系统、辅助掺气等。


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This paper presents an introduction to the application of ion traps and storage devices for cluster physics. Some experiments involving cluster ions in trapping devices such as Penning traps, Paul traps, quadrupole or multipole linear traps are briefly discussed. Electrostatic ion storage rings and traps which allow for the storage of fast ion beams without mass limitation are presented as well. We also report on the recently developed mini-ring, a compact electrostatic ion storage ring for cluster, molecular and biomolecular ion studies.


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Pellet target is one of the main candidate targets in CSRm (cooler storage ring’s main ring) for hadron physics studies. Pellet speed is an important physical parameter for the target. Larger pellet speed could shorten the interacting time interval between the pellet and the cyclotron beam, and thus results in a small temperature variation for the pellet. This could make the pellet facility work in a stable con-dition. A fluid dynamic simulation was carried out for the pellet speed, and it was found that the maxi-mum speed for the target pellet may be restricted to about 100 m/s even if all working parameters were set to their optimal values.


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The national science project HIRFL-CSR has recently been officially accepted. As a cyclotron and synchotron complex, it puts some particularly high demands on the control system. There are hundreds of pieces of equipment that need to be synchronized. An integrated timing control system is built to meet these demands. The output rate and the accuracy of the controller are 16 bit/mu s. The accuracy of the time delay reaches 40 ns. The timing control system is based on a typical event distribution system, which adopts the new event generation and the distribution scheme. The scheme of the tuning control system with innovation points, the architecture and the implemented method are presented in the paper.


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In order to diagnose the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma, electron bremsstrahlung spectra were measured by a HPGe detector on Lanzhou ECR Ion Source No. 3 at IMP. The ion source was operated with argon under various working conditions, including different microwave power, mixing gas, extraction high voltage (HV), and so on. Some of the measured spectra are presented in this article. The dependence of energetic electron population on mixing gas and extraction HV is also described. Additionally, we are looking forward to further measurements on SECRAL (Superconducting ECR Ion Source with Advanced design at Lanzhou).


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Electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources have been used for atomic physics research for a long time. With the development of atomic physics research in the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), additional high performance experimental facilities are required. A 300 kV high voltage (HV) platform has been under construction since 2003, and an all permanent magnet ECR ion source is supposed to be put on the platform. Lanzhou all permanent magnet ECR ion source No. 2 (LAPECR2) is a latest developed all permanent magnet ECRIS. It is a 900 kg weight and circle divide 650 mm X 562 mm outer dimension (magnetic body) ion source. The injection magnetic field of the source is 1.28 T and the extraction magnetic field is 1.07 T. This source is designed to be running at 14.5 GHz. The high magnetic field inside the plasma chamber enables the source to give good performances at 14.5 GHz. LAPECR2 source is now under commissioning in IMP. In this article, the typical parameters of the source LAPECR2 are listed, and the typical results of the preliminary commissioning are presented.


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The beam matching status between the two isochronous cyclotrons in the Heavy Ion Research Facility at the Lanzhou-Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR) is described. Several methods which can be used to accomplish 100% matching are proposed. By comparing of them, the best method is determined. The advantage due to this method is discussed.


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A synchrotron is designed for tumour therapy with C6+ ions or proton. Its injector is a cyclotron, which delivers C5+ or H-2(+) ions to the synchrotron. After comparing the methods of the single-turn injection, the multi-turn injection and the stripping injection, this paper chooses the stripping injection method. In addition, the concept design of the injection system is presented, in which the synchrotron lattice is optimized.


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The electron emission yield of the interaction of highly charged argon ions with silicon surface is reported. The experiment was done at the Atomic Physics Research Platform on the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Ion Source of the National Laboratory HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou). In the experiment, the potential energy and kinetic energy was selected by varying the projectile charge states and extracting voltage, thus the contributions of the projectile potential energy deposition and electronic energy loss in the solid are extensively investigated. The results show that, the two main factors leading to surface electron emission, namely the potential energy deposition and the electronic energy loss, are both approximately proportional to the electron emission yield per ion.


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The high charge state all permanent Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) LAPECR2 (Lanzhou All Permanent magnet ECR ion source No.2) has been successfully put on the 320kV HV platform at IMP and also has been connected with the successive LEBT system. This source is the largest and heaviest all permanent magnet ECRIS in the world. The maximum mirror field is 1.28T (without iron plug) and the effective plasma chamber volume is as large as circle divide 67mm x 255mm. It was designed to be operated at 14.5GHz and aimed to produce medium charge state and high charge state gaseous and also metallic ion beams. The source has already successfully delivered some intense gaseous ion beams to successive experimental terminals. This paper will give a brief overview of the basic features of this permanent magnet ECRIS. Then commissioning results of this source on the platform, the design of the extraction system together with the successive LEBT system will be presented.


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CSR, a new accelerator project under the construction. to upgrade the existing heavy ion cyclotron system in Lanzhou, is a double cooling-storage-ring system. It consists of a main ring and an experimental ring. The heavy ion beams from the cyclotron system will be accumulated and accelerated first in the main ring, then extracted to produce radioactive ion beams or high-Z beams, and finally to be send to the second ring for internal-target experiments.


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The HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou) is a cyclotron complex. Its injector is a cector focusing cyclotron with K=69. Since the HIRFL started the operation in 1989, two bigger items of improvements have been finished, the species and intensity of the accelerated particles are increased obviously. But due to the lower extraction efficiency of the SFC, on one hand, a lot of beam lost, and on other hand, outgas from the surface of the electrostatic deflector is serious because of beam hitting. Even sometimes the vacuum press is destroyed. In the paper a new physical design is made to get an extraction system of the SFC with a higher efficiency.