A latest developed all permanent magnet ECRIS for atomic physics research at IMP

Autoria(s): Sun, LT; Zhao, HW; Zhang, ZM; Wang, H; Ma, BH; Li, JY; Zhang, XZ; Feng, YC; Guo, XH; Li, XX; Ma, XW; Song, MT; Zhan, WL



Electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources have been used for atomic physics research for a long time. With the development of atomic physics research in the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), additional high performance experimental facilities are required. A 300 kV high voltage (HV) platform has been under construction since 2003, and an all permanent magnet ECR ion source is supposed to be put on the platform. Lanzhou all permanent magnet ECR ion source No. 2 (LAPECR2) is a latest developed all permanent magnet ECRIS. It is a 900 kg weight and circle divide 650 mm X 562 mm outer dimension (magnetic body) ion source. The injection magnetic field of the source is 1.28 T and the extraction magnetic field is 1.07 T. This source is designed to be running at 14.5 GHz. The high magnetic field inside the plasma chamber enables the source to give good performances at 14.5 GHz. LAPECR2 source is now under commissioning in IMP. In this article, the typical parameters of the source LAPECR2 are listed, and the typical results of the preliminary commissioning are presented.







Sun, LT; Zhao, HW; Zhang, ZM; Wang, H; Ma, BH; Li, JY; Zhang, XZ; Feng, YC; Guo, XH; Li, XX; Ma, XW; Song, MT; Zhan, WL.A latest developed all permanent magnet ECRIS for atomic physics research at IMP,REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, MAR 2006 ,77(3): Art. No. 03A3169-1 Part 2

