878 resultados para adaptation autonome


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Most approaches aiming at finding genes involved in adaptive events have focused on the detection of outlier loci, which resulted in the discovery of individually "significant" genes with strong effects. However, a collection of small effect mutations could have a large effect on a given biological pathway that includes many genes, and such a polygenic mode of adaptation has not been systematically investigated in humans. We propose here to evidence polygenic selection by detecting signals of adaptation at the pathway or gene set level instead of analyzing single independent genes. Using a gene-set enrichment test to identify genome-wide signals of adaptation among human populations, we find that most pathways globally enriched for signals of positive selection are either directly or indirectly involved in immune response. We also find evidence for long-distance genotypic linkage disequilibrium, suggesting functional epistatic interactions between members of the same pathway. Our results show that past interactions with pathogens have elicited widespread and coordinated genomic responses, and suggest that adaptation to pathogens can be considered as a primary example of polygenic selection.


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Résumé Le trouble de l'adaptation est un diagnostic très fréquent, mais étonnamment peu étudié et controversé. Il est, selon les études, considéré comme une forme mineure d'un trouble psychiatrique spécifique, comme une fragilité psychologique révélée par un événement stressant pour le sujet ou encore comme une forme précoce annonçant un trouble psychiatrique majeur. Ces trois points de vue ramènent en fait tous à la question de fond concernant son étiologie. L'objectif de cette étude est de montrer si le trouble de l'adaptation est un diagnostic clairement différencié dont l'existence est justifiée. Afin de tenter de répondre à cette question, il nous est apparu intéressant de comparer cette catégorie diagnostique à une autre catégorie diagnostique psychiatrique importante, le trouble dépressif majeur. Dans cette étude rétrospective nous avons sélectionné tous les patients avec un diagnostic de trouble de l'adaptation ou un trouble dépressif majeur parmi les patients hospitalisés à l'hôpital psychiatrique de Malévoz en Valais en 1993 (580). Elle est basée sur des diagnostics cliniques. Nous avons comparé leurs données socio-démographiques (âge, sexe, nationalité, état civil, activité professionnelle), leurs antécédents psychiatriques (hospitalisations antérieures, suivi psychiatrique ambulatoire, antécédents de tentamen), leurs hospitalisations ultérieures dans les 5 ans, leur hospitalisation actuelle (durée, tentamens, comorbidité) et les traitements médicamenteux prescrits (leur nombre et leur classe). Notre étude met en évidence certaines distinctions entre le trouble de l'adaptation et le trouble dépressif majeur: les patients souffrant de trouble de l'adaptation diffèrent des troubles dépressifs majeurs par le fait qu'ils sont plus fréquemment des hommes, célibataires et plus jeunes que ceux souffrant de trouble dépressif majeur; leur durée d'hospitalisation est plus courte, leur évolution entre les hospitalisations est meilleure et ils reçoivent moins de psychotropes. Nous ne pouvons cependant pas conclure à une distinction claire de ces deux catégories diagnostiques, ni que le trouble de l'adaptation n'est pas simplement lié à une moindre gravité. Nos résultats confirment par contre que ce diagnostic n'est pas non plus un diagnostic anodin (nombre élevé d'antécédents psychiatriques, de tentamens, d'hospitalisations psychiatriques ultérieures, importance des comorbidités de même que la lourdeur des traitements psychotropes prescrits (notamment la fréquence des neuroleptiques). A notre avis, les trois hypothèses étiologiques (forme mineure, trouble précoce ou fragilité psychologique spécifique révélée par un événement stressant) qui ont été évoquées peuvent être considérées comme plausibles suivant le point de vue que l'on choisit. Le diagnostic de trouble de l'adaptation révèle une des limitations de l'approche du DSM-Ill-R qui se veut athéorique. Le fait que dans sa définition même, le DSM-111-R évoque "qu'il faut souvent se référer au seul jugement clinique" le montre bien, un tel diagnostic renvoie inévitablement à une référence psychopathologique. Nous pensons qu'il est illusoire de vouloir se passer d'une telle référence qui elle seule permet d'appréhender justement la portée symbolique d'un événement donné pour un individu. Summary In this retrospective study we selected all the patients with a diagnosis of adjustment disorder (77) or major depressive disorder (125) among the patients hospitalised in the psychiatric hospital of Malevoz in Valais during the year 1993 (580). It is based on clinical diagnosis. Their social and demographic characteristics (age, sex, nationality, marital status, professional activity), their past psychiatric history (earlier psychiatric hospitalisations, ambulatory treatment and attempted suicide), their hospitalisations during the next 5 years, their index hospitalisation (length, attempted suicide, comorbidity) and their drug treatment (number and class of prescribed drugs) were compared. This survey confirms certain differences be-tween adjustment disorder and major depression disorder: patients suffering from adjustment disorder were more often men, not married, younger than those suffering from major depression; their hospitalisations were shorter with a better evolution between hospitalisations and they received less medication. However, the study does not allow to clearly distinguish between the two diagnoses or to conclude that adjustment disorder is not only a minor form of a specific psychiatric disorder. Yet it confirms that adjustment disorder is not a light diagnosis (importance of the psychiatric past, high number of past attempted suicides, rehospitalisations, number of comorbid disorders and weight of the prescribed psychotropic treatments among which neuroleptics were frequent). The three aetiological hypotheses that have been proposed (minor form of a specific disorder, specific psychological vulnerability revealed by a stress factor or precursor manifestation of a major psychiatric disorder) can still be considered as plausible. The diagnosis of adjustment disorder points to methodological limitations of the atheoretical approach of the DSM-III-R. The fact that, in its DSM-III-R definition, it is stated that the diagnosis of adjustment disorder has often to be based only on clinical judgment shows very well that such a diagnosis inevitably refers to a psychopathological theory. Indeed, the authors consider an approach without such a reference as difficult, a reference which remains the only way to appreciate accurately the symbolic weight of a given event for an individual person.


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En France, les différentes réorientations pénales et les missions confiées au Service Pénitentiaire d'Insertion et de Probation (SPIP) placent l'évaluation des risques de récidive et leur prévention au centre de la pratique professionnelle des Conseillers Pénitentiaires d'Insertion et de Probation (CPIP). Les récentes évolutions législatives des missions des SPIP, les mutations identitaires et des pratiques qu'elles impliquent -en particulier les Groupes de Paroles de Prévention de la Récidive (GPPR)-, caractérisent une évolution centrée sur la gestion du risque. Partant de critiques dans la littérature sur la notion de gestion du risque de récidive dans les pratiques pénales et de ce qu'elle induit dans les modes d'appréhension des sujets et dans les interventions professionnelles, l'article met en relation les réorientations vers une gestion du risque telles qu'elles peuvent apparaître dans les textes, missions et référentiel du SPIP, avec une évaluation des pratiques professionnelles centrées sur les GPPR intégrés au sein des SPIP. Y a-t-il infiltration et remodelage des pratiques ? Si c'est bien le cas, on examine où se situe le niveau pertinent de cette influence et du réaménagement des pratiques.


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Tone Mapping is the problem of compressing the range of a High-Dynamic Range image so that it can be displayed in a Low-Dynamic Range screen, without losing or introducing novel details: The final image should produce in the observer a sensation as close as possible to the perception produced by the real-world scene. We propose a tone mapping operator with two stages. The first stage is a global method that implements visual adaptation, based on experiments on human perception, in particular we point out the importance of cone saturation. The second stage performs local contrast enhancement, based on a variational model inspired by color vision phenomenology. We evaluate this method with a metric validated by psychophysical experiments and, in terms of this metric, our method compares very well with the state of the art.


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Recently, there has been an increased interest on the neural mechanisms underlying perceptual decision making. However, the effect of neuronal adaptation in this context has not yet been studied. We begin our study by investigating how adaptation can bias perceptual decisions. We considered behavioral data from an experiment on high-level adaptation-related aftereffects in a perceptual decision task with ambiguous stimuli on humans. To understand the driving force behind the perceptual decision process, a biologically inspired cortical network model was used. Two theoretical scenarios arose for explaining the perceptual switch from the category of the adaptor stimulus to the opposite, nonadapted one. One is noise-driven transition due to the probabilistic spike times of neurons and the other is adaptation-driven transition due to afterhyperpolarization currents. With increasing levels of neural adaptation, the system shifts from a noise-driven to an adaptation-driven modus. The behavioral results show that the underlying model is not just a bistable model, as usual in the decision-making modeling literature, but that neuronal adaptation is high and therefore the working point of the model is in the oscillatory regime. Using the same model parameters, we studied the effect of neural adaptation in a perceptual decision-making task where the same ambiguous stimulus was presented with and without a preceding adaptor stimulus. We find that for different levels of sensory evidence favoring one of the two interpretations of the ambiguous stimulus, higher levels of neural adaptation lead to quicker decisions contributing to a speed–accuracy trade off.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Local adaptation can drive the divergence of populations but identification of the traits under selection remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Reciprocal transplant experiments are ideal tests of local adaptation, yet rarely used for higher vertebrates because of the mobility and potential invasiveness of non-native organisms. Here, we reciprocally transplanted 2500 brown trout (Salmo trutta) embryos from five populations to investigate local adaptation in early life history traits. Embryos were bred in a full-factorial design and raised in natural riverbeds until emergence. Customized egg capsules were used to simulate the natural redd environment and allowed tracking the fate of every individual until retrieval. We predicted that 1) within sites, native populations would outperform non-natives, and 2) across sites, populations would show higher performance at 'home' compared to 'away' sites. RESULTS: There was no evidence for local adaptation but we found large differences in survival and hatching rates between sites, indicative of considerable variation in habitat quality. Survival was generally high across all populations (55% +/- 3%), but ranged from 4% to 89% between sites. Average hatching rate was 25% +/- 3% across populations ranging from 0% to 62% between sites. CONCLUSION: This study provides rare empirical data on variation in early life history traits in a population network of a salmonid, and large-scale breeding and transplantation experiments like ours provide powerful tests for local adaptation. Despite the recently reported genetic and morphological differences between the populations in our study area, local adaptation at the embryo level is small, non-existent, or confined to ecological conditions that our experiment could not capture.


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In recent years much progress has been made towards understanding the selective forces involved in the evolution of social behaviour including conflicts over reproduction among group members. Here, I argue that an important additional step necessary for advancing our understanding of the resolution of potential conflicts within insect societies is to consider the genetics of the behaviours involved. First, I discuss how epigenetic modifications of behaviour may affect conflict resolution within groups. Second, I review known natural polymorphisms of social organization to demonstrate that a lack of consideration of the genetic mechanisms involved may lead to erroneous explanations of the adaptive significance of behaviour. Third, I suggest that, on the basis of recent genetic studies of sexual conflict in Drosophila, it is necessary to reconsider the possibility of within-group manipulation by means of chemical substances (i.e. pheromones). Fourth, I address the issue of direct versus indirect genetic effects, which is of particular importance for the study of behaviour in social groups. Fifth, I discuss the issue of how a genetic influence on dominance hierarchies and reproductive division of labour can have secondary effects, for example in the evolution of promiscuity. Finally, because the same sets of genes (e.g. those implicated in chemical signalling and the responses that are triggered) may be used even in species as divergent as ants, cooperative breeding birds and primates, an integration of genetic mechanisms into the field of social evolution may also provide unifying ideas.


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This methodological study aimed to describe the process of translation and cultural adaptation of the Perceived stigmatization Questionnaire (PSQ) and analyze the internal consistency of the items in the step of pre-testing. The PSQ was developed to evaluate the perception of stigmatizing behaviors of burn victims. The adaptation process was carried out from August 2012 to February 2013, comprising the steps outlined in the literature. As part of this process, the pre-test with 30 adult burn victims was held. All participants at this step reported to understand the instrument items and the scale of responses. There were no suggestions or changes in the tested version. The value of Cronbach’s alpha at pre-test was 0.87. The contribution of this study is to describe the operation of each of the steps of this methodological process and show the internal consistency of the items in the pre-test.


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Objective: To translate and culturally adapt to Brazil the scale Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia(PAINAD).Method: The cultural adaptation process followed the methodology of a theorical reference, in five steps: translation to Brazilian Portuguese, consensual version of translations, back-translation to the original language, revision by a committee of specialists in the field and a equivalency pre-test. The instrument was assessed and applied by 27 health professionals in the last step. Results: The Escala de Avaliação de Dor em Demência Avançada was culturally adapted to Brazil and presented semantic equivalency to the original, besides clarity, applicability and easy comprehension of the instrument items. Conclusion: This process secured the psychometric properties as the reliability and content validity of the referred scale.


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Objective: Testing the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Method: A descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study, for the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the psychometric properties of the scale. The study participants were 236 nurses from two hospitals in the regions of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo. Results: The 0.92 Cronbach’s alpha was obtained for overall reliability and support of a five-dimension structure. Conclusion: The excellent quality of adjustment of analysis confirms the validity of the adapted version to hospital care settings, although there was no total coincidence of items in the five dimensions


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Objective To describe the trans-cultural adaptation of the evaluation instrument entitled Atenció Sanitària de Les Demències: la visió de L' Atenció Primarià from Catalan into versions in Portuguese for doctors and nurses. This study evaluates the knowledge and perspectives of these professionals in their treatment of patients diagnosed with dementia in cases of primary care. Method The adaptation followed internationally accepted rules, which include the following steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, revision by a committee of specialists, and a test run with 35 practicing doctors and 35 practicing nurses in Brazil's Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família, or ESF in Portuguese). Results The translation, synthesis, and back-translation steps were performed satisfactorily; only small adjustments were required. The committee of specialists verified the face validity in the version translated into Portuguese, and all of the items that received an agreement score lower than 80% during the initial evaluation were revised. In the test run, the difficulties presented by the health care professionals did not reach 15% of the sample, and therefore, no changes were made. Conclusion The Portuguese translation of the instrument can be considered semantically, idiomatically, culturally, and conceptually equivalent to the original Catalan version and is, therefore, appropriate for use in Brazil.


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OBJECTIVE To translate and culturally adapt to Portuguese the Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index Spinal Cord Injury - Version III and characterize the sample in relation to sociodemographic and clinical aspects. METHOD A methodological study with view to cross-cultural adaptation, following the particular steps of this method: initial translation, translation synthesis, back-translation (translation back to the original language), review by a committee of judges and pretest of the final version. The pretest was carried out with 30 patients with spinal cord injury. RESULTS An index of 74 items divided into two parts (satisfaction/importance) was obtained. The criteria of semantic equivalence were evaluated as very adequate translation, higher than 87%, and vocabulary and were grammar higher than 86%. Idiomatic equivalence was higher than 74%, experimental greater than 78% and conceptual was greater than 70%. CONCLUSION After cross-cultural adaptation, the instrument proved semantic, idiomatic, experimental and conceptual adequacy, in addition to helping the evaluation of the quality of life of people with spinal cord injury.


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This study aimed to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the Caregiver Reaction Assessment CRA for use in Brazil with informal caregivers of dependent elderly METHOD A methodological study, of five steps: initial translation, synthesis of translations, retro-translation, evaluation by a judge committee and a pre-test, with 30 informal caregivers of older persons in Fortaleza, Brazil. Content validity was assessed by five experts in gerontology and geriatrics. The cross-cultural adaptation was rigorously conducted, allowing for inferring credibility. RESULTS The Brazilian version of the CRA had a simple and fast application (ten minutes), easily understood by the target audience. It is semantically, idiomatically, experimentally and conceptually equivalent to the original version, with valid content to assess the burden of informal caregivers for the elderly (Content Validity Index = 0.883). CONCLUSION It is necessary that other psychometric properties of validity and reliability are tested before using in care practice and research.


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This study examines the relationship between teacher’s use of English textbooks and the way teachers evaluate and adapt them, looking at a particular context, the Capeverdean secondary schools, specifically in Praia. The referred relationship was analyzed through teachers’ responses about how they use, evaluate and adapt their textbooks. The results of the study revealed that, on the one hand, the way teachers use their textbooks influences the way they evaluate the same textbooks; on the other hand, the use of textbooks doesn’t necessarily influence the way teachers adapt them. Moreover, the findings revealed that, in general, due to some particular constraints the Capeverdean English teachers are using their textbooks as resources, in which several textbooks are used in combination with one another. Additionally, although teachers assume that they are doing their best, they still need more confidence concerning the way they use, evaluate and adapt available textbooks. Teachers’ confidence in the way they are using their textbooks can be reinforced by establishing an intensive teacher training module on materials evaluation and adaptation, taking into account that a textbook is one of the most important tools in the process of teaching and learning. I hope that the elements presented may lead to further studies on this matter, specifically regarding textbook evaluation and adaptation.