477 resultados para Verb


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W artykule zajmuję się problematyką dydaktyki wybranych konstrukcji języka chińskiego. Moim celem jest pokazanie na przykładach, w jaki sposób, wykorzystując zarówno różnice semantyczne między zdaniami strukturalnie podobnymi, jak i analogie semantyczne między zdaniami składniowo różnymi, ułatwić i przyspieszyć nauczanie problematycznych w tym względzie zagadnień gramatyki chińskiej. Do egzemplifikacji wykorzystania mechanizmów różnic i analogii w dydaktyce wykorzystałem zdania z partykułą le i skopiowanym czasownikiem, konstrukcję z de i dopełnieniem komplementywnym oraz partykułę końcową le.


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Using two examples of literary monsters, the Creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), and Grendel’s Mother in Beowulf, this thesis demonstrates the bearing fictional identities have on “real” bodies, through an examination of two further literary texts, David Henry Hwang’s play, M. Butterfly (1986) and J. M. Coetzee’s novel, Disgrace (1999). Western definitions of Being have historically divided body and mind, favouring the mind as formative of subjective experience and denigrating the body as secondary and impure. This thesis demonstrates that this mind/body binary is symptomatic of the masculine ontological imperative to disown the body and its effects on Being, simultaneously ridding itself of the feminine it believes is its irrational opposite. Using recent feminist reviews of the canon, which emphasise the body’s importance to ontology and demonstrate the conceptual association between the feminine and the corporeal, this thesis links performative identity practices to theories of monstrosity, explaining how fictional qualities adhere to monstrous bodies by proposing a new theoretical category, the “monstrative.” The monstrative is a performative force that makes the Other into a living sign of Otherness; however, unlike earlier theories of Othering, the monstrative accounts for the Other’s being other to herself. This thesis also attempts to read the misrepresented body of the Other as a possible site for more empowered identity performances, where the monstrous “I” is interpreted as a potentially positive model for identity practice, through the conceptualisation of identity as a process of Becoming rather than Being. The transferal from a noun to a verb not only emphasises the performativity of identity, but also suggests fluidity and multiplicity in identity practice, which always already indicates a monstrosity at work. Thus, while monstrative acts constitute bodies as monstrous, Becoming-monster is an empathetic response to the Other’s monstrosity.


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From tendencies to reduce the Underground Railroad to the imperative "follow the north star" to the iconic images of Ruby Bridges' 1960 "step forward" on the stairs of William Frantz Elementary School, America prefers to picture freedom as an upwardly mobile development. This preoccupation with the subtractive and linear force of development makes it hard to hear the palpable steps of so many truant children marching in the Movement and renders illegible the nonlinear movements of minors in the Underground. Yet a black fugitive hugging a tree, a white boy walking alone in a field, or even pieces of a discarded raft floating downstream like remnants of child's play are constitutive gestures of the Underground's networks of care and escape. Responding to 19th-century Americanists and cultural studies scholars' important illumination of the child as central to national narratives of development and freedom, "Minor Moves" reads major literary narratives not for the child and development but for the fugitive trace of minor and growth.

In four chapters, I trace the physical gestures of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Pearl, Harriet Beecher Stowe's Topsy, Harriet Wilson's Frado, and Mark Twain's Huck against the historical backdrop of the Fugitive Slave Act and the passing of the first compulsory education bills that made truancy illegal. I ask how, within a discourse of independence that fails to imagine any serious movements in the minor, we might understand the depictions of moving children as interrupting a U.S. preoccupation with normative development and recognize in them the emergence of an alternative imaginary. To attend to the movement of the minor is to attend to what the discursive order of a development-centered imaginary deems inconsequential and what its grammar can render only as mistakes. Engaging the insights of performance studies, I regard what these narratives depict as childish missteps (Topsy's spins, Frado's climbing the roof) as dances that trouble the narrative's discursive order. At the same time, drawing upon the observations of black studies and literary theory, I take note of the pressure these "minor moves" put on the literal grammar of the text (Stowe's run-on sentences and Hawthorne's shaky subject-verb agreements). I regard these ungrammatical moves as poetic ruptures from which emerges an alternative and prior force of the imaginary at work in these narratives--a force I call "growth."

Reading these "minor moves" holds open the possibility of thinking about a generative association between blackness and childishness, one that neither supports racist ideas of biological inferiority nor mandates in the name of political uplift the subsequent repudiation of childishness. I argue that recognizing the fugitive force of growth indicated in the interplay between the conceptual and grammatical disjunctures of these minor moves opens a deeper understanding of agency and dependency that exceeds notions of arrested development and social death. For once we interrupt the desire to picture development (which is to say the desire to picture), dependency is no longer a state (of social death or arrested development) of what does not belong, but rather it is what Édouard Glissant might have called a "departure" (from "be[ing] a single being"). Topsy's hard-to-see pick-pocketing and Pearl's running amok with brown men in the market are not moves out of dependency but indeed social turns (a dance) by way of dependency. Dependent, moving and ungrammatical, the growth evidenced in these childish ruptures enables different stories about slavery, freedom, and childishness--ones that do not necessitate a repudiation of childishness in the name of freedom, but recognize in such minor moves a fugitive way out.


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Information retrieval in the age of Internet search engines has become part of ordinary discourse and everyday practice: "Google" is a verb in common usage. Thus far, more attention has been given to practical understanding of information retrieval than to a full theoretical account. In Human Information Retrieval, Julian Warner offers a comprehensive overview of information retrieval, synthesizing theories from different disciplines (information and computer science, librarianship and indexing, and information society discourse) and incorporating such disparate systems as WorldCat and Google into a single, robust theoretical framework. There is a need for such a theoretical treatment, he argues, one that reveals the structure and underlying patterns of this complex field while remaining congruent with everyday practice. Warner presents a labor theoretic approach to information retrieval, building on his previously formulated distinction between semantic and syntactic mental labor, arguing that the description and search labor of information retrieval can be understood as both semantic and syntactic in character. Warner's information science approach is rooted in the humanities and the social sciences but informed by an understanding of information technology and information theory. The chapters offer a progressive exposition of the topic, with illustrative examples to explain the concepts presented. Neither narrowly practical nor largely speculative, Human Information Retrieval meets the contemporary need for a broader treatment of information and information systems.


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We tried to extend the notion of truth, from the rational concept towards the subjective one. We not only exist by the thought, but also by the feeling. If we apply the scientific method to everything, we remain without art. We want to adhere ourselves to the intimate experience of the subjective thing. In art, the eye introduces the perspective and eliminates the interpretation possibility. Something similar happens with the matter: verb is to matter as name is to form. The Academy has given importance to the form, and it has forgotten the poetical qualities of the matter; it has focused on the figure and it has forgotten the background. However, we have to pay attention to the accidental thing, to the rupture of the protocol, to the frenzy of everything that is alive. For this reason, we pay attention to our intuition, to the sleepy subsoil of our ordinary experience whose inertia has lost the disruptive value of the action. At the end of this article we offer practical exercises, with which we wish to revitalize our centres of attention.


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Cette communication a pour objectif de présenter et d’analyser les résultats d’une enquête portant sur l’accord sujet-verbe en français contemporain. Dans le domaine de l’accord sujet-verbe, bien que dans la plupart des cas le locuteur n’ait pas le choix de l’accord – c’est–à-dire qu’il n’y a qu’un accord possible – il existe néanmoins des contextes dans lesquels on peut trouver une variation entre l’accord singulier et le pluriel (cf. Corbett 2006 ; Grevisse 1993 ; Riegel et al 1994). Cette variation est souvent liée à une discordance entre le nombre syntaxique et le nombre sémantique. C’est le cas de certaines expressions de quantité, comme dans les exemples suivants : Singulier : « On a affaire à une minorité qui fait la loi à l’université » (Ouest France, 23-24 mai 2009, p.13) Pluriel : « Un petit millier de producteurs allemands, français et belges se sont déplacés, hier, à Bruxelles […] » (Ouest France, 26 mai 2009, p.3) Cette variation nous offre plusieurs pistes de recherche : dans une perspective linguistique, elle peut nous aider à mieux comprendre comment interagissent les différents facteurs linguistiques qui ont une influence sur l’accord, et dans une perspective sociolinguistique, elle représente un nouveau domaine à explorer pour l’étude sociolinguistique de la variation grammaticale en français, ce qui reste jusqu’à présent relativement peu étudiée. Nous traitons dans cette communication de la perspective sociolinguistique, c'est-à-dire les facteurs externes tels que l’âge, le sexe, et le niveau d’éducation du locuteur qui jouent un rôle dans l’accord sujet-verbe avec les expressions de quantité. Nous considérons en particulier la variation sexolectale : dans un premier temps, nous examinons les résultats de quelques études précédentes de la variation morphosyntaxique en français contemporain par rapport à l’influence du sexe du locuteur. Nous en concluons que les Principes élaborés par Labov (1990) pour décrire la variation sexolectale en anglais semblent être moins valables pour le cas du français de la France ; ou bien, qu’ils ne s’appliquent pas de façon simpliste. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présentons les résultats de nôtre étude, et nous voyons que pour nôtre projet aussi, les résultats pour la variation sexolectale ne s’expliquent pas facilement dans le cadre des Principes de Labov (1990).


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Dans cet article, nous évaluons le rôle du cotexte (les facteurs internes ou linguistiques) et du contexte (les facteurs externes ou sociaux, et la situation de l’interaction) dans l’accord sujet-verbe induit par les expressions de quantité en français contemporain. Dans l’emploi de ces expressions, par exemple la majorité, le reste etc., il existe une variation entre l’accord singulier et le pluriel, qui est liée à une discordance entre le nombre syntaxique et le nombre sémantique de l’expression. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons la méthodologie d’une première enquête dont le but était d’identifier les principaux facteurs internes et externes qui ont une influence sur les accords de ce type. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présentons les résultats pour les facteurs sociaux avant d’en tirer quelques conclusions pour l’étude principale.


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As alterações no panorama social português que ocorreram no virar do milénio, marcadas pela chegada massiva de imigrantes provenientes de países que não tinham laços históricos e linguísticos com Portugal – com destaque para as comunidades do Leste europeu –, vieram colocar novos desafios à sociedade e à escola portuguesas. Com o propósito de caracterizar o perfil de apropriação da Língua Portuguesa (LP) de aprendentes adultos eslavófonos residentes em Portugal, foram recolhidos 87 questionários e testes linguísticos junto de adultos falantes de línguas eslavas que frequentavam cursos de LP em contexto formal/ não formal. Complementarmente, foram realizadas 17 entrevistas a aprendentes e professores. A análise de dados, de carácter quantitativo e qualitativo, centrou-se em três eixos fundamentais: a) o perfil de apropriação da LP; b) a gestão dos repertórios linguísticos; e c) as dificuldades manifestadas na apropriação, compreensão e uso do sistema temporal-aspetual em LP. Para cada um destes eixos, salientamos as seguintes conclusões: a) o contexto formal/ não formal é aquele que é considerado o mais eficaz; a apropriação da LP decorre ainda em contexto de autoaprendizagem e em contexto informal. A expressão oral afigura-se como uma competência de intervenção prioritária para este público. b) os repertórios linguísticos dos informantes deste estudo são limitados em número e diversidade de línguas, estando quase circunscritos às línguas eslavas, com amplo destaque para o Russo. A influência das Línguas Maternas na apropriação da LP é percecionada, de uma forma geral, como negativa, e é reduzida a adoção de estratégias de rentabilização interlinguística. c) as principais dificuldades no que se refere ao Tempo e Aspeto prendem- -se com o modo conjuntivo, os tempos compostos, os valores secundários de alguns tempos verbais, o pretérito perfeito composto do indicativo, a distinção entre o pretérito perfeito simples e o pretérito imperfeito do indicativo e a distinção entre os verbos ‘ser’ e ‘estar’. De uma forma global, apontam-se como pistas de intervenção a criação de cursos de LP de nível mais avançado, uma maior rentabilização do capital linguístico presente em sala de aula e a frequência, por parte dos docentes, de formação em línguas eslavas. A nível de recursos didáticos, sugere-se a elaboração de materiais bilingues para autoaprendizagem e de materiais de apoio ao professor. Seria igualmente útil a promoção de mais oportunidades de interação entre imigrantes e nativos.


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The present dissertation examines how grammatical aspect and mood are handled by machine translation (MT) systems within the scope of imperative sentences (orders, recommendations) when dealing with the language pair French-Greek (unidirectional, towards Greek). As the grammatical category of aspect is not expressed in the same way in both languages, choosing the correct aspect value when translating a verb from French to Greek can pose problems. We are interested in describing the types of errors that occur and their frequency in a corpus taken from texts pertaining to the security domain and from technical manuals, where imperative sentences are very common. In order to further delimit our research, our sample consists of sentences that comply with the general principles of simplicity and readability provided by several controlled language guidelines and aimed at higher translatability when having MT in mind. In a second phase, this study aims at discovering how modifying some of the control rules would help (or not) the MT systems better decide upon the translation of aspect and mood.


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The Cappadocian variety of Ulaghátsh is unique among the Greek-speaking world in having lost the inherited preposition ‘se’. The innovation is found with both locative and allative uses and has af-ected both syntactic contexts in which ‘se’ was originally found, that is, as a simple preposition (1) and as the left-occurring member of circumpositions of the type ‘se’ + NP + spatial adverb (2). (1) a. tránse ci [to meidán] en ávʝa see.PST.3SG COMP ART.DEF.SG.ACC yard.SG.ACC COP.3 game.PL.NOM ‘he saw that in the yard is some game’ (Dawkins 1916: 348) b. ta erʝó da qardáʃa évɣan [to qonáq] ART.DEF.PL.NOM two ART.DEF.PL.NOM friend.PL.NOM ascend.PST.3PL ART.DEF.SG.ACC house.SG.ACC ‘the two friends went up to the house’ (Dawkins 1916: 354) (2) émi [ta qonáca mésa], kiríʃde [to ʝasdɯ́q píso] enter.PST.3SG ART.DEF.PL.NOM house.PL.ACC inside hide.PST.3SG. ART.DEF.SG.ACC cushion.SG.ACC behind ‘he went into the houses and hid behind the cushions’ (Dawkins 1916: 348) In this paper, we set out to provide (a) a diachronic account of the loss of ‘se’ in Asia Minor Greek, and (b) a synchronic analysis of its ramifications for the encoding of the semantic and grammatical functions it had prior to its loss. The diachronic development of ‘se’ is traced by comparing the Ulaghátsh data with those obtained from Cappadocian varieties that have neither lost it nor do they show signs of losing it and, crucially, also from varieties in which ‘se’ is in the process of being lost. The comparative analysis shows that the loss first became manifest in circumpositions in which ‘se’ was preposed to the complement to which in turn a wide range of adverbs expressing topological relations were postposed (émi sa qonáca mésa > émi ta qonáca mésa). This finding is accounted for in terms of Sinha and Kuteva’s (1995) distributed spatial semantics framework, which accepts that the elements involved in the constructions under investigation—the verb (émi), ‘se’ and the spatial adverb (mésa)—all contribute to the expression of the spatial relational meaning but with differences in weighting. Of the three, ‘eis’ made the most minimal contribution, the bulk of it being distributed over the verb and the adverb. This allowed for it to be optionally dropped from circumpositions, a stage attested in Phlo-tá Cappadocian and Silliot, and to be later completely abandoned, originally in allative and subsequently in locative contexts (earlier: évɣan so qonáq > évɣan to qonáq; later: so meidán en ávʝa > to meidán en ávʝa). The earlier loss in allative contexts is also dealt with in distributed semantics terms as verbs of motion such as έβγαν are semantically more loaded than vacuous verbs like the copula and therefore the preposition could be left out in the former context more easily than in the latter. The analysis also addresses the possibility that the loss of ‘se’ may ultimately originate in substandard forms of Medieval Greek, which according to Tachibana (1994) displayed SPATIAL ADVERB + NP constructions. Applying the semantic map model (Croft 2003, Haspelmath 2003), the synchronic analysis of the varieties that retain ‘se’ reveals that—like many other allative markers crosslinguistically—it displays a pattern of multifunctionality in expressing nine different functions (among others allative, locative, recipient, addressee, experiencer), which can be mapped against four domains, viz. the spatiotemporal, the social, the mental and the logicotextual (cf. Rice & Kabata 2007). In Ulaghátsh Cappadocian, none of these functions is overtly marked as such. In cases like (1), the intended spatial relational meaning is arrived at through the combination of the syntax and the inherent semantics of the verb and the zero-marked NP as well as from the context. In environments of the type exemplified by (2), the adverb contributes further to the correct interpretation. The analysis additionally shows that, despite the loss of ‘se’, Ulaghátsh patterns with all other Cappadocian varieties in one important aspect: Goal and Location are expressed similarly (by zero in Ulaghátsh, by ‘se’ in the other varieties) whereas Source is being kept distinct (expressed by ‘apó’ in all varieties). Goal-Location polysemy is very common across the world’s languages and, most crucially, prevails over other possible polysemies in the tripartite distinction Source—Location—Goal (Lestrade 2010, Nikitina 2009). Taking into account this empirical observation, our findings suggest that the reor-anisation of spatial systems can have a local effect—in our case the loss of a member of the prepositional paradigm—but will keep the original global picture intact, thus conforming to crosslinguistically robust tendencies.  References Croft, W. 2001. Radical Construction Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dawkins, R. M. 1916. Modern Greek in Asia Minor: A Study of the Dialects of Sílli, Cappadocia and Phárasa with Grammar, Texts, Translations and Glossary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Haspelmath, M. 2003. The geometry of grammatical meaning: semantic maps and cross-linguistic comparison. In M. Tomasello (Ed.), The New Psychology of Language, Volume 2. New York: Erlbaum, 211–243. Lestrade, S. 2010. The Space of Case. Doctoral dissertation. Radboud University Nijmegen. Nikitina, T. 2009. Subcategorization pattern and lexical meaning of motion verbs: a study of the source/goal ambiguity. Linguistics 47, 1113–1141. Rice, S. & K. Kabata. 2007. Cross-linguistic grammaticalization patterns of the allative. Linguistic Typology 11, 451–514. Sinha, C. & T. Kuteva. 1995. Distributed spatial semantics. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 18:2, 167–199. Tachibana, T. 1994. Syntactic structure of spatial expressions in the “Late Byzantine Prose Alexander Romance”. Propylaia 6, 35–51.


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Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre a representação do discurso ficcional embasado na gramática sistêmico - funcional proposta por Halliday e na Lingüística de Corpus, utilizando-se o software WordSmith Tools. A análise focaliza a metafunção ideacional, realizada pelo sistema de transitividade, focalizando os processos mentais e a relação lógico - semântica da projeção. O objetivo da pesquisa foi observar como os pensamentos das personagens de um corpus ficcional são representados através dos verbos de elocução THINK e PENSAR, buscando descrever padrões textuais nos três romances que compõem o corpus.


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The present dissertation intends to study passives in Capeverdean. I argue that Capeverdean have eventive passives with specific morphology, postverbal morphemes, -du and -da, which affix to the verb to form passives and interact with the TMA morphemes available in the language in the same way as in the active voice. I also show that Capeverdean only allows short passives. However, this study demonstrates that the by-phrase, although not expressed phonologically, is implicit and can be tracked through instrumentals and Agent-oriented adverbs. In order to account for this specific property of Capeverdean passives, I assume the existence of a Voice head which introduces the external argument in all finite sentences in Capeverdean, except in unaccusatives, following proposals from Marantz (1984), Kratzer (1996), Sailor & Ahn (2010), Pratas (2014). I also assume that this Voice head is subject to a Doubly Filled Comp Filter, similar to what is proposed in Koopman (1997), which determines that either heads or specifiers can be overt, never both. In the case of passives, I propose that external argument is in Spec,Voice and the passive morphology is lexicalized in Voice0 and that while Spec,Voice is silent, Voice0 is not. This configuration can be explained if it is assumed, following Costa & Martins (2004), that in Capeverdean passives Voice0 is a strong functional head, thus requiring visibility at PF. This restriction, combined with the Doubly Filled Comp filter, imposes that Spec,Voice is silent.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that non-demented Parkinson's disease (PD) patients have a specific impairment of verb production compared with noun generation. One interpretation of this deficit suggested the influence of striato-frontal dysfunction on action-related verb processing. The aim of our study was to investigate cerebral changes after motor improvement due to dopaminergic medication on the neural circuitry supporting action representation in the brain as mediated by verb generation and motor imagery in PD patients. Functional magnetic resonance imaging on 8 PD patients in "ON" dopaminergic treatment state (DTS) and in "OFF" DTS was used to explore the brain activity during three different tasks: Object Naming (ObjN), Generation of Action Verbs (GenA) in which patients were asked to overtly say an action associated with a picture and mental simulation of action (MSoA) was investigated by asking subjects to mentally simulate an action related to a depicted object. The distribution of brain activities associated with these tasks whatever DTS was very similar to results of previous studies. The results showed that brain activity related to semantics of action is modified by dopaminergic treatment in PD patients. This cerebral reorganisation concerns mainly motor and premotor cortex suggesting an involvement of the putaminal motor loop according to the "motor" theory of verb processing.


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Cette recherche-action vise à déterminer par quels moyens les enseignants de français peuvent contribuer à favoriser le transfert de connaissances grammaticales en situation d’écriture chez leurs élèves de niveau secondaire. Nous avons d’abord constaté que, chez les élèves du secondaire en général, les accords sont plus facilement réussis en contexte d’exercice qu’en contexte de production écrite. Sur la base de propositions didactiques pertinentes concernant l’orthographe grammaticale et/ou le transfert de connaissances, propositions fondées notamment sur une approche inductive, centrée sur le questionnement de l’élève et sur l’analyse de phrases, nous avons conçu et élaboré une séquence didactique portant sur l’accord du participe passé employé avec être ou avec un verbe attributif. Dans un deuxième temps, nous l’avons mise à l’essai auprès d’un groupe d’élèves de troisième secondaire, puis nous en avons vérifié les effets à l’aide d’un prétest et d’un posttest composés respectivement d’un questionnaire, d’un exercice et d’une production écrite. Les résultats révélés par l’analyse des données démontrent l’efficacité de la série de cours. En effet, le taux moyen de réussite des accords en contexte d’exercice passe de 53% à 75%, alors que, pour les productions écrites, il est de 48% avant la série de cours contre 82% après. Les questionnaires recueillis nous portent à attribuer en partie cette forte augmentation du taux de réussite des accords en contexte de production écrite au bon déroulement du processus de transfert grâce au travail effectué en cours de séquence sur les connaissances conditionnelles.


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Les études des effets de l’activité physique sur la cognition humaine et animale ne permettent pas de clarifier si ces effets sont spécifiques au type d’exercice pratiqué et si les gains cognitifs pour un cerveau en développement sont globaux ou exclusifs à certaines fonctions cognitives. Considérant le circuit nerveux entre le cervelet et le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral, nous croyons qu’un entraînement neuromoteur stimulant les fonctions motrices du cervelet améliorera les fonctions exécutives associées au cortex préfrontal. Comme l’entraînement aérobie a affecté positivement différentes fonctions cognitives dans des études précédentes, nous croyons que ce type d’exercice améliorera les fonctions exécutives et la mémoire à long-terme. Trois classes de sixième année (âge moyen = 11,4 ans) ont été aléatoirement assignées aux groupes neuromoteur (n=22), aérobie (n=19) et contrôle (n=15). Nous nous sommes assurés que l’entraînement neuromoteur ne stimulait aucunement la capacité aérobie et que l’entraînement aérobie n’améliorait aucune habileté motrice. Les entraînements pour les deux groupes expérimentaux consistaient en 30 minutes d’activités par jour d’école pendant les heures de classe, pour 10 semaines ; le groupe contrôle suivait le programme scolaire régulier. Des tests moteurs et cognitifs ont été administrés avant et après l’intervention. Une série d’ANOVAs a révélé que l’entraînement neuromoteur avait amélioré la fluence verbale avec un effet marginal sur la génération de verbe, deux fonctions exécutives associées au circuit fronto-cérébelleux, et que l’entraînement aérobie avait mené à une amélioration distincte de la fluence verbale. Ainsi, nos résultats démontrent que les améliorations des fonctions exécutives sont spécifiques à chaque entraînement pratiqué.