938 resultados para Turkey--Kings and rulers


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"Facsimiles by Horace Hart, M. A., at the Oxford University Press."


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An accurate version of the wonderful and fanciful stories of 1,001 Arabian nights, retold and corrected from an Aribic manuscript, by the famous translator, Dr. Jonathan Scott.


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The translators of v. 1-3 are not known; v. 4 was translated by Frederick Clarke, who revised the translation of v. 1-3.


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Walzer examines the laws, the histories, the prophecies, and the wisdom of the ancient biblical writers and discusses their views on such central political questions as justice, hierarchy, war, the authority of kings and priests, and the experience of exile. Because there are many biblical writers with differing views, pluralism is a central feature of biblical politics.


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Il sito archeologico di Arslantepe (provincia di Malatya, Turchia) rappresenta un caso di studio di potenziale interesse per l’interazione tra i mutamenti climatici e la storia della civiltà. Il sito, occupato quasi ininterrottamente per un periodo di tempo relativamente lungo (6250-2700 BP), ha fornito una grande quantità di reperti ossei, distribuiti lungo una stratigrafia archeologica relativamente dettagliata e supportata da datazioni al radiocarbonio. Tali reperti, indagati con le tecniche della geochimica degli isotopi stabili, possono costituire degli efficaci proxy paleoclimatici. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la composizione isotopica di 507 campioni di resti ossei umani e animali (prevalentemente pecore, capre, buoi). I rapporti isotopici studiati sono relativi a ossigeno (δ18Ocarb, δ18Oph), carbonio (δ13Ccarb, δ13Ccoll) e azoto (δ15N), misurati nella frazione minerale e organica dell’osso; la variabilità nel tempo di questi parametri, principalmente legati alla paleonutrizione, può essere correlata, direttamente o indirettamente, a cambiamenti dei parametri ambientali quali temperatura e umidità atmosferiche. I risultati indicano che la dieta degli animali selvatici e domestici di Arslantepe era quasi esclusivamente a base di piante a ciclo fotosintetico C3, generalmente tipiche di climi umidi o temperati. La presenza di piante C4, più tipiche di condizioni aride, sembrerebbe essere riconoscibile solamente nella dieta del bue (Bos taurus). La dieta umana era esclusivamente terrestre a base di cereali e carne di caprini con una percentuale esigua o del tutto assente di carne di maiale e bue. Dal punto di vista paleoclimatico il principale risultato del lavoro consiste nel riconoscimento della preservazione di un segnale paleoclimatico a lungo termine (δ18OW, composizione isotopica dell’ossigeno dell’acqua ingerita), che identifica un massimo relativo di umidità attorno al 5000 BP e che si correla, per andamento e ampiezza della variazione a record paleoclimatici di sedimenti lacustri collocati in regioni adiacenti all’area di studio. Sulla base del confronto dei tre segnali isotopici sono state inoltre riconosciute due anomalie climatiche siccitose a breve termine, apparentemente riferibili a due episodi di aridità a scala regionale documentati in letteratura.


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Why and under what conditions have the Kurds become agents of change in the Middle East in terms of democratization? Why did the Kurds' role as democratic agents become particularly visible in the 1990s? How does the Kurdish movement's turn to democratic discourse affect the political systems of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria? What are the implications of the Kurds' adoption of "democratic discourse" for the transnational aspect of the Kurdish movement? Since the early 1990s, Kurdish national movements in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria have undergone important political and ideological transformations. As a result of the Kurds' growing role in shaping the debates on human rights and democratization in these four countries, the Kurdish national movement has acquired a dual character: an ethno-cultural struggle for the recognition of Kurdish identity, and a democratization movement that seeks to redefine the concepts of governance and citizenship in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The process transformation has affected relations between the Kurdish movements and their respective central governments in significant ways. On the basis of face-to-face interviews and archival research conducted in Turkey, Iraq and parts of Europe, the present work challenges the current narrative of Kurdish nationalism, which is predominantly drawn from a statist interpretation of Kurdish nationalist goals, and argues instead that the Kurdish question is no longer a problem of statelessness but a problem of democracy in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The main contributions of this work are three fold. First, the research unfolds the reasons behind the growing emphasis of the Kurdish movement on the concepts of democracy, human rights, and political participation, which started in the early 1990s. Second, the findings challenge the existing scholarship that explains Kurdish nationalism as a problem of statelessness and shifts the focus to the transformative potentials of the Kurdish national movement in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria through a comparative lens. Third, this work explores the complex transnational coordination and negotiations between the Kurdish movements across borders and explains the regional repercussions of this process.


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This work consists of a discussion, analysis and reading of Borges’stories, in that the problem of interest pronounces to the language, to the speech and the deed, sending them so much to the Literature with relationship to the Philosophy, so much to the statute of the ficcional, with relationship to the of the ontologic. In that optics, it intends to show the Borges deed as warp of the death, of the allegorical and of the metaphorical, in the sense of bringing for the ficcional lines different from the Real, elaborating the speech for besides the statement, reaching the interstic, the silence, the interruptions and the suspension of the representation. In that discursive elaboration, a crossing is pointed in the letter, affected for unspeakable sensations, crossing the processes of memory, imaginary and real, in which the time counting makes to emerge the difference and the repetition. In these if constituting territorial negotioting that they lead the characters to imaginary spaces as possibilities of the real, allowing them executes mobility for desterritory it self and reterritory itself, according to the change forces that show in your threshing. For so much, it is placed as mark a bibliographical research orientated by authors as Maurice Blanchot (2008), Kátia Muricy (1998), João Adolfo Hansen (2006), Susan Sontag (2007), Mário Bruno (2004), Juan Manuel García Ramos (2003), Elizabeth Kübler Ross (2008), Walter Benjamin (1984), Gilles Deleuze (1997; 2006; 2009), Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1995; 1996; 1997). The theoretical corpus and of discussion, it is constituted to leave of those authors, assisting to the implicit qualitative character in the construction of this thesis. What about to the literary corpus, this is composed by the stories The writing of the God, The two kings and the two labyrinths, The lottery of Babylon, The metaphor, The library of Babel, The mirror and the mask, A theologian in death and The dead man.


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The Caliphate was a fundamental part of Islamic society for nearly 1300 years. This paper seeks to uncover what effect the removal of this institution had on the mobilization of Muslims in several parts of the world; Turkey, Egypt, and British India. These countries had unique experiences with colonialism, secularism, nationalism, that in many ways conditioned the response of individuals to this momentous occasion. Each country’s reaction had a profound impact on the future trajectory of civil society, and the role of Islam in the lives of its citizens. The conclusions of this paper challenge the monolithic depiction of Islam in the world, and reveal the origins of conflict that these three centers of Muslim power face today. Much of the religious narrative now commonplace in Muslim organizations derive from this pivotal event in world history.


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Este artículo es un estudio histórico de la leyenda de la «Piedra del Destino», que fue parte del asiento del trono de coronación de los reyes de Escocia y que fue trasladada a la abadía de Westminster por el rey Eduardo de Inglaterra, que la situó bajo el trono de la coronación de los reyes de Inglaterra. La «Piedra del Destino», como muchas reliquias y antigüedades de la Edad Media, tuvo una larga historia, escrita por cronistas e historiadores. Una historia muy semejante a otras translationes de reliquias. La historia de la «Piedra del Destino» contiene ricos aspectos jurídicos, políticos y sacrales. Para comprenderlos es necesario analizar las crónicas, entendidas como textos históricos, que dan sentido a los rituales jurídicos y políticos de la Edad Media.


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Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo, que nació hacia 1460 y murió en 1531, lidera en Castilla el linaje de la casa de Alba en el tránsito de la Edad Media al Renacimiento. Primo carnal de Fernando el Católico, y colaborador íntimo de los Reyes, desarrolla una amplia labor de mecenazgo artístico y literario, de la cual son ejemplos relevantes los apoyos a poetas como Juan del Encina, Juan Boscán o Garcilaso de la Vega. A pesar de esta actividad, la crítica no se ha ocupado con detalle de este personaje por haberle eclipsado un tanto su nieto, el Gran Duque de Alba. Este artículo reproduce el inventario de la biblioteca de Don Fadrique (formado por los libros que fueron catalogados a su muerte), inédito hasta ahora y que nos muestra una rica biblioteca patrimonial de ciento ochenta y seis obras. Entre los libros religiosos encontramos biblias, tratados de oración y libros de horas; se hallan también algunos títulos indispensables de las tradiciones franciscana y dominica, que nos muestran a un personaje interesado en las nuevas corrientes devocionales de finales del siglo XV, en el escolasticismo y en las mujeres santas y visionarias del Medievo.


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Este artículo analiza la existencia de un posible ritual en la antigua Macedonia que fuese similar al Akîtu babilonio. Pensamos que la victoria de Zeus sobre sus enemigos en la gigantomaquia y tifonomaquia fue celebrada por los reyes macedonios para fortalecer su posición en el poder. Aunque no hay evidencias directas de ello, tenemos una serie de diferentes fuentes en las cuales los macedonios están relacionados directa o indirectamente con Tifón y los gigantes. Además, la estratégica importancia del monte Olimpo para los macedonios nos hace pensar que la victoria de Zeus sobre las fuerzas del mal fue conmemorada de alguna forma por ellos.


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Brazil is the third largest producer and exporter of turkey meat, especially in Paraná state, with the largest production volume. In worldwide the animal welfare is a prerequisite for food quality of animal origin, especially in Europe. The Regulation of European Community No 1099/2009 provides requirements for poultry stunning that associate with animal welfare as a means to minimize the pain and suffering from the slaughter. Improper application of callousness should produce low-quality meat, and significant industry losses. This Research aimed to evaluate the impacts on the quality of meat from turkeys, applying electrical stunning parameters established in the Regulation No 1099/2009 of the Council of 24 September 2009. Was applied an outline with 8 tests set equidistantly to frequency, and set parameters for current and voltage, and a control test. Were conducted qualitative assessments of hematoms and bruises / fractures in carcasses, hematoms, blood splashed and bleeding in turkey breast, and quantitative pH, color (L *), water holding capacity and shear force in turkey breast. The individual assessments showed no significant difference (p>0,05). In multivariate cluster analysis was the formation of two distinct groups: group 1 - 50 Hz to 200 Hz (low frequency) and group 2 - 633 Hz to 1500 Hz (high frequency), which showed significant difference (p= 0,016). In principal component analysis multivariate, the group 1 tend to have a higher incidence of bruising, blood splashed, bleeding and water holding capacity in breast turkeys, and bruises / fractures and hematoms on carcasses. The Group 2 tends to have a lower incidence of these parameters, and higher pH values, shear force and color (L *). Positive correlation was obtained for the parameters pH and shear force (r= 0.7506, p=0.0198); bleeding and splashed blood (r= 0.8811, p= 0.0017), and negative correlation to color (L*) and splashed blood on breast (r= -0.7889; p= 0.0115); breast hematoms and shear force (r= -0.7844; p= 0.0123). It has been observed that at lower frequencies stunning tends to have higher incidence of defects in the carcasses and turkey breast. The use of high frequencies in stunning, create smaller quantity of trimming, and an increase in turkey breast volume produced, with a financial gain of approximately R$250,000.00 / year. Moreover, there is no need increase the workers to do the trimming tasks and, therefore, higher financial results for companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of high frequencies in the stunning of turkeys.


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The uprising in Tibet, which gained the attention of the global media during the preparation for the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and the ethnic riots in Xinjiang in 2009 showed Western audiences the extent of the ethnic conflict between China’s Han ethnic majority and its ethnic minority groups, the Uyghurs being one of them. In the late twentieth century, Uyghur diaspora communities formed their own cultural and political associations in Central Asia, Russia, Turkey, Europe, and North America, while Uyghur political activists have been increasingly using the Internet for spreading political messages promoting Uyghur national ideas. Among their efforts, different Uyghur organizations and individuals have created YouTube channels in order to generate interest in the Uyghur question, to internationalize Xinjiang issues, and to seek support from a variety of audiences. The aim of this research is to examine the structure of political communication about the Han–Uyghur conflict on YouTube, taking into consideration the contents of the videos and available information about authors and audiences. This study combines quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis and offers insights into how the Internet is used by dispersed political actors within a framework of a single nationalist movement. It also provides a unique window into ethnic relations in Xinjiang and elucidates on how ethnic minority and transnational activist networks search for discourses that could serve as the basis for ethnic mobilization.


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