980 resultados para Triduo pascual
An experiment was undertaken to test the effect of supplemental krill meal, earthworm meal, glycine, sucrose or mussel water on diet attractibility of Penaeus monodon. Only glycine or mussel water significantly improved diet attractibility
The water stability of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) diets with various polysaccharides as binding agents were tested without steaming. The diet with alginate showed the best water stability and did not completely disintegrate in 24 hours. However, the use of alginate is dependent on cost and availability, so alternate choices may be a combination of sago palm starch and wheat flour or glutinous rice flour.
Penaeus monodon juveniles were reared on semipurified diets containing various carbohydrates (maltose, sucrose, dextrin, molasses, cassava starch, corn starch or sago palm starch). Significant differences were observed between the type as well as the level of carbohydrate in the diet on the survival of the juveniles. Results indicate that there does not seem to be any correlation between survival and the complexity of the carbohydrates.
An experiment was undertaken in order to investigate the use of sago palm starch, gum arabic and carrageenans as binders in prawn diets. Water stability data are presented; EPT-2 carrageenan was found to be the best binder for both steamed and unsteamed pellets.
The study aimed to find a cheap and practical method of extracting mimosine from Leucaena leucocephala, otherwise known as ipil-ipil in the Philippines. L. leucocephala leaves are used in cattle, poultry and swine feed and have been tried as a food ingredient in some fish diets. While it contains relatively high amount of protein, its use as feed has been limited because of the presence of toxic substance, mimosine. Findings revealed that soaking the leaves in water was highly efficient for the extraction of mimosine, the longer the duration of soaking the more mimosine was extracted. On the other hand, 87 % of the juveniles Penaeus monodon fed with diets containing L. leucocephala leaves soaked for 24 hours survived, much higher compared to those that were fed with unsoaked leaves for eight weeks.
En la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica de Madrid, se ha desarrollado un curso que cabe denominar de Nivelación. Incluyó un conjunto de actividades destinadas a lograr que los alumnos accedieran con éxito al mundo Universitario. Era un curso dirigido a los alumnos que una vez concluido el bachillerato y superadas las Pruebas de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios habían sido admitidos para cursar el primer curso de los estudios conducentes al título universi-tario oficial de Arquitecto Técnico. El curso ha sido impartido por profesores de la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid adscritos, respectivamente, a los Departamentos "EXPRE-SIÓN GRAFICA APLICADA A LA EDIFICACIÓN", "MATEMÁTICAS APLICADAS A LA ARQUITECTURA TÉCNICA" y "TECNOLOGÍA DE LA EDIFICACIÓN". Cada uno de los tres Departamentos concretó inicialmente las asignaturas y los temarios a des-arrollar sí bien a lo largo del proceso las enseñanzas se produjeron algunas modificaciones para una mejor adaptación del curso a las necesidades reales de los alumnos. En la ponencia se analizarán los avances y descubrimientos de los profesores en sus respectivos campos y se presentarán las conclusiones obtenidas así como las posibles modificaciones para futuras ediciones de cursos similares.
The Basic Income has been defined as a relatively small income that the public Administration unconditionally provides to all its members as a citizenship right. Its principal objective consists on guaranteeing the entire population with an income enough to satisfy living basic needs, but it could have other positive effects such as a more equally income redistribution or tax fraud fighting, as well as some drawbacks, like the labor supply disincentives. In this essay we present the argument in favor and against this policy and ultimately define how it could be financed according to the actual tax and social benefits’ system in Navarra. The research also approaches the main economic implications of the proposal, both in terms of static income redistribution and discusses other relevant dynamic uncertainties.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Cruz, C., Larraza-Kintana, M., Garcés-Galdeano, L. and Berrone, P. (2014), Are Family Firms Really More Socially Responsible? Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38: 1295–1316, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/etap.12125. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Signaturas: *6, A-F4, G2, H-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4Z4, 5A-5D4, 5E2, 5F4 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Y4, Z2, 4A4 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4N4, 4O5 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4O4, 4P2, 4Q1, 4R4 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3M4, *2, A-S4.
BACKGROUND: Immunization with recombinant carboxyl-terminal domain of the heavy chain (Hc domain) of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) stimulates protective immunity against native BoNT challenge. Most studies developing a botulism vaccine have focused on the whole Hc; however, since the principal protective epitopes are located within beta-trefoil domain (Hcbetatre), we hypothesize that immunization with the Hcbetatre domain is sufficient to confer protective immunity. In addition, enhancing its uptake subsequent to nasal delivery prompted development of an alternative vaccine strategy, and we hypothesize that the addition of targeting moiety adenovirus 2 fiber protein (Ad2F) may enhance such uptake during vaccination. RESULTS: The Hcbetatre serotype B immunogen was genetically fused to Ad2F (Hcbetatre/B-Ad2F), and its immunogenicity was tested in mice. In combination with the mucosal adjuvant, cholera toxin (CT), enhanced mucosal IgA and serum IgG Ab titers were induced by nasal Hcbetatre-Ad2F relative to Hcbetatre alone; however, similar Ab titers were obtained upon intramuscular immunization. These BoNT/B-specific Abs induced by nasal immunization were generally supported in large part by Th2 cells, as opposed to Hcbetatre-immunized mice that showed more mixed Th1 and Th2 cells. Using a mouse neutralization assay, sera from animals immunized with Hcbetatre and Hcbetatre-Ad2F protected mice against 2.0 LD50. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that Hcbetatre-based immunogens are highly immunogenic, especially when genetically fused to Ad2F, and Ad2F can be exploited as a vaccine delivery platform to the mucosa.
Cells respond to environmental stimuli by fine-tuned regulation of gene expression. Here we investigated the dose-dependent modulation of gene expression at high temporal resolution in response to nutrient and stress signals in yeast. The GAL1 activity in cell populations is modulated in a well-defined range of galactose concentrations, correlating with a dynamic change of histone remodeling and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) association. This behavior is the result of a heterogeneous induction delay caused by decreasing inducer concentrations across the population. Chromatin remodeling appears to be the basis for the dynamic GAL1 expression, because mutants with impaired histone dynamics show severely truncated dose-response profiles. In contrast, the GRE2 promoter operates like a rapid off/on switch in response to increasing osmotic stress, with almost constant expression rates and exclusively temporal regulation of histone remodeling and RNAPII occupancy. The Gal3 inducer and the Hog1 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase seem to determine the different dose-response strategies at the two promoters. Accordingly, GAL1 becomes highly sensitive and dose independent if previously stimulated because of residual Gal3 levels, whereas GRE2 expression diminishes upon repeated stimulation due to acquired stress resistance. Our analysis reveals important differences in the way dynamic signals create dose-sensitive gene expression outputs.
Durante los cursos 1992 a 1998 hemos trabajado en un proyecto de investigación dirigido al estudio de las concepciones iniciales que tienen los alumnos sobre la asociación estadística y su evolución después de diversos experimentos de enseñanza usando ordenadores. En este trabajo, describimos brevemente los resultados de este proyecto, y los utilizamos como base para la reflexión sobre el papel del ordenador como recurso didáctico y como instrumento en la resolución de problemas, extendiendo las conclusiones presentadas en Batanero y cols. (1998).
Lo que sigue tiene dos partes bien diferenciadas: una primera que presenta unas notas elaboradas in situ sobre la exposición de E. Lacasta y otra más elaborada, que más que una réplica pretende dar una visión algo diferente sobre el uso de las gráficas cartesianas. La reflexión personal y el concurso de las nuevas tecnologías marcan el enfoque que aquí se describe.
La investigación que presentamos (Cobo, 1998) analiza las interacciones que se producen entre pares de alumnos en la resolución de problemas. Aunque no utilizamos la entrevista para recoger datos orales, la técnica que mostramos tiene elementos comunes a ella. La comparación de ambas puede abrir perspectivas de debate en cuanto a las semejanzas y diferencias respecto a la situación de observación, a los papeles comunicativos de los interlocutores, a la predeterminación del tema del diálogo, a las formas de analizar los datos obtenidos, etc. En las páginas siguientes hacemos una presentación general de la investigación, centrándonos, sobre todo, en la descripción de la técnica de recogida de datos orales que utilizamos, en el contexto en el que recogemos dichos datos y en el método de análisis que proponemos. En el Anexo mostramos, a modo de ejemplo, el resumen del microanálisis de uno de los episodios del proceso de resolución de un problema.
La mayor parte de nosotros hacemos uso de los créditos que nos ofrecen las entidades financieras para la adquisición de distintos bienes, sobre todo la vivienda. En este artículo pretendemos mostrar las matemáticas que se encuentran debajo de estas operaciones financieras, evitando en lo posible el lenguaje financiero. También introducimos el concepto de la Tasa Anual Equivalente (TAE) que nos sirve para comparar los distintos créditos, así como un programa para DERIVE que nos permite calcularla en distintas situaciones.