943 resultados para Seguridade social, Brasil


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Há mais de dez anos que os gastos do Ministério da Previdência Social crescem acima da média do total de recursos do Orçamento da União. Entre 2001 e 2014, o volume autorizado para aposentadorias, pensões e benefícios aumentou 120%. Eram R$ 182,6 bilhões há 13 anos, em valores de 2013, e chegaram a R$ 402,1 bilhões em 2014. No mesmo período, o gasto total do governo cresceu 93%, de R$ 918,4 bilhões para quase 1,8 trilhão. Com isso, a Previdência toma cada vez mais espaço no Orçamento. Representa hoje 22,7% de tudo o que o governo gasta. Em 2001, essa parcela era de 19,9%. Os dados fazem parte das séries históricas que compõem o Mosaico do Orçamento, uma plataforma interativa aberta na internet desenvolvida pela Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Púbicas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/DAPP) que permite visualizar o destino dos gastos públicos.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar se as Comissões de Legislação Participativa da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal facilitaram a participação social no processo legislativo frente ao tradicional instituto da Iniciativa Popular de lei. Essa investigação será pautada pelo estudo dogmático do processo legislativo federal; pela investigação de como a participação social está prescrita na Constituição Federal e nos Regimentos Internos das Casas do Legislativo, visando constatar como a participação política se implementa no processo de produção legislativa; ademais do estudo sobre a relação entre representação e participação. Para tanto, foi utilizada revisão bibliográfica, análise documental, levantamento de dados, estudo de caso e entrevistas. A pesquisa realizada permite afirmar que as Comissões facilitaram a participação social na produção legislativa no que se refere à eliminação de parte dos requisitos formais que a obstaculizavam via Iniciativa Popular; além de ampliar o rol dos tipos de proposições legislativas que a sociedade pode apresentar. Entretanto, esses novos mecanismos reproduziram limitações que a Iniciativa Popular apresenta, ademais de desconsiderar na sua estruturação elementos essenciais à consecução de um processo legislativo efetivamente participativo, os quais são contemplados pelo instituto tradicional, permitindo, então, afirmar que as Comissões são inovações institucionais limitadas frente ao instituto da Iniciativa Popular.


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Pressionado por transparência, o Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) vem adotando nova estratégia nas redes sociais e uma relação mais direta com internautas. Levantamento da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas (DAPP/FGV), a pedido do Valor, mostra que as menções ao banco nas redes saltou de 346 em janeiro para 1.475 até 26 de agosto.


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Seleção de trabalhos apresentados no Workshop realizado na cidade de Brasília-DF em 20 de março de 2003


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Social security has constitutional protection and encompasses health policies, social security and welfare, which are explicitly recognized as a fundamental social right. When workers suffering from work disability are unable to earn income with your work force to support themselves and their families. The State, through the public welfare, contributory and compulsory, has a duty to protect workers in times of misfortune, replacing these income through the provision of social security benefits. Disability the employee has a higher degree of vulnerability, and the granting of disability claims a right sensitive, which can‟t suffer postponements, lest cause legal uncertainty and violating the dignity of the human person. There isn‟t legal definition of disability. The main purpose of the study is the constitutional protection of the worker carrying work disability, seeking to highlight the factors affecting work disability and proposing the use of objective criteria for the grant of social security benefits, because the criteria used are purely medical, based the subjectivity and agency of medical assessor, which hinders the judicial and administrative control of the State. At the time of preparing the expert report, the expert should not consider only tangible aspects, but also social and environmental issues, which contribute to the inability to work and therefore should be considered in granting social security benefits. The granting of social security benefits for incapacity for work is intended to prevent or lessen the impact of individual and social risks in relation to the worker incapacitated, ensuring that the constitutional protection to be effective. The presumed inability, the institute reversing the burden of proof and free conviction motivated are important tools for resolving conflicts between the insured and welfare, finding basis in the insured`s vulnerability, sensitivity and little reliance right at issue in relation to the employee social pension


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In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents


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In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents


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The present study analyses the actual relations and work conditions found in the third sector in Natal city, in the context of productive restoration and increasingly retraction from the State in providing Social Service before the new approach that has been destined to the social issue. The study talks about the work of the social worker when fighting the different expressions the social issue has, such as social service provision as a way of teamwork associated to work relations and conditions, to accessible resources and quality control management. These are elements that affect and interfere in the accomplishment and in the work of the social worker itself. The State s improvement, according to neoliberal-political precepts and increasingly retraction from the public investment in the areas of social concern (health, social welfare, assistance) and in the wage and employment policy, besides expanding the partnership with the public and private areas, in search for social services with quality, it has diversified the structures of the professional work with the growth of the so called third sector institutions. However, the absorption of the social workers by the third sector groups in general, has as major features the impoverishment of work relations, the maintenance of an unequal salary model, pointing out the deadline contracts and/or single tasks that generate work instability. The research debates, with a critical view and full perspective, over the conception of the third sector, interpreted as an action that expresses functions and values, treated as a real phenomenon generated from the restoration of the capital based on neoliberal principles. This study aims for responding what the established work relations are and under what work conditions the social worker has been fitting in the third sector and how such a reality echoes in the current work conditions for a social work in the city of Natal, before this new model of state intervention that transfers part of the social service provision to distinctive divisions of society, among them the so called third sector. The research results have shown that like the other workers the social worker passes through the same crises, dilemmas, advances and challenges that occur in the world of employment and which are expressed in the drop of salary average in the growth of contemporary contracts, unemployment, and in the ever more selective requirements to one be included in the social spaces, where the professional work is done, having as a result a greater impoverishment of work relations and conditions as well as more vulnerability as a salaried occupation


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This dissertation analyzes the configuration of the financing of Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN in the context of their particular expressions of the problematizando municipal budget against neoliberal adjustment macroeconomic policy. The current trends of "disclaimer" and "desfinanciamento" of social protection by the State, in the context of contemporary capitalism, bring strong implications for Social Security, especially through the redirection of public resources to the international capital, which highlights the overlapping economic interests on social needs. Whereas the changes and innovations occurring in connection with the financing of Social assistance policy, the goal of this documentary research is to identify the characteristics and trends of funding this policy in Natal-RN, from the secondary data analysis from the City of Natal, the Ministry of Social development and hunger and Portal of transparency. In the light of the theoretical, research now presented, shows trends of investment in Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN, in the period 2005 to 2009, which are: the tiny role membership (08) Social assistance in the municipal budget; the dispersion and fragmentation of the resources of Social assistance in other organs and/or secretariats of municipal administration; the participation of just 47.5% in expenditure from own organ Manager; the low percentage of implementation of resources foreseen in the Annual Budget Laws; the low allocation of resources in Municipal Social Assistance Fund (FUMAS), which contradicts the national policy for Social Assistance-PNAS/2004; and the predominance of government transfers in the composition of the resources of Social assistance in the municipality. The results of this research suggest that the process of financing of Social assistance in Natal is distant from the principles and guidelines pointed by PNAS/2004. In addition to the effort to understand the complexity of the financing of Social assistance in Natal, this work seeks to contribute to a political analysis in the direction of strengthening social control and the struggle for the expansion of investment in social spending


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Versión en español y en inglés disponibles en Biblioteca


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