379 resultados para Revelation.


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Resumen: Algunos capítulos del último curso de antropología dictado por la filósofa Edith Stein, antes de su entrada a la vida contemplativa en el Carmelo, permiten relevar continuidades y novedades con respecto a Aristóteles y a Santo Tomás de Aquino en torno a la noción de alma y a su función integradora. Se enumeran en primer lugar algunas coincidencias entre los tres filósofos, para mostrar después los enfoques característicos de cada uno, destacando la independencia de criterio y la originalidad de Tomás sobre Aristóteles y de Edith Stein sobre ambos. Se repasan las diferentes maneras de entender el alma como acto y como forma y su modo de vinculación con el cuerpo, mostrando que la herencia de un vocabulario que puede tender al dualismo, no invalida la tesis de la unidad substancial del viviente.


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Résumé: Le défi vital que la Révélation pose à la philosophie légitime la question de leurs rapports possibles. La raison considère d’abord l’absence de rapport en distinguant radicalement ce qui relève de chacune. Mais l’élan fondamental orienté vers le divin qui anime cette faculté, la rend naturellement théologique. Pour éviter le scepticisme, incompatible avec son dynamisme naturel, la raison finit par dévaloriser la Révélation. Cette attitude signifie l’unicité de l’autorité théologique de la raison, alors naturellement divine. Développée à partir du XVIIIème siècle, elle culmine avec l’homme démiurgique des XIX et XXème siècles. Mais, ne pouvant justifier l’universalité de ses élaborations idéologiques, la raison hésite entre le scepticisme ou le totalitarisme, deux renoncements à l’exercice philosophique. L’acceptation du soutien lumineux de la Révélation, qui suppose l’humble reconnaissance des limites de la raison, ne nuit pas à cet exercice, mais le féconde, et, seule, en permet l’épanouissement. Eclairée par la Révélation, la philosophie contribue au bonheur suprême des hommes, qui demeure son intention fondamentale.


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Long paleoseismic histories are necessary for understanding the full range of behavior of faults, as the most destructive events often have recurrence intervals longer than local recorded history. The Sunda megathrust, the interface along which the Australian plate subducts beneath Southeast Asia, provides an ideal natural laboratory for determining a detailed paleoseismic history over many seismic cycles. The outer-arc islands above the seismogenic portion of the megathrust cyclically rise and subside in response to processes on the underlying megathrust, providing uncommonly good illumination of megathrust behavior. Furthermore, the growth histories of coral microatolls, which record tectonic uplift and subsidence via relative sea level, can be used to investigate the detailed coseismic and interseismic deformation patterns. One particularly interesting area is the Mentawai segment of the megathrust, which has been shown to characteristically fail in a series of ruptures over decades, rather than a single end-to-end rupture. This behavior has been termed a seismic “supercycle.” Prior to the current rupture sequence, which began in 2007, the segment previously ruptured during the 14th century, the late 16th to late 17th century, and most recently during historical earthquakes in 1797 and 1833. In this study, we examine each of these previous supercycles in turn.

First, we expand upon previous analysis of the 1797–1833 rupture sequence with a comprehensive review of previously published coral microatoll data and the addition of a significant amount of new data. We present detailed maps of coseismic uplift during the two great earthquakes and of interseismic deformation during the periods 1755–1833 and 1950–1997 and models of the corresponding slip and coupling on the underlying megathrust. We derive magnitudes of Mw 8.7–9.0 for the two historical earthquakes, and determine that the 1797 earthquake fundamentally changed the state of coupling on the fault for decades afterward. We conclude that while major earthquakes generally do not involve rupture of the entire Mentawai segment, they undoubtedly influence the progression of subsequent ruptures, even beyond their own rupture area. This concept is of vital importance for monitoring and forecasting the progression of the modern rupture sequence.

Turning our attention to the 14th century, we present evidence of a shallow slip event in approximately A.D. 1314, which preceded the “conventional” megathrust rupture sequence. We calculate a suite of slip models, slightly deeper and/or larger than the 2010 Pagai Islands earthquake, that are consistent with the large amount of subsidence recorded at our study site. Sea-level records from older coral microatolls suggest that these events occur at least once every millennium, but likely far less frequently than their great downdip neighbors. The revelation that shallow slip events are important contributors to the seismic cycle of the Mentawai segment further complicates our understanding of this subduction megathrust and our assessment of the region’s exposure to seismic and tsunami hazards.

Finally, we present an outline of the complex intervening rupture sequence that took place in the 16th and 17th centuries, which involved at least five distinct uplift events. We conclude that each of the supercycles had unique features, and all of the types of fault behavior we observe are consistent with highly heterogeneous frictional properties of the megathrust beneath the south-central Mentawai Islands. We conclude that the heterogeneous distribution of asperities produces terminations and overlap zones between fault ruptures, resulting in the seismic “supercycle” phenomenon.


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Esta tese destina-se a desenvolver estudo semiótico de propagandas impressas em que a pessoa negra é posta em presença. Investiga-se como a propaganda veiculada em revista, mediante seleção e combinação sígnicas, efetiva a construção da imagem verbo-visual do negro, tendo em vista o produto anunciado e os projetos comunicativos do enunciador e, assim, como finda por ratificar ou (re)elaborar significados sociais acerca desse sujeito. Pautando-se na Semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce e tendo por suporte, fundamentalmente, a Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal de Simões (2009), a pesquisa aborda todos os signos verbais e não verbais em diálogo, como dotados de potencial icônico, não só revelador dos projetos de texto, como também ativador de interpretações/leituras e, ainda, delineador de sentidos, posteriormente cristalizados e convertidos em significados imanentes aos signos e aos objetos reportados. Por ter, como material constitutivo do corpus, textos elaborados em linguagem mista, a pesquisa propõe a aplicação da Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal ao universo dos signos lato sensu. O debate apresenta o texto de propaganda como excelente material, não só para implementar os estudos de História e Cultura Afro-brasileiras, como prevê a Lei 10.639/03, como também para subsidiar o ensino de língua portuguesa, com ênfase para os estudos sobre leitura e produção textual, para que se forme sujeito dotado de habilidades que lhe permitam reconhecer no verbal e no não verbal a revelação e a geração de sentidos sociais


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Guided by experience and the theoretical development of hydrobiology, it can be considered that the main aim of water quality control should be the establishment of the rates of the self-purification process of water bodies which are capable of maintaining communities in a state of dynamic balance without changing the integrity of the ecosystem. Hence, general approaches in the elaboration of methods for hydrobiological control are based on the following principles: a. the balance of matter and energy in water bodies; b. the integrity of the ecosystem structure and of its separate components at all levels. Ecosystem analysis makes possible a revelation of the whole totality of factors which determine the anthropogenic evolution of a water body. This is necessary for the study of long-term changes in water bodies. The principles of ecosystem analysis of water bodies, together with the creation of their mathematical models, are important because, in future, with the transition of water demanding production into closed cycles of water supply, changes in water bodies will arise in the main through the influence of 'diffuse' pollution (from the atmosphere, with utilisation in transport etc.).


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Considerando a extensa e intensa abordagem da temática erótica na poesia de Manuel Bandeira, a pesquisa visou à ampliação e ao aprofundamento do estudo desse aspecto de sua obra, com o intuito de complementar os estudos críticos que versam sobre o assunto. Nosso objetivo concentra-se na relevância do conceito de alumbramento, termo empregado em diferentes ocasiões pelo poeta. Essa palavra, que o autor emprega na sua autobiografia e em duas de suas composições, alude, simultaneamente, a uma espécie de revelação divina, capaz de proporcionar a inspiração para a criação do poema, e a uma iluminação resultante do estado de deslumbramento diante da visão da nudez feminina. Dessa forma, com base, sobretudo, nas ideias de Octavio Paz e Georges Bataille, bem como nos apontamentos específicos de Davi Arrigucci Jr. sobre o lirismo bandeiriano, buscamos comprovar, por meio da leitura analítica de poemas exemplares, a associação entre os êxtases erótico, poético e místico, como questão fundamental na obra do poeta pernambucano


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O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo crítico do romance Sem tecto, entre ruínas, de Augusto Abelaira. Inicialmente é feita a análise sobre as possíveis consequências de uma apreensão descontínua e material do tempo, seus efeitos nas relações entre o protagonista e seu mundo, que se apresentam sob a forma de tédio e paralisia. Para a crítica proposta foram retomados conceitos descontinuidade e homogeneidade apresentados pelo filósofo Henri Bergson, além da noção de desligamento e desejo demonstrados pela sociologia de Zigmunt Bauman. O próximo alvo contemplado na pesquisa é a presença da memória e da lembrança indicados sob o ponto de vista contínuo do tempo, também analisados à luz da filosofia de Bergson, além do pensamento de Gilles Deleuze. A partir desse caminho investigativo é possível pensar a condição do protagonista como um confronto de si, uma experiência do tempo que traz uma revelação mediante a condição de ser tarde demais


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Evolution of fisheries research and FIRRI The earliest approach to fisheries research in Uganda dates from the first fisheries survey of Lake Victoria by Michael Graham between 1927 and 1928 (Graham, 1929). Based on references to the rich fisheries that were reported to Graham, it appears that during the 18th Century, catch per net per night averaged 300 tilapia, a revelation that led Graham to conclude that Lake Victoria is a tilapia lake. The "tilapia" later came to be known as Tilapia esculenta and T variabilis (Oreochromis esculentus and O. variabilis) respectively.


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揭示苔藓植株元素含量及其时空差异性是深入开展利用苔藓植物指示环境和筛选理想监测藓种的科学基础。采用微波消解(ICP-AES)方法对九寨沟自然遗产地原始林景点停车场周围三个采样带:I为停车场植被小岛(PS),向外约120 m半径为II带(D120),再向外距离约1,000 m为III带(D1000)和3个方向上的大羽藓和毛尖青藓2种苔藓中13种元素(A1, S, Ca, P, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Pb, Ni,Zn和Cd)含量进行了测定和比较,并对采自边坡方向(PS-3)上2005和2007年的4种苔藓植物(南木藓、大羽藓、平藓和厚角絹藓)也进行了13种元素含量的测定和比较。同时对九寨沟自然遗产地、黄龙自然遗产地、夹金山和梦笔山的冷杉原始林4个地区的3种苔藓中(大羽藓、锦丝藓和塔藓)的A1、Ca、Cu、Fe、K、Mg、P、Zn、C和N 10种元素含量进行测定和比较。 对大羽藓和毛尖青藓2种苔藓植物内13种元素的测定发现:1)同种苔藓对不同元素的富集能力不同。A1、Ca、K、Mg和P的元素含量在苔藓中的富集较其他元素的要高。2)不同种苔藓植物对同种元素的富集能力不同,毛尖青藓较大羽藓能够监测出更多的元素;对于被检测出的元素,毛尖青藓监测出的累积量大于大羽藓,其中累积量最大的元素是Ca为10 874.286 μg.g-1.year-1,最小的是Cu元素为5.438 μg.g-1.year-1。对05年和07年的平藓、大羽藓、南木藓和厚角絹藓元素含量的测定表明:元素在两年中的积累量是不同的。综合分析表明,苔藓生物监测方法可有效监测景点停车场机动车尾气中排放出的典型元素(如Cu、Pb、Ni、Zn、Cd等)含量,而毛尖青藓较大羽藓能更可靠的监测九寨沟自然遗产地单景点汽车尾气金属元素种类及其排放量。 对4个地区3种苔藓10种元素监测发现:1)Ca、Mg、Zn、K和Cu元素在黄龙地区的含量高于在其它地区的含量;P元素在梦笔山地区的含量为最高;Fe和Al元素在夹金山地区的含量高于在其它地区的含量。2)C元素在其它因素一致的情况下,进行不同年龄间的元素含量比较,结果显示元素含量在各年龄间并不存在明显的差异性;N元素含量与年龄的差异出现在黄龙林下及林窗的塔藓、九寨沟林下的锦丝藓及塔藓和梦笔山的塔藓中,而在锦丝藓中未出现元素含量与年龄的差异性;塔藓能检测出更多的元素种类其含量与年龄间存在显著差异,锦丝藓检测到的元素种类次之;除锦丝藓(锦丝藓在林窗中几乎检测不到元素含量与年龄间的差异性)外,其他两种藓在林窗中能检测出的元素种类大于在林下的检测种类。3)元素含量与生境间存在差异性的元素分别有:黄龙大羽藓中的Ca、P和Mg元素;九寨锦丝藓中的Zn元素;夹金山塔藓中的Al、Fe和Zn元素;梦笔山大羽藓中的Al、Fe和Mg元素及锦丝藓中的Ca元素。4)区域、年龄和生境因素对苔藓植株元素含量均达到了显著水平,但两两之间及三者之间的交互作用由于元素种类的不同存在差异。综合分析表明,苔藓植物中的元素含量受年龄、区域的影响较生境的更大。 The revelation of mosses elements content and its spatiotemporal differences is the scientific foundation of moss monitoring. To determine the feasibility of moss monitoring metal depositions derived from travel bus emiss ions in scenic spot, we collected one year-growth samples of two mosses Brachythecim piligerum and Thuidium cymbifolium with different distance (island center, 120m,1000m ) and different direction (north, south and east) far from parking site island from Yuanshilin Spot at Jiuzhaigou World Nature Heritage in the Western Sichuan of China and determined thirteen element (A1, S, Ca, P, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cd)contents by ICP-AES analysis method. And picked 4 kinds of mosses (Macrothamnium macrocarpu m(Reinw. etHornsch.)Fleisch.,Thuidium cymbifolium,Entodon concinnus (De Not.) Par., Neckera pennata) from the direction PS-3 in 2005 and 2007, determined 13 element contents. Collected 3 kinds of moss (Thuidium cymbifo lium, Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.) and Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) from Jiuzhaigou natural heritage, Huanglong natural heritage, Mt. Jiajin and Mt. Mengbi in primeval forest with two habitat (undergrowth and forest gap), determined element contents of A1, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, P, Zn, C and N. We found that, 1) The elements content are difference in same type of moss. Content of A1, Ca, K, Mg and P are higher than others. 2) While the contents of A1, S, Ca, P, Cu, Fe, K and Zn had significant correlation with the different distances from parking site, the nearer the distance was, the more accumulation was; 2) Comparing to Thuidium cymbifolium, Brachythecium piligerum can test more elements which contents show the significant correlation with distances. And Brachythecium piligerum can have greater element accumulation than Thuidium cymbifolium. The element contents in two years (2005 and 2007) are different. The present study found that moss can reliably bio-indicate metal deposition from traffic emissions in one scenic spot and Brachythecium piligerum is a good moss for bio-indicating element content from traffic emissions at Jiuzhaigou World natural Heritage. Determined the 10 element contents in 4 areas through 3 kinds of moss we found that, 1) Ca, Mg, Zn, K and Cu element content is higher in the Huanglong area than in other areas, The P element content in Mt. Jiajin is higher than other areas, Fe and Al element content is higher in the Mt. Jiajin than in other areas. 2) The content of C had no significant correlation with age. As for N, this significant correlation found in Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) with 2 habitat in Huanglong, Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.) and Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) with undergrowth in Jiuzhai, Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) in Mt. Mengbi. The types of elements which content showt he significant correlation are most in Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) and least in Thuidium cymbifolium. Except Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.), the types of elements that content had significant correlation with age in forest gap are more than in undergrowth. 3) The elements which content had significant correlation with habitat are P, Ca and Mg in Thuidium cymbifolium in Huanglong, Zn in Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.) in Jiuzhai, Al, Fe and Zn in Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) in Mt. Jiajin, in Mt. Mengbi Al, Fe and Mg in Thuidium cymbifolium and Ca in Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.). 4)The region, the age and the habitat factor has coeffect element content. The correlationship between element contents and the age, the region is closer than habitat.


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Complete mitochondrial genome plays an important role in the accurate revelation of phylogenetic relationships among metazoans. Here we present the complete mitochondrial genome sequence from a sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), which is the first representative from the subclass Aspidochirotacea. The mitochondrial genome of A. japonicus is 16,096 bp in length. The heavy strand consists of 31.8% A, 20.2% C, 17.9% G, and 30.1% T bases (AT skew = 0.027: GC skew = 0.062). It contains thirteen protein-coding genes (PCGs), twenty-two transfer RNA genes, and two ribosomal RNA genes. There are a total of 3793 codons in all thirteen mitochondrial PCGs, excluding incomplete termination codons. The most frequently used amino acid is Leu (15.77%), followed by Set (9.73%), Met (8.62%), Phe (7.94%), and Ala (7.28%). Intergenetic regions in the mitochondrial genome of A. japonicus are 839 bp in total, with three relatively large regions of Unassigned Sequences (UAS) greater than 100 bp. The gene order of A. japonicus is identical to that observed in the five studied sea urchins, which confirms that the gene order shared by the two classes (Holothuroidea and Echinoidea) is a ground pattern of echinoderm mitochondrial genomes. Bayesian tree based on the cob gene supports the following relationship: (outgroup, (Crinoids, (Asteroids, Ophiuroids, (Echinoids, Holothuroids)))). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Inspiracją dla autora artykułu stały się zebrane w Liście do moich kapłanów refleksje Prymasa Wyszyńskiego na temat tożsamości i misji prezbitera. Zawierają one wiele wątków, które niewątpliwie łączy przenikająca całe dzieło troska o jedność kapłanów w służbie eklezjalnej komunii. Dla Prymasa Tysiąclecia społeczna natura człowieka była czytelnym potwierdzeniem prawdy o jego powołaniu do życia we wspólnocie, nie tylko tej doczesnej, ale i tej nadprzyrodzonej. Należało tę naturalną zdolność do wchodzenia w relacje z innymi właściwie odczytać w świetle Bożego Objawienia. Bogate życie wewnętrzne pozwala kontemplować tajemnicę Trójcy Świętej i dostrzegać w Niej źródło eklezjalnej i międzyludzkiej komunii. Obdarowanie nadprzyrodzoną mocą wspólnoty z Bogiem w Kościele, uzdalnia wierzących w Chrystusa do nowych braterskich relacji, czyniąc z nich prawdziwą Bożą rodzinę. Proces ten dokonuje się dzięki pośrednictwu posługi kapłańskiej, dlatego też prezbiterzy są szczególnie wezwani, aby w ich wzajemnych relacjach jaśniał ten nowy, wspólnotowy styl życia. Osobista więź z Bogiem, relacja z ordynariuszem, pomiędzy prezbiterami, czy też z wiernymi świeckimi to podstawowe wymiary, w których kapłani mają jawić się jako świadkowie i słudzy komunii.


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sermon text; MS Word document


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This dissertation sets out to provide immanent critique and deconstruction of ecological modernisation or ecomodernism.It does so, from a critical social theory approach, in order to correctly address the essential issues at the heart of the environmental crisis that ecomodernism purports to address. This critical approach argues that the solution to the environmental crisis can only be concretely achieved by recognising its root cause as being foremost the issue of material interaction between classes in society, and not simply between society and nature in any structurally meaningful way. Based on a metaphysic of false dualism, ecological modernisation attributes a materiality of exchange value relations to issues of society, while simultaneously offering a non- material ontology to issues of nature. Thus ecomodernism serves asymmetrical relations of power whereby, as a polysemic policy discourse, it serves the material interests of those who have the power to impose abstract interpretations on the materiality of actual phenomena. The research of this dissertation is conducted by the critical evaluation of the empirical data from two exemplary Irish case studies. Discovery of the causal processes of the various public issues in the case studies and thereafter the revelation of the meaning structures under- pinning such causal processes, is a theoretically- driven task requiring analysis of those social practices found in the cognitive, cultural and structural constitutions respectively of actors, mediations and systems.Therefore, the imminent critique of the case study paradigms serves as a research strategy for comprehending Ireland’s nature- society relations as influenced essentially by a systems (techno- corporatist) ecomodernist discourse. Moreover, the deconstruction of this systems ideological discourse serves not only to demonstrate how weak ecomodernism practically undermines its declared ecological objectives, but also indicates how such objectives intervene as systemic contradictions at the cultural heart of Ireland’s late modernisation.


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This thesis investigates the extent and range of the ocular vocabulary and themes employed by the playwright Thomas Middleton in context with early modern scientific, medical, and moral-philosophical writing on vision. More specifically, this thesis concerns Middleton’s revelation of the substance or essence of outward forms through mimesis. This paradoxical stance implies Middleton’s use of an illusory (theatrical) art form to explore hidden truths. This can be related to the early modern belief in the imagination (or fantasy) as chief mediator between the corporeal and spiritual worlds as well as to a reformed belief in the power of signs to indicate divine truth. This thesis identifies striking parallels between Middleton’s policy of social diagnosis and cure and an increased preoccupation with knowledge of interior man which culminates in Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy of 1621. All of these texts seek a cure for diseased internal sense faculties (such as fantasy and will) which cause the raging passions to destroy the individual. The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate how Middleton takes a similar ‘mental-medicinal’ approach which investigates the idols created by the imagination before ‘purging’ the same and restoring order (Corneanu and Vermeir 184). The idea of infection incurred through the eyes which are fixed on vice (or error) has moral, religious, and political implications and discovery of corruption involves stripping away the illusions of false appearances to reveal the truth within whereby disease and disorder can be cured and restored. Finally, Middleton’s use of theatrical fantasy to detect the idols of the diseased imagination can be read as a Paracelsian, rather than Galenic, form of medicine whereby like is ‘joined with their like’ (Bostocke C7r) to restore health.


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En distintos momentos de su producción intelectual, Agustín se refirió al asunto de la música. En este artículo mostraremos que Agustín uso dos esquemas conceptuales distintos para describir el fenómeno de la música práctica en su relación con el mundo espiritual, el esquema de las Artes Liberales y el de la teoría del signo, y que en virtud de ello la música sería concebida de dos modos diferentes: como vestigium y como signum del mundo espiritual, respectivamente. Al final del artículo analizaremos la diferencia entre las dos concepciones considerando tres elementos: la naturaleza de la relación entre mundo material y espiritual, el contenido espiritual al que remite y la noción de belleza que implica.