891 resultados para Produtos orgânicos, estilo de vida, qualidade de vida, saúde e comportamento ambiental


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Dissertao para obteno do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Cincias da Saúde Egas Moniz


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A presente dissertao de mestrado teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e a saúde mental de 154 professores do ensino fundamental da rede publica de So Bernardo do Campo. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo transversal e os dados foram coletados nas escolas onde lecionam nos horrios de HTPC. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: WHOQOL-bref, Questionrio scio-demogrfico, Questionrio de avaliao de nvel scio-econmico, Questionrio de Morbidade Psiquitrica de adultos - QMPA e o SF-36. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a qualidade de vida dos professores (WHOQOL-bref) tende a ser regular, no SF-36 a qualidade de vida na capacidade funcional, aspecto fsico e aspectos sociais tendem a ser positivas. Mas, os indicadores das facetas: dor, estado geral de saúde, aspectos emocionais, saúde mental e principalmente vitalidade tendem a ser negativos. Os dados obtidos no questionrio de morbidade psiquitrica indicaram morbidade psiquitrica em 33% dos professores. As correlaes estabelecidas mostraram que quanto maior os indicadores psicopatolgicos (QMPA) pior a qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-bref e SF-36). Concluiu-se nesse estudo que um professor com a qualidade de vida e com saúde mental um professor com uma jornada de trabalho no extensa, que garanta um tempo para o descanso e momentos de lazer. Os professores mais velhos que diminuram sua carga de trabalho apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e ausncia de morbidade psiquitrica


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The current study includes theoretical and methodological reflections on the quality of life in the city of Uberlndia, Minas Gerais. It started from the thought that the quality of life is multifactorial and is permanently under construction and the main objective of analyzing it as one of the componets of Healthy Cities's moviment. The theoretical research focused on the concepts of healthy cities, quality of life, health, sustainability, well-being, happiness, indexes and indicators. From the use of multiple search strategies, documentary and on field of quantitative and qualitative character, this research of exploratory descriptive nature can offers a contribution to the studies on the quality of life in cities. It is proposed that the studies startes to work with some concept, like some notions os life quality adequated for some paticular reality, whose notions can approach concepts already established as health. This step is important on the exploratory researches. The studies may include aspects of objective analysis, subjective or both. The objective dimension, which is most common approach, are traditionally considered variables and indicators related to: the urban infrastructure (health, education, leisure, security, mobility), dwelling (quantitative and qualitative dwlling deficit), the urban structure (density and mix uses), socioeconomic characteristics (age, income, education), urban infrastructure (sanitation, communication), governance (social mobilization and participation). To focus on the subjective dimension, most recent and unusual, it is proposed to consider the (dis)satisfaction, the personal assessment in relation to the objective aspects. In conclusion, being intrinsically related to the health, the quality of life also has a number of determinants, and the ideal of the reach of quality of life depends on the action of all citizens based on the recognition of networks and territories, in a interescalar perspective and intersectoral. Therefore, emphasis in given on the potential of tools, such as the observatories, to monitor and intervent in reality, aiming in a building process of healthy cities.


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The present thesis aimed at understanding how the insertion of music in the work environment contributes to achieving Quality of Work Life. - QWL, under the perspective of biopsychosocial and organizational well-being. As to music insertion we considered the theoretical-empirical perception about how music is inserted at work and its functions on such place. The context where the study was taken was the manufacturing area of a major textile company, located in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in which music is used during labor activities. The only study case was the research strategy adopted, with exploratory and descriptive purposes. The primary data were collected through the focus group technique, applied to the collaborator in the manufacturing sector. The semi-structured interview was done as a complementary tool, directed to the supervisor in that sector. Respecting the theoretical saturation criterion, we formed four focus groups, each one composed of eight members randomly selected, among the seventy-six collaborators in the sector. The data were analyzed qualitatively, through the content analysis technique, more specifically the category analysis. We identified twenty-eight QWL attributes. Six of them were found present in the four focus groups and in the interview. Among these ones, the attribute of Interpersonal Relationship at Work, contemplating the Psychological and Organizational dimensions, was the only one anticipated in four out of fifteen theoretical models here listed. The attribute Music at Work Environment could be inserted in the four QWL dimensions, highlighting the power and relevance of this attribute for the research participants. The way music has been inserted in the labor environment contributes to promoting well-being at work, which goes against theoretical conceptions, especially when it comes to musical genre. We identified nine functions of music at work, among which, Improving Work Conditions, Improving Interpersonal Relationship at Work and Favoring Motivation for Work had to be emphasized for being associated to three QWL attributes. In the total, we highlighted seven associations. The most affected QWL dimension through the insertion of music at work was the Psychological one, followed by the Organizational one. We conclude that music insertion provides biological, social and, above all, psychological and organizational well-being to the contributors, thus contributing to obtaining QWL at the labor environment researched. However, we should consider the context and proceed to periodical plans and adjustments in the way of music insertion so as to avoid health and well-being problems to those people at work


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Objetivo: Investigar o impacto da saúde bucal em relao qualidade de vida de adolescentes escolares, associando-o s condies sociodemogrficas. Mtodos: Estudo de campo transversal e quantitativo desenvolvido em 2012, no municpio de Sum-PB, com 184 adolescentes na faixa etria de 15 a 19 anos. Para avaliar o impacto, aplicou-se o questionrio Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) aos participantes, enquanto para a obteno dos dados referentes s condies sociodemogrficas, os pais ou responsveis responderam a um segundo questionrio. Utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado para associar o impacto da saúde bucal sobre a qualidade de vida e as variveis sociodemogrficas pesquisadas, sendo considerados significativos com p<0,05. Resultados: Em geral, o impacto foi considerado fraco em 167 pesquisados (90,8%). Dor fsica foi a dimenso na qualidade de vida mais afetada pelas questes bucais entre aquelas que resultaram em impacto mdio (22,8%; n=42). Apenas as variveis Situao do imvel e Acomodao associaram-se ao impacto geral (p<0,05). Os reduzidos percentuais de impacto geral forte (1,1%; n=2) relacionaram-se aos adolescentes cujas mes s estudaram at o ensino fundamental, ou s famlias que vivem com um salrio mnimo ou menos (1,1%). Concluso: Observou-se que as condies de saúde bucal apresentaram um impacto negativo fraco na qualidade de vida dos adolescentes investigados. As anlises das condies sociodemogrficas dos indivduos relacionadas ao impacto geral da qualidade de vida relacionada saúde oral associaram-se as variveis Situao do imvel e Acomodao.


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The present thesis aimed at understanding how the insertion of music in the work environment contributes to achieving Quality of Work Life. - QWL, under the perspective of biopsychosocial and organizational well-being. As to music insertion we considered the theoretical-empirical perception about how music is inserted at work and its functions on such place. The context where the study was taken was the manufacturing area of a major textile company, located in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in which music is used during labor activities. The only study case was the research strategy adopted, with exploratory and descriptive purposes. The primary data were collected through the focus group technique, applied to the collaborator in the manufacturing sector. The semi-structured interview was done as a complementary tool, directed to the supervisor in that sector. Respecting the theoretical saturation criterion, we formed four focus groups, each one composed of eight members randomly selected, among the seventy-six collaborators in the sector. The data were analyzed qualitatively, through the content analysis technique, more specifically the category analysis. We identified twenty-eight QWL attributes. Six of them were found present in the four focus groups and in the interview. Among these ones, the attribute of Interpersonal Relationship at Work, contemplating the Psychological and Organizational dimensions, was the only one anticipated in four out of fifteen theoretical models here listed. The attribute Music at Work Environment could be inserted in the four QWL dimensions, highlighting the power and relevance of this attribute for the research participants. The way music has been inserted in the labor environment contributes to promoting well-being at work, which goes against theoretical conceptions, especially when it comes to musical genre. We identified nine functions of music at work, among which, Improving Work Conditions, Improving Interpersonal Relationship at Work and Favoring Motivation for Work had to be emphasized for being associated to three QWL attributes. In the total, we highlighted seven associations. The most affected QWL dimension through the insertion of music at work was the Psychological one, followed by the Organizational one. We conclude that music insertion provides biological, social and, above all, psychological and organizational well-being to the contributors, thus contributing to obtaining QWL at the labor environment researched. However, we should consider the context and proceed to periodical plans and adjustments in the way of music insertion so as to avoid health and well-being problems to those people at work


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Dissertao de Mestrado, Educao Social, Escola Superior de Educao e Comunicao, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Os conceitos de Qualidade de Vida e Psycap tem vindo a ganhar popularidade nas ltimas dcadas. Vrios tm sido os fatores que tm contribudo para este crescente interesse nas questes que envolvem estes dois conceitos. Por um lado, temos a qualidade de vida e a sua importncia para o desenvolvimento da sociedade e por outro, o psycap e todas as vantagens que traz o seu desenvolvimento nos indivduos. Partindo da importncia que a qualidade de vida tem para o individuo pretendeu-se com este trabalho compreender de que forma esta poder fomentar o desenvolvimento de psycap nos indivduos. Utilizando a amostra do estudo "Os Melhores Municpios para Viver", estudou-se de que forma as percees de qualidade de vida dos indivduos fomentam o surgimento de psycap. A anlise dos resultados revelou que o psycap dos indivduos explicado, ainda que de uma forma moderada, pelos indicadores da qualidade de vida urbana. /ABSTRACT: The concepts of Quality of Life and PsyCap has gained popularity in the recent decades. There have been several factors that have contributed to this growing interest in issues surrounding these two concepts. On one hand, we have quality of life and its importance to the development of society and secondly, PsyCap and all the benefits it brings to their development on individuals. Starting from the importance that quality of life has for the individual, the goal of this research was to understand how quality of life can encourage the development of PsyCap individuals. Using the sample of the study "Os Melhores Municpios para Viver", we studied how the perceptions of quality of life of individuals foster the emergence of PsyCap on them. The results showed that the PsyCap of individuals is explained, although in a moderate way by the indicators of quality of urban life.


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A qualidade de vida no trabalho , cada vez mais, tema de relevncia no mundo atual. As organizaes esto atentas aos conflitos existentes dentro do tema e a forma mais adequada de se lidar com ele, no sentido de propiciar, aos sujeitos no mundo do trabalho, mais dignidade em seu cotidiano laboral. A evoluo da qualidade de vida no trabalho dentro do Instituto Federal Minas Gerais Campus Ouro Preto foi o objetivo deste estudo, mas, principalmente, verificou-se uma estratgia de interveno para a evoluo da qualidade de vida no trabalho: o acolhimento. Para tanto, era necessrio saber que tipo de situaes acontecem dentro do universo do trabalho que interferem na sua produo e na qualidade de vida. Tambm era importante conhecer a motivao, a saúde mental e o trabalho, enfim, as contextualizaes conceituais que embasassem o universo da qualidade de vida no trabalho, e como o acolhimento como estratgia de interveno poderia ser utilizado. Para que a estratgia de interveno tivesse uma linha de conduo eficaz, algumas informaes relevantes foram utilizadas, como os dados do rgo responsvel pela saúde ocupacional do servidor pblico federal, o SIASS (Subsistema Integrado de Ateno a Saúde do Servidor), e um estudo piloto sobre Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho, tambm elaborado pelo SIASS, dentro da instituio em questo. A elaborao do projeto permitiu-nos concluir que, dentro do universo institucional de educao, o acolhimento como forma preventiva de vrios tipos de desgaste pode ser um instrumento pertinente e eficaz.


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INTRODUO: Consciencializar a populao para Estilos de Vida Saudveis (EVS) cada vez mais importante, podendo prevenir Doenas Cardiovasculares (DCV's) que so a principal causa de morte para toda a populao Portuguesa. Cabe aos enfermeiros, enquanto agentes de educao em saúde, promover EVS e prevenir e controlar DCV's. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar o perfil de Estilos de Vida (EV) e o perfil scio-demogrfico; Identificar fatores de risco atravs da avaliao dos resultados de parmetros clnicos; Analisar relaes estatisticamente significativas; Promover comportamentos promotores da saúde EVS. METODOLOGIA: Foi aplicado um instrumento de recolha de informao composto por uma caracterizao scio-demogrfica; antecedentes pessoais, avaliao de determinados parmetros clnicos e aplicao da escala SCORE. DISCUSSO/RESULTADOS: Os participantes maioritariamente vivem no meio urbano (53,8%) e 53,2% no possui habilitaes literrias ou tem apenas o ensino bsico ou secundrio, e 46,2 % possui a licenciatura. Dos participantes em estudo, cerca de 53,8% no possui colesterol de risco, no entanto 25% dos participantes possui o risco elevado de colesterolmia. Em relao ao IMC cerca de 55,8% encontra-se em sobrepeso, obesidade de grau I e II, enquanto que 44,2% possui um peso normal. A mdia do IMC de 26,62%. Quanto ao permetro abdominal 69,2% possui risco aumentado e muito aumentado, enquanto que apenas 30,8% no possui qualquer risco, dentro dos parmetros normais. Dos participantes no estudo a maioria no tem diabetes (86,5%) e no so hipertensos (59,68%), apresentando um valor mdio de glicemia de 111,96mg/dL, e um valor mdio de tenso arterial de TAS de 134,88mmHG e de TAD de 78,87mmHg. A nvel do score da escala SCRE obtivemos uma mdia de 3,85%. Foram encontradas correlaes significativas entre: EV e TA; IMC e PA, TA e Glicmia. Estes resultados evidenciam que a populao alvo encontra-se com um score de 3,85% correspondendo a um risco cardiovascular moderado. Assim, devemos continuar a investir na interveno de Enfermagem, a nvel de sensibilizaes/rastreios com consulta de enfermagem para a comunidade, no sentido de promover a saúde e prevenir o agravamento da doena, com o intuito de aumentar a qualidade de vida destas pessoas, com base nas orientaes cientficas das instituies nacionais e internacionais.


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Dissertao de Mestrado apresentada Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obteno do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, especializao em Psicologia Clnica e da Saúde.


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Dissertao de Mestrado apresentada Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obteno do grau de Mestre em Cincias da Comunicao, com especializao em Marketing e Comunicao Estratgica.


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Dissertao de mest., Engenharia de Recursos Hdricos, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2010


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Tese de Mestrado em Gesto do Territrio Ambiente Recursos Naturais


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Obtuvo Mencin especial Antonio Domnguez Ortiz resuelto por el XVIII Concurso para el Fomento de la Investigacin e Innovacin Educativa