976 resultados para PURCHASING POWER


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In this report, the Commission examines developments relevant to the competitiveness of the retail and wholesale markets. In the retail market, two key indicators of activity are examined: The first indicator is the rate of customer switching from bundled services to "delivery services." Customers taking delivery services are either purchasing power and energy from ARES or are purchasing power and energy from the host utility on an "unbundled" basis under the utility's delivery services tariffs. Currently, bundled power sales mainly consist of sales to customers under the Sec. 16-110 "Power Purchase Option" (PPO). The second indicator of retail activity presented in this report is the number of suppliers active in the State's nine service territories.


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La paridad del poder adquisitivo (PPA) es un indicador económico que permite efectuar comparaciones de manera realista sobre el nivel de vida entre países, atendiendo al producto interno bruto (PIB) de cada país. Este indicador elimina la ilusión monetaria ligada a la variación de los tipos de cambio, de tal manera que una apreciación o depreciación de una moneda no cambiará la paridad del poder adquisitivo de un país, puesto que los habitantes de ese país reciben sus salarios y hacen sus compras en la misma moneda. El PIB a paridad de poder adquisitivo (PPA) en dólares será por tanto el conjunto de bienes y servicios finales producidos en un país durante un año, pero en vez de poner los precios de ese país se toman los precios de EEUU, que servirá de base para el cálculo en todos los países. Para abordar los retos emanados de este proyecto, la CEPAL asumió el rol de coordinador para los países de América Latina y El Caribe. Durante este proceso llevó a cabo la labor de nexo entre la Oficina Global (Banco Mundial) y los países adoptando los requerimientos de la primera y adaptándolos a las características existentes en la región. Este documento detalla los lineamientos adoptados en la región para dar cumplimiento a las solicitudes efectuadas a nivel global con miras a estimar las paridades de poder adquisitivos de cada uno de los países participantes en la Ronda 2011.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar algunos aspectos metodológicos y las series del producto interno bruto (pib) de América Latina y el Caribe con respecto al período 2005-2013, expresadas en paridades del poder adquisitivo (ppa), y señalar algunas limitaciones de este tipo de ejercicio. Se realizan comparaciones con las series (a precios corrientes y constantes) expresadas en dólares con tipos de cambio de mercado, y también con los resultados de la ronda del Programa de Comparación Internacional (pci) efectuada en 2005. Asimismo, se adelantan algunas hipótesis interpretativas sobre el comportamiento de las principales variables económicas calculadas en el estudio.


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Paridades de poder adquisitivo para América Latina y el Caribe, 2005-2013: métodos y resultados / Hernán Epstein y Salvador Marconi .-- Asistencia oficial para el desarrollo, capital social y crecimiento en América Latina / Isabel Neira, Maricruz Lacalle-Calderón y Marta Portela .-- Perú, 2002-2012: crecimiento, cambio estructural y formalización / Juan Chacaltana .-- Descentralización fiscal y crecimiento económico en Colombia: evidencia de datos de panel a nivel regional / Ignacio Lozano y Juan Manuel Julio .-- Efecto de las TIC en el rendimiento educativo: el Programa Conectar Igualdad en la Argentina / María Verónica Alderete y María Marta Formichella .-- Brasil: dinámica de la industria de bienes de capital en el ciclo de expansivo 2003-2008 y tras la crisis mundial / Guilherme Riccioppo Magacho .-- Segregación socioeconómica escolar en Chile: elección de la escuela por los padres y un análisis contrafactual teórico / Humberto Santos y Gregory Elacqua .-- Desigualdad de ingresos en Costa Rica a la luz de las Encuestas Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2004 y 2013 / Andrés Fernández Aráuz .-- Contenido de trabajo en las exportaciones manufactureras mexicanas, 2008 y 2012 / Gerardo Fujii G., Rosario Cervantes M. y Ana Sofía Fabián R. .-- La terciarización en Chile. Desigualdad cultural y estructura ocupacional / Modesto Gayo, María Luisa Méndez y Berta Teitelboim.


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Vector error-correction models (VECMs) have become increasingly important in their application to financial markets. Standard full-order VECM models assume non-zero entries in all their coefficient matrices. However, applications of VECM models to financial market data have revealed that zero entries are often a necessary part of efficient modelling. In such cases, the use of full-order VECM models may lead to incorrect inferences. Specifically, if indirect causality or Granger non-causality exists among the variables, the use of over-parameterised full-order VECM models may weaken the power of statistical inference. In this paper, it is argued that the zero–non-zero (ZNZ) patterned VECM is a more straightforward and effective means of testing for both indirect causality and Granger non-causality. For a ZNZ patterned VECM framework for time series of integrated order two, we provide a new algorithm to select cointegrating and loading vectors that can contain zero entries. Two case studies are used to demonstrate the usefulness of the algorithm in tests of purchasing power parity and a three-variable system involving the stock market.


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The country-product-dummy (CPD) method, originally proposed in Summers (1973), has recently been revisited in its weighted formulation to handle a variety of data related situations (Rao and Timmer, 2000, 2003; Heravi et al., 2001; Rao, 2001; Aten and Menezes, 2002; Heston and Aten, 2002; Deaton et al., 2004). The CPD method is also increasingly being used in the context of hedonic modelling instead of its original purpose of filling holes in Summers (1973). However, the CPD method is seen, among practitioners, as a black box due to its regression formulation. The main objective of the paper is to establish equivalence of purchasing power parities and international prices derived from the application of the weighted-CPD method with those arising out of the Rao-system for multilateral comparisons. A major implication of this result is that the weighted-CPD method would then be a natural method of aggregation at all levels of aggregation within the context of international comparisons.


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The importance of availability of comparable real income aggregates and their components to applied economic research is highlighted by the popularity of the Penn World Tables. Any methodology designed to achieve such a task requires the combination of data from several sources. The first is purchasing power parities (PPP) data available from the International Comparisons Project roughly every five years since the 1970s. The second is national level data on a range of variables that explain the behaviour of the ratio of PPP to market exchange rates. The final source of data is the national accounts publications of different countries which include estimates of gross domestic product and various price deflators. In this paper we present a method to construct a consistent panel of comparable real incomes by specifying the problem in state-space form. We present our completed work as well as briefly indicate our work in progress.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a teoria da Paridade de Poder de Compra em sua versão absoluta e relativa para o Brasil no período de 1995 a 2010, utilizando procedimentos da econometria visando estabelecer através de testes de hipóteses a validação ou rejeição da teoria da Paridade do Poder de Compra. Para a verificação serão utilizados os testes de Dickey-Fuller (DF), Dickey-Fuller Ampliado (ADF) e testes de Cointegração de Engle e Granger e Joahansen. Adotamos para o estudo os países EUA e Brasil, tendo em vista o fluxo de comércio entre estes países e sua importância na economia mundial. Através dos índices de preço IPA e PPI analisarse- á a validação da teoria da Paridade de Poder de Compra em sua versão relativa e absoluta, chegando-se a conclusão de aceitação de sua versão relativa e rejeição de sua versão absoluta.


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Esse trabalho estudou o segmento farmacêutico de micro e pequenas farmácias da região da Baixada Santista, em relação aos fatores determinantes da mortalidade no segmento, sob o olhar dos proprietários e gestores das farmácias, visto que nos últimos anos o segmento vêm sofrendo um encolhimento, além da migração das farmácias de micro e pequeno porte para as zonas mais periféricas das cidades da região da Baixada Santista. A metodologia utilizada para a pesquisa foi qualitativa, através de uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica, tendo como instrumento de coleta de dados entrevistas, com roteiro semi-estruturado, aplicado a gestores e proprietários de sete farmácias na região da Baixada Santista. Cinco delas em atividade e duas fechadas, nos municípios de Santos, São Vicente, Guarujá e Praia grande. A análise dos dados foi feita com base em categorias analíticas criadas a partir da literatura que embasa esse estudo, chegando a dois blocos de análise: um relacionado diretamente aos fatores mercadológicos das farmácias, e outro relacionado a fatores administrativos e de custo. A análise dos dados comprovou existir fatores determinantes para a mortalidade das micro e pequenas farmácias da região, separados em dois blocos. No bloco mercadológico, estão relacionados os fatores determinantes que afetam diretamente a parte comercial das micro e pequenas farmácias, como o crescimento das grandes redes de farmácias, programa Farmácia Popular e falta de poder de compra por parte das farmácias. No bloco administrativo e de custos, estão relacionados a deficiência na gestão empresarial, custos operacionais, tributação e problemas pessoais. Através dessa pesquisa se conclui que esses fatores determinantes têm enfraquecido o segmento de micro e pequenas farmácias, ocasionando a mortalidade de diversas farmácias, não poupando nem mesmo as tradicionais da região da Baixada Santista.


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A participação do idoso na economia brasileira vem se destacando, pois grande parcela da população está com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, considerada terceira idade, expressão que recentemente popularizou-se no Brasil, tendo sua origem na França nos anos 1970. O direito à aposentadoria, à proteção oferecida pelo Estatuto do Idoso somando-se ao reajuste do salário mínimo acima da inflação oficial tem sido um fator muito importante para aumentar a renda da população idosa, favorecendo o consumo. Portanto, seu poder de compra tem incentivado a comunicação de diversos produtos e serviços desenvolvidos especialmente para atingir esse público. Diante deste cenário, este estudo buscou identificar, por meio das estratégias metodológicas constituídas pela análise de conteúdo e de discurso, qual é a imagem do idoso construída pela publicidade. Para isso, foram analisados os anúncios publicados nas revistas Época, Veja e Veja São Paulo, tendo essa publicidade caráter mercadológico ou institucional. Como resultado, verificou-se que a imagem do idoso produzida nos anúncios como sinônimo de bem-estar, alegria e felicidade está sendo apresentada para divulgar produtos e serviços tanto para o público idoso quanto para o público em geral e, nesse segundo caso a imagem do idoso representa credibilidade, confiança e sucesso. Essa mesma imagem ora quebra estereótipos anteriormente construídos na sociedade, ora fortalece as concepções estereotipadas existentes e ora cria outros estereótipos, estabelecendo uma nova ditadura do jovem idoso .


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This article investigates the behaviour of exchange rates across different regimes for a post-Bretton Woods period. The exchange rate regime classification is based on the classification of Frankel et al. (2004) who condensed the 10 categories of exchange rate regimes reported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) into three categories. Panel unitroot tests and panel cointegration are used to examine the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis. The latter test is used to check for both the weak and strong forms of PPP. The panel unit-root tests show no evidence of PPP and suggest there is no difference in the behaviour of exchange rates across different regimes. However, failure to detect PPP across any of the regimes could be due to structural breaks. This assumption is reinforced by the results of cointegration tests, which suggest that there exists at least a weak form of PPP for the different regimes. The evidence for strong PPP decreases as the exchange rate regime moves away from a flexible exchange rate regime.


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The role of beneficiaries in the humanitarian supply chain is highlighted in the imperative to meet their needs but disputed in terms of their actual decision-making and purchasing power. This paper discusses the use of a beneficiary-focused, community-based approach in the case of a post-crisis housing reconstruction programme. In the community-based approach, beneficiaries become active members of the humanitarian supply chain. Implications of this community-based approach are discussed in the light of supply chain design and aid effectiveness. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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This dissertation examines the monetary models of exchange rate determination for Brazil, Canada, and two countries in the Caribbean, namely, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. With the exception of Canada, the others adopted the floating regime during the past ten years.^ The empirical validity of four seminal models in exchange rate economics were determined. Three of these models were entirely classical (Bilson and Frenkel) or Keynesian (Dornbusch) in nature. The fourth model (Real Interest Differential Model) was a mixture of the two schools of economic theory.^ There is no clear empirical evidence of the validity of the monetary models. However, the signs of the coefficients of the nominal interest differential variable were as predicted by the Keynesian hypothesis in the case of Canada and as predicted by the Chicago theorists in the remaining countries. Moreover, in case of Brazil, due to hyperinflation, the exchange rate is heavily influenced by domestic money supply.^ I also tested the purchasing power parity (PPP) for this same set of countries. For both the monetary as well as the PPP hypothesis, I tested for co-integration and applied ordinary least squares estimation procedure. The error correction model was also used for the PPP model, to determine convergence to equilibrium.^ The validity of PPP is also questionable for my set of countries. Endogeinity among the regressors as well as the lack of proper price indices are the contributing factors. More importantly, Central Bank intervention negate rapid adjustment of price and exchange rates to their equilibrium value. However, its forecasting capability for the period 1993-1994 is superior compared to the monetary models in two of the four cases.^ I conclude that in spite of the questionable validity of these models, the monetary models give better results in the case of the "smaller" economies like the Dominican Republic and Jamaica where monetary influences swamp the other determinants of exchange rate. ^


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The Republic of South Africa since the 1948 inception of Apartheid policies has experienced economic problems resulting from spatially dispersed growth. The election of President Mandela in 1994, however, eliminated the last forms of Apartheid as well as its discriminatory spatial, social, and economic policies, specially toward black Africans. In Cape Town, South Africa, several initiatives to restructure and to economically revitalize blighted and abandoned township communities, like Langa, have been instituted. One element of this strategy is the development of activity streets. The main questions asked in this study are whether activity streets are a feasible solution to the local economic problems left by the apartheid system and whether activity streets represent an economically sustainable approach to development. An analysis of a proposed activity street in Langa and its potential to generate jobs is undertaken. An Employment Generation Model used in this study shows that many of the businesses rely on the local purchasing power of the residents. Since the economic activities are mostly service oriented, a combination of manufacturing industries and institutionally implemented strategies within the township will have to be developed in order to generate sustainable employment. The result seem to indicate that, in Langa, the activity street depend very much on an increase in sales, pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow. ^


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Background: Too little information is available on Sri Lanka’s current capacity to provide community genetic services—antenatal genetic services in particular—to understand whether building that capacity could further improve and reduce disparity in maternal and child health. This qualitative research project seeks to gather information on congenital disorders, routine antenatal care, and the current state of antenatal screening testing services within that routine antenatal to assess the feasibility of and the need for scaling up antenatal genetics services in Sri Lanka. Methods: Nineteen key informant (KI) interviews were conducted with stakeholders in antenatal care and genetic services. Seven focus group discussions were held with a total of 56 Public Health Midwives (PHMs), the health workers responsible for antenatal care at the field level. Transcripts for all interviews and FGDs were analyzed for key themes, and themes were categorized to address the specific aims of the project. Results: Antenatal genetic services play a minor role in antenatal care, with screening and diagnostic procedures available in the private sector and paid for out-of-pocket. KIs and PHMs expect that demand for antenatal genetic services will increase as patients’ purchasing power and knowledge grow but note that prohibitive abortion laws limit the ability of patients to act on test results. Genetic services compete for limited financial and human resources in the free public health system, and inadequate information on the prevalence of congenital disorders limits the ability to understand whether funding for services related to those disorders should be increased. A number of alternatives to scaling up antenatal genetic services within the free health system might be better suited to the Sri Lankan structural and social context. Conclusions: Scaling up antenatal genetic services within the public health system is not feasible in the current financial, legal, and human resource context. Yet current availability and utilization patterns contribute to regional and economic disparities, suggesting that stasis will not bring continued improvements in maternal and child health. More information on the burden of congenital disorders is necessary to fully understand if and how antenatal genetic service availability should be increased in Sri Lanka, but even before that information is gathered, examination of policies for patient referral, termination of pregnancy, and government support for individuals with genetic disease are steps that might bring extend improvements and reduce disparity in maternal and child health.