880 resultados para New Knowledge
E-learning arises in all educative contexts and levels with the use of information and communication technologies and massive access to internet connected computers. On the other hand, the fast development of social networking tools and web 2.0 technologies are producing an evolution of e-learning towards what is called a learning 2.0 paradigm. In this short paper weshall present the main technologies and pedagogical issues related to that new way of learning and how we can use them to improve the acquisition of competences and new knowledge.
Defining environmental chemistry is a not an easy task because it encompasses many different topics. According to Stanley E. Manahan, author of a classical textbook of Environmental Chemistry, this branch could be defined as the one centered in the study of the sources, transport, effects and fates of chemical species in the water, soil, and air environments, as well as the influence of human activity upon these processes. More recently, new knowledge emerged from the Environmental Toxicology allowed to go even deeper in the meaning of 'effects' and 'fates' of a continuous growing number of organic and inorganic species disposed in water bodies, soils and atmosphere. Toxicity tests became an important tool to evaluate the environmental impact of such species to a great number of organisms, thus allowing to set quality criteria for drinking water, sediments and biota. The state of art shows that environmental chemistry is a multi-inter disciplinary science by nature; therefore, it needs more than a limited, unique-approach and non-oriented set of data to understand the nature of natural processes. Taking all these aspects into consideration, one can say that Environmental Chemistry in Brazil is now a well established area of research within the classical areas of the Chemistry, with a large number of emerging groups as well research groups with worldwide recognition.
The thesis deals with the phenomenon of learning between organizations in innovation networks that develop new products, services or processes. Inter organizational learning is studied especially at the level of the network. The role of the network can be seen as twofold: either the network is a context for inter organizational learning, if the learner is something else than the network (organization, group, individual), or the network itself is the learner. Innovations are regarded as a primary source of competitiveness and renewal in organizations. Networking has become increasingly common particularly because of the possibility to extend the resource base of the organization through partnerships and to concentrate on core competencies. Especially in innovation activities, networks provide the possibility to answer the complex needs of the customers faster and to share the costs and risks of the development work. Networked innovation activities are often organized in practice as distributed virtual teams, either within one organization or as cross organizational co operation. The role of technology is considered in the research mainly as an enabling tool for collaboration and learning. Learning has been recognized as one important collaborative process in networks or as a motivation for networking. It is even more important in the innovation context as an enabler of renewal, since the essence of the innovation process is creating new knowledge, processes, products and services. The thesis aims at providing enhanced understanding about the inter organizational learning phenomenon in and by innovation networks, especially concentrating on the network level. The perspectives used in the research are the theoretical viewpoints and concepts, challenges, and solutions for learning. The methods used in the study are literature reviews and empirical research carried out with semi structured interviews analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The empirical research concentrates on two different areas, firstly on the theoretical approaches to learning that are relevant to innovation networks, secondly on learning in virtual innovation teams. As a result, the research identifies insights and implications for learning in innovation networks from several viewpoints on organizational learning. Using multiple perspectives allows drawing a many sided picture of the learning phenomenon that is valuable because of the versatility and complexity of situations and challenges of learning in the context of innovation and networks. The research results also show some of the challenges of learning and possible solutions for supporting especially network level learning.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määritellä strategiaprosessiin liittyvät kriittiset alueet, konsernijohdon tehtävät strategiaprosessissa sekä edellisten pohjalta kehittää konsernityyppiselle yritykselle normatiivinen strategiaprosessin malli kriittisten alueiden hallitsemiseksi. Tavoitteena oli myös lisätä strategisen ajattelun ja strategiaprosessien ymmärtämistä selittämällä niiden historiallista kehittymistä sekä niiden käsitteistöä ja käsitteiden sisältöä. Probleemaa lähestyttiin sekä doktriinin kautta että tulkitsemalla strategiaprosessissa ilmeneviä ongelmia ja analysoimalla niiden syy ja seuraussuhteita. Käsillä oleva teoreettis praktinen tutkimus toteutettiin osittain toiminta-analyyttisella tutkimusotteella, osittain toiminta analyyttisella tutkimusotteella case tutkimuksen ja komparatiivisen analyysin tukemana sekä osittain päätöksentekometodologisella tutkimusotteella. Työn teoreettinen osa tehtiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Siinä luotiin strategiaprosessin ja konsernijohtamisen käsitteellinen perusta ja tutkimuksen viitekehys. Konsernijohtaminen laajennettiin tutkimuksessa tulosten osalta yleistäen koskemaan muitakin hajautettuja yritysorganisaatioita kuin pelkän juridiikan pohjalta muodostuneita konserneja. Tutkimuksen aluksi tarkasteltiin strategisen ajattelun koulukuntia eri näkemyksineen sekä toisaalta strategia-ajattelun kehittymistrendeja 1950 luvulta nykyhetkeen. Samoin tarkasteltiin sitä, kuinka strategiaprosessit oval kehittyneet samara ajanjaksona. Huomion painopisteen todettiin siirtyneen strategisen johtamisen inhimilliseen puoleen strategisem johtajuuden samalla korostuessa ja strategisen ajattelun laajentuessa Empiirinen osuus toteutettiin case tutkimuksena. Sen kuluessa kartoitettiin strategiaprosessin keskeiset ongelma alueet ja analysoitiin niiden takana olevat syyt, jotta voidin määritellä strategiapmsessin kehittämisen suunnat ja painopisteaiueet. Teoreettisen ja empiirisen osan penisteella määriteltiin strategiaprosessin kriittiset alueet yleisellä tasolla. Kriittisellä alueella tarkoitetaan asiakokonaisuutta tai asiaa, jonka on oltava kunaossa, jotta strategiaprosessit toimisivat. Nämä alueet liittyvat itse strategiaprosessiin suoraan tai välillisesti muun johtamistyön kautta. Strategiaprosessin kriittisten alueiden määrittelyn yhteydessä asetettiin doktriiniin tukeutuen strategiaprosessin kehittämissuunnat konsernijohdon nakäkökulmasta tarkasteltuna. Näihin kehittämissuuntiin ja edelleen doktriiniin tukeutuen määriteltiin konsernijohdon strategiaprosessin substanssitehtävät, prosessia tukevat tehtävät sekä prosessin toteuttamis- ja kehittämistehtävtä. Konsernijohdon strategiaprosessin tehtävät eivät muodosta sekventiaalista ja hierarkista järjestelmää vaan ovat joukko aktiviteetteja, joita toteutetaan tarpeen mukaan. Konsernijohdon strategiaprosessi määriteltiin ja kuvattiin tutkimuksessa johdon työskentelyprosessiksi sellaisten toimeenpanokelpoisten strategioiden tuottamiseksi ja toimeenpanemiseksi, jotka lisäävät yrityksen (konsernin) arvoa omistajan näkökulmasta mutta huomioivat myös muiden keskeisten sidosryhmien vaatimukset, tavoitteet ja rajoitteet. Konsernijohdon strategiaprosessi nähdään tässä jatkuvana konsernitasoisena päämäärä- ja keinopuolen tarkasteluna. Siinä konsernijohto tiedostaa konsernin ulkoisesta ja sisäisestä ymparistostä tulevat signaalit sekä pitää yllä näkemystä konsernin strategisesta asemasta. Tiedon massan näkemyksen saavutettua kriittisen rajansa se pakottaa konsernijohdon aivioimaan aiempia ratkaisuja uudessa valossa. Tämä validointi perustuu jatkuvasti esitettyihin neljään kysymykseen: onko ympäristö , premissi ja toimeenpanoseurannasta kertyneen tietämyksen perusteella nähtävissä vaikutuksia välittömiin toimenpiteisiin, vaikutuksia toimintasuunnitelmiin tai kriittisiin seurannan kohteisiin, vaikutuksia suunnanvalintoihin tai vaikutuksia perususkomuksiin? Konsernijohdon strategiaprosessi etenee jatkuvana prosessina päätösten ja ajan virrassa.
In economic terms, biodiversity transcends the boundaries usually given to conventional industries because it is a valuable source of biological and chemical data of great use to drug discovery. Certainly, the use of natural products has been the single most successful strategy in the discovery of novel medicines, and most of the medical breakthroughs are based on natural products. Half of the top 20 best-selling drugs are natural products, and their total sales amounted to US$ 16 billions shows the importance of natural products, which is evidenced by the new chemical entities (NCE) approved by regulatory authorities around the world in the past decade. Recently, the approval of the alkaloid galanthamine as a medicine to treat Alzheimer's disease shows that natural compounds from plants will continue to reach the market. The huge biological diversity of the Brazilian biomes, by its ability to generate new knowledge and technological innovation can be a fantastic alternative as raw material for drug discovery.
The transition to sustainable standards of production and consumption within a scenario of decreased availability of natural resources, growing population and climate change is essential to meet current challenges facing mankind. A strategy to meet these challenges should contain elements different from current approaches for industrial production. This work concentrates on the possibilities for the intensive use of sustainable biomass, abundant minerals and every type of residue, a task that can largely benefit from the application of nanotechnology and biotechnology platforms for material design and transformation. This strategy cannot be solely based on existing knowledge and requires new science, new knowledge including supposedly well-known themes, like the tribochemistry of electrostatic charging and friction. It is especially relevant within the Brazilian context, where many recent successful innovations are related to biomass production and transformation. Implementation of this strategy requires converging efforts by personnel from many different organizations and professions, while making sound risk assessment to produce significant innovation leading to sustainable development.
Deregulation of the electricity sector liberated the electricity sale and production for competitive forces while in the network business, electricity transmission and distribution, natural monopoly positions were recognised. Deregulation was accompanied by efficiencyoriented thinking on the whole electricity supply industry. For electricity distribution this meant a transition from a public service towards profit-driven business guided by economic regulation. Regulation is the primary means to enforce societal and other goals in the regulated monopoly sector. The design of economic regulation is concerned with two main attributes; end-customer price and quality of electricity distribution services. Regulation limits the costs of the regulated company but also defines the desired quality of monopoly services. The characteristics of the regulatory framework and the incentives it provides are therefore decisive for the electricity distribution sector. Regulation is not a static factor; changes in the regulatory practices cause discontinuity points, which in turn generate risks. A variety of social and environmental concerns together with technological advancements have emphasised the relevance of quality regulation, which is expected to lead to the large-scale replacement of overhead lines with underground cables. The electricity network construction activity is therefore currently witnessing revolutionary changes in its competitive landscape. In a business characterised by high statutory involvement and a high level of sunk costs, recognising and understanding the regulatory risks becomes a key success factor. As a response, electricity distribution companies have turned into outsourcing to attain efficiency and quality goals. This doctoral thesis addresses the impacts of regulatory risks on electricity network construction, which is a commonly outsourced activity in the electricity distribution network sector. The chosen research approach is characterised as an action analytical research on account of the fact that regulatory risks are greatly dependent on the individual nature of the regulatory regime applied in the electricity distribution sector. The main contribution of this doctoral thesis is to develop a concept for recognising and managing the business risks stemming from economic regulation. The degree of outsourcing in the sector is expected to increase in years to come. The results of the research provide new knowledge to manage the regulatory risks when outsourcing services.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda palvelumallit, valita sopivat työkalut ja prosessit erään SaaS-ohjelmiston asiakastuelle. Esitettävät ratkaisut tuli valita niin, että ne mahdollistavat laadukkaan ja henkilöriippumattomasti skaalautuvan asiakastuen rakentamisen. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu tiedon ja tiedonluonnin näkökulmaan. Työssä sovellettiin Ikujiro Nonakan teoriaa organisaatioiden tiedonluontiprosessista, koska case-yrityksen tuottamat asiakastukipalvelut pohjautuvat voimakkaasti tietoon ja tietämykseen. Tietointensiivisyyden näkökulma on otettu huomioon myös palvelumallien, työkalujen ja prosessien valinnassa. Työn tuloksena löydettiin mallit, menetelmät ja työkalut vastaamaan työn alkuperäisiä vaatimuksia. Tutkimuksen tuloksia on jo pystytty testaamaan käytännössä. Tutkimuksen kirjallisen katsauksen ja empiirisenosan välille pystyttiin osoittamaan vahva yhteys toisiinsa. Työn tuloksia voidaan soveltaa asiakastuen kehittämisessä useilla eri toimialoilla, niin isoissa kuin pienissäkin organisaatioissa aina yksityisen sektorin toimijoista, julkisen talouden yrityksiin tai yhteisöihin.
Direct leaching is an alternative to conventional roast-leach-electrowin (RLE) zinc production method. The basic reaction of direct leach method is the oxidation of sphalerite concentrate in acidic liquid by ferric iron. The reaction mechanism and kinetics, mass transfer and current modifications of zinc concentrate direct leaching process are considered. Particular attention is paid to the oxidation-reduction cycle of iron and its role in direct leaching of zinc concentrate, since it can be one of the limiting factors of the leaching process under certain conditions. The oxidation-reduction cycle of iron was experimentally studied with goal of gaining new knowledge for developing the direct leaching of zinc concentrate. In order to obtain this aim, ferrous iron oxidation experiments were carried out. Affect of such parameters as temperature, pressure, sulfuric acid concentration, ferrous iron and copper concentrations was studied. Based on the experimental results, mathematical model of the ferrous iron oxidation rate was developed. According to results obtained during the study, the reaction rate orders for ferrous iron concentration, oxygen concentration and copper concentration are 0.777, 0.652 and 0.0951 respectively. Values predicted by model were in good concordance with the experimental results. The reliability of estimated parameters was evaluated by MCMC analysis which showed good parameters reliability.
The purpose of this study was to analyze nursing ethics education from the perspective of nurses’ codes of ethics in the basic nursing education programmes in polytechnics in Finland with the following research questions: What is known about nurses’ codes in practice and education, what contents of the codes are taught, what teaching and evaluation methods are used, which demographic variables are associated with the teaching, what is nurse educators’ adequacy of knowledge to teach the codes and nursing students’ knowledge of and ability to apply the codes, and what are participants’ opinions of the need and applicability of the codes, and their importance in nursing ethics education. The aim of the study was to identify strengths and possible problem areas in teaching of the codes and nursing ethics in general. The knowledge gained from this study can be used for developing nursing ethics curricula and teaching of ethics in theory and practice. The data collection was targeted to all polytechnics in Finland providing basic nursing education (i.e. Bachelor of Health Care). The target groups were all nurse educators teaching ethics and all graduating nursing students in the academic year of 2006. A total of 183 educators and 214 students from 24 polytechnics participated. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire with four open-ended questions, designed for this study. The data was analysed by SPSS (14.0) and the open-ended questions by inductive content analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the data. Inferential statistics were used to estimate the differences between the participant groups. The reliability of the questionnaire was estimated with Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. The literature review revealed that empirical research on the codes was scarce, and minimal in the area of education. Teaching of nurses’ codes themselves and the embedded ethical concepts was extensive, teaching of the functions of the codes and related laws and agreements was moderate, but teaching of the codes of other health care professions was modest. Issues related to the nurse-patient relationship were emphasised. Wider social dimensions of the codes were less emphasized. Educators’ and students’ descriptions of teaching emphasized mainly the same teaching contents, but there were statistically significant differences between the groups in that educators assessed their teaching to be more extensive than what students had perceived it had been. T he use of teaching and evaluation methods was rather narrow and conventional. However, educators’ and students’ descriptions of the used methods differed statistically significantly. Students’ knowledge of the codes and their ability to apply them in practice was assessed as mediocre by educators and by students themselves. Most educators assessed their own knowledge of the codes as adequate to teach the codes, as did most of the students. Educators who regarded their knowledge as adequate taught the codes more extensively than those who assessed their knowledge as less adequate. Also students who assessed their educators’ knowledge as adequate perceived the teaching of the codes to be more extensive. Otherwise educators’ and students’ demographic variables had little association with their descriptions of the teaching. According to the participants, nurses need their own codes, and they are also regarded as applicable in practice. The codes are an important element in nursing ethics education, but their teaching needs development. Further research should focus on the organization of ethics teaching in the curricula, the teaching process, and on the evaluation of the effectiveness of ethics education and on educators’ competence. Also the meaning and functions of the codes at all levels of nursing deserve attention. More versatile use of research methods would be beneficial in gaining new knowledge.
Adsorption is one of the most commonly used methods in water treatment processes. It is attractive due to it easy operation and the availability of a wide variety of commercial adsorbents. This doctoral thesis focuses on investigating and explaining the influence of external phase conditions (temperature, pH, ionic strength, acidity, presence of cosolutes) on adsorption phenomena. In order to cover a wide range of factors and phenomena, case studies were chosen from various fields where adsorption is applied. These include the adsorptive removal of surface active agents (used in cleaning chemicals, for example) from aqueous effluents, the removal of hormones (estradiol) from drinking water, and the adsorption of antibiotics onto silica. The latter can beused to predict the diffusion of antibiotics in the aquatic system if they are released into the environment. Also the adsorption of living cells on functionalized polymers to purify infected water streams was studied. In addition to these examples, the adsorptive separation of harmful compounds from internal water streams within a chemical process was investigated. The model system was removal of fermentation inhibitors from lignocelluloses hydrolyzates. The detoxification of the fermentation broth is an important step in the manufacture of bioethanol from wood, but has not been studied previously in connection with concentrated acid hydrolyzates. New knowledge on adsorption phenomena was generated for all of the applications investigated. In most cases, the results could be explained by combining classical theories for individual phenomena. As an example, it was demonstrated how liquid phase aggregation could explain abnormal-looking adsorption equilibrium data. In addition to the fundamental phenomena, also process performance was of interest. This aspect is often neglected in adsorption studies. It was demonstrated that adsorbents should not be selected for a target application based on their adsorption properties only, but regeneration of the spent adsorbent must be considered. It was found that using a suitable amount of organic co-solvent in the regeneration can significantly improve the productivity of the process.
The overall aim of this study is to seek new knowledge and deeper understanding of the body as a phenomenon from a caring science point of view. By means of a hermeneutic definition, the body is studied on a contextual as well as an ontological level in order to create a deeper understanding for human beings in relation to health and suffering. The study focuses of the body as a perspective of human beings. It is important for the knowledge growth in caring science to create a deeper understanding for the body, thus making it possible to understand patients in nursing care. The overall methodology is a hermeneutic definition which covers a contextual and an ontological concept definition. In the three empirical studies, Giorgi’s phenomenological method was used. The first empirical study comprises twelve students’ statements about experiences of their body in different situatons in life. The second study is composed of interviews with fifteen patients who had been afflicted by illness and been subjected to surgical treatment. In the third empirical study, ten patients who had been cared for in perioperative nursing care were interviewed. In the data analysis, the essential meaning of the body as a phenomenon is described, along with its variations and nuances. In the ontological determination of the body, an etymologic and semantic analysis is carried out, as well as a qualitative analysis of ideas, where the material is comprised of chosen texts on the body from different perspectives. In the concluding analysis the results were synthesized. The result of the first empirical study shows that a body is expressive and manifests movement in its striving for dignity. The body harbours language and inherent powers to cope with the unexpected, as well as feelings of anxiety, fear and powerlessness. The second study shows that the body is experienced as mysterious when it is afflicted by illness, but it is also found mysterious as an opponent to man and life. A battle is fought between the illness that breaks down the body, and human beings fighting to keep their unity whole. The body appears as a prison and a host for a threatening illness. The body bears a feeling of powerlessness when it is changed by illness and suffering. In a care and treatment context, the body is objectified by the patient and the caregiver. It is the illness that forces the patient to sacrifice parts of the body in order to once again become whole in the unity. The third study shows that the patient in a perioperative nursing context delivers him-/herself over to the hands of the caregiver, who defends and protects body and life. The patient experiences a sense of well-being when the caretaker receives him/her and protects the body from dangers. Suffering is alleviated when the patients are allowed to talk about what has happened in their body. The result of the semantic analysis shows that the body as a concept is described as bending around the human soul and spirit. Linguistically, dimensions like corporeal, shape, totality, unity and mortal clay, are described. Different ideas about the body described it as: a material animate part of man, active and demanding, something that perceives its surrounding world and as a subjective body of senses, thoughts and language. Ideas about the body also describe it as a biological and physiological, living organism, submitted to the laws of nature, a passive apparatus and a socially constructed gender. The results of the different studies were synthesized and reflected against a caring science perspective. The research has created a deeper understanding for the body as a material abode and as an entity of body, soul and spirit.
Julkisen sektorin johtamista on uudistettu viime vuosikymmeninä uuden julkisjohtamisen suuntauksen kautta. Tässä keskeistä ovat olleet markkinamekanismin sekä yksityissektorin johtamisoppien soveltaminen julkiselle sektorille. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tuottaa tietoa johtamisoppien soveltamisesta kuntaorganisaation sosiaalija terveystoimessa. Mielenkiinnon kohteena ovat kysymykset, miten johtamisopit ovat tulleet kuntaorganisaatioon ja miten ne ovat levinneet, rakentuneet sekä rakentaneet kontekstiaan tarkasteluajanjaksolla 1985 - 2007. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on diskurssianalyyttinen ja nojaa epistemologialtaan tulkinnallisesta tieteen filosofiasta nousseeseen sosiaaliseen konstruktivismiin. Oppien leviämistä tarkastellaan tässä tutkimuksessa translaationa, kääntämisprosessina, jossa opin johtoportaaseen tullut ensimmäinen versio tulkitaan ja käännetään organisaation kielelle ja käytännöiksi. Oppien rakentumista kontekstissaan käsitteellistetään sedimentoitumisen käsitteen kautta, mikä auttaa ymmärtämään uusien ja vanhojen oppien elementtien kerrostumista lähes muuttumattomista syvärakenteista nopeasti muuttuviin pintarakenteisiin. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaationa on suomalainen, keskikokoinen kuntaorganisaatio. Aineistona on käytetty kirjallisia dokumentteja ja haastatteluja. Johtamisoppeja kuntaorganisaatioon välittäviä tahoja ovat olleet konsulttiyritykset, yliopistot, kuntien johtoportaan verkostot, uudet johtajat sekä koulutuspäivät. Organisaation valmius uuden johtamisopin omaksumiseen on yhteydessä organisaatioon, johtoon, tarjolla oleviin oppeihin sekä toimintaympäristöön liittyviin tekijöihin Levitäkseen organisaatiossa oppi tarvitsee johdon tasolta kannattajan, joka markkinoi sitä muulle virkamies- ja luottamushenkilöjohdolle. Kun oppi saavuttaa johdon enemmistön tuen, käynnistyy sen kääntämisprosessi johdon puheesta henkilöstön puheen ja käytäntöjen tasolle. Uudet johtamisopit kyseenalaistavat vanhoja ”totuuksia” ja samalla ne määrittävät, mikä on tärkeää ja mikä jää huomiotta. Uudet opit eivät syrjäytä kokonaan vanhoja, vaan opit sedimentoituvat: vanhojen oppien diskursiivisia elementtejä jää pois ja uusien oppien elementtejä tulee mukaan johtamispuheeseen. Johtamisopit rakentavat kontekstiaan sekä puheen, käytäntöjen että organisaatiorakenteiden tasolla, mutta joihinkin syvärakenteisiin ne eivät ole pystyneet vaikuttamaan tai vaikuttavat äärimmäisen hitaasti. Asiakaslähtöisyys muun muassa on ollut useimpien johtamisoppien diskursiivinen elementti, mutta se on jäänyt toistuvasti kuntaorganisaation sosiaali- ja terveystoimessa organisaatiolähtöisen palvelujen järjestämistavan ja talouden kautta tapahtuvan tuloksellisuuden arvioinnin varjoon. Diskurssit muutoksesta ja sen välttämättömyydestä, tehokkuudesta sekä julkisen rinnastaminen yksityiseen näyttäytyivät tässä tutkimuksessa metatason diskursseina, jotka oikeuttavat yksityiseltä sektorilta lähtöisin olevien johtamisdiskurssien soveltamisen muutoksen ja tehokkuuden aikaansaamiseksi julkiselle sektorille. Kuntien sosiaali- ja terveystoimen tuloksellisuuden ja tehokkuuden arviointi on kapeutunut liikkeenjohdon peruslähtökohdista nousevaksi talouden kautta tapahtuvaksi arvioinniksi. Tässä julkisen toiminnan omiin arvolähtökohtiin ja teoriataustaan pohjautuvien toiminnan tulosten ja saavutettujen hyvinvointivaikutusten arviointi sekä näistä kertovien mittarien kehittäminen yhdessä talouden mittarien kanssa on marginaaliin jäänyttä, mutta nousevaa puhetta.