163 resultados para Naturalization


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The objective of this study was to investigate the assistance for the female adolescents perpetrators of offences in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Through the Thematic Oral History and Documentary Analysis methods, we sought to uncover historical aspects of the work provided in women’s units of the Fundação dos Direitos das Crianças e Adolescentes (FUNDAC) [Foundation for the Rights of Children and Adolescents], from the experiences of professionals who have worked in these units since the beginning of their activities. For this, we made visits to FUNDAC and the Centro Educacional Padre João Maria (CEDUC) [Educational Center Father João Maria], to identify professionals who could participate in the study, as well as institutional documents on routine of treatment. Eight professionals were found from three identified units: Granja Santana, Instituto Padre João Maria and CEDUC, who were interviewed according to a semi-structured script. The analysis of the collected material is supported in Marxian theory and feminist perspective on the sexual division of labor. The results are organized into five areas of analysis: (1) the creation of the service units; (2) the deviant “behavior”: reasons for institutionalization of female adolescents; (3) educational proposal: a female version; service strategies and; the rules and punishment: the domesticated teenage girl. The study indicates that the commission of the offense by the female adolescents in state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) has been associated with the conduct of their families, particularly their mothers. Moreover, in general, service strategies, educational proposals, disciplinary measures were and have been developed based on the naturalization of what is female. Therefore, the assistance to adolescent girls in RN, those thirty-five years, left intact the existing hierarchy in social relations between the sexes, it reproduced the subordination of female adolescents in the juvenile justice system.


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The changes ocurred in the world of capitalist labor, especially from the last decades of the 20th century, accentuated the process of manipulation and domination of the working class, materialized mainly through naturalization and / or trivialization of violence, conducted in the work environment. From this process, emerge the elements of bullying, that is, the embarrassing and humiliating practices which extend through time, degrading human race, and becoming fruitful object for study, debate and the intervention of the professionals of the Social Service area. Thus, we assume the perspective of analyzing the concepts and the work of social workers, whom work at people management area before the bullying in the workplace. We propose the following objectives: apprehend the settings of bullying, in the contemporary context of competitiveness and flexibility of work, as well as its implications for workers' health; characterize the background of this expression of violence at work in the municipality of Natal- RN; and analyze the powers and duties of the social worker in the process of prevention, identification and addressing of bullying in the context of work. This study consisted of a qualitative approach, based on the dialectical-critical method as soon as we adopt methodological procedures such as: theoretical knowledge, documental and field research, and performed using semi-structured interviews. The subjects of this research were nine (09) the Social Service professionals working in personnel management area, in five (5) institutions with legal and branches of different activities, located in Natal-RN. Even interviewed one (01) representative of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte Office (MPT-RN). The findings of this analysis indicate that bullying is a contemporary expression of "social question", which is presented as a demand for the Social-assistants – covered up and / or camuflage – under the guise of problems related to workers' health or mere conflicts of interpersonal relationships, that is, without any causal connection with the organization of work. The fear of losing job, not to be inserted in the labor market, and / or suffering reprisals, deepens the subject levels of the victims of bullying. Hence the importance of Social Workers are capable to understand the social reality, by preventing and combating the elements of bullying.


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The Anthropocene marks a new geological epoch in which human activity (and specifically Western production and consumption practices) has become a geological force. It also profoundly destabilizes the grounds of Western political philosophy. Visions of a dynamic earth system wholly indifferent to human survival liquefy modernity’s division between nature and politics. Critical thought has only begun to scratch the surface of the Anthropocene’s re-naturalization of politics. This special issue of Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses explores the politics of resilience within the wider cultural and political moment of the Anthropocene. It is within the field of resilience thinking that the implications of the Anthropocene for forms of governance are beginning to be sketched out and experimental practices are undertaken. Foregrounding the Anthropocene imaginary’s re-naturalization of politics enables us to consider the political possibilities of resilience from a different angle, one that is irreducible to neoliberal post-political rule.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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The research that led to this dissertation adopted a set of scenic/ideological aspects inherent to the productions of the Culture Industry as its object of research. The intellectual output of Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer underscored the approaches on this subject, since it provides the same set of scenic/ideological features to be explored because, according to the authors, scenes produced by the culture industry are linked to the dominant ideology, since they act in favor of maintaining the status quo. The first objective was the definition this set of features inherent to the scene produced by the culture industry, through the exploration of literature produced by Adorno and Horkheimer, so it was possible to define a set composed of nine elements: Construction of characters as characteristic types; Stereotypes; Naturalization of Stereotyped language; Simplistic playwriting; Reuse dramatic formula; Love and sexuality as themes of plots; Utilization of tragic element; Objetive representation; Approximation of fiction and reality. The second goal was the analysis of scene produced by the culture industry nowadays, so that it was possible to verify if any scenic/ideological aspects indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer in the mid-twentieth century were present among the productions from this beginning of the twenty-first century. Through the analysis of three soap operas produced in Brazil in 2012, it was found that the nine scenic/ideological aspects as indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer appeared in the observed productions. Additionally, a new scenic/ideological feature, not indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer is present: the merchandising


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Hospitals are a big part of the service sector. Thus, such institutions are highly influenced by the logic of the capitalist accumulation, technology and forms of labor organization, especially by private organizations. Starting with the restructuring process motion and incorporation of technologies, many changes in the working process occur, therefore, the activities of medical professionals as well. During the preparation of this research items regarding the banalization of evil were identified. This banalization and resignation of the professionals face to violence are caused by the adoption of collective defense strategies. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how the rationalization of working conditions by gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians working in the emergency rooms of public and private hospitals in Curitiba and metropolitan region occurs. An approach of mixed methods was used as methodological procedures. The naturalization of violence, the suffering which professionals are submitted to, are combined with the political and ideological control, bureaucratic control, the imaginary built about hospitals and collective defense strategies. It is therefore possible to understand that labor conditions of gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians in emergency rooms are rationalized. When social injustice is naturalized, political strategies for changes are not possible. For this reason, the first step is to gather awareness, there is a need to unveil the reality, to understand the phenomena at its core and discard superficialities. It is also necessary that the actions and expressions of indignation to come hand in hand with political actions in order to change to happen.


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En las últimas décadas hemos asistido a un importante impulso en las investigaciones centradas en el análisis de las masculinidades. Este hecho no es casual y se debe fundamentalmente a dos razones. Una de carácter político, relacionada con el cuestionamiento de una sociedad representada exclusivamente en términos masculinos. Una segunda razón de carácter científico, ¿si la feminidad debía ser explicada por qué no la masculinidad? Ambas razones han incidido en la desnaturalización de una supuesta masculinidad de carácter universal y en la profusión de investigaciones tendentes a desvelar: las formas sociales de construir a los hombres, los mecanismos de reproducción del poder inscritos en los cuerpos, los desiguales modelos sociales en torno a lo masculino, las relaciones de dominación que se producen entre hombres y mujeres, y entre los propios hombres. Este cuestionamiento teórico de “lo masculino” ha estado muy vinculado al papel de los movimientos sociales y especialmente del feminismo y los movimientos de liberación sexual, que han jugado un papel central en la redefinición del papel de hombres y mujeres, y por tanto en la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas a los modelos tradicionales, también entre los propios hombres. En las páginas siguientes nos aproximaremos precisamente a la noción de masculinidad y masculinidades, incidiendo en su carácter relacional y cambiante, así como en sus distintas significaciones.


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O comércio de espécies selvagens tem crescido bastante ao longo das últimas décadas. Atualmente é considerado o quarto maior tráfico ilegal no mundo, logo seguido da transação de drogas, de armas e de humanos. Estima-se que o comércio de espécies selvagens pode ultrapassar os 12 milhões de euros por ano na UE. Abrange tanto as plantas como os animais vivos; mas, nestes últimos, incluem-se também os seus derivados, tais como sejam as peles, os ossos, alimento, entre outros. O uso das espécies selvagens é bastante vastos, as espécies são utilizadas para alimentação, uso medicinal, investigação científica, comércio de peles, alimentação e o mais comum é para animais de estimação. As espécies exóticas muitas vezes tornam-se espécies exóticas invasoras, começam a ser um perigo para a biodiversidade e para as espécies nativas. O processo de invasão apresenta-se por quatro fases: dispersão ou transporte, estabelecimento, naturalização e por fim dispersão geográfica e/ou invasão. Vários são os mecanismos para combater as espécies exóticas invasoras, sendo que o mecanismo mais radical a erradicação de espécimes. Em Lisboa, estão descritas três espécies exóticas invasoras: a tartaruga da Florida Trachemys scripta, a tartaruga de Nelson Pseudemys nelsoni e a tartaruga corcunda do Mississipi Graptemys pseudogeographica; ABSTRACT: The wildlife trade is growing fast over the last decades. It is now considered the fourth largest illegal trade in the world, followed by the drugs, weapons and humans. It is estimated that trade with species can exceed 12 million € per year in the EU. This trade comprises plants or live animals; but also is derivatives, such as skins, bones, food, and others. The use of wildlife is diverse, can be for food, medical, scientific research, trade of skins, but the most common is for pets. Alien species can become invasive alien species and so they become a threat to biodiversity and for native species. The process of invasion has four phases: dispersion or transport, establishment, naturalization and geographic dispersion and/or invasion. There are several mechanisms to combat such invasive alien species: the most radical mechanism is eradication of specimens. In Lisbon, are described three invasive alien species: the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys Florida, the Florida red-bellied turtle Pseudemys nelsoni and the false map turtle Graptemys psedogeographica.


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O domínio do conhecimento científico é historicamente masculino. Mesmo com a crescente inserção das mulheres nesse campo, pode-se dizer que a lógica de fazer ciência ainda está pautada em valores masculinizados. Nosso trabalho pretende mapear a percepção das engenheiras sobre suas escolhas pelas ciências exatas e por um campo profissional tradicionalmente masculino, a engenharia. A nossa hipótese de trabalho inicial afirmava que as escolhas das engenheiras durante sua trajetória acadêmica e profissional são dificultadas pela forte tendência à perpetuação da divisão sexual da educação superior, da ciência e do trabalho. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi desvendar os argumentos que levam à naturalização da separação entre cursos de homens e cursos de mulheres, áreas de trabalho femininas e masculinas ainda que dentro da mesma área do saber ou do campo profissional. Para tanto, foi realizado estudo qualitativo com entrevistas semiestruturadas à sete engenheiras de diferentes áreas de uma empresa estatal, sociedade anônima de economia mista, com sede no Distrito Federal, atuante no serviço público de energia elétrica. Observou-se a perpetuação da divisão sexual horizontal e vertical da ciência, tecnologia e do trabalho, que se reinventa nas trajetórias traçadas pelas engenheiras, formando guetos “permitidos” às mulheres, ainda que dentro da própria engenharia. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Psicologia Clínica e Cultura, 2015.


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The research that led to this dissertation adopted a set of scenic/ideological aspects inherent to the productions of the Culture Industry as its object of research. The intellectual output of Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer underscored the approaches on this subject, since it provides the same set of scenic/ideological features to be explored because, according to the authors, scenes produced by the culture industry are linked to the dominant ideology, since they act in favor of maintaining the status quo. The first objective was the definition this set of features inherent to the scene produced by the culture industry, through the exploration of literature produced by Adorno and Horkheimer, so it was possible to define a set composed of nine elements: Construction of characters as characteristic types; Stereotypes; Naturalization of Stereotyped language; Simplistic playwriting; Reuse dramatic formula; Love and sexuality as themes of plots; Utilization of tragic element; Objetive representation; Approximation of fiction and reality. The second goal was the analysis of scene produced by the culture industry nowadays, so that it was possible to verify if any scenic/ideological aspects indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer in the mid-twentieth century were present among the productions from this beginning of the twenty-first century. Through the analysis of three soap operas produced in Brazil in 2012, it was found that the nine scenic/ideological aspects as indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer appeared in the observed productions. Additionally, a new scenic/ideological feature, not indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer is present: the merchandising


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Accidental spills and subsequent fires during oil storage and transportation periods cause serious damage to environments. Herein, we present a novel route to enhance oil safety by transforming oils into high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) hydrogels. These HIPE hydrogels are stabilized by solvent- or pH-driven assembled block copolymer (BCP), namely poly(4-vinylpyridine)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (4VPm-EGn-4VPm). The assembled BCP shows high efficiency to stabilize HIPE hydrogels with a low concentration of 1.0 (w/v) % relative to the continuous aqueous phase. The volume fraction of the dispersed organic phase can be as high as 89% with a variety of oils, including toluene, xylene, blended vegetable oil, canola oil, gasoline, diesel, and engine oil. These smelly and flammable liquids were formed into HIPE hydrogels and thus their safety was enhanced. As the assembly is pH sensitive, oils trapped in the HIPE hydrogels can be released by simply tuning pH values of the continuous aqueous phase. The aqueous phase containing BCP can be reused to stabilize HIPE hydrogels after naturalization. These assembled BCP stabilized HIPE hydrogels offer a novel and safe approach to preserve and transport these smelly and flammable liquid oils, avoiding environmental damage.