999 resultados para Mineral absorption


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All textile uses of cellulose acetate involve acetone recovery, which, because of safety issues, results in large installations, in order to work with dilute streams. This compromises the efficiency of all of the involved unit operations, in this case, acetone absorption in cold water, acetone distillation, and water chilling, making them more expensive. The present article proposes the improvement of the absorption of acetone in water, traditionally performed with sieve trays, by using structured packing instead. The advantageous implementation was enabled through the utilization of a calculation methodology based on concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium of the binary acetone/water system and empirical relations that allow the evaluation of the hydrodynamics of the proposed modification.


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This work makes a comparative economic analysis of a small-, medium- and large-sized mineral water company, the three of which are localized in the State of Sao Paulo. All have the same lines of production such as glasses, bottles and big bottles. The analysis involves the cash flow comparison of the three companies.


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The increasing volume of urban sewage nowadays generates considerable amount of sludge to be disposed of. One environmentally adequate destination could be the application of treated and stabilized sludge (biosolids) to forest plantations as fertilizer and soil conditioner. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of applying sewage sludge, evaluating its effects on native tree seedlings. The species evaluated were aroeira-pimenteira (Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi), cabreuva-vermelha (Myroxy-Ion peruiferum L. f.), pau-de-viola (Cytarexyllum myrianthum Cham), unha-de-vaca (Bauhinia forficata Link), which are usually planted in forest restoration. Seedlings were cultivated in pots, containing a volume of 4 dm(3) of soil, within a greenhouse. The study was developed in the proximity of Campinas, SP, Brazil, and installed in November, 2003. The design was entirely randomized including seven treatments: control; mineral fertilization; and different doses of sewage sludge (biosolids) complemented with potassium, due to the low concentration of this element in the sludge produced by the wastewater treatment plant of Barueri (Metropolitan region of Sao Paulo city). The results showed that the application of different dosages of biosolids promoted different responses in stem height and biomass production. The treatment with 20 g/dm(3) of dry sewage sludge promoted both the highest growth and the highest seedling biomass production, compared to the control treatment. All native tree species treated with the highest dosage of sewage sludge showed a growth similar to that of mineral fertilization. The seedlings of aroeira-pimenteira, pau-de-viola, and unha-de-vaca, all typical species of the initial succession in natural forest ecosystems, grew and produced more biomass than cabreuva-vermelha, a typical species of the final forest succession.


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Fluoride (F) is an air pollutant that causes phytotoxicity. Besides the importance of this, losses of agricultural crops in the vicinity of F polluting industries in Brazil have been recently reported. Injuries caused to plant leaf cell structures by excess F are not well characterized. However, this may contribute to understanding the ways in which plant physiological and biochemical processes are altered. A study evaluated the effects of the atmospheric F on leaf characteristics and growth of young trees of sweet orange and coffee exposed to low (0.04 mol L(-1)) or high (0.16 mol L(-1)) doses of HF nebulized in closed chamber for 28 days plus a control treatment not exposed. Gladiolus and ryegrass were used as bioindicators in the experiment to monitor F exposure levels. Fluoride concentration and dry mass of leaves were evaluated. Leaf anatomy was observed under light and electron microscopy. High F concentrations (similar to 180 mg kg(-1)) were found in leaves of plants exposed at the highest dose of HF. Visual symptoms of F toxicity in leaves of citrus and coffee were observed. Analyses of plant tissue provided evidence that F caused degeneration of cell wall and cytoplasm and disorganization of bundle sheath, which were more evident in Gladiolus and coffee. Minor changes were observed for sweet orange and ryegrass. Increase on individual stomatal area was also marked for the Gladiolus and coffee, and which were characterized by occurrence of opened ostioles. The increased F absorption by leaves and changes at the structural and ultrastructural level of leaf tissues correlated with reduced plant growth.


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Boron (B) deficiency is widespread in Brazilian citrus orchards and has been considered an important soil constraint to citrus yield. The aim of this work was to study B uptake and its mobility in young citrus trees, under different B statuses, in two rootstocks. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with `Valencia` sweet orange trees budded on Rangpur lime or Swingle citrumelo. The plants were grown in pots containing nutrient solutions under either adequate or deficient B supply. Plants with different B levels were transplanted into solution with adequate level of B, enriched in 10 B in different stages of development ( vegetative growth and fruiting). About 20 to 35% of B content in the new parts of orange tree came from plant reserves. Boron mobility within the plant was influenced by its nutritional status; that is, the longer the period was that the plants were grown under deficient supply, the smaller was the mobility. Boron concentration in the sweet orange trees on Swingle was higher than that on Rangpur, suggesting higher demand of swingle Citrumelo for B.


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A study was conducted in Brazil to identify factors affecting grazing distribution of yearling Nelore cross heifers and to evaluate the efficacy of placement of a salt-mineral mix away from water to improve uniformity of grazing. Two pastures (25 ha and 42 ha) were evaluated for four 15-d sessions. Mineral mix was placed 590 m to 780 m from water during two sessions and at water for two sessions. Stubble heights were measured at the beginning and end of each session in 1-ha subunits of each pasture. Cattle locations were recorded oil clay 13 and 14 of each session by horseback observers. Heifers avoided areas with a preponderance of forbs and taller grass (P < 0.001). For the first 15 days of the study cattle avoided subunits farther from water. Thereafter, horizontal distance from water had no affect on grazing use (P > 0.10). Stubble height reduction was more uniform (P < 0.05) when the mineral mix was Lit water compared to away from water. In contrast, heifers spent less time farther from water when Mineral mix was placed at water (P = 0.02) based Oil Visual observations. Strategic placement of a salt-mineral mix away from water does not appear to be a reliable tool to improve cattle grazing distribution in humid tropical pastures from 25 ha to 45 ha in size.


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By allowing the estimation of forest structural and biophysical characteristics at different temporal and spatial scales, remote sensing may contribute to our understanding and monitoring of planted forests. Here, we studied 9-year time-series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on a network of 16 stands in fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. We aimed to examine the relationships between NDVI time-series spanning entire rotations and stand structural characteristics (volume, dominant height, mean annual increment) in these simple forest ecosystems. Our second objective was to examine spatial and temporal variations of light use efficiency for wood production, by comparing time-series of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (APAR) with inventory data. Relationships were calibrated between the NDVI and the fractions of intercepted diffuse and direct radiation, using hemispherical photographs taken on the studied stands at two seasons. APAR was calculated from the NDVI time-series using these relationships. Stem volume and dominant height were strongly correlated with summed NDVI values between planting date and inventory date. Stand productivity was correlated with mean NDVI values. APAR during the first 2 years of growth was variable between stands and was well correlated with stem wood production (r(2) = 0.78). In contrast, APAR during the following years was less variable and not significantly correlated with stem biomass increments. Production of wood per unit of absorbed light varied with stand age and with site index. In our study, a better site index was accompanied both by increased APAR during the first 2 years of growth and by higher light use efficiency for stem wood production during the whole rotation. Implications for simple process-based modelling are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Study of surface electric charges of soil colloids helps in understanding the physicochemical phenomena that influence the capacity of retaining nutrients and their availability to plants. The structural charge (sigma(0), (min)), the variable charge (sigma(q, min)), and the organic matter (OM) charge (sigma(total) (OM)) of 12 tropical soils with contrasting mineralogies were evaluated based on the difference of selectivity for Cs(+) and Li(+) between the functional ionizable surfaces groups and the mineral 2:1 siloxane surface. Soils were divided into three groups: G1, soils with a predominance of kaolinite and gibbsite in the clay fraction; G2, soils with hydroxy-interlayered 2:1 minerals; and G3, soils with smectite but without hydroxy-interlayered 2:1 minerals. The Cs absorption method was efficient for detecting the charge components in tropical soils. The mineral structural charge contributed 11% and 16%, 28% and 31%, and 52% and 59% of total soil charge of A and B horizons of soils from groups G 1, G2, and G3, respectively. On the other hand, OM contributed 53% and 37%, 48% and 41%, and 21% and 20% of total charge for the same samples, respectively, In highly weathered soils of group G I and, to a lesser extent, in soils in group G2, surface charges depended mainly on their variable components, resulting from the OM (sigma(toal) (OM)), as well as from imperfections found in 1:1 minerals (sigma(q, min)). The importance of OM in determining the magnitude of electric charges in humid tropical soils is highlighted.


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The present investigation is the first part of an initiative to prepare a regional map of the natural abundance of selenium in various areas of Brazil, based on the analysis of bean and soil samples. Continuous-flow hydride generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-ET AAS) with in situ trapping on an iridium-coated graphite tube has been chosen because of the high sensitivity and relative simplicity. The microwave-assisted acid digestion for bean and soil samples was tested for complete recovery of inorganic and organic selenium compounds (selenomethionine). The reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) was optimized in order to guarantee that there is no back-oxidation, which is of importance when digested samples are not analyzed immediately after the reduction step. The limits of detection and quantification of the method were 30 ng L(-1) Se and 101 ng L(-1) Se, respectively, corresponding to about 3 ng g(-1) and 10 ng g(-1), respectively, in the solid samples, considering a typical dilution factor of 100 for the digestion process. The results obtained for two certified food reference materials (CRM), soybean and rice, and for a soil and sediment CRM confirmed the validity of the investigated method. The selenium content found in a number of selected bean samples varied between 5.5 +/- 0.4 ng g(-1) and 1726 +/- 55 ng g(-1), and that in soil samples varied between 113 +/- 6.5 ng g(-1) and 1692 +/- 21 ng g(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The starch of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) presented oval and irregular morphology, with granule size between 7.4 and 14.9 mu m in length and 5.8 and 9.3 mu m in diameter. The isolated starch showed the following features: purity of 87.8%, with 0.28% lipids, 0.2% fibre and 0.12% fixed mineral residue, and no protein detected; the ratio between the amylose and amylopectin contents were 20:80: the solubility at 90 degrees C was 61.4%, the swelling power was 119.0g water/g starch and the water absorption capacity was 45.9 g water/g starch; the gel turbidity rose 44% during the storing time; the gelatinization temperature was 47.7 degrees C and the transition enthalpy 6.22 J/g; the maximum viscosity reached 1260 UB at 46.4 degrees C, with breakdown, setback and consistence of 850, 440 and -410 UB, respectively. The low gelling temperature and the stability during gel refrigeration could be adequate for foods requiring moderate temperature process, but not for frozen food. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism of uptake of anthocyanins (as well as the type) from food in the intestine is not clear. Anthocyanin-rich extract from wild mulberry, composed of cyanidin-3-glucoside (79%) and cyanidin-3-rutino side (cy-3-rut) (19%), was orally administered to Wistar rats, and their concentrations were determined in plasma, kidney, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The 2 glycosylated forms showed maximum concentration at 15 minutes after oral administration, both in plasma and kidney. The cyanidin-3-glucoside and cy-3-rut were found in plasma as glucuronides, as sulfates of cyanidin, and as unchanged forms. The area under the curve of concentration vs time (AUC(0-8h)) was 2.76 +/- 0.88 mu g hour/mL and 9.74 +/- 0.75 mu g hour/g for plasma and kidney, respectively. In spite of the low absorption, the increase in plasma anthocyanin level resulted in a significant increase in antioxidant capacity (P < .05). In the GI tract (stomach and small and large intestines), cyanidin glycosides were found unchanged, but a low amount of the aglycone form was present. Anthocyanin glycosides were no longer detected in the GI tract after 8 hours of administration. In vitro fermentation showed that the 2 cyanidin glycosides were totally metabolized by the rat colonic microflora, explaining their disappearance. In addition, the 2 products of their degradation, cyanidin and protocatechuic acid, were not detected in plasma and probably do not influence plasma antioxidant capacity. As found by the everted sac model, anthocyanins were transported across the enterocyte by the sodium-dependent glucose transporter. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to propose a biomonitoring method for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb in whole blood by simultaneous electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry for assessment of environmental levels. A volume of 200 mu L of whole blood was diluted in 500 mu L of 0.2% (w v(-1)) Triton(R) X-100 + 2.0% (v v(-1)) HNO3. Trichloroacetic acid was added for protein precipitation and the supernatant analyzed. A mixture of 250 mu g W + 200 mu g Rh as permanent and 2.0% (w v(-1)) NH4H2PO4 as co-injected modifiers were used. Characteristic masses and limits of detections (n = 20, 3s) for Cd and Pb were 1.26 and 33 pg and 0.026 mu g L-1 and 0.65 mu g L-1, respectively. Repeatability ranged from 1.8 to 6.8% for Cd and 1.2 to 1.7% for Pb. The trueness of method was checked by the analysis of three Reference Materials: Lyphocheck(R) Whole Blood Metals Control level 1 and Seronorm(TM) Trace Elements in Whole Blood levels 1 and 2. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level. Blood samples from 40 volunteers without occupational exposure were analyzed and the concentrations ranged from 0.13 to 0.71 mu g L-1 (0.32 +/- 0.19 mu g L-1) for Cd and 9.3 to 56.7 mu g L-1 (25.1 +/- 10.8 mu g L-1) for Pb. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method is proposed for the direct and simultaneous determination of Cd, Cu, and Se in human blood. Samples were diluted 1:10 (v/v) in 0.5% (v/v) HNO(3) + 0.5% (v/v) Triton X-100 solution. For 12 mu L injected sample volume + 5 mu L, of 1000 mg L(-1) Pd(NO(3))(2) + 3 mu L of 1000 mg L(-1) Mg(NO(3))(2), the calculated characteristic masses (mo) were 0.9 pg Cd, 16 pg Cu, and 39 pg Se, which are close to those mo values for single-element conditions for THGA furnace (1.3 pg Cd, 17 pg Cu, and 45 pg Se). Calibration curves with linear correlations better than 0.999 were obtained. The limits of detection (LOD) were 0.03 mu g L(-1) Cd, 0.075 mu g L(-1) Cu and 0.3 mu g L(-1) Se, and the relative standard deviations (n= 12) were 2.5%, 0.3%, and 1.5%, respectively. The method was applied for Cd, Cu, and Se determination in 10 human blood samples and the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level with those obtained by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Concentrations of analytes in the selected blood samples varied from 1.7 to 3.2 mu g L(-1) Cd, 700 to 921.7 mu g L(-1) Cu, and from 68.6 to 350 mu g L(-1) Se. The accuracy of the proposed method was also evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment and recoveries of Cd, Cu, and Se added to blood samples ranged from 99-109%, 91-103%,and 93-103%, respectively.


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Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in , where α is the fine-structure constant and gp is the proton g-factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of at absorption redshifts of and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find and respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.