978 resultados para Mathematics Study and teaching (Primary)


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El projecte ACME va néixer, l’any 1998, amb la finalitat de millorar la docència de les matemàtiques en els estudis d’Enginyeria Industrial i Enginyeries Tècniques de l’Escola Politècnica de la Universitat de Girona, amb la intenció de buscar la manera de que els alumnes s’impliquessin i participessin més activament en aquesta matèria fent ús de la xarxa com a via de comunicació. El projecte ACME, Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament, és una eina d’e-learning que té com a objectiu fer una avaluació continuada dels alumnes a través d’uns dossiers personalitzats de problemes que el professor proposa. El sistema permet fer el seguiment, per part del professor, del progrés del conjunt de la classe, o d’un alumne individual, en una assignatura concreta. Això fa que l’ACME tingui un gran valor pedagògic. Els objectius d’aquest projecte final de carrera són els següents: • Desenvolupar un sistema de gestió d’usuaris convidats que ens permeti acceptar o denegar l’accés a usuaris que prèviament han fet una petició per poder utilitzar l’ACME. • Crear un sistema que faciliti la tasca d’assignar als usuaris els temes i els problemes més adients pel seu perfil. • Desenvolupar tot un seguit de millores i ampliacions amb la intenció d’integrar el nou mòdul dins les interfícies existents: Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat d’usuari amb la opció per gestionar els usuaris convidats. Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat del quadern de problemes amb les opcions adients per tal de gestionar les assignatures dels convidats.


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This collection of resources provides classroom examples and case studies, offers a platform of ideas for teachers to investigate new ways of building the literacy development of their students.


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A NESTED formula that converted a numerical mark to a letter grade which is used at Deakin to create letter grades of High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass, and Fail is outlined. Spreadsheet programming can handle words as well as formulas and numbers. Spreadsheet programming = well-formed formulas + logic + mathematics operations + learning.


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A 'rubric' is a way of assessing what an individual student has learned about a particular topic. A rubric uses a checklist made of the sub-tasks or components within the task, with graded descriptions of how well a student can DO or has LEARNED the task.


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Sometimes VELS (Victorian Essential Learning Standards) is confusing. Part of the problem is that it is available only on-line as a web-browse-able collection of internet web pages. It is broadly true that the mathematics curriculum described by the Mathematics VELS is equivalent to curriculum described by the Mathematics CSF (Curriculum and Standards Framework).


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This article studies the unit of measurement used to measure liquid quantities. The unit 'litre' is explained in detail with some examples.


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Some knowledge of what it means to construct a proof is an extremely important part of mathematics. All mathematics teachers and students should have some exposure to the ideas of proof and proving. This paper deals with the issue of creating proofs in mathematics problems.


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This research explores how the social backgrounds of a group of students contributed to their intuitive knowledge in probabilistic reasoning, and influenced their processing of the associated mathematics. A group of Year 11 students who came from families for whom the phenomenon of track gambling formed an important part of their cultural background was identified. Another group consisting of students in the same mathematics course (Year 11 Maths in Society) but from families for whom the phenomenon of gambling in any form was totally absent from their social backgrounds was identified. Twenty students were selected from each group. The research employed a qualitative methodology in which a phenomenographic approach was used to investigate the qualitatively different ways in which individuals within the two groups thought about concepts involving probabilistic reasoning, and processed the related mathematical skills and concepts. The cognitive processes involved in the applications of probabilistic and related mathematical concepts in a variety of both gambling and non-gambling situations were studied in order to determine whether this culturally based knowledge could be viewed as a type of ‘ethnomathematics.’ Data were obtained through individual structured interviews which enabled patterns of reasoning to be compared and contrasted. Analyses of these data enabled intuitive mathematical understandings possessed by the gamblers not only to be identified, but also to be linked with their social backgrounds. Also differences between how individuals in the two groups processed probabilistic and associated mathematical knowledge were determined. This research complements and extends existing knowledge and theories related to culturally-based mathematical knowledge. Implications for further research, for classroom teaching, and for curriculum development in the study of probability in senior secondary mathematics classes are discussed.


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The retrospective case study investigations highlighted the important role of parents, family members and significant others in the community in providing a nurturing environment, a variety of learning opportunities, necessary support resources, and expertise which, it is argued, contributed to the development of the participants' absolute pitch abilities.


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Examines conflicting views about early literacy in homes, Preschools and schools as interactive technologies challenge traditional print-based literacies. The research found that significant differences between children's multimodal literacies and versions of emergent policies, may threaten successful literacy acquisition.