928 resultados para Luck equality


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The fashionable widespreading of Sen’s ideas coincides with a new mood in the shaping of public policies in affluent societies. In Europe indeed, an “opportunity”-based approach to social security has been implemented through the European Employment Strategy. Public action tends to rely on a procedural concern with individual opportunities or potentialities in the labour market. The underlying ethics is that individuals are then responsible to use these background opportunities in order to lead the kind of life they value most. More broadly, the discourse and practice of the so-called “Third Way” shares with the capability approach an appeal for a procedural and enabling depiction of the role of the State. The paper intends to clarify the relation between procedural and opportunity-based approaches to social justice, among them the capability approach, and these new patterns of public action. Our vision goes in the way of a yet renewed, but deeper action of the welfare state, where social agency is envisaged as the very condition of individual agency. Drawing on the various critics of mainstream equality of opportunity, two opposed approaches to responsibility are identified: on the one hand, responsibility is conceived of as i) a “luck vs. choice” fixed starting point, ii) a backward-looking conception and iii) a highly individualistic framework. On the other hand, responsibility is envisaged as i) an outcome of public policies rather than a starting point, ii) a forward-looking conception, and iii) a combined institutional-individual framework. We situate here Sen’s capability approach, as well as critics of the luck egalitarianism path. The Third Way rhetoric is assessed against both these perspectives. The issue eventually boils down to an ethical reflection on the articulation of responsibilities, and to a pragmatic and substantial concern for the content of what providing security should mean in practice.


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In order to assess to the degree to which the provision of economic incentives can result in justified inequalities, we need to distinguish between compensatory incentive payments and non-compensatory incentive payments. From a liberal egalitarian perspective, economic inequalities traceable to the provision of compensatory incentive payments are generally justifiable. However, economic inequalities created by the provision of non-compensatory incentive payments are more problematic. I argue that in non-ideal circumstances justice may permit and even require the provision of non-compensatory incentives despite the fact that those who receive non-compensatory payments are not entitled to them. In some circumstances, justice may require us to accede to unreasonable demands for incentive payments by hard bargainers. This leads to a kind of paradox: from a systemic point of view, non-compensatory incentive payments can be justified even though those who receive them have no just claim to them.


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Dans cet article je considère un récent défi à l’égalitarisme développé par Michael Huemer. Le challenge de Huemer prend la forme d’un dilemme : les égalitaristes peuvent être soit atomistes soit holistes en ce qui concerne la valeur de l’égalité. S’ils sont atomistes, alors ils doivent acceptés que l’égalité n’ait pas de valeur intrinsèque ; s’ils sont holistes, alors leur point ce vue est inconsistant avec une intuitive mais très plausible forme de conséquentialisme. Je montre que ce dilemme ne doit pas perturber les égalitaristes. Ils peuvent être holistes en ce qui concerne la valeur et adhérer en même temps au conséqeuntialisme.


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This thesis is a study of -Equality of Opportunity in Public Employment : Judicial Perspectives on Backwardness. This study is an attempt to evaluate the concept of backwardness and equality of opportunity in employment and to assess the judicial perspectives in relation to them. The study reveals that the recent review petition of the Constitution Bench did not assess the decision of Chakradhar and its import. The study reveals that the Indian judiciary could successfully locate and apply the above principles. It was-Justice Subba Rao's nascent attempt in Devadasan which marked the starting point of such a jurisprudential enquiry. Later Thomas developed the thoughts by a reading new meaning and content to equality provisions of the Constitution which included the elimination of inequalities as the positive content of Articles 14 and 16(1) and elevated reservation provision to the same status of equality principles under the Constitution. Soshit, Vasanth Kumar and Mandal supplemented further to the jurisprudential contents. In this process, the courts were guided by the theories of John Rawls, David Miller, Ronald Dworkin, Max Weber and Roscoe Pound. Thus there was a slow and steady process of transformation of the reservation provision. From an anti-meritarian, unenforceable and enabling provision, it reached a stage of equally relevant and explanatory part of fundamental right to equality. Mandal viewed it as a part of sharing of State power. Though this can be seen by rereading and re-joining thoughts of judges in this regard, the judicial approach lacks coherence and concerted efforts in evolving a jurisprudential basis for protective discrimination. The deliberations of the framers of the Constitution reveals that there was much confusion and indeterminacy with regard to the concept of Backwardness. The study shows that the judiciary has been keeping intact the framers’ expectation of having a reasonable quantum of reservation, preventing the undeserved sections from enjoying the benefit, avoiding its abuse and evolving a new criteria and rejecting the old ones.


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The following paper is a critical theorist analysis of post-structuralist philosophy. It examines the omission of an economic critique in post-structuralism and describes this omission as the result of a particular flaw in Nietzsche's epistemological work, an error which has persisted all the way down through deconstruction, post-colonialism, and cultural studies. The paper seeks to reintroduce an economic critique of capitalism back into the social critique of post-structuralism, with the promise that the combination of the two will prove stronger than either critical theory or post-structuralism alone. To achieve this it reinterprets Marx' concept of metabolism as a critical economic category that mirrors post-structuralism's concept of differance.


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a video called “Do You Know the Equality Act”. The video is aimed at undergraduate and A level students. This was produced by 17 and our name is “The 8 Team”. The group consists of Elizabeth Bolton, Aisha Guba, Zoe Butler, Caroline Lee, Yingyi Emily Liu, George Lovegrove and Annie Relfe. Our content is based on the topic of legal awareness through


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The themes of this paper are equality, reasonableness and gender rights in the dynamics of two sequential and convergent processes: the constitutionalization of judicial law, and the internationalization of constitutional law. The thesis of this paper is that in the face of non-compliance of the obligation to regulate, guarantee and protect gender rights, the best option has been to strengthen judicial law, which has enabled the development of rules for protection, the adoption of contemporary methods of interpretation and adjudication of the law, as well as the resolution of shortfalls in protection based on said processes of the constitutionalization and internationalization of local law.


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La medición de la desigualdad de oportunidades con las bases de PISA implican varias limitaciones: (i) la muestra sólo representa una fracción limitada de las cohortes de jóvenes de 15 años en los países en desarrollo y (ii) estas fracciones no son uniformes entre países ni entre periodos. Lo anterior genera dudas sobre la confiabilidad de estas mediciones cuando se usan para comparaciones internacionales: mayor equidad puede ser resultado de una muestra más restringida y más homogénea. A diferencia de enfoques previos basados en reconstrucción de las muestras, el enfoque del documento consiste en proveer un índice bidimensional que incluye logro y acceso como dimensiones del índice. Se utilizan varios métodos de agregación y se observan cambios considerables en los rankings de (in) equidad de oportunidades cuando solo se observa el logro y cuando se observan ambas dimensiones en las pruebas de PISA 2006/2009. Finalmente se propone una generalización del enfoque permitiendo otras dimensiones adicionales y otros pesos utilizados en la agregación.


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Forma parte de una colección de libros de ficción estructurada en varias etapas, desde la diez a la catorce, y que tiene como finalidad que los alumnos de entre 7 y 11 años adquieran una mayor capacidad lectora. Para ello, las formas narrativas de las historias se hacen cada vez más complejas y se amplia el vocabulario de ellas; se aumentan el número de páginas y de texto y se reduce el número de ilustraciones. Joel y Alex juegan al fútbol en el Beaver Road Juniors, pero saben que su equipo es muy malo. Cuando Billy se incorpora a éste, hay una posibilidad de que la suerte cambie.


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El pobre rey Fred está pasando una temporada de mala suerte y no sabe qué hacer para evitarlo. Además, el nuevo consejero real por intentar protegerlo de las supersticiones,le esta complicando la vida en palacio. Por todo esto, los trajes del rey están descuidados,su bigote más caído y su comportamiento se ha vuelto más gruñón.


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Forma parte de una serie que estudia la historia del hombre negro y de sus logros en el contexto histórico mundial, para lo cual utiliza material gráfico y biografías. El contenido de este recurso comienza en la década de los años treinta y cuarenta del siglo XX y finaliza en 1968 con la independencia de Mauritania y Guinea Ecuatorial. En el transcurso de estos años, se produce la descolonización de África, aunque en Sudáfrica se inicia en 1948 la política del apartheid, y la independencia del Caribe y de América del Sur; los afroamericanos luchan por la igualdad de derechos y para poner fin a la discriminación racial y la segregación; surge el movimiento por los Derechos Civiles y las protestas pacíficas en Estados Unidos.


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Este volumen aborda la importancia de ir más allá de la igualdad de oportunidades. Los colaboradores proporcionan argumentos convincentes para promover la igualdad en las escuelas secundarias. Los temas incluyen: clases sociales, 'raza', género, orientación sexual, discapacidad y necesidades educativas especiales con referencia a todas las materias que se enseñan en la escuela secundaria.


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Esta guía ha sido escrita por un examinador y explica los requisitos de cada unidad, resume el contenido relevante de cada unidad e incluye una serie de preguntas y respuestas. Cumple los requisitos establecidos para aprobar el examen de historia del nivel Edexcel AS que pertenece al segundo ciclo de enseñanza secundaria. El tema principal del libro es persiguiendo la vida y la libertad, la igualdad en los Estados Unidos, 1945-68, los otros temas del libro son: signos de cambio en los años 1945-55, Martin Luther King y su pacífica protesta, 1955-68, el poder negro y el uso de la violencia 1960-68, ¿Qué había logrado el movimiento negro por 1968? , 1960, cambiando el contexto económico y social.