232 resultados para Karjula, Maisa


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Professional masters were created in Brazil in the 1990s in response to social changes in the world of work and aim to train high-level professionals with own profile for various activities of society and the productive sector. They are up in more innovative mode of graduate studies in Brazil, and therefore lack of legitimacy of their identity, which raises the need for discussions to get further information and outline the characteristics of this postgraduate modality. You want to build new understandings about their peculiarities starting from the perspective of students from the Professional Masters in Health Net Northeast Family Training in Family Health, and not only according to the similarities and differences with the academic master. This study aims to understand the meanings attributed by masters training in that course. This is a qualitative, exploratory study. The subjects are 100 students in training in 2013, distributed among the six institutions nucleation Network Northeast Training in Family Health. To collect information desk research was conducted in institutional records of all students, as well as interviews. We interviewed 15 students, distributed in the six nucleation institutions. Information obtained through recorded interviews were transcribed and resulted in two analytical corpus subsequently submitted to Alceste © 4.9 software for identification of semantic classes. It can be concluded that the course provided a redefinition of professional practices in the Family Health Strategy, considering the organizational context of primary care in the Northeast and the specifics of the health work. Even before the student body difficulties related to ownership of research methods, and the very active methodology of problem-based learning, the course effectively contributed to the improvement of work processes in primary care, valuing teamwork and allowing the acquisition of new scientific knowledge.


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Squares are urban public open spaces whose use combines a number of elements that can provide their vitality, some of which can be enhanced through strategic projects. Given this general framework, the starting question which triggered this thesis: Would the elements that the literature indicate influence the vitality of the squares be perceived by their users? The hypothesis put forward was that users give priority to elements directly involved in the appropriation of space, especially the furniture and existing equipment, levels of shade and security. The focus of empirical research were public squares located in the city of Natal-RN, with the aim to identify elements that contribute to the vitality of the public squares in the city, through the relationship between spatial morphology and environmental awareness. The methodology adopted was a Case Study conducted by multimethod, using the following procedures: morphological analysis based on literature and information at three levels (radius of influence, 500m; immediate surroundings; environment itself); systematic observation (behavioral mapping centred in the location); and semi-structured interviews with users. The results showed that the public spaces more integrated in the urban areas have greater potential for use, however, its effective use depends on the perception of individuals, so that its vitality is mainly due to items identified by users as central to their continued presence in the environment because they directly affect their wellbeing and the image of the location. So some elements, notably furniture and urban equipment, are more easily detected than others, revealing that they are essential to the perception of users, so that their presence, quality and location appeared to have greater impact on use. In addition, the amount of shade and security showed as items that ensure that individuals experience public spaces more often, since the (likely) users are aware of the conservation actions or abandonment that take place on these sites, revealing itself to be potentially involved in the rescue of these spaces. Overall, the general hypothesis is only partially proven because in many situations, the vitality of squares appeared not only to be related to the elements investigated, but also additional aspects - environmental, nature, economic, social and cultural - which should also be studied.


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The changes in the teaching of Architecture in Brazilian Universities, from the 1990s onwards, with the upgrading of the Architecture project as an object of research and scientific knowledge and more specifically, the adoption by the Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) of the principle of content integration of the disciplines, aroused the interest in research on issues related to the Design process and the teaching of design in this context. After 20 years of its implementation and recognized as being a major step forward in teaching the teaching/learning process, the integration is the central focus of this research, which will seek to identify changes in the teaching design and its refutation in projects developed by students at the end of their course. In general, it is understood that the need to integrate knowledge from diverse areas of Architect’s professional activity, who seeks through an exercise of summary, identify solutions to the issues involved in a project. On the assumption that the integration of content of disciplines fosters the teaching/learning of Architecture project, which can be evident in the Final Course Assignment (FCA), it becomes necessary to understand, in the light of theories of education, such as the principles of curriculum organization, such as interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and transversality are related to the term integration, is more understood and disseminated among the professors of the Architecture courses. The object of this study is consequently the relationship between the integration of subject content and Architecture projects developed by students from CAU-UFRN, in the context of Final Graduation projects (FCAs) completed in the period of duration of the Teaching Project A5-from 2003. The study has the main objective of investigating to what extent the integration of disciplinary content affects the development of the Final Assignment of UFRN, from the analysis of drawings and texts of the projects of the learners and the testimonies of teachers and undergraduate students. From a methodological point of view, the research “Architecture, Project and Knowledge Production: Academic Production – FCAs, Thesis and dissertations in PA/Brazil” carried out by the PROJETAR/UFRN team has been adopted as the basis for the construction of the analytical instruments. In order to identify aspects of their experience by various actors which were not recorded in FCA, electronic forms were applied between teachers and students, through the internet. The integration of subject content based Teaching Project of CAU-UFRN institutionalises the interdisciplinarity, organizing the curriculum by thematic semesters, in which the disciplines work the same focus and at the same site. The integrated work which derives from there tries to articulate the content of each discipline of the period and represents a general practice and has been evaluated by teachers and students, and considered as a facilitator of the teaching/learning process. The analysis of the data collected from the textual content and graphic of the sample of FCAs of CAU-UFRN suggests that the content of the various areas of knowledge are assimilated by the student and used as a resource for the design and development of Architecture projects. In other words, there is in the end product of the students record of the integration of content, whether in speech or in drawing, reaffirming the importance of the convergence of various knowledge in the Architectonic project. However, the integration of content from the point of view of their articulation and operationalization, which involves teachers and students in the same period, has as a condition sine qua non for the success of this educational principle, the provision of these to work as part of a team, for the dialogic practice, which creates areas of intersection not only between disciplines, but between the knowledge of each of the participants.


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The current conception of health deals with several influential factors, having education among them. Intersectoral organization is essential for Young and adult healthcare services. In this context the Healthcare in School Program was created which foresees a continuous articulation between health and education aiding the effectuation of the Healthcare Single System. The objective of this research is analyze the Healthcare in School Program (HSP) in Natal city in Rio Grande do Norte State taking into consideration the Intersectoriality of actions from the standpoint of the management. The chosen method was the case study, with qualitative approach. The sample was of the intentional kind including all components of the Natal city Intersectorial work group, composed by representatives of the Municipal Education Bureau, the State Education Bureau and Healthcare Municipal Bureau. The collecting data technique was the semi-structured interview. The data analysis was performed through the analysis of contents technique. For Data Show the following analysis categories were considered: Meaning of Intersectoriality; Actions Planning; Permanent and ongoing training for autonomy regarding to Healthcare Promotion; Difficulties and Potentials for actions operationalization. The outcomes allow us to indentify in Natal HSP intersectoral practices not developed yet. The manager professionals of Healthcare and Education do not get to acknowledge the power of Intersectoriality yet. The lack of commitment of some professionals stands out, planning is performed in a sectorial basis and without active participation of learners and community, there is duties accumulation and discouragement group, structural inadequacy and difficulty on the ongoing of the program actions. Despite the existing fragmentation, the program has contributed to the professional qualification and development of education actions regarding to healthcare along with learners. Therefore we conclude that healthcare, education and society have lots of challenges to face in order to consolidate Intersectoriality and the Healthcare in School Program and the and the implementation of the guidelines of the Healthcare Single System in Natal city in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.


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In the midst of growing preservationist awareness, regarding methods of architectural intervention of buildings with a recognized heritage value, there are numerous approaches on how the original heritage value can be protected. However, can these intervention projects be differentiated? Is it possible to identify how they differ (if in fact they do) from an architectural project not related to preservation? Although there are numerous theoretical studies regarding methods utilized in architectonical projects, there appear to be a lack of studies focused on an architectural intervention exclusively focused on areas or edifications that have a recognized heritage value, thereby requiring a reflection on which methodological procedures in an architectonical project serve the purpose of the preservation of the historical aspects. This discussion is of even greater importance because, at the national level, some recent discussions on this type of architectural design seem arbitrary and lack methodological rigor. Therefore, this research attempts to focus equally on the theoretical-methodological practices of preservation as well as the architectural project methods. In an attempt to address these aspects, the focus of this research centers on the case studies of the intervention projects of the maritime passenger terminal of Natal (Terminal Marítimo de Passageriros de Natal), the old government hall (Palacio do Governo - EDTAM) and the old central hotel (Hotel Central) which are situated in the area known as the historic downtown of the city of Natal, within the federal heritage protection polygon. The analyses of these is intended to identify what methodological procedures were recorded in the final product (in the graphical representation of the architectural design and other documents) delivered to IPHAN / RN, the body responsible for review and approval of these architectural projects, noting whether such procedures appear, in some way, in the final product, and if an understanding of the complexity of preservation is evident. The analyses of these projects corroborate the hypothesis that there are unique characteristics, which must be addressed in the intervention project for preservation when compared to new project design. The main characteristic to be addressed is related to the very nature of the project. It is inherent in the dialectical relationship between the need to preserve (the identified heritage values) and the need to modernize (making adaptations to contemporary life). This relationship, denominated in this dissertation as "radical restraint", must, or at least should, guide the actions in the project as well as the technical analyses of the preservationist organization. However, this radical restriction appears more evident in the guidelines put forth by legislators than in the decisions of designers. These legislators require the presentation of documents, aimed at identifying and contextualizing intervention (Ordinance No. 420 of December 22, 2010), that grant (or should grant) assistance in the decision making process. It was evident in the analyses of these documents that there existed a disconnect between the documents produced and the decisions made in the project. This fact can be seen in the total absence of dialogue about theoretical-methodological preservationist principles, which, in our view, is an essential element of the methodological procedures of the intervention project needed to guide the legislative and project design discussions.


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This thesis will discuss the topic architectural atmospheres, based on Peter Zumthor's works and narrative. The subject "architectural atmospheres" is defined in the study as the "complex and general condition, realized by the user during the experience of a place". Atmospheres are composed of the overlap of all physical qualities that compound a space and its perception, conditioned by individual issues of the user. The atmosphere is realized through all human body receivers, in a multi-sensorial process, and affects qualitatively the spacial experience of the places created by architecture. The study has three chapters. The first chapter is a reflection on the issues that architectural atmospheres present. It passes through the concept and definition of the subject and includes a compilation of design principles that act on the architectural atmosphere composition in a variety of projects by a range of professionals. In the second chapter, the procedures adopted by Peter Zumthor in his design process that focus on atmosphere composition are studied. In the third and last chapter, Brother Claus Chapel (Wachendorf, German) and Kolumba Museum (Colon, German) projects, both by Peter Zumthor, are analyzed, in order to comprehend the complex role of elements that constitute the architectural atmosphere of each of these places. The methodology used throughout the thesis consists of bibliography and documental analysis, based on books, plans and material searched on Internet. Furthermore, the project analysis counted with the personal experience of the author of this thesis upon visiting the studied buildings. Finally, in conclusion, it is realized that when architecture is made in order to touch the user, expressed by its built objects, it can be provide a vast conceptual and theoretical basis that valorizes and enriches the experience of its use. It (the architectural atmosphere) is related to an approach that uses the same elements of any other construction, but distinguishes itself by the connections that it implies with humans and its environment. In the face of new patterns unveiled for contemporary architecture, this study contribution is based around the opportunity to understand this particular relationship between user and architectural object, identified as a phenomenological approach of architecture, as well as to update the subject bibliography, still scarce among Brazilian universities.


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Aging as a social phenomenon is guided in the ways of production and reproduction, that is linked to the peculiarities and compliances of the social structure influence the values and erected senses. The search for the understanding of the reality will be given by the appropriation of knowledge/information that in contemporary times are increasingly tied to the media means, so that they go beyond the mere condition media, reaching the condition of instruments of direct, attitudes and opinions production. Among the media instruments, there are news medias, that are important means of information dissemination and consequently production of senses, including over aging. Thus, the objective is to: apprehend the social representations and meanings associated with aging in the media space about aging; browse the social representations about aging in media space and their influence on the relations that are established in the cultural socio-economic context. To do it The Theory of Social Representation will be used. To collect the data, 57 online news from the three main state newspapers were studied: Tribuna do Norte, Gazeta do Povo and Jornal de Hoje, which were captured through a search tol of these newspaper sites, using the words: “aging””elderly”. These materials were analyzed making use of Bardin’s Qualitative Analysis, which allowed the establishment of five categories, namely: Aging and violence; Aging in contemporary times; Aging and health; Aging and citizenship; and Aging, work and action. In the first category news reporting violent situations are framed the regardless of the victim’s condition or the one charged by the violence, the fragility of elderly persists. In Aging in contemporary times the attempts of the news media to explain the demographic changes of the quantitative increases in the elderly, the burden it may lead to the full development of the country are noticed. In Aging and health is noticed the imminent end of the condition brought on age, as a synonym for diseases and conditions. In the fourth category, Aging and citizenship situations are shown where peculiarities and needs or the elderly need to turn into obligation to be fulfilled, denouncing the condition of low expression and social power of the class. Finally, in Aging, work and action situations that indicate the non-expectation of elderly interaction with new technologies and participation in decision-making directions of society are brought. In a general and specific form this analysis allowed learning the ways of production of meanings about aging in the papers, as these ones tend to represent aging through intentioned situations as hegemonic needs, building the social representation of the elderly as fragile person, submissive, inactive, subject to violence and susceptible to becoming ill.


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INTRODUCTION: Humanized and quality prenatal and post-partum care is critical to maternal and newborn health, as well as oral health care. Currently, the National Oral Health Policy is aiming at expanding dental care for pregnant women. Thus, the promotion of oral health and attention to prenatal care policies should be integrated; however, there is still limited participation of pregnant women. Thus, it is necessary to verify the knowledge of pregnant women related to oral health, seeking to estimate the quality of dental care provided during prenatal care, being essential for the Family Health strategy to organize personnel, plan costs and to ensure the quality standard of care. OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a research instrument on the knowledge of pregnant women about their oral health and of their baby. METHOD: This is a construction and validation study with 93 pregnant women in Family Health Units and specialized private clinics in Obstetrics, in the city of Natal / RN. It was authorized by the Onofre Lopes University Hospital Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) under the registration number 421.163/13. The construction of the instrument followed steps so that it was valid, reliable and sensitive: creation and reduction of the items (drafting of the instrument), content validity and testing of the instrument, and hypotheses validation. Once constructed, the instrument was evaluated by experts who suggested modifications. There was consultation with the target population about the new version of the created instrument, which had the instrument validation verified by internal consistency through intra and inter-calibration and test-retest. Next, the hypotheses were validated. A database was built in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. After creating the hypotheses, an association was found for validating the criteria between each of the specific issues for each established criteria, considering a 5% significance level. Data analysis was carried out by describing the absolute and relative frequencies of the variables pertaining to issues relating to their pregnancy knowledge about their oral health and their baby. The Kappa coefficient was used for the calibration process (Inter and Intra-examiner calibration) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to analyze instrument reproducibility (test-retest). In addition, the chi-square test was used to cross the dependent variable with the (dichotomized) independent variables. RESULTS: The intra and inter agreement analysis presented a Kappa coefficient between 0.400 and 1.000. Internal consistency through the analysis showed that 90% of the instrument's questions showed great reliability in the answers (Cronbach α ˃ 0.7). In the investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable (knowledge about oral health) and the independent variables (trimester of pregnancy, education, income and multiparous), it was found that none of these independent variables were significantly associated. All hypotheses had their Ho confirmed. CONCLUSION: The constructed instrument was validated, considering that it showed to be sensitive with good reliability and good accuracy, and therefore can be used to assess pregnant women’s knowledge about their oral health and the oral health of their baby.


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INTRODUCTION: Humanized and quality prenatal and post-partum care is critical to maternal and newborn health, as well as oral health care. Currently, the National Oral Health Policy is aiming at expanding dental care for pregnant women. Thus, the promotion of oral health and attention to prenatal care policies should be integrated; however, there is still limited participation of pregnant women. Thus, it is necessary to verify the knowledge of pregnant women related to oral health, seeking to estimate the quality of dental care provided during prenatal care, being essential for the Family Health strategy to organize personnel, plan costs and to ensure the quality standard of care. OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a research instrument on the knowledge of pregnant women about their oral health and of their baby. METHOD: This is a construction and validation study with 93 pregnant women in Family Health Units and specialized private clinics in Obstetrics, in the city of Natal / RN. It was authorized by the Onofre Lopes University Hospital Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) under the registration number 421.163/13. The construction of the instrument followed steps so that it was valid, reliable and sensitive: creation and reduction of the items (drafting of the instrument), content validity and testing of the instrument, and hypotheses validation. Once constructed, the instrument was evaluated by experts who suggested modifications. There was consultation with the target population about the new version of the created instrument, which had the instrument validation verified by internal consistency through intra and inter-calibration and test-retest. Next, the hypotheses were validated. A database was built in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. After creating the hypotheses, an association was found for validating the criteria between each of the specific issues for each established criteria, considering a 5% significance level. Data analysis was carried out by describing the absolute and relative frequencies of the variables pertaining to issues relating to their pregnancy knowledge about their oral health and their baby. The Kappa coefficient was used for the calibration process (Inter and Intra-examiner calibration) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to analyze instrument reproducibility (test-retest). In addition, the chi-square test was used to cross the dependent variable with the (dichotomized) independent variables. RESULTS: The intra and inter agreement analysis presented a Kappa coefficient between 0.400 and 1.000. Internal consistency through the analysis showed that 90% of the instrument's questions showed great reliability in the answers (Cronbach α ˃ 0.7). In the investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable (knowledge about oral health) and the independent variables (trimester of pregnancy, education, income and multiparous), it was found that none of these independent variables were significantly associated. All hypotheses had their Ho confirmed. CONCLUSION: The constructed instrument was validated, considering that it showed to be sensitive with good reliability and good accuracy, and therefore can be used to assess pregnant women’s knowledge about their oral health and the oral health of their baby.


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Training in Architecture and Urbanism with its general characteristic involves, in its nature, knowledge of various areas (technology, theory, history, representation, and design), being the space of design conception that place where the synthesis of this knowledge is reflected more clearly. We believe that the integrated work in the architectural curriculum can provide an overview of the project, thus contributing to better training of the architect. This research aims to reflect on the role of integration and interdisciplinary in teaching architectural design. This theme has been work recurrently by critics in the teaching area of project and events of the area as the seminars of the Projetar, highlighted by several authors to search integration as an essential pedagogical approach to design education. The work aims to contribute to reflection and awareness of those involved on the importance of integration in the architectural course of project processes. For this, we analyzed the potential and limits of this process in Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) at the Universidade Potiguar (UNP) Mossoró, which has the integration and interdisciplinary recorded since the Pedagogical Project of the Course. This analysis will be performed by observing the development of “interdisciplinary work” in the fifth term during the first half of 2014.1. This research concerns an exploratory qualitative study that aims to investigate specific issues on the teaching/learning architecture project and the integration in architecture courses, following a non-participant observation in architectural design classes in the fifth term of CAU/UnP/ Mossoró, and analysis of final products, which would be the work of the last unit of the semester, called “Interdisciplinary work”. Questionnaires for the teachers who participated in the process has been apply via email and analyzed. Reflection supports several other already carried out to identify the difficulties inherent in applying these principles satisfactorily. Noting, however, that interdisciplinarity, in fact, it goes beyond integration and is even more difficult to achieve. In addition to an educational project that incorporates these principles, such as the course of Architecture and Urbanism of the UNP-Mossoró, full adhesion it is necessary by the faculty and students of this teaching philosophy.


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Training in Architecture and Urbanism with its general characteristic involves, in its nature, knowledge of various areas (technology, theory, history, representation, and design), being the space of design conception that place where the synthesis of this knowledge is reflected more clearly. We believe that the integrated work in the architectural curriculum can provide an overview of the project, thus contributing to better training of the architect. This research aims to reflect on the role of integration and interdisciplinary in teaching architectural design. This theme has been work recurrently by critics in the teaching area of project and events of the area as the seminars of the Projetar, highlighted by several authors to search integration as an essential pedagogical approach to design education. The work aims to contribute to reflection and awareness of those involved on the importance of integration in the architectural course of project processes. For this, we analyzed the potential and limits of this process in Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) at the Universidade Potiguar (UNP) Mossoró, which has the integration and interdisciplinary recorded since the Pedagogical Project of the Course. This analysis will be performed by observing the development of “interdisciplinary work” in the fifth term during the first half of 2014.1. This research concerns an exploratory qualitative study that aims to investigate specific issues on the teaching/learning architecture project and the integration in architecture courses, following a non-participant observation in architectural design classes in the fifth term of CAU/UnP/ Mossoró, and analysis of final products, which would be the work of the last unit of the semester, called “Interdisciplinary work”. Questionnaires for the teachers who participated in the process has been apply via email and analyzed. Reflection supports several other already carried out to identify the difficulties inherent in applying these principles satisfactorily. Noting, however, that interdisciplinarity, in fact, it goes beyond integration and is even more difficult to achieve. In addition to an educational project that incorporates these principles, such as the course of Architecture and Urbanism of the UNP-Mossoró, full adhesion it is necessary by the faculty and students of this teaching philosophy.


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The old caretaker's work seeks to minimize suffering and morbidity resulting from physical, cognitive and emotional limitations of these individuals, being a practice permeated by the uniqueness of the subjects involved, therefore, a process in constant construction. In this notion, the caregiver's role is crucial to assist the elderly in everyday life, aiming at improving their quality of life. This study has descriptive and analytical character with quantitative and qualitative approach aimed to investigate the professional training of active caregivers in long-term stay institutions for the Elderly (ILPIs) in Natal/RN in the year 2014. For this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 63 caregivers employed in nine ILPIs, representing 75% of the professionals performing activities in these institutions. The interviews captured data on the socioeconomic profile, the perception about the profession and training of caregivers. Data were analyzed by observation of absolute and relative measures of central tendency of the numeric variables frequencies. It was found that most caregivers had poor socioeconomic status and had no specific training course to practice caregiver role. However, among those who carried out courses, most reported that the content covered during the training gave security to perform the practice, although they have shown a contradiction when referred to the need to build capacity. The perception of care is mainly related to love and care for the other while the choice of profession is associated with care practice itself. The results also indicate the presence of a low level of formal training for the exercise of the occupation, also revealing the weaknesses ranging from the absence of a core curriculum that can guide the formation, compounded by the low educational professionals in focus.


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In the case of Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, mental health juvenile reveals itself as a great challenge, with major gaps in terms of needs, services and actions on mental illness in children and adolescents. This research is a qualitative study of descriptive and exploratory, having to analyze the actions and practices of mental health juvenile articulated between the Psychosocial Care Center juvenile (Caps i) and the basic care in Natal-RN, and specific, identify the limits and possibilities for an important precedent of the care network. After submission to the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) obtained approval contained in opinion number 777.067 / 2014. For the data collection, it was initially carried out a documentary research in the Municipal Health Department of Christmas about the phenomenon under study, and subsequently, applied semi-structured interviews with the subjects of the research, which were workers Caps i of Natal-RN. The analysis was woven as the thematic analysis technique, understood within the method of content analysis. The results and discussions were organized by categories and subcategories, namely: CATEGORY 1: Limits and weaknesses in the linkage between the Caps i and basic care, with the subcategories: 1.1 Lack of specialized services and devices articulators in network, 1.2 The diversity of situations in the demand juvenile assisted; CATEGORY 2: possibilities for an effective network, with the subcategory: 2.1 Intersectoral collaboration as a strategy for solving attention. The analysis revealed that the integration and coordination of mental health services juvenile and primary care in the city of Natal-RN, has incipient initiatives and/or inadequate for the resolvability intersectoral, where the devices of attention to health involved cannot establish bonds effective and long-lasting in the perspective of co-responsibility and sharing of care. On the other hand, it appears that the existing shares and practiced, configure an exercise in approximation to the dialog between mental health juvenile and basic care. It is highlighted that the shared care and the establishment of intersectoral collaboration within and outside of the health sector is possibility of facilitating the necessary dialog between the services and professionals involved, thus, enabling a better prospect of resolvability of the Network of Psychosocial Care for the youth in reality being investigated.


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Compilation of figure recipes for all figures of Chapter 5 of IPCC Working Group I, Fifth Assessment Report. In addition to figure captions, figure recipes are supposed to serve as detailed figure creation info. If not publicly available elsewhere, processed data underlying the respective figures are also provided here.


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CLIL instruction has been reported to be beneficial for foreign language vocabulary learning since CLIL students show higher vocabulary profiles than students of their same age in traditional EFL contexts. However, to our knowledge, the receptive vocabulary knowledge of CLIL and non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary education has not been examined yet. Hence, this study aims at comparing the receptive vocabulary size 79 CLIL primary learners with the receptive vocabulary knowledge of 331 non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary school. Sex-based differences were also analysed. The 2k Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) was used for the purposes of the study. Results revealed that learners’ receptive vocabulary sizes lie within the most frequent 1000 words, non-CLIL secondary school students throw better results than primary students but the differences between the secondary group and the CLIL group are not statistically significant. As for sex-based differences, we found no significant differences among the groups. These findings led us to believe that the CLIL approach offers a benefit for vocabulary acquisition since CLIL learners have been exposed to the foreign language for a shorter period of time and the results are quite similar to their non-CLIL secondary school partners.