606 resultados para Inversiones extranjeras - Colombia - 1991- 2003


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La implementación del voto electrónico en Colombia, mandato legal originado en la Ley 892 de 2004 en desarrollo del artículo 258 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, es el tema del presente trabajo, en el cual se hace un compendio histórico de la evolución del voto en Colombia, pasando a establecer los avances en el cumplimiento de la llamada por muchos “Ley de Voto Electrónico”, haciendo un recorrido por las actividades realizadas por la Organización Electoral, en especial, por la Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil, entidad gubernamental cabeza del proceso, donde se han cumplido algunas tareas encaminadas inicialmente a la realización de la prueba piloto que permita tomar experiencias para la implementación de dicho mecanismo. Así mismo, se hace una descripción de las dificultades tanto en Colombia como en otros países del mundo que han implementado el voto electrónico o lo están considerando. Un aspecto fundamental en el análisis son los estudios que tanto defensores como contradictores de este mecanismo de votación hacen, encontrando que con la misma fuerza se defiende y se ataca y que no hay una posición única, quizá la coincidencia está en que es un proceso que requiere de un alto grado de confianza de los actores involucrados, puesto que es lo que logra legitimarlo. Finalizando con las conclusiones, que dan cuenta de la realidad respecto a la viabilidad de la implementación del voto electrónico en Colombia.


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Esta investigación se enfoca en la participación política al Senado de las mujeres indígenas en Colombia por circunscripción especial desde 1991 a 2014. A partir de una contextualización que permite ubicar el papel de las mujeres dentro del movimiento indígena, presenta los mecanismos adoptados por la Constitución de 1991, de la Ley de Cuotas y de la Ley de Partidos, para asegurar una presencia indígena en el Senado y garantizar una participación política paritaria. Posteriormente, muestra y analiza, con base en resultados electorales y en testimonios de lideresas indígenas, que dichos instrumentos han quedado ineficientes para hacer posible la elección de mujeres indígenas al Senado.


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El interés de esta investigación diagnóstica es establecer la incidencia de la focalización de la pobreza en la construcción de capacidades ciudadanas de los usuarios de los Comedores Comunitarios de Ciudad Bolívar. Se identifica y analiza cómo los mecanismos de focalización aún cuando permiten que se implemente la política pública de Seguridad Alimentaria dentro de esta localidad, limitan el escenario de construcción de capacidades ciudadanas, en tanto que convierten al usuario en un sujeto de la política asistencial que carece de libertades para superar su condición de pobreza. Este ejercicio diagnóstico se apoya en la teoría de libertades y capacidades de Amartya Sen para su diseño metodológico, así como también para el análisis de la información obtenida en el marco de esta investigación.


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El presente trabajo de grado busca exponer el panorama actual de la exploración y producción de hidrocarburos en Yacimientos No Convencionales, realizada utilizando el fracturamiento hidráulico – Fracking – cómo método para lograr mejores condiciones físicas en el reservorio que permitan la extracción del recurso. El método mencionado es estudiado a la luz de los principios de prevención, precaución y desarrollo sostenible, que rigen la política ambiental en Colombia, con el objetivo de analizar los posibles impactos ambientales y sociales que se puedan generar por el desarrollo de la actividad extractiva de hidrocarburos en Yacimientos No Convencionales. Para finalmente mostrar que el Fracking como actividad está legalmente permitida en Colombia, y la legislación vigente responde a los principios mencionados previamente.


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El propósito del presente diagnóstico es analizar el proceso de construcción de la identidad del Cabildo Indígena Ambiká-Pijao en la localidad de Usme en la ciudad de Bogotá, desde el año 2005 hasta 2015. Este diagnóstico busca analizar la identidad en el marco de la Política Pública para Pueblos Indígenas de la ciudad de Bogotá, teniendo como elementos centrales las variables del territorio y su pérdida debido al desplazamiento en muchos casos forzado, la cultura, y las características sobre las cuales se entiende al indígena en contextos urbanos. Con base en estos fenómenos, se estudian las principales características de la comunidad e individuos que hacen parte de la misma, para así plantear algunos retos por parte de las instituciones políticas en torno al desarrollo e implementación de políticas multiculturales de reconocimiento para el caso de indígenas presentes en lo urbano.


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El interés principal de esta monografía es demostrar, cómo dentro del marco institucional colombiano, cambió el tipo de Democracia en dos periodos de gobierno, y cómo dicho cambio afectó negativamente al sistema de partidos y específicamente a los partidos de oposición. Esto será analizado desde la teoría de Arend Lijphart sobre Democracia mayoritaria y Democracia consensual, incluyendo dentro del análisis, el marco institucional donde se desenvuelve el sistema político colombiano. Para un mayor entendimiento de la temática, se realiza un recuento de la institucionalidad de los partidos políticos en Colombia desde su formación hasta el día de hoy, prestando principal interés a los periodos de Gobierno comprendidos entre 2006 y 2013.


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La década de los años 90 fue un periodo de grandes transformaciones a nivel económico, social y político en Colombia. Una de las transformaciones más significativas en el ámbito educativo tuvo que ver con la introducción en la escuela de una serie de prácticas destinadas a garantizar la formación democrática de los ciudadanos; todo esto con el propósito de consolidar en la sociedad una serie de hábitos, valores y prácticas acordes con el nuevo orden social instaurado y amparado por la Constitución Política de 1991. Pese a los esfuerzos legislativos y estatales por promover la democracia en el entorno escolar, las prácticas adelantadas en las instituciones educativas no han logrado responder efectivamente al objetivo de consolidar un ambiente democrático en la escuela y en la sociedad en general, razón por la cual, en este trabajo se realiza un análisis de la manera como una institución educativa en particular, asume y pone en marcha las propuestas democráticas formuladas legalmente, las tensiones suscitadas por la introducción de la propuesta democrática en la escuela, además de las conceptualizaciones sobre la democracia que dichas prácticas contribuyen a configurar y las cuales dan forma a los imaginarios, acciones y discursos cotidianos de estudiantes y docentes específicamente.


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"La coyuntura actual de Colombia con ocasión de las conversaciones de paz que desde hace casi tres años se realizan en La Habana entre el Gobierno y la guerrilla de las farc, y la eventual entrada a un periodo de posconflicto, sumado a las tendencias internacionales en materia de protección de los derechos humanos, nos invitan como Academia a dirigir nuestra mirada sobre las discusiones contemporáneas alrededor de los derechos humanos en el marco de la globalización, evaluando los aportes que los Estados, los organismos internacionales y los expertos realizan constantemente en diversos temas, incluso antes impensables para la ciencia jurídica, pero que hoy ocupan lugares prioritarios en la agenda de los gobiernos y las organizaciones que propenden por la defensa de los derechos humanos."--presentación.


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El interés de este caso de estudio es mostrar un diagnóstico sobre la situación de trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual en Colombia, basado en el avance de las acciones emprendidas por parte de los Organismos Internacionales y del Estado, durante el periodo comprendido entre los años 2007 y 2010. A partir de lo anterior, se utilizaron tres conceptos claves los cuales fueron: Globalización, Derechos Humanos y Perspectiva de Género con el fin de hacer una descripción del fenómeno de trata en Colombia. Se plantean como propósitos particulares contextualizar el fenómeno de la trata y su impacto a nivel mundial, identificar las políticas del Estado; y finalmente identificar el rol que tuvo la participación de Organización de las Naciones Unidas y su oficina especial UNODC frente al delito de trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual en Colombia.


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El desarrollo tecnológico y la expansión de las formas de comunicación en Colombia, no solo trajeron consigo grandes beneficios, sino también nuevos retos para el Estado Moderno. Actualmente, la oferta de espacios de difusión de propaganda electoral ha aumentado, mientras persiste un marco legal diseñado para los medios de comunicación del Siglo XX. Por tanto, este trabajo no solo realiza un diagnóstico de los actuales mecanismos de control administrativo sobre la propaganda electoral en Internet, sino también propone unos mecanismos que garanticen los principios de la actividad electoral, siendo esta la primera propuesta en Colombia. Por el poco estudio del tema, su alcance es exploratorio, se basa en un enfoque jurídico-institucional. Se utilizaron métodos cualitativos de recolección de datos (trabajo de archivo y entrevistas) y de análisis (tipologías, comparaciones, exegesis del marco legal), pero también elementos cuantitativos como análisis estadísticos.


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En las últimas décadas, la naturaleza y el alcance de los territorios —en particular, de las ciudades— se han transformado aceleradamente. La introducción de las perspectivas del desarrollo económico y del desarrollo humano sustentable ha dado lugar a una fuerte tendencia para que los territorios sean los principales jugadores de un escenario cada vez más global, que se ha visto acelerado por la masificación de las tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones, la mayor tendencia a la liberalización del comercio, las menores restricciones a los flujos de capital, así como la localización de multinacionales con plantas globales. En este contexto, las ciudades se consolidan como un sistema interactivo e integrado a una red global que se relaciona con sus pares, que compite por conseguir recursos y que busca posicionarse en el escenario global como un nodo atractivo.


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As a result of India's extremely rapid economic growth, the scale and seriousness of environmental problems are no longer in doubt. Whether pollution abatement technologies are utilized more efficiently is crucial in the analysis of environmental management because it influences the cost of alternative production and pollution abatement technologies. In this study, we use state-level industry data of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and suspended particular matter over the period 1991-2003. Employing recently developed productivity measurement technique, we show that overall environmental productivities decrease over time in India. Furthermore, we analyze the determinants of environmental productivities and find environmental Kuznets curve type relationship existences between environmental productivity and income. Panel analysis results show that the scale effect dominates over the technique effect. Therefore, a combined effect of income on environmental productivity is negative.


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Background and context Since the economic reforms of 1978, China has been acclaimed as a remarkable economy, achieving 9% annual growth per head for more than 25 years. However, China's health sector has not fared well. The population health gains slowed down and health disparities increased. In the field of health and health care, significant progress in maternal care has been achieved. However, there still remain important disparities between the urban and rural areas and among the rural areas in terms of economic development. The excess female infant deaths and the rapidly increasing sex ratio at birth in the last decade aroused serious concerns among policy makers and scholars. Decentralization of the government administration and health sector reform impacts maternal care. Many studies using census data have been conducted to explore the determinants of a high sex ratio at birth, but no agreement has been so far reached on the possible contributing factors. No study using family planning system data has been conducted to explore perinatal mortality and sex ratio at birth and only few studies have examined the impact of the decentralization of government and health sector reforms on the provision and organization of maternal care in rural China. Objectives The general objective of this study was to investigate the state of perinatal health and maternal care and their determinants in rural China under the historic context of major socioeconomic reforms and the one child family planning policy. The specific objectives of the study included: 1) to study pregnancy outcomes and perinatal health and their correlates in a rural Chinese county; 2) to examine the issue of sex ratio at birth and its determinants in a rural Chinese county; 3) to explore the patterns of provision, utilization, and content of maternal care in a rural Chinese county; 4) to investigate the changes in the use of maternal care in China from 1991 to 2003. Materials and Methods This study is based on a project for evaluating the prenatal care programme in Dingyuan county in 1999-2003, Anhui province, China and a nationwide household health survey to describe the changes in maternal care utilization. The approaches used included a retrospective cohort study, cross sectional interview surveys, informant interviews, observations and the use of statistical data. The data sources included the following: 1) A cohort of pregnant women followed from pregnancy up to 7 days after birth in 20 townships in the study county, collecting information on pregnancy outcomes using family planning records; 2) A questionnaire interview survey given to women who gave birth between 2001 and 2003; 3) Various statistical and informant surveys data collected from the study county; 4) Three national household health interview survey data sets (1993-2003) were utilized, and reanalyzed to described the changes in maternity care utilization. Relative risks (RR) and their confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for comparison between parity, approval status, infant sex and township groups. The chi-square test was used to analyse the disparity of use of maternal care between and within urban and rural areas and its trend across the years in China. Logistic regression was used to analyse the factors associated with hospital delivery in rural areas. Results There were 3697 pregnancies in the study cohort, resulting in 3092 live births in a total population of 299463 in the 20 study townships during 1999-2000. The average age at pregnancy in the cohort was 25.9 years. Of the women, 61% were childless, 38% already had one child and 0.3% had two children before the current pregnancy. About 90% of approved pregnancies ended in a live birth while 73% of the unapproved ones were aborted. The perinatal mortality rate was 69 per thousand births. If the 30 induced abortions in which the gestational age was more than 28 weeks had been counted as perinatal deaths, the perinatal mortality rate would have been as high as 78 per thousand. The perinatal mortality rate was negatively associated with the wealth of the township. Approximately two thirds of the perinatal deaths occurred in the early neonatal period. Both the still birth rate and the early neonatal death rate increased with parity. The risk of a stillbirth in a second pregnancy was almost four times that for a first pregnancy, while the risk of early neonatal deaths doubled. The early neonatal mortality rate was twice as high for female as for male infants. The sex difference in the early neonatal mortality rate was mainly attributable to mortality in second births. The male early neonatal mortality rate was not affected by parity, while the female early neonatal mortality rate increased dramatically with parity: it was about six times higher for second births than for first births. About 82% early neonatal deaths happened within 24 hours after birth, and during that time, girls were almost three times more likely to die than boys. The death rate of females on the day of birth increased much more sharply with parity than that of males. The total sex ratio at birth of 3697 registered pregnancies was 152 males to 100 females, with 118 and 287 in first and second pregnancies, respectively. Among unapproved pregnancies, there were almost 5 live-born boys for each girl. Most prenatal and delivery care was to be taken care of in township hospitals. At the village level, there were small private clinics. There was no limitation period for the provision of prenatal and postnatal care by private practitioners. They were not permitted to provide delivery care by the county health bureau, but as some 12% of all births occurred either at home or at private clinics; some village health workers might have been involved. The county level hospitals served as the referral centers for the township hospitals in the county. However, there was no formal regulation or guideline on how the referral system should work. Whether or not a woman was referred to a higher level hospital depended on the individual midwife's professional judgment and on the clients' compliance. The county health bureau had little power over township hospitals, because township hospitals had in the decentralization process become directly accountable to the township government. In the township and county hospitals only 10-20% of the recurrent costs were funded by local government (the township hospital was funded by the township government and the county hospital was funded by the county government) and the hospitals collected user fees to balance their budgets. Also the staff salaries depended on fee incomes by the hospital. The hospitals could define the user charges themselves. Prenatal care consultations were however free in most township hospitals. None of the midwives made postnatal home visits, because of low profit of these services. The three national household health survey data showed that the proportion of women receiving their first prenatal visit within 12 weeks increased greatly from the early to middle 1990s in all areas except for large cities. The increase was much larger in the rural areas, reducing the urban-rural difference from more than 4 times to about 1.4 times. The proportion of women that received antenatal care visits meeting the Ministry of Health s standard (at least 5 times) in the rural areas increased sharply from 12% in 1991-1993 to 36% in 2001-2003. In rural areas, the proportion increase was much faster in less developed areas than in developed areas. The hospital delivery rate increased slightly from 90% to 94% in urban areas while the proportion increased from 27% to 69% in rural areas. The fastest change was found to be in type 4 rural areas, where the utilization even quadrupled. The overall difference between rural and urban areas was substantially narrowed over the period. Multiple logistic regression analysis shows that time periods, residency in rural or urban areas, income levels, age group, education levels, delivery history, occupation, health insurance and distance from the nearest health care facilities were significantly associated with hospital delivery rates. Conclusions 1. Perinatal mortality in this study was much higher than that for urban areas as well as any reported rate from specific studies in rural areas of China. Previous studies in which calculations of infant mortality were not based on epidemiological surveys have been shown to underestimate the rates by more than 50%. 2. Routine statistics collected by the Chinese family planning system proved to be a reliable data source for studying perinatal health, including still births, neonatal deaths, sex ratio at birth and among newborns. National Household Health Survey data proved to be a useful and reliable data source for studying population health and health services. Prior to this research there were few studies in these areas available to international audiences. 3.Though perinatal mortality rate was negatively associated with the level of township economic development, the excess female early neonatal mortality rate contributed much more to high perinatal mortality rate than economic factors. This was likely a result of the role of the family planning policy and the traditional preferences for sons, which leads to lethal neglect of female newborns and high perinatal mortality. 4. The selective abortions of female foetuses were likely to contribute most to the high sex ratio at birth. The underreporting of female births seemed to have played a secondary role. The higher early neonatal mortality rate in second-born as compared to first-born children, particularly in females, may indicate that neglect or poorer care of female newborn infants also contributes to the high sex ratio at birth or among newborns. Existing family planning policy proved not to effectively control the steadily increased birth sex ratio. 5. The rural-urban gap in service utilization was on average significantly narrowed in terms of maternal healthcare in China from 1991 to 2003. This demonstrates that significant achievements in reducing inequities can be made through a combination of socio-economic development and targeted investments in improving health services, including infrastructure, staff capacities, and subsidies to reduce the costs of service utilization for the poorest. However, the huge gap which persisted among cities of different size and within different types of rural areas indicated the need for further efforts to support the poorest areas. 6. Hospital delivery care in the study county was better accepted by women because most of women think delivery care was very important while prenatal and postnatal care were not. Hospital delivery care was more systematically provided and promoted than prenatal and postnatal care by township hospital in the study area. The reliance of hospital staff income on user fees gave the hospitals an incentive to put more emphasis on revenue generating activities such as delivery care instead of prenatal and postnatal care, since delivery care generated much profits than prenatal and postnatal care . Recommendations 1. It is essential for the central government to re-assess and modify existing family planning policies. In order to keep national sex balance, the existing practice of one couple one child in urban areas and at-least-one-son a couple in rural areas should be gradually changed to a two-children-a-couple policy throughout the country. The government should establish a favourable social security policy for couples, especially for rural couples who have only daughters, with particular emphasis on their pension and medical care insurance, combined with an educational campaign for equal rights for boys and girls in society. 2. There is currently no routine vital-statistics registration system in rural China. Using the findings of this study, the central government could set up a routine vital-statistics registration system using family planning routine work records, which could be used by policy makers and researchers. 3. It is possible for the central and provincial government to invest more in the less developed and poor rural areas to increase the access of pregnant women in these areas to maternal care services. Central government together with local government should gradually provide free maternal care including prenatal and postnatal as well as delivery care to the women in poor and less developed rural areas. 4. Future research could be done to explore if county and the township level health care sector and the family planning system could be merged to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of maternal and child care. 5. Future research could be done to explore the relative contribution of maternal care, economic development and family planning policy on perinatal and child health using prospective cohort studies and community based randomized trials. Key words: perinatal health, perinatal mortality, stillbirth, neonatal death, sex selective abortion, sex ratio at birth, family planning, son preference, maternal care, prenatal care, postnatal care, equity, China


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在黑白仰鼻猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)分布区北端的南仁(99o04’E, 28o34’N), 野外工作分别于2001年4月10日 - 6月30 日(代表冬末和春季),9月14日 - 12月20日(夏秋季)进行。我们分别用粪便取样法、录像带记录和直接观察法收集了猴群生境的垂直利用、过夜处选择和社会组织数据。此外,我们于1998年8月20日到12月31日在中科院昆明动物研究所老所利用全发生取样法(All-Occurence sampling)收集了一个单雄多雌单元(One-male, multi-female unit: OMU)的性行为数据。另外,我们利用昆明动物所1994 - 2003年和昆明动物园1991 - 2003年笼养黑白仰鼻猴群的出生记录来说明出生季节和出生间隔。 黑白仰鼻猴群全年在3500 - 4300 m的林带上活动,集中利用的海拔带为3900 - 4200 m,这可能与猴群的主食(松萝)主要分布于高海拔有关。冬季, 山沟中的粪便密度高于山脊,这可能是猴群在沟中过夜的缘故。猴群喜欢在树高(27.5 ± 3.2 m)较高、胸径(57.9 ± 16.9 cm)和树冠(6.3 ± 1.4 m)大的针叶树(云冷杉)上过夜。猴群冬季喜欢在阳坡中部的针叶树上过夜,这样既安全又可以接受适量的阳光照射。这是猴群在选择最安全和最暖和过夜处的一种折衷策略。 1994年猴群OMUs大小为7.8 ± 1.7(n = 17),成年性比(M/F)是1.0: 3.8。2001年OMUs大小为10.1 ± 3.7 (n = 15),成年性比是1.0: 4.9。1994-2001年,OMUs中每个成年雌性每年的平均增长率是0.04。这种OMU-band两层社会组织与Kirkpatrick(1996)的报道一致。 雌性以匍匐地面或栖木上,同时面部和视线左右摆动,或者坐着上下移动头部的动作邀配;雄性则以伴有特别的叫声、露齿动颌表情邀配。在有射精记录的观察日中,平均每5.2次爬跨有1次射精,而单次爬跨就射精的仅占4.4%。雌性邀配了18次射精爬跨的大多数(72%),但163次非射精爬跨中她们邀配的仅为45%。雄性在射精交配中叫声多于非射精交配。该种交配模式与其它疣猴亚科动物相似,而性内交配竞争可能与这种模式的进化有关。 笼养黑白仰鼻猴群的出生日期为12 - 6月份,出生高峰期为3 - 5月份。猴群的平均出生日期为4月18日(标准差为43天),中位出生日期为4月10日。猴群的出生间隔平均为624 ± 150天(n = 15,范围:332 - 787天)。幼猴可活到1岁后的出生间隔(706 ± 71, n = 12, 498 - 787天)显著长于1岁内死亡或流产后的出生间隔(428 ± 87, n = 5, 332 - 568天)。婴猴性比(M/F)显著偏离1: 1。


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Radio advertising is suffering from a remarkable crisis of creativity as it has yet not found its role in a radio model based on voice locution and information genres. This article suggests the need for implementing a peripheral or heuristic strategy to attract and hold listeners’ attention. Within this framework, the narration and scene representation are proposed as suitable persuasion techniques. The objective is to design a useful conceptual tool for an efficient creative conception of narration at the service of certain commercial strategy. First, the concept of narrative persuasion is grounded according to the possibilities of the sound code. Second, the keys of scene representation and commercial strategy (brand, product, advantage, benefit and target) within the sound message are presented. And third, these keys are articulated in a model. This model is pre-tested by means of analyzing eight different case-radio ads.