995 resultados para Instrumentos de sopro de metal


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OBJETIVO: Construir a versão em Língua Brasileira de Sinais dos instrumentos WHOQOL-BREF e WHOQOL-DIS para avaliar a qualidade de vida da população surda brasileira.MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se metodologia proposta pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (WHOQOL-BREF e WHOQOL-DIS) para a construção dos instrumentos adaptados para população surda em Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras). A pesquisa para execução do instrumento consistiu de 13 etapas: 1) criação do sinal qualidade de vida; 2) desenvolvimento das escalas de respostas em Libras; 3) tradução por um grupo bilíngue; 4) versão reconciliadora; 5) primeira retrotradução; 6) produção da versão em Libras a ser disponibilizada aos grupos focais; 7) realização dos grupos focais; 8) revisão por um grupo monolíngue; 9) revisão pelo grupo bilíngue; 10) análise sintática/semântica e segunda retrotradução; 11) reavaliação da retrotradução pelo grupo bilíngue; 12) filmagem da versão para o software; 13) desenvolvimento do software WHOQOL-BREF e WHOQOL-DIS em Libras.RESULTADOS: Características peculiares da cultura da população surda apontaram a necessidade de adaptações na metodologia de aplicação de grupos focais quando compostos por pessoas surdas. As convenções ortográficas da escrita das línguas sinalizadas não estão consolidadas, o que trouxe dificuldades em registrar graficamente as etapas de tradução. As estruturas linguísticas que causaram maiores problemas de tradução foram as que incluíram expressões idiomáticas do português, muitas sem conceitos equivalentes entre o português e a Libras. Foi possível construir um software do WHOQOL-BREF e WHOQOL-DIS em Libras.CONCLUSÕES: O WHOQOL-BREF e o WHOQOL-DIS em Libras possibilitarão que os surdos se expressem autonomamente quanto a sua qualidade de vida, o que permitirá investigar com maior precisão essas questões.


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar um dos maiores desafios sentidos no decorrer da Prática Profissional Supervisionada, desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar: caracterizar as formas de gerir e resolver os conflitos que iam ocorrendo entre as crianças de uma sala de Jardim de Infância. Numa prática desenvolvida dentro do modelo pedagógico do Movimento da Escola Moderna (MEM) fez-se a análise da influência do diário de grupo e do conselho semanal (instrumentos reguladores utilizados nesta metodologia) na gestão e resolução de conflitos num grupo de crianças, abordando uma perspetiva de gestão flexível e participada nas situações problemáticas. Cada modelo curricular tem as suas singularidades, contudo a característica que considero mais importante no modelo do MEM é a autonomia que é dada às crianças. Este modelo promove a passagem da heteronimia para a autonomia (Estrela, 2007, p. 35), aspeto este que considero essencial na análise da gestão de conflitos interpessoais. Tendo em consideração as vivências experienciadas ao longo da prática e a revisão de literatura efetuada conclui-se que estes instrumentos influenciam positivamente a gestão de conflitos interpessoais na medida em que as crianças se sentem parte integrante de um grupo e, como tal, percebem que têm direitos e deveres.


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O artigo faz uma breve sistematização dos modelos de atenção em saúde, enfatiza o papel do inquérito populacional como instrumento de gestão e analisa o caso específico da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal (SBBrasil 2010), ressaltando a sua contribuição no processo de consolidação de modelos de atenção compatíveis com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde. Ainda que no plano legal o Sistema Único de Saúde corresponda a um modelo de atenção em saúde, no plano concreto das políticas públicas e das ações, o sistema dá origem a um modelo que resulta não de textos jurídicos nem de formulações teóricas, mas da práxis dos agentes envolvidos. Considerando que a gestão do cotidiano em saúde é um espaço privilegiado e prioritário para a produção e consolidação dos modelos de atenção à saúde, é necessário estimular e apoiar o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas e operacionais diferentes daquelas necessárias à gerência dos cuidados relacionados às demandas individuais.


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The aim of the TeleRisk Project on labour relations and professional risks within the context of teleworking in Portugal – supported by IDICT – Institute for Development and Inspection of Working Conditions (Ministry of Labour), is to study the practices and forms of teleworking in the manufacturing sectors in Portugal. The project chose also the software industry as a reference sector, even though it does not intend to exclude from the study any other sector of activity or the so-called “hybrid” forms of work. However, the latter must have some of the characteristics of telework. The project thus takes into account the so-called “traditional” sectors of activity, namely textile and machinery and metal engineering (machinery and equipment), not usually associated to this type of work. However, telework could include, in the so-called “traditional” sectors, other variations that are not found in technologically based sectors. One of the evaluation methods for the dynamics associated to telework consisted in carrying out surveys by means of questionnaires, aimed at employers in the sectors analysed. This paper presents some of the results of those surveys. It is important to mention that, being a preliminary analysis, it means that it does not pretend to have exhausted all the issues in the survey, but has meant that it shows the bigger tendencies, in terms of teleworking practices, of the Portuguese industry.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ordenamento do Território e Planeamento Ambiental


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The present study aims to characterize ultrafine particles emitted during gas metal arc welding of mild steel and stainless steel, using different shielding gas mixtures, and to evaluate the effect of metal transfer modes, controlled by both processing parameters and shielding gas composition, on the quantity and morphology of the ultrafine particles. It was found that the amount of emitted ultrafine particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent from the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and the heat input of the Welding process. The emission of airborne ultrafine particles increases with the current intensity as fume formation rate does. When comparing the shielding gas mixtures, higher emissions were observed for more oxidizing mixtures, that is, with higher CO2 content, which means that these mixtures originate higher concentrations of ultrafine particles (as measured by number of particles. by cubic centimeter of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more hazardous condition regarding welders exposure.


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A series of mono(eta(5)-cyclopentadienyl)metal-(II) complexes with nitro-substituted thienyl acetylide ligands of general formula [M(eta(5)-C5H5)(L)(C C{C4H2S}(n)NO2)] (M = Fe, L = kappa(2)-DPPE, n = 1,2; M = Ru, L = kappa(2)-DPPE, 2 PPh3, n = 1, 2; M = Ni, L = PPh3, n = 1, 2) has been synthesized and fully characterized by NMR, FT-IR, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The electrochemical behavior of the complexes was explored by cyclic voltammetry. Quadratic hyperpolarizabilities (beta) of the complexes have been determined by hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) measurements at 1500 nm. The effect of donor abilities of different organometallic fragments on the quadratic hyperpolarizabilities was studied and correlated with spectroscopic and electrochemical data. Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) calculations were employed to get a better understanding of the second-order nonlinear optical properties in these complexes. In this series, the complexity of the push pull systems is revealed; even so, several trends in the second-order hyperpolarizability can still be recognized. In particular, the overall data seem to indicate that the existence of other electronic transitions in addition to the main MLCT clearly controls the effectiveness of the organometallic donor ability on the second-order NLO properties of these push pull systems.


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The main objective of this work was to evaluate the hypothesis that the greater transfer stability leads also to less volume of fumes. Using an Ar + 25%CO2 blend as shielding gas and maintaining constant the average current, wire feed speed and welding speed, bead-on-plate welds were carried out with plain carbon steel solid wire. The welding voltage was scanned to progressively vary the transfer stability. Using two conditions of low stability and one with high stability, fume generation was evaluated by means of the AWS F1.2:2006 standard. The influence of these conditions on fume morphology and composition was also verified. A condition with greater transfer stability does not generate less fume quantity, despite the fact that this condition produces fewer spatters. Other factors such as short-circuit current, arcing time, droplet diameters and arc length are the likely governing factors, but in an interrelated way. Metal transfer stability does not influence either the composition or the size/morphology of fume particulates. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work concerns recent advances (since 2005) in the oxidative functionalization of alkanes, alkenes and ketones, under mild conditions, catalyzed by homoscorpionate tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane metal complexes. The main types of such homogeneous or supported catalysts are classified, and the critical analysis of the most efficient catalytic systems in the different reactions is presented. These reactions include the mild oxidation of alkanes (typically cyclohexane as a model substrate) with hydrogen peroxide (into alkyl hydroperoxides, alcohols, and ketones), the hydrocarboxylation of gaseous alkanes (with carbon monoxide and potassium peroxodisulfate) into the corresponding Cn+1 carboxylic acids, as well as the epoxidation of alkenes and the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of linear and cyclic ketones with hydrogen peroxide into the corresponding esters and lactones. Effects of various reaction parameters are highlighted and the preferable requirements for a prospective homogeneous or supported C-scorpionate-M-based catalyst in oxidative transformations of those substrates are identified. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Biochemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Dissertation submitted for obtainment of the Master’s Degree in Biotechnology, by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Rui Filipe Pereira Bertuzi da Silva Coorientador: Mestre Paulino Manuel Leite da Silva Coorientador: Doutor António José Balloni – GESITI/CTI


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Microwave assisted synthesis of the Cu(I) compound [Cu(µ4-4-ptz)]n [1, 4-ptz = 5-(4-pyridyl)tetrazolate] has been performed by employing a relatively easy method and within a shorter period of time compared to its sister compounds. The syntheses of the Cu(II) compounds [Cu3(µ3-4-ptz)4(µ2-N3)2(DMF)2]n∙(DMF)2n (2) and [Cu(µ2-4-ptz)2(H2O)2]n (3) using a similar method were reported previously by us. MOFs 1-3 revealed high catalytic activity toward oxidation of cyclic alkanes (cyclopentane, -hexane and -octane) with aqueous hydrogen peroxide, under very mild conditions (at room temperature), without any added solvent or additive. The most efficient system (2/H2O2) showed, for the oxidation of cyclohexane, a turnover number (TON) of 396 (TOF of 40 h−1), with an overall product yield (cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone) of 40% relative to the substrate. Moreover, the heterogeneous catalytic systems 1–3 allowed an easy catalyst recovery and reuse, at least for four consecutive cycles, maintaining ca. 90% of the initial high activity and concomitant high selectivity.


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Toluene hydrogenation was studied over catalysts based on Pt supported on large pore zeolites (HUSY and HBEA) with different metal/acid ratios. Acidity of zeolites was assessed by pyridine adsorption followed by FTIR showing only small changes before and after Pt introduction. Metal dispersion was determined by H2–O2 titration and verified by a linear correlation with the intensity of Pt0–CO band obtained by in situ FTIR. It was also observed that the electronic properties of Pt0 clusters were similar for the different catalysts. Catalytic tests showed rapid catalyst deactivation with an activity loss of 80–95% after 60 min of reaction. The turnover frequency of fresh catalysts depended both on metal dispersion and the support. For the same support, it changed by a 1.7-fold (HBEA) and 4.0-fold (HUSY) showing that toluene hydrogenation is structure-sensitive, i.e. hydrogenating activity is not a unique function of accessible metal. This was proposed to be due to the contribution to the overall activity of the hydrogenation of adsorbed toluene on acid sites via hydrogen spillover. Taking into account the role of zeolite acidity, the catalysts series were compared by the activity per total adsorbing sites which was observed to increase steadily with nPt/(nPt + nA). An increase of the accessible Pt atoms leads to an increase on the amount of spilled over hydrogen available in acid sites therefore increasing the overall activity. Pt/HBEA catalysts were found to be more active per total adsorbing site than Pt/HUSY which is proposed to be due to an augmentation in the efficiency of spilled over hydrogen diffusion related to the proximity between Pt clusters and acid sites. The intervention of Lewis acid sites in a greater extent than that measured by pyridine adsorption may also contribute to this higher activity of Pt/HBEA catalysts. These results reinforce the importance of model reactions as a closer perspective to the relevant catalyst properties in reaction conditions.