970 resultados para Information sciences
This paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions to turn a linear time-invariant system with p outputs, m inputs, p greater-than-or-equal-to m and using only inputs and outputs measurements into a Strictly Positive Real (SPR).Two results are presented. In the first, the system compensation is made by two static compensators, one of which forward feeds the outputs and the second back feeds the outputs of the nominal system.The second result presents conditions for the Walcott and Zak variable structure observer-controller synthesis. In this problem, if the nominal system is given by {A,B,C}, then the compensated system is given by {A+GC,B,FC} where F and G are the constant compensation matrices. These results are useful in the control system with uncertainties.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper is devoted to study the 1D model of invasive avascular tumor growth, which takes into account cell division, death, and motility, proposed by Kolobov and collaborators in 2009. First, we examine the existence and uniqueness of the solution to this model. Second, we studied qualitatively and numerically the traveling wave solutions. Finally, we show some numerical simulations for the cell density and nutrient concentration. © 2013 NSP Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper introduces a new tool for pattern recognition. Called the Discriminative Paraconsistent Machine (DPM), it is based on a supervised discriminative model training that incorporates paraconsistency criteria and allows an intelligent treatment of contradictions and uncertainties. DPMs can be applied to solve problems in many fields of science, using the tests and discussions presented here, which demonstrate their efficacy and usefulness. Major difficulties and challenges that were overcome consisted basically in establishing the proper model with which to represent the concept of paraconsistency.
Background: Once multi-relational approach has emerged as an alternative for analyzing structured data such as relational databases, since they allow applying data mining in multiple tables directly, thus avoiding expensive joining operations and semantic losses, this work proposes an algorithm with multi-relational approach. Methods: Aiming to compare traditional approach performance and multi-relational for mining association rules, this paper discusses an empirical study between PatriciaMine - an traditional algorithm - and its corresponding multi-relational proposed, MR-Radix. Results: This work showed advantages of the multi-relational approach in performance over several tables, which avoids the high cost for joining operations from multiple tables and semantic losses. The performance provided by the algorithm MR-Radix shows faster than PatriciaMine, despite handling complex multi-relational patterns. The utilized memory indicates a more conservative growth curve for MR-Radix than PatriciaMine, which shows the increase in demand of frequent items in MR-Radix does not result in a significant growth of utilized memory like in PatriciaMine. Conclusion: The comparative study between PatriciaMine and MR-Radix confirmed efficacy of the multi-relational approach in data mining process both in terms of execution time and in relation to memory usage. Besides that, the multi-relational proposed algorithm, unlike other algorithms of this approach, is efficient for use in large relational databases.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Recently, researches have shown that the performance of metaheuristics can be affected by population initialization. Opposition-based Differential Evolution (ODE), Quasi-Oppositional Differential Evolution (QODE), and Uniform-Quasi-Opposition Differential Evolution (UQODE) are three state-of-the-art methods that improve the performance of the Differential Evolution algorithm based on population initialization and different search strategies. In a different approach to achieve similar results, this paper presents a technique to discover promising regions in a continuous search-space of an optimization problem. Using machine-learning techniques, the algorithm named Smart Sampling (SS) finds regions with high possibility of containing a global optimum. Next, a metaheuristic can be initialized inside each region to find that optimum. SS and DE were combined (originating the SSDE algorithm) to evaluate our approach, and experiments were conducted in the same set of benchmark functions used by ODE, QODE and UQODE authors. Results have shown that the total number of function evaluations required by DE to reach the global optimum can be significantly reduced and that the success rate improves if SS is employed first. Such results are also in consonance with results from the literature, stating the importance of an adequate starting population. Moreover, SS presents better efficacy to find initial populations of superior quality when compared to the other three algorithms that employ oppositional learning. Finally and most important, the SS performance in finding promising regions is independent of the employed metaheuristic with which SS is combined, making SS suitable to improve the performance of a large variety of optimization techniques. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A set of predictor variables is said to be intrinsically multivariate predictive (IMP) for a target variable if all properly contained subsets of the predictor set are poor predictors of the. target but the full set predicts the target with great accuracy. In a previous article, the main properties of IMP Boolean variables have been analytically described, including the introduction of the IMP score, a metric based on the coefficient of determination (CoD) as a measure of predictiveness with respect to the target variable. It was shown that the IMP score depends on four main properties: logic of connection, predictive power, covariance between predictors and marginal predictor probabilities (biases). This paper extends that work to a broader context, in an attempt to characterize properties of discrete Bayesian networks that contribute to the presence of variables (network nodes) with high IMP scores. We have found that there is a relationship between the IMP score of a node and its territory size, i.e., its position along a pathway with one source: nodes far from the source display larger IMP scores than those closer to the source, and longer pathways display larger maximum IMP scores. This appears to be a consequence of the fact that nodes with small territory have larger probability of having highly covariate predictors, which leads to smaller IMP scores. In addition, a larger number of XOR and NXOR predictive logic relationships has positive influence over the maximum IMP score found in the pathway. This work presents analytical results based on a simple structure network and an analysis involving random networks constructed by computational simulations. Finally, results from a real Bayesian network application are provided. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background Once multi-relational approach has emerged as an alternative for analyzing structured data such as relational databases, since they allow applying data mining in multiple tables directly, thus avoiding expensive joining operations and semantic losses, this work proposes an algorithm with multi-relational approach. Methods Aiming to compare traditional approach performance and multi-relational for mining association rules, this paper discusses an empirical study between PatriciaMine - an traditional algorithm - and its corresponding multi-relational proposed, MR-Radix. Results This work showed advantages of the multi-relational approach in performance over several tables, which avoids the high cost for joining operations from multiple tables and semantic losses. The performance provided by the algorithm MR-Radix shows faster than PatriciaMine, despite handling complex multi-relational patterns. The utilized memory indicates a more conservative growth curve for MR-Radix than PatriciaMine, which shows the increase in demand of frequent items in MR-Radix does not result in a significant growth of utilized memory like in PatriciaMine. Conclusion The comparative study between PatriciaMine and MR-Radix confirmed efficacy of the multi-relational approach in data mining process both in terms of execution time and in relation to memory usage. Besides that, the multi-relational proposed algorithm, unlike other algorithms of this approach, is efficient for use in large relational databases.
PO artigo demonstra as interações entre algumas bases de dados internacionais na disponibilização de periódicos da área de Ciência da Informação. Para isso, foram investigadas seis bases de dados com acesso a texto completo dentro da área de Ciência da Informação. Foram elas: Web of Science, Scopus, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Library Literature Information Science – full text e Library Information Science Abstract. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram utilizados conceitos, princípios e equações da ‘teoria ingênua dos conjuntos’, o que permitiu observar as bases de dados como conjuntos compostos por elementos, aqui considerados os títulos de periódicos, bem como conferir consistência aos resultados. A análise dos dados foi dividida em três etapas, a saber: a) a primeira priorizou o cruzamento entre as duas maiores bases de dados utilizadas para levantamento bibliográfico (Web of Science e Scopus), seguido do cruzamento com a mais utilizada na Ciência da Informação, a Library and Information Science Abstracts; b) a segunda etapa tratou somente do cruzamento das bases especialistas da área; c) a terceira e última etapa tratou da interseção de todas as bases de dados do estudo. O resultado mostra que 10 títulos de periódicos constituem a interseção dos seis conjuntos de bases de dados. Foi possível identificar, também, o número de periódicos disponibilizados exclusivamente por uma base de dados, demonstrando que as necessidades de pesquisas bibliográficas exaustivas passam, obrigatoriamente, pelo levantamento em todas as bases de dados aqui elencadas.
Decision tree induction algorithms represent one of the most popular techniques for dealing with classification problems. However, traditional decision-tree induction algorithms implement a greedy approach for node splitting that is inherently susceptible to local optima convergence. Evolutionary algorithms can avoid the problems associated with a greedy search and have been successfully employed to the induction of decision trees. Previously, we proposed a lexicographic multi-objective genetic algorithm for decision-tree induction, named LEGAL-Tree. In this work, we propose extending this approach substantially, particularly w.r.t. two important evolutionary aspects: the initialization of the population and the fitness function. We carry out a comprehensive set of experiments to validate our extended algorithm. The experimental results suggest that it is able to outperform both traditional algorithms for decision-tree induction and another evolutionary algorithm in a variety of application domains.
Given a large image set, in which very few images have labels, how to guess labels for the remaining majority? How to spot images that need brand new labels different from the predefined ones? How to summarize these data to route the user’s attention to what really matters? Here we answer all these questions. Specifically, we propose QuMinS, a fast, scalable solution to two problems: (i) Low-labor labeling (LLL) – given an image set, very few images have labels, find the most appropriate labels for the rest; and (ii) Mining and attention routing – in the same setting, find clusters, the top-'N IND.O' outlier images, and the 'N IND.R' images that best represent the data. Experiments on satellite images spanning up to 2.25 GB show that, contrasting to the state-of-the-art labeling techniques, QuMinS scales linearly on the data size, being up to 40 times faster than top competitors (GCap), still achieving better or equal accuracy, it spots images that potentially require unpredicted labels, and it works even with tiny initial label sets, i.e., nearly five examples. We also report a case study of our method’s practical usage to show that QuMinS is a viable tool for automatic coffee crop detection from remote sensing images.