943 resultados para Indios Kaingang - Línguas


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PIBID's subproject from the Letras course at a public university from the interior of Sao Paulo has, as a vision, the teaching of languages in a different way, where the culture is something to be known, not only mentioned, and, because of that, students feel close to the language learning process, for the language is not something to be learned just as grammar, it is, in fact, to be learned as something more complex than that, making the connection between student and language and its values. The students have, as an objective the knowledge and formation in teaching, by participation in public schools where they could put the theory learned during the Letras course in the university in practice with students that could benefit from learning new languages. The public school, mentioned in this research, offered the opportunity for the PIBID students to participate in a project that already existed in this school, where the students were supposed to produce a script based in a tale, and with the script, they were supposed to produce a short movie and a trailer. In 2014, in the first year of the participation of PIBID in the project, PIBID students were asked to choose a tale in the languages that are currently part of the subproject, for the students could use as a base to the production of the short movie. This project is called Luz, Câmera… Action! and the main objective of this research was to verify the participation of PIBID in the project. For such, it was used a semi-structured open questionnaire, which sought to investigate how students and supervisors from the school understood and analyzed PIBID's participation in the project


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The objective of this work is to stimulate a debate about the idea of a possible foreign language policy. It seeks to do so from an overview of the structural changes of recent decades - those affecting the economy, information and communication technologies, geopolitics and identities - in order to draw attention to the renewed importance and the role that the language management issues are assuming in this new context. Considering the foreign language policy a theoretical and practical essential tool for the management of language in a globalized world, the focus of the discussion rests on four main aspects: the origins of the notion of foreign language policy; the relationship with the foreign policy of the State; its effectiveness through the intervention on corpus, status and acquisition of the language; and the possibility of their formulation by agents other than the State


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PIBID's subproject from the Letras course at a public university from the interior of Sao Paulo has, as a vision, the teaching of languages in a different way, where the culture is something to be known, not only mentioned, and, because of that, students feel close to the language learning process, for the language is not something to be learned just as grammar, it is, in fact, to be learned as something more complex than that, making the connection between student and language and its values. The students have, as an objective the knowledge and formation in teaching, by participation in public schools where they could put the theory learned during the Letras course in the university in practice with students that could benefit from learning new languages. The public school, mentioned in this research, offered the opportunity for the PIBID students to participate in a project that already existed in this school, where the students were supposed to produce a script based in a tale, and with the script, they were supposed to produce a short movie and a trailer. In 2014, in the first year of the participation of PIBID in the project, PIBID students were asked to choose a tale in the languages that are currently part of the subproject, for the students could use as a base to the production of the short movie. This project is called Luz, Câmera… Action! and the main objective of this research was to verify the participation of PIBID in the project. For such, it was used a semi-structured open questionnaire, which sought to investigate how students and supervisors from the school understood and analyzed PIBID's participation in the project


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The objective of this work is to stimulate a debate about the idea of a possible foreign language policy. It seeks to do so from an overview of the structural changes of recent decades - those affecting the economy, information and communication technologies, geopolitics and identities - in order to draw attention to the renewed importance and the role that the language management issues are assuming in this new context. Considering the foreign language policy a theoretical and practical essential tool for the management of language in a globalized world, the focus of the discussion rests on four main aspects: the origins of the notion of foreign language policy; the relationship with the foreign policy of the State; its effectiveness through the intervention on corpus, status and acquisition of the language; and the possibility of their formulation by agents other than the State


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The aim of this study was to describe the distribution of waist circumference (WC) and WC to height (WCTH) values among Kaingang indigenous adolescents in order to estimate the prevalence of high WCTH values and evaluate the correlation between WC and WCTH and body mass index (BMI)-for-age. A total of 1,803 indigenous adolescents were evaluated using a school-based cross-sectional study. WCTH values > 0.5 were considered high. Higher mean WC and WCTH values were observed for girls in all age categories. WCTH values > 0.5 were observed in 25.68% of the overall sample of adolescents. Mean WC and WCTH values were significantly higher for adolescents with BMI/age z-scores > 2 than for those with normal z-scores. The correlation coefficients of WC and WCTH for BMI/age were r = 0.68 and 0.76, respectively, for boys, and r = 0.79 and 0.80, respectively, for girls. This study highlights elevated mean WC and WCTH values and high prevalence of abdominal obesity among Kaingang indigenous adolescents.


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Neste artigo analisamos a troca de código, uma estratégia de compensação que consiste na utilização de uma palavra ou frase em L1, L3 ou L4, no interior do enunciado em L2, empregada por aprendizes de italiano LE cuja língua materna é o português brasileiro, durante a realização em dupla de uma tarefa escrita. A pesquisa, que se baseou nos instrumentos propostos pela etnografia, mostra que a troca de código constitui um potencial para o desenvolvimento da interlíngua e para a aquisição/aprendizagem de LE e que tal estratégia, além de compensar eventuais lacunas linguísticas originadas pela falta de recursos adequados para expressar-se em LE, é usada pelos falantes como procedimento típico da conversação bilíngue para facilitar a comunicação.


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Neste trabalho discutimos as ideias de confusão de línguas, de trauma e de hospitalidade no campo psicanalítico. Para Ferenczi, a relação adulto-criança é marcada por uma confusão decorrente de uma diferença de línguas, de forma que muitas vezes um não entende o outro. Nesse contexto, é possível a emergência do trauma patogênico. A experiência analítica, ao invés de levar o acontecimento traumático a domínios psíquicos melhores, pode reproduzir e até agravar o que foi vivido como catastrófico na infância. Neste sentido, o princípio de hospitalidade na clínica analítica é de suma importância para se evitar uma possível reprodução do trauma entre analista e analisando. Neste artigo utilizamos como referência principal a obra de Sándor Ferenczi, estabelecendo relações em alguns pontos com textos de Jacques Derrida e de Walter Benjamin, que discutem a origem da confusão de línguas e o problema da possibilidade da tradução.


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Este trabajo intenta relacionar los “frentes de atracción de pueblos indígenas” creado por las agencias gubernamentales brasileñas con los programas del indigenismo de las compañías hidroeléctricas para los indígenas Waimiri-Atroari, para interpretarlos como acciones del indigenismo incluidas al paradigma biopolítico moderno según lo definido por Giorgio Agamben. Para sostener tal interpretación, los conceptos de poder soberano y de poder tutelar serán aplicados para aclarar el carácter asimétrico y violento de la territorialización de los pueblos indígenas. Se espera que la articulación teórica de estas nociones demuestre que las tierras o territorios indígenas son muchas veces constituidos como estados de excepción y, como tales, generan la configuración de situaciones extremas para los pueblos indígenas que viven en ella.


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En el presente trabajo de investigación nos proponemos incursionar en un tema poco analizado en la historia de Misiones: el contexto y la forma en que se produjeron los primeros contactos entre inmigrantes de origen europeo e indígenas mbya en la provincia en el periodo correspondiente a 1920-1960. Nos interesa también conocer cómo eran las relaciones entre los mbya y la población de origen paraguayo y criolla en general, quienes trabajaban como mano de obra en yerbales y obrajes, constituyendo, por lo tanto, los primeros en tomar contacto con los indígenas. Indagaremos acerca de las características de esas primeras relaciones interétnicas, si existían intercambios de objetos y alimentos, si hubo violencia para expulsarlos de sus territorios a medida que se formaban las colonias destinadas a los inmigrantes, los conflictos derivados de la ocupación de las tierras. Si hubo intentos de contratarlos como peones para desmontar la selva y desde cuándo comienzan los mbya a trabajar para los colonos. Como contraparte, nos interesa conocer la visión indígena de aquellos primeros contactos, viva aún en la memoria de los ancianos. Cómo fueron los primeros contactos con los blancos y en qué contextos ocurrieron. También realizaremos la búsqueda y recopilación de material fotográfico inédito producido en la provincia durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX a los fines de análisis documental.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la forma en que la noción de mestizaje -en estrecha vinculación a la construcción de “lo” indígena- fue utilizada políticamente en el período de consolidación de la nación argentina. Centraremos la mirada en algunas producciones académicas realizadas sobre el valle Calchaquí pues las mismas, en una escala micro, nos muestran fluctuaciones de significados y modelos de nacionalidad similares a los que encontramos en una escala nacional. Nos interesa, finalmente, ejemplificar con este caso el rol que las ciencias sociales -particularmente antropología e historia- jugaron en el proceso de construcción y consolidación de la nación.


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Fil: Vega, Alba. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales


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Fil: Molina, Hebe Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo