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Paisagens Urbanas: fotografia e modernidade na cidade de Belém (1846-1908) propõe uma discussão sobre os documentos fotográficos que serviam de instrumentos de propaganda dos governantes na última década do século XIX e no início do século XX. A linguagem visual desta dissertação permite mostrar a forma como os indivíduos se fizeram representar nos cenários urbanos, dando visibilidade aos tipos sociais que foram flagrados sutilmente pelas câmeras fotográficas a serviço da propaganda do governo que tinha por objetivo divulgar uma cidade moderna, revelando a intensidade e a rapidez com que desejava alcançar a modernidade, ao mesmo tempo em que traz a luz uma cidade de acordo com os modelos provenientes da Europa, percebe-se o registro de uma outra cidade que nos remete a espaços de convivência de diferentes realidades. A imagem fotográfica, assim como outras fontes e objetos visuais, constitui-se em importantes instrumentos de investigação histórica para identificar novos objetos e novos problemas. A contribuição deste estudo se ancora no uso da fotografia como principal documento de análise para produção historiográfica, entendendo que a fotografia representa um testemunho que “fala” do passado na intensidade que o historiador a questiona. Este estudo busca analisar a relação entre fotografia e cidade a partir da narrativa visual dos álbuns e relatórios de Belém que foram produzidos no período de 1898 a 1908. A interpretação dos álbuns, enquanto narrativa que visualiza uma cidade moderna, constituí-se em uma das estratégias metodológicas para abordagem do uso da fotografia como documento para o historiador, considerando que nesse tipo de documentação pode mostrar dados dispersos ou mesmo silenciados por outras fontes de pesquisas.


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Este estudo trata da dimensão afetiva nas representações sociais de docentes da pós-graduação em educação, especificamente de docentes dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Pará e da Universidade do Estado do Pará. O objetivo desta investigação consistiu em analisar os processos constitutivos das representações sociais dos docentes dos PPGEDs sobre a afetividade, de modo a elucidar as implicações no trabalho que desenvolvem. É um estudo com foco nos processos psicossociais, nas formas de saber, conhecer e sentir advindas das construções e aquisições compartilhadas entre docentes, a partir das interações com o outro no seu contexto de trabalho. Como referencial teórico, adotamos a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici (1978) referenciada na abordagem processual elaborada por Jodelet (2001) e colaboradores. Sobre a afetividade nos embasamos nos pressupostos de Freud e Wallon, estes concebem a afetividade como uma dimensão imprescindível no desenvolvimento humano, que se constitui a partir dos afetos e das relações afetivas, sujeitas a ambivalência dos sentimentos. Afetamos e somos afetados pelo amor, ódio, inveja, alegria, prazer, solidão, medo, fraternidade. É uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa que buscou a compreensão dos sentidos e significados atribuídos pelos docentes pesquisados. Os instrumentos de coleta das informações foram: um formulário online e a entrevista de aprofundamento. A caracterização dos docentes participantes dos PPGEDs e as questões relacionadas à afetividade e o trabalho docente foram analisados por meio do software SPSS e, as informações das entrevistas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo de acordo com Bardin (1977), Franco (2003) e Nascimento (2002). A partir das análises temáticas das falas dos docentes constatamos a existência de três dimensões que organizam as RS do grupo pesquisado, a saber: cognitiva, ético-política e relacional e, afetiva. Essas dimensões estruturam duas tendências centrais de objetivações e de ancoragens das representações dos docentes dos PPGED da UFPA e UEPA sobre a afetividade. A primeira indica uma forte tendência de ressignificação das representações sociais dos docentes sobre afetividade. Estas revelam imagens e sentidos assentados na partilha, no diálogo, no respeito dos docentes entre si. A segunda tendência indica que as representações sociais dos docentes estão ancoradas na racionalização dos processos psicossociais sobre a afetividade, ou seja, no universo reificado. Nesta tendência, prevalece o interesse dos subgrupos a partir das suas opiniões, crenças e ideologias. Estas duas tendências implicam em distintas relações afetivas no trabalho que realizam na pós-graduação em educação. Constatamos que a dinâmica que envolve a dimensão afetiva nas relações entre docentes nos programas de pós-graduação em educação contribui para a manutenção e/ou renovação das representações sociais partilhadas e comunicadas nestes contextos acadêmicos.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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De todas as operações, a agitação de fluidos, a troca de calor em tanques e a mistura de pós são, sem dúvida, as mais usuais, principalmente, na indústria de alimentos. Embora exigindo um estudo em separado, é comum estas operações unitárias estarem presentes, em instantes diferentes, no mesmo processo de fabricação. O propósito deste trabalho é enfatizar procedimentos de projeto para problemas práticos nas indústrias de processos envolvendo estas três operações. O modelo matemático proposto para a agitação de fluidos foi aplicado na substituição das tradicionais âncoras por impelidores de pás retas e inclinadas no processamento do suco concentrado de laranja. Observou-se que o tempo de permanência do suco no tanque de resfriamento caiu de quarenta para cinco minutos em decorrência da maior ação de mistura provocada pelas pás retas. O modelo proposto acompanha bem as exigências de potências requeridas pelo suco na medida em que é resfriado...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study developed a Color Scale of Perceived Exertion (RPE-color scale) and assessed its concurrent and construct validity in adult women. One hundred participants (18-77 years), who were habitual exercisers, associated colors with verbal anchors of the Borg RPE scale (RPE-Borg scale) for RPE-color scale development. For RPE-color scale validation, 12 Young (M = 21.7 yr., SD = 1.5) and 10 Older (M = 60.3 yr., SD = 3.5) adult women performed a maximal graded exercise test on a treadmill and reported perceived exertion in both RPE-color and RPE-Borg scales. In the Young group, the RPE-color scale was significantly associated with heart rate and oxygen consumption, having strong correlations with the RPE-Borg scale. In the Older group, the RPE-color scale was significantly associated with heart rate, having moderate to high correlations with the RPE-Borg scale. The RPE-color scale demonstrated concurrent and construct validity in the Young women, as well as construct validity in Older adults.


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Six sympatric species of Haliotrema Johnston and Tiegs, 1922 are described from ostraciid fishes in Guadeloupe, West Indies. All have a basic cone-shaped cirrus, but characteristics of that and other terminal genitalia plus those of anchors can differentiate them: H. guadeloupensis sp. n. from Lactophrys triqueter (typehost) and L. bicaudalis; H. torridum sp. n. from L. triqueter (type-host) and Acanthostracion polygonius; H. glandulosum sp. n. from L. triqueter (type-host) and L. bicaudalis; H. minutum sp. n. from A. polygonius; H. lactophrys (MacCallum, 1915) comb. n. from A. polygonius and A. quadricornis which is transferred from the genus Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839; and H. kritskyi nom. nov. from A. polygonius. The latter has been given a replacement name for Parahaliotrema brevis. Mizelle and Kritsky, 1969 which would become a junior homonym because it, H. affinis (Mizelle and Kritsky, 1969) comb. n., H. cornutus (M. and K.) comb. n., H. grandis (M. and K.) comb. n., H. pacificus (M. and K.) comb. n., and H. zebrasoma (M. and K.) comb. n. are all transferred from the genus Parahaliotrema Mizelle and Price, 1964. We follow others in considering that genus to be a junior synonym of Haliotrema. We also determined that at least Ancyrocephalus parupenei Yamaguti, 1968 and A. pauu Yamaguti, 1968 do not belong in Ancyrocephalus. However, investigation of H. australe Johnston and Tiegs, 1922 and other species should precede transferring those species to another genus.


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The North American West is a culturally and geographically diverse region that has long been a beacon for successive waves of human immigration and migration. A case in point, the population of Lincoln, Nebraska -- a capital city on the eastern cusp of the Great Plains -- was augmented during the twentieth century by significant influxes of Germans from Russia, Omaha Indians, and Vietnamese. Arriving in clusters beginning in 1876, 1941, and 1975 respectively, these newcomers were generally set in motion by dismal economic, social, or political situations in their sending nations. Seeking better lives, they entered a mainstream milieu dominated by native-born Americans -- most part of a lateral migration from Iowa, Illinois, and Pennsylvania -- who only established their local community in 1867. While this mainstream welcomed their labor, it often eschewed the behaviors and cultural practices ethnic peoples brought with them. Aware but not overly concerned about these prejudices, all three groups constructed or organized distinct urban villages. The physical forms of these enclaves ranged from homogeneous neighborhoods to tight assemblies of relatives, but each suited a shared preference for living among kinspeople. These urban villages also served as stable anchors for unique peoples who were intent on maintaining aspects of their imported cultural identities. Never willing to assimilate to mainstream norms, urban villagers began adapting to their new milieus. While ethnic identity constructions in Lincoln proved remarkably enduring, they were also amazingly flexible. In fact, each subject group constantly negotiated their identities in response to interactions among particular, cosmopolitan, and transnational forces. Particularism refers largely to the beliefs, behaviors, and organizational patterns urban villagers imported from their old milieus. Cosmopolitan influences emanated from outside the ethnic groups and were dictated largely but not exclusively by the mainstream. Transnationalism is best defined as persistent, intense contact across international boundaries. These influences were important as the particularism of dispersed peoples was often reinforced by contact with sending cultures. Adviser: John. R. Wunder


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Objective-The coagulation-inflammation cycle has been implicated as a critical component in malaria pathogenesis. Defibrotide (DF), a mixture of DNA aptamers, displays anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and endothelial cell (EC)-protective activities and has been successfully used to treat comatose children with veno-occlusive disease. DF was investigated here as a drug to treat cerebral malaria. Methods and Results-DF blocks tissue factor expression by ECs incubated with parasitized red blood cells and attenuates prothrombinase activity, platelet aggregation, and complement activation. In contrast, it does not affect nitric oxide bioavailability. We also demonstrated that Plasmodium falciparum glycosylphosphatidylinositol (Pf-GPI) induces tissue factor expression in ECs and cytokine production by dendritic cells. Notably, dendritic cells, known to modulate coagulation and inflammation systemically, were identified as a novel target for DF. Accordingly, DF inhibits Toll-like receptor ligand-dependent dendritic cells activation by a mechanism that is blocked by adenosine receptor antagonist (8-p-sulfophenyltheophylline) but not reproduced by synthetic poly-A, -C, -T, and -G. These results imply that aptameric sequences and adenosine receptor mediate dendritic cells responses to the drug. DF also prevents rosetting formation, red blood cells invasion by P. falciparum and abolishes oocysts development in Anopheles gambiae. In a murine model of cerebral malaria, DF affected parasitemia, decreased IFN-gamma levels, and ameliorated clinical score (day 5) with a trend for increased survival. Conclusion-Therapeutic use of DF in malaria is proposed. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012; 32:786-798.)


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Male coleoid cephalopods produce spermatophores that can attach autonomously on the female's body during a complex process of evagination called the spermatophoric reaction, during which the ejaculatory apparatus and spiral filament of the spermatophore are everted and exposed to the external milieu. In some deepwater cephalopods, the reaction leads to the intradermal implantation of the spermatophore, a hitherto enigmatic phenomenon. The present study builds upon several lines of evidence to propose that spermatophore implantation is probably achieved through the combination of (1) an evaginating-tube mechanism performed by the everting ejaculatory apparatus and (2) the anchorage provided by the spiral filament's stellate particles. The proposed theoretical model assumes that, as it is exposed to the external milieu, each whorl of the spiral filament anchors to the surrounding tissue by means of its sharp stellate particles. As the ejaculatory apparatus tip continues evaginating, it grows in diameter and stretches lengthwise, enlarging the diameter of the whorl and propelling it, consequently tearing and pushing the anchored tissue outward and backward, and opening space for the next whorl to attach. After the ejaculatory apparatus has been everted and has perforated tissue, the cement body is extruded, possibly aiding in final attachment, and the sperm mass comes to lie inside the female tissue, encompassed by the everted ejaculatory apparatus tube. It is proposed that this unique, efficient spermatophore attachment mechanism possibly evolved in intimate relationship with the adoption of an active mode of life by coleoids. The possible roles of predation pressure and sperm competition in the evolution of this mechanism are also discussed. (c) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105, 711726.


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We tested the short-term effects of a nonrigid tool, identified as an "anchor system" (e.g., ropes attached to varying weights resting on the floor), on the postural stabilization of blindfolded adults with and without intellectual disabilities (ID). Participants held a pair of anchors one in each hand, under three weight conditions (250 g, 500 g and 1,000 g), while they performed a restricted balance task (standing for 30 s on a balance beam placed on top of a force platform). These conditions were called anchor practice trials. Before and after the practice trials, a condition without anchors was tested. Control practice groups, who practiced blocks of trials without anchors, included individuals with and without ID. The anchor system improved subjects' balance during the standing task, for both groups. For the control groups, the performance of successive trials in the condition without the anchor system showed no improvement in postural stability. The individuals with intellectual disability, as well as their peers without ID, used the haptic cues of nonrigid tools (i.e., the anchor system) to stabilize their posture, and the short-term stabilizing effects appeared to result from their previous use of the anchor system.


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The spleen plays a crucial role in the development of immunity to malaria, but the role of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in splenic effector cells during malaria infection is poorly understood. In the present study, we analysed the expression of selected PRRs in splenic effector cells from BALB/c mice infected with the lethal and non-lethal Plasmodium yoelii strains 17XL and 17X, respectively, and the non-lethal Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS strain. The results of these experiments showed fewer significant changes in the expression of PRRs in AS-infected mice than in 17X and 17XL-infected mice. Mannose receptor C type 2 (MRC2) expression increased with parasitemia, whereas Toll-like receptors and sialoadhesin (Sn) decreased in mice infected with P. chabaudi AS. In contrast, MRC type 1 (MRC1), MRC2 and EGF-like module containing mucin-like hormone receptor-like sequence 1 (F4/80) expression decreased with parasitemia in mice infected with 17X, whereas MRC1 an MRC2 increased and F4/80 decreased in mice infected with 17XL. Furthermore, macrophage receptor with collagenous structure and CD68 declined rapidly after initial parasitemia. SIGNR1 and Sn expression demonstrated minor variations in the spleens of mice infected with either strain. Notably, macrophage scavenger receptor (Msr1) and dendritic cell-associated C-type lectin 2 expression increased at both the transcript and protein levels in 17XL-infected mice with 50% parasitemia. Furthermore, the increased lethality of 17X infection in Msr1 -/- mice demonstrated a protective role for Msr1. Our results suggest a dual role for these receptors in parasite clearance and protection in 17X infection and lethality in 17XL infection.


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The uplift capacity of helical anchors normally increases with the number of helical plates. The rate of capacity gain is variable, considering that the disturbance caused by the anchor installation is generally more pronounced in the soil mass above the upper plates than above the lower plates, because the upper soil layers are penetrated more times. The present investigation examines the effect of the number of helices on the performance of helical anchors in sand, based on the results of centrifuge model tests. Uplift loading tests were performed on 12 different types of piles installed in two containers of dry sand prepared with different densities. The measured fractions of the uplift capacity related to each individual helical plate of multi-helix anchors were compared with the fractions predicted by the individual bearing method. The results of this investigation indicate that in double- and triple-helix anchors, the contributions of the second and third plate to the total anchor uplift capacity decreased with the increase of sand relative density and plate diameter. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that the variation of the anchor load-displacement behavior with the number of helices also depends on these parameters.


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INTRODUCTION: Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder associated with impairment in social functioning. The most widely used scale to measure social functioning is the GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning), but it has the disadvantage of measuring at the same time symptoms and functioning, as described in its anchors. OBJECTIVES:Translation and cultural adaptation of the PSP, proposing a final version in Portuguese for use in Brazil. METHODS: We performed five steps: 1) translation; 2) back translation; 3) formal assessment of semantic equivalence; 4) debriefing; 5) analysis by experts. Interrater reliability (Intraclass correlation, ICC) between two raters was also measured. RESULTS: The final version was applied by two independent investigators in 18 adults with schizophrenia (DSM-IV-TR). The interrater reliability (ICC) was 0.812 (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The translation and adaptation of the PSP had an adequate level of semantic equivalence between the Portuguese version and the original English version. There were no difficulties related to understanding the content expressed in the translated texts and terms. Its application was easy and it showed a good interrater reliability. The PSP is a valid instrument for the measurement of personal and social functioning in schizophrenia.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar e delimitar formas de interação e disputas sociais presentes no movimento paralímpico brasileiro, relativos aos processos de classificação de atletas, com base em conceitos de Pierre Bourdieu. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se em entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro atletas (com deficiência física ou visual, praticantes de diversas modalidades: natação, goalball, rugby e basquete em cadeira de rodas) e quatro dirigentes (2 atuantes em funções técnicas e 2 em funções administrativas do Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro). A análise de dados apoiou-se no método Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e suas ferramentas metodológicas (expressões-chave; ideias centrais; ancoragens; instrumentos de análise de discurso). Destacam-se como resultados: os protocolos de classificação, assim como a atuação e formação de novos classificadores, são motivo de tensões sociais neste espaço; Os classificadores exercem importante poder simbólico no subcampo; Demais agentes, como treinadores e atletas, têm suas possibilidades de ascensão diminuídas por condições sociais desfavoráveis..