204 resultados para Elearning


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La tesi è strutturata in tre macro capitoli: • e-learning: questo capitolo tratta i tre principi su cui è basato questo progetto quali e-learning, m-learning ed incidental learning descrivendo l’evoluzione di questi tre concetti e analizzando ognuno di essi nel dettaglio partendo dal principio, l’e-learning. Verranno poi presentati dei progetti inerenti a queste tipologie di apprendimento per fare in modo di dare un’idea più chiara di questi concetti. • Specifiche di progetto: in questo secondo capitolo vengono descritte, ad alto livello, le tecnologie utilizzate per lo sviluppo di questo progetto, descrivendo, per ognuna, le caratteristiche e le applicazioni che essa ha avuto all’interno del progetto. • Implementazione: nel terzo e ultimo capitolo verranno descritte, e motivate, le scelte implementative adottate per sviluppare l’applicazione iLocalApp e verranno mostrati scorci di codice per rendere più chiaro l’utilizzo delle varie API e tecnologie all’interno del progetto.


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Background Through this paper, we present the initial steps for the creation of an integrated platform for the provision of a series of eHealth tools and services to both citizens and travelers in isolated areas of thesoutheast Mediterranean, and on board ships travelling across it. The platform was created through an INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED project called INTERMED. Methods The support of primary healthcare, home care and the continuous education of physicians are the three major issues that the proposed platform is trying to facilitate. The proposed system is based on state-of-the-art telemedicine systems and is able to provide the following healthcare services: i) Telecollaboration and teleconsultation services between remotely located healthcare providers, ii) telemedicine services in emergencies, iii) home telecare services for "at risk" citizens such as the elderly and patients with chronic diseases, and iv) eLearning services for the continuous training through seminars of both healthcare personnel (physicians, nurses etc) and persons supporting "at risk" citizens. These systems support data transmission over simple phone lines, internet connections, integrated services digital network/digital subscriber lines, satellite links, mobile networks (GPRS/3G), and wireless local area networks. The data corresponds, among others, to voice, vital biosignals, still medical images, video, and data used by eLearning applications. The proposed platform comprises several systems, each supporting different services. These were integrated using a common data storage and exchange scheme in order to achieve system interoperability in terms of software, language and national characteristics. Results The platform has been installed and evaluated in different rural and urban sites in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. The evaluation was mainly related to technical issues and user satisfaction. The selected sites are, among others, rural health centers, ambulances, homes of "at-risk" citizens, and a ferry. Conclusions The results proved the functionality and utilization of the platform in various rural places in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. However, further actions are needed to enable the local healthcare systems and the different population groups to be familiarized with, and use in their everyday lives, mature technological solutions for the provision of healthcare services.


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The use of XML for representation of eLearning-content and for automatic generation of different kinds of teaching media from this material is with all its advantages nowadays stateof-the-art. In the last years there have been numerous projects that leveraged XML-based production environments. At the end of the financial advancement the created materials have to be maintained with limited (human) resources. In the majority of cases this is only possible, if the authors care for their teaching material without extensive IT-support. From our point of view there has so far been a lack of intuitive usable XML editors. The prototype of such an XML editor “aXess” is introduced with the intention to encourage a broad discussion about the required features to manage the content of eLearning-materials.


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People with disabilities often encounter difficulties while trying to learn something, because teaching material is for example not accessible to blind people or rooms, where courses take place, are not accessible to people using a wheelchair. E-learning provides an opportunity to disabled people. With the new German law on the equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities for the first time access to information technology was explicitly taken up in German legislation. As a consequence of this law the framework law on universities (Hochschulrahmengesetz) was changed. The law now commit universities not to discriminate disabled students in their studies. For references on how universities can design accessible e-learning contents and provide accessible information online see http://wob11.de/links/anleitungen.html#elearning.


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Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Konzeption, den Funktionsumfang und Erfahrungswerte der Open-Source-eLearning-Plattform Stud.IP. Der Funktionsumfang umfasst für jede einzelne Veranstaltung Ablaufpläne, das Hochladen von Hausarbeiten, Diskussionsforen, persönliche Homepages, Chaträume u.v.a. Ziel ist es hierbei, eine Infrastruktur des Lehrens und Lernens anzubieten, die dem Stand der Technik entspricht. Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen finden zudem eine leistungsstarke Umgebung zur Verwaltung ihres Personals, Pflege ihrer Webseiten und der automatischer Erstellung von Veranstaltungs- oder Personallisten vor. Betreiber können auf ein verlässliches Supportsystem zugreifen, dass sie an der Weiterentwicklung durch die Entwickler- und Betreiber-Community teilhaben lässt.


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CampusContent (CC) is a DFG-funded competence center for eLearning with its own portal. It links content and people who support sharing and reuse of high quality learning materials and codified pedagogical know-how, such as learning objectives, pedagogical scenarios, recommended learning activities, and learning paths. The heart of the portal is a distributed repository whose contents are linked to various other CampusContent portals. Integrated into each portal are user-friendly tools for designing reusable learning content, exercises, and templates for learning units and courses. Specialized authoring tools permit the configuration, adaption, and automatic generation of interactive Flash animations using Adobe's Flexbuilder technology. More coarse-grained content components such as complete learning units and entire courses, in which contents and materials taken from the repository are embedded, can be created with XML-based authoring tools. Open service interface allow the deep or shallow integration of the portal provider's preferred authoring and learning tools. The portal is built on top of the Enterprise Content Management System Alfresco, which comes with social networking functionality that has been adapted to accommmodate collaboration, sharing and reuse within trusted communities of practice.


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Fehlende Grundkenntnisse in der Mathematik zählen zu den größten Hindernissen für einen erfolgreichen Start in ein Hochschulstudium. Studienanfänger in einem MINT-Studium bringen inzwischen deutlich unterschiedliche Vorrausetzungen mit: „Mathe-Angst“ gilt als typisches Phänomen und der Übergang in ein selbstbestimmtes Lernverhalten stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Fall-Studie beschreibt, wie mit Hilfe einer Mathe-App bereits zu Beginn des Studiums aktives Lernen unterstützt und selbstbestimmtes Lernen eingeübt werden kann. Das neue Kurskonzept mit App-Unterstützung stößt an der Hochschule Offenburg auf breite Akzeptanz. Der mobile BYOD-Ansatz ermöglicht Lern-Szenarien, die über PC- bzw.- Laptop-gebundene eLearning-Lösungen nicht realisierbar sind. Der Inhalt des MassMatics-Vorbereitungskurs orientiert sich am Mindestanforderungskatalog des cosh-Arbeitskreises für den Übergang Schule-Hochschule. In der Zwischenzeit wurde der App-gestützte Kurs mit seinen über 500 Aufgaben von mehr als 1000 Studierenden besucht.


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Obwohl E-Learning-Anteile im Studium ein unverzichtbares Element für das zeit- und ortsunabhängige Lernen für berufstätige Studierende sind, setzen die Lehrenden in den berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) E-Learning wenig bis kaum ein. Weiterbildungen zu dieser Thematik bestehen, führen aber zurzeit nicht zu den gewünschten Änderungen der Lehre. Im Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt „Offene Hochschule Oberbayern (OHO)“ wird daher unter anderem die Frage beantwortet, an welchen Vorerfahrungen in Hinblick auf technische und didaktische Einsatzmöglichkeiten von ELearning, aber auch in Hinblick auf die Haltung gegenüber Online-Lehre, für die Gestaltung von Weiterbildungen für Lehrende angesetzt werden kann. Eine mehrstufige Bedarfsanalyse im „OHO“-Projekt liefert hier Ergebnisse, die ein aus hochschuldidaktischer Sicht entwickeltes Weiterbildungskonzept um die Sicht der Studierenden, der Institution und der Lehrenden anreichert.


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La educación superior en el siglo XXI va más allá de la simple transferencia de conocimientos donde el estudiante es un receptor pasivo y el rol activo lo desempeña el docente. Hoy la co-construcción de los conocimientos con los alumnos resulta una estrategia enriquecedora para ambos, más aún cuando las actividades pedagógicas que se planteen tengan como uno de sus receptores a la propia comunidad. La experiencia que se relata intenta complementar saberes universitarios, mediarlos a diferentes destinatarios, desarrollar capacidades para producirlos y utilizarlos adecuadamente a grupos definidos que requieren la información que se imparte. La tecnología digital en los escenarios pedagógico-didácticos no se limita exclusivamente a los ámbitos informáticos, virtuales o de elearning. Resulta una herramienta excelente para llegar a grupos poblacionales diversos. Así es que se que expresa una experiencia realizada entre las cátedras Clínica del Paciente Discapacitado y PrácticaProfesional Supervisada de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo en Mendoza, Argentina. Se diseñó una propuesta de promoción de la salud bucal mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs). La misma consistió en la construcción a cargo de los alumnos de páginas web como instrumento de educación de la salud bucal dirigidas a grupos de riesgo con discapacidad, sus familias y profesionales odontólogos que atienden a estos pacientes.


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Este artículo presenta la plataforma TutorGSI que facilita el uso de agentes conversacionales en entornos de eLearning como Moodle. La plataforma ha sido desarrollada dentro del proyecto eduWAI (eduWAI, 2010), y simplifica el proceso de resolución de dudas académicas a través de un agente con el que se interactúa en lenguaje natural. TutorGSI posibilita que los profesores puedan modificar las conversaciones existentes o crear nuevos tipos en función de las consultas que vayan planteando los alumnos.


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Diversos estudios consideran que las claves para el desarrollo técnico, social y económico de los países en desarrollo, y en especial en África, son la educación, la investigación y la innovación. No obstante, en el ámbito sanitario en particular, la formación e investigación en África sigue siendo escasa por diversos motivos. Por un lado, los investigadores africanos encuentran dificultades añadidas para obtener financiación frente a investigadores en países de desarrollo. Y, por otro lado, los investigadores no disponen de las herramientas y tecnologías adecuadas para acceder a información relevante para su trabajo. En este contexto, el proyecto AFRICA BUILD tiene como principal objetivo mejorar y fomentar la investigación y educación sanitaria en África a través de las nuevas tecnologías. Uno de los resultados principales de este proyecto es el AFRICA BUILD Portal (ABP), que pretende ser un punto de encuentro para los investigadores africanos, donde podrán encontrar un amplio abanico de herramientas que les permita no sólo mejorar su educación, sino compartir conocimientos con otros investigadores. Este portal, que está actualmente en desarrollo, pretende fomentar la comunicación entre instituciones africanas y les proveerá herramientas biomédicas avanzadas. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se han marcado como principal objetivo la mejora del sistema de e-learning que existía en el ABP. El nuevo sistema será: (i) más potente, óptimo y rico en funcionalidades, (ii) tendrá una importante base social permitiendo a los usuarios aportar información y compartir conocimiento, y (iii) será distribuido y escalable, capaz de integrar distintos gestores de contenidos didácticos como fuentes de información. Los resultados obtenidos son positivos y el nuevo sistema de aprendizaje ha mejorado la usabilidad, funcionalidad y apariencia del anterior. Para concluir, la herramienta posee aún un gran margen de mejora, pero gracias al trabajo realizado el sistema de e-learning es ahora más social, distribuido, escalable e innovador. ---ABSTRACT---Several studies find that the keys to the technical, social and economic development of developing countries, especially in Africa, are education, research and innovation. However, in the health sector in particular, training and research in Africa remains low for various reasons. On the one hand, African researchers experience additional difficulties for funding against researchers in developing countries. And on the other hand, researchers do not have the right tools and technologies to access information relevant to their work. In this context, the AFRICA BUILD project's main objective is to improve and enhance research and health education in Africa through new technologies. One of the main results of this project is the AFRICA BUILD Portal (ABP), which aims to be a meeting point for African researchers, where they can find a wide range of tools that allows them to not only improve their education but to share knowledge with other researchers. This portal, which is currently under development, aims to promote communication between African institutions and will provide advanced biomedical tools. The main objective of this Final Year Project is the improvement of the former elearning system that already existed in the ABP. The new system will be: (i) more powerful, richer in features, (ii) will have an important social base allowing users to contribute information and knowledge sharing; and (iii) will be distributed and scalable, capable of integrating different learning management systems as sources of information. The final results obtained are fairly positive and the new e-learning system has improved its usability, functionality and appearance of the former. To conclude, the tool still has much room for improvement, but thanks to the new features of the improved elearning system has become more social, distributed, scalable and innovative.


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Residents learning nontechnical skills in Europe face two problems: (1) the difficulty to fit learning time in their overloaded schedules; and (2) the lack of standard pedagogical models for all countries. Online video-based repositories such as WeBSurg or WebOP provide ubiquitous access to surgical contents. However, their pedagogical facets have not been fully exploited and they are often seen as quick-reference repositories rather than full e-learning alternatives. We present a new pedagogically-supported Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solution, MISTELA, designed by surgeons, pedagogical experts and engineers. MISTELA aims at building a common European pedagogical model supported by ICT technologies and elearning. The solution proposes a pedagogical model based on a framework for pedagogically-informed design of e-learning platforms. It is composed of (1) an authoring tool for editing and augmenting videos; (2) a media asset management system; and (3) a virtual learning environment. Support of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) and validation of the solution, will help to determine its full potential.


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AFRICA BUILD (AB) is a Coordination Action project under the 7th European Framework Programme having the aim of improving the capacities for health research and education in Africa through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This project, started in 2012, has promoted health research, education and evidence-based practice in Africa through the creation of centers of excellence, by using ICT,?know-how?, eLearning and knowledge sharing, through Web-enabled virtual communities.