854 resultados para Distribution (Economic theory)
Resumen: El trabajo constituye una presentación general del análisis de la circulación económica elaborado por B. Lonergan quien, desde presupuestos filosóficos diferentes de los implícitos en la teoría económica dominante, desarrolló una aproximación sistémica a la problemática económica que revela ciertas insuficiencias en las mediciones vigentes. En efecto, las variables de interés se ven modificadas cuando cambian las categorías fundamentales de análisis. En la primera sección se exponen los supuestos gnoseológicos y epistemológicos realistas desarrollados por este autor. Estos fundamentos permiten reconocer con mayor claridad las bases endebles de los abordajes actuales. Tras una breve enumeración de algunas críticas al paradigma vigente de parte de diversos autores, se exponen las líneas generales del esquema propuesto por Lonergan.
Resumen: El artículo tiene por tema central la importancia de la intervención de la Iglesia en asuntos socio-económicos. El autor parte de dos interrogantes: el motivo por el cual se instauró la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia a finales del siglo XIX y no anteriormente, y las razones que condujeron al quiebre entre la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y la teoría económica dominante. Para dar respuesta a estas cuestiones, Pasinetti se remonta a los inicios del Cristianismo, y realiza un análisis histórico del desarrollo de la teoría económica hasta la proclamación de la encíclica Rerum Novarum en 1891. El autor explica que ese corpus doctrinal surgió como resultado de tres eventos históricos: la Revolución Industrial, el impacto de la obra de Karl Marx, y la falla en formular una teoría económica capaz de resolver los problemas de un mundo nuevo. La Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, entonces, está llamada a superar estas dificultades ya que posee las herramientas necesarias para lograrlo.
Revised 2008-08.-- Published as an article in: Journal of Public Economic Theory (2008), 10(4), 563-594.
This study is concerned with the measurement of total factor prodnctivity in the marine fishing industries in general and in the Pacific coast trawl fishery in particular. The study is divided into two parts. Part I contains suitable empirical and introductory theoretical material for the examination of productivity in the Pacific coast trawl Deet. It is self-contained, and contains the basic formulae, empirical results, and discussion. Because the economic theory of index numbers and productivity is constantly evolving and is widely scattered throughout the economics literature, Part D draws together the theoretical literature into one place to allow ready access for readers interested in more details. The major methodological focus of the study is upon the type of economic index number that is most appropriate for use by economists with the National Marine Fisheries Service. This study recommends that the following types of economic index numbers be used: chain rather than fIxed base; bilateral rather than multilateral; one of the class of superlative indices, such as the Tornqvist or Fisher Ideal. (PDF file contains 40 pages.)
Government procurement of a new good or service is a process that usually includes basic research, development, and production. Empirical evidences indicate that investments in research and development (R and D) before production are significant in many defense procurements. Thus, optimal procurement policy should not be only to select the most efficient producer, but also to induce the contractors to design the best product and to develop the best technology. It is difficult to apply the current economic theory of optimal procurement and contracting, which has emphasized production, but ignored R and D, to many cases of procurement.
In this thesis, I provide basic models of both R and D and production in the procurement process where a number of firms invest in private R and D and compete for a government contract. R and D is modeled as a stochastic cost-reduction process. The government is considered both as a profit-maximizer and a procurement cost minimizer. In comparison to the literature, the following results derived from my models are significant. First, R and D matters in procurement contracting. When offering the optimal contract the government will be better off if it correctly takes into account costly private R and D investment. Second, competition matters. The optimal contract and the total equilibrium R and D expenditures vary with the number of firms. The government usually does not prefer infinite competition among firms. Instead, it prefers free entry of firms. Third, under a R and D technology with the constant marginal returns-to-scale, it is socially optimal to have only one firm to conduct all of the R and D and production. Fourth, in an independent private values environment with risk-neutral firms, an informed government should select one of four standard auction procedures with an appropriate announced reserve price, acting as if it does not have any private information.
La salud es un aspecto muy importante en la vida de cualquier persona, de forma que, al ocurrir cualquier contingencia que merma el estado de salud de un individuo o grupo de personas, se debe valorar estrictamente y en detalle las distintas alternativas destinadas a combatir la enfermedad. Esto se debe a que, la calidad de vida de los pacientes variará dependiendo de la alternativa elegida. La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) se entiende como el valor asignado a la duración de la vida, modificado por la oportunidad social, la percepción, el estado funcional y la disminución provocadas por una enfermedad, accidente, tratamiento o política (Sacristán et al, 1995). Para determinar el valor numérico asignado a la CVRS, ante una intervención, debemos beber de la teoría económica aplicada a las evaluaciones sanitarias para nuevas intervenciones. Entre los métodos de evaluación económica sanitaria, el método coste-utilidad emplea como utilidad, los años de vida ajustado por calidad (AVAC), que consiste, por un lado, tener en cuenta la calidad de vida ante una intervención médica, y por otro lado, los años estimados a vivir tras la intervención. Para determinar la calidad de vida, se emplea técnicas como el Juego Estándar, la Equivalencia Temporal y la Escala de Categoría. Estas técnicas nos proporcionan un valor numérico entre 0 y 1, siendo 0 el peor estado y 1 el estado perfecto de salud. Al entrevistar a un paciente a cerca de la utilidad en términos de salud, puede haber riesgo o incertidumbre en la pregunta planteada. En tal caso, se aplica el Juego Estándar con el fin de determinar el valor numérico de la utilidad o calidad de vida del paciente ante un tratamiento dado. Para obtener este valor, al paciente se le plantean dos escenarios: en primer lugar, un estado de salud con probabilidad de morir y de sobrevivir, y en segundo lugar, un estado de certeza. La utilidad se determina modificando la probabilidad de morir hasta llegar a la probabilidad que muestra la indiferencia del individuo entre el estado de riesgo y el estado de certeza. De forma similar, tenemos la equivalencia temporal, cuya aplicación resulta más fácil que el juego estándar ya que valora en un eje de ordenadas y abscisas, el valor de la salud y el tiempo a cumplir en esa situación ante un tratamiento sanitario, de forma que, se llega al valor correspondiente a la calidad de vida variando el tiempo hasta que el individuo se muestre indiferente entre las dos alternativas. En último lugar, si lo que se espera del paciente es una lista de estados de salud preferidos ante un tratamiento, empleamos la Escala de Categoría, que consiste en una línea horizontal de 10 centímetros con puntuaciones desde 0 a 100. La persona entrevistada coloca la lista de estados de salud según el orden de preferencia en la escala que después es normalizado a un intervalo entre 0 y 1. Los años de vida ajustado por calidad se obtienen multiplicando el valor de la calidad de vida por los años de vida estimados que vivirá el paciente. Sin embargo, ninguno de estas metodologías mencionadas consideran el factor edad, siendo necesario la inclusión de esta variable. Además, los pacientes pueden responder de manera subjetiva, situación en la que se requiere la opinión de un experto que determine el nivel de discapacidad del aquejado. De esta forma, se introduce el concepto de años de vida ajustado por discapacidad (AVAD) tal que el parámetro de utilidad de los AVAC será el complementario del parámetro de discapacidad de los AVAD Q^i=1-D^i. A pesar de que este último incorpora parámetros de ponderación de edad que no se contemplan en los AVAC. Además, bajo la suposición Q=1-D, podemos determinar la calidad de vida del individuo antes del tratamiento. Una vez obtenido los AVAC ganados, procedemos a la valoración monetaria de éstos. Para ello, partimos de la suposición de que la intervención sanitaria permite al individuo volver a realizar las labores que venía realizando. De modo que valoramos los salarios probables con una temporalidad igual a los AVAC ganados, teniendo en cuenta la limitación que supone la aplicación de este enfoque. Finalmente, analizamos los beneficios derivados del tratamiento (masa salarial probable) si empleamos la tabla GRF-95 (población femenina) y GRM-95 (población masculina).
Nas últimas três décadas, o Brasil produziu mais de um milhão de mortos por homicídios, alcançando assim a triste posição de 18 país com maior taxa de mortes violentas no mundo (GENEVADECLARATIONON ARMED VIOLENCE AND DEVELOPMENT, 2011). Para solucionar tal problema, diversos esforços privados e públicos foram feitos, tendo sido o Estatuto de Desarmamento um dos esforços de maior destaque. No entanto, apesar de decorridos mais de dez anos após a promulgação desta legislação, a literatura econômica sobre o crime ainda não é unânime acerca dos efeitos das armas de fogo sobre os crimes violentos. Com a intenção de analisar estes efeitos, esta dissertação investiga as diferentes abordagens da Teoria Econômica do Crime e elabora um modelo teórico capaz de respaldar a análise empírica. Esta análise, por sua vez, avalia as relações entre armas de fogo e homicídios por perfuração de arma de fogo no Brasil e no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, por meio de Vetores Auto Regressivos em painel. Dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que os efeitos entre armas e homicídios variam de acordo com as heterogeneidades locais, não sendo possível extrapolar os mesmos.
Análise do mercado sucroalcooleiro e das elasticidades preço e renda da demanda por etanol hidratado
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o mercado de etanol combustível e estimar as elasticidades preço e renda da demanda de etanol hidratado, no Brasil, no período de janeiro de 2003 a setembro de 2012. O método econométrico utilizado para analisar os dados e obter os resultados referentes à estimativa dos parâmetros das equações de demanda foi a metodologia de Johansen. Baseado na teoria da demanda incluiu-se, num primeiro momento, como variáveis explicativas: o preço do bem, o preço do bem substituto e a renda, num segundo momento incluiu-se também a frota de veículos, estimando assim o modelo VAR/VEC. Os resultados encontrados foram significativos e estão de acordo com a teoria econômica, nos levando a concluir que a demanda por etanol é bem elástica ao preço do etanol e ao preço da gasolina. Antes de desenvolvermos o modelo, analisamos o mercado de cana-de-açúcar, de etanol e da commodity concorrente ao etanol, o açúcar. Destacando a preocupação com o meio ambiente e a importância do etanol como energia renovável.
Estimating the financial value of pain informs issues as diverse as the market price of analgesics, the cost-effectiveness of clinical treatments, compensation for injury, and the response to public hazards. Such valuations are assumed to reflect a stable trade-off between relief of discomfort and money. Here, using an auction-based health-market experiment, we show that the price people pay for relief of pain is strongly determined by the local context of the market, that is, by recent intensities of pain or immediately disposable income (but not overall wealth). The absence of a stable valuation metric suggests that the dynamic behavior of health markets is not predictable from the static behavior of individuals. We conclude that the results follow the dynamics of habit-formation models of economic theory, and thus, this study provides the first scientific basis for this type of preference modeling.
In this paper, we provide the text of an interview with Professor Michael Porter discussing his research and ideas relating to the microeconomic foundations of global competitiveness. The discussion provides a microeconomic perspective on some of the key issues relating to recent research on competitiveness, productivity, clusters, US economic leadership, economic growth and development.
The heated debate over the conflict between ethics and economics is often described as an epochal issue, an expression of present-day fragility, resulting from the implosion of the development model, which has characterised western society. The debate, however, exposes a paradox. Whilst, on the one hand, the neoclassical economic theory is radically criticized, on the other such criticism does not appear to delineate any solid, practicable alternative. Thus, the mainstream economic theory is still taught, practised by individuals as well as institutions, and further developed by the prevailing academic research. For this reason, a viable alternative needs to be sought, along with a new research methodology, which would allow to apply novel and more coherent theoretical assumptions into effective research and real cases. The theoretical instruments by which to create the models for human behaviour need to take into account the biological foundation of behaviour, expressed in evolutionary genetics terms. The aim of this paper is to establish whether our moral knowledge of economics may claim any scientific objectivity in light of advances in subject areas that differ in their scope and methods: moral philosophy, economics, cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence, each of which makes a specific contribution to understanding the operation of the human mind and towards forming the moral values onto which economic choice and action are founded. Given that the object of the study of economic science is the analysis of complex systems, nowadays the most efficient method seems to be artificial life simulation.
Roberts, Michael. 'Recovering a lost inheritance: the marital economy and its absence from the Prehistory of Economics in Britain', in: 'The Marital Economy in Scandinavia and Britain 1400-1900', (Eds) Argen, Maria., Erickson, Amy Louise., Farnham: Ashgate, 2005, pp.239-256 RAE2008
The class of all Exponential-Polynomial-Trigonometric (EPT) functions is classical and equal to the Euler-d’Alembert class of solutions of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. The class of non-negative EPT functions defined on [0;1) was discussed in Hanzon and Holland (2010) of which EPT probability density functions are an important subclass. EPT functions can be represented as ceAxb, where A is a square matrix, b a column vector and c a row vector where the triple (A; b; c) is the minimal realization of the EPT function. The minimal triple is only unique up to a basis transformation. Here the class of 2-EPT probability density functions on R is defined and shown to be closed under a variety of operations. The class is also generalised to include mixtures with the pointmass at zero. This class coincides with the class of probability density functions with rational characteristic functions. It is illustrated that the Variance Gamma density is a 2-EPT density under a parameter restriction. A discrete 2-EPT process is a process which has stochastically independent 2-EPT random variables as increments. It is shown that the distribution of the minimum and maximum of such a process is an EPT density mixed with a pointmass at zero. The Laplace Transform of these distributions correspond to the discrete time Wiener-Hopf factors of the discrete time 2-EPT process. A distribution of daily log-returns, observed over the period 1931-2011 from a prominent US index, is approximated with a 2-EPT density function. Without the non-negativity condition, it is illustrated how this problem is transformed into a discrete time rational approximation problem. The rational approximation software RARL2 is used to carry out this approximation. The non-negativity constraint is then imposed via a convex optimisation procedure after the unconstrained approximation. Sufficient and necessary conditions are derived to characterise infinitely divisible EPT and 2-EPT functions. Infinitely divisible 2-EPT density functions generate 2-EPT Lévy processes. An assets log returns can be modelled as a 2-EPT Lévy process. Closed form pricing formulae are then derived for European Options with specific times to maturity. Formulae for discretely monitored Lookback Options and 2-Period Bermudan Options are also provided. Certain Greeks, including Delta and Gamma, of these options are also computed analytically. MATLAB scripts are provided for calculations involving 2-EPT functions. Numerical option pricing examples illustrate the effectiveness of the 2-EPT approach to financial modelling.
This paper considers incentives to provide goods that are non-excludable along social or geographic links. We find, first, that networks can lead to specialization in public good provision. In every social network there is an equilibrium where some individuals contribute and others free ride. In many networks, this extreme is the only outcome. Second, specialization can benefit society as a whole. This outcome arises when contributors are linked, collectively, to many agents. Finally, a new link increases access to public goods, but reduces individual incentives to contribute. Hence, overall welfare can be higher when there are holes in a network. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The paper describes an implicit finite difference approach to the pricing of American options on assets with a stochastic volatility. A multigrid procedure is described for the fast iterative solution of the discrete linear complementarity problems that result. The accuracy and performance of this approach is improved considerably by a strike-price related analytic transformation of asset prices and adaptive time-stepping.