953 resultados para Cross-correlation


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A numerical model embodying the concepts of the Cowley-Lockwood (Cowley and Lockwood, 1992, 1997) paradigm has been used to produce a simple Cowley– Lockwood type expanding flow pattern and to calculate the resulting change in ion temperature. Cross-correlation, fixed threshold analysis and threshold relative to peak are used to determine the phase speed of the change in convection pattern, in response to a change in applied reconnection. Each of these methods fails to fully recover the expansion of the onset of the convection response that is inherent in the simulations. The results of this study indicate that any expansion of the convection pattern will be best observed in time-series data using a threshold which is a fixed fraction of the peak response. We show that these methods used to determine the expansion velocity can be used to discriminate between the two main models for the convection response to a change in reconnection.


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We study a series of transient entries into the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) of all four Cluster spacecraft during an outbound pass through the mid-afternoon magnetopause ([X(GSM), Y(GSM), Z(GSM)] approximate to [2, 7, 9] R(E)). The events take place during an interval of northward IMF, as seen in the data from the ACE satellite and lagged by a propagation delay of 75 min that is well-defined by two separate studies: (1) the magnetospheric variations prior to the northward turning (Lockwood et al., 2001, this issue) and (2) the field clock angle seen by Cluster after it had emerged into the magnetosheath (Opgenoorth et al., 2001, this issue). With an additional lag of 16.5 min, the transient LLBL events cor-relate well with swings of the IMF clock angle (in GSM) to near 90degrees. Most of this additional lag is explained by ground-based observations, which reveal signatures of transient reconnection in the pre-noon sector that then take 10-15 min to propagate eastward to 15 MLT, where they are observed by Cluster. The eastward phase speed of these signatures agrees very well with the motion deduced by the cross-correlation of the signatures seen on the four Cluster spacecraft. The evidence that these events are reconnection pulses includes: transient erosion of the noon 630 nm (cusp/cleft) aurora to lower latitudes; transient and travelling enhancements of the flow into the polar cap, imaged by the AMIE technique; and poleward-moving events moving into the polar cap, seen by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR). A pass of the DMSP-F15 satellite reveals that the open field lines near noon have been opened for some time: the more recently opened field lines were found closer to dusk where the flow transient and the poleward-moving event intersected the satellite pass. The events at Cluster have ion and electron characteristics predicted and observed by Lockwood and Hapgood (1998) for a Flux Transfer Event (FTE), with allowance for magnetospheric ion reflection at Alfvenic disturbances in the magnetopause reconnection layer. Like FTEs, the events are about 1 R(E) in their direction of motion and show a rise in the magnetic field strength, but unlike FTEs, in general, they show no pressure excess in their core and hence, no characteristic bipolar signature in the boundary-normal component. However, most of the events were observed when the magnetic field was southward, i.e. on the edge of the interior magnetic cusp, or when the field was parallel to the magnetic equatorial plane. Only when the satellite begins to emerge from the exterior boundary (when the field was northward), do the events start to show a pressure excess in their core and the consequent bipolar signature. We identify the events as the first observations of FTEs at middle altitudes.


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Ground magnetic field perturbations recorded by the CANOPUS magnetometer network in the 7 to 13 MLT sector are used to examine how reconfigurations of the dayside polar ionospheric flow take place in response to north-south changes of the IMF. During the 6-hour interval in question IMF Bz oscillates between ±7 nT with about a 1-hour period. Corresponding variations in the ground magnetic disturbance are observed which we infer are due to changes in ionospheric flow. Cross correlation of the data obtained from two ground stations at 73.5° magnetic latitude, but separated by ∼2 hours in MLT, shows that changes in the flow are initiated in the prenoon sector (∼10 MLT) and then spread outward toward dawn and dusk with a phase speed of ∼5 km s−1 over the longitude range ∼8 to 12 MLT, slowing to ∼2 km s−1 outside this range. Cross correlating the data from these ground stations with IMP 8 IMF Bz records produces a MLT variation in the ground response delay relative to the IMF which is compatible with these deduced phase speeds. We interpret these observations in terms of the ionospheric response to the onset, expansion and decay of magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause.


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The time scale of the response of the high-latitude dayside ionospheric flow to changes in the North-South component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been investigated by examining the time delays between corresponding sudden changes. Approximately 40 h of simultaneous IMF and ionospheric flow data have been examined, obtained by the AMPTE-UKS and -IRM spacecraft and the EISCAT “Polar” experiment, respectively, in which 20 corresponding sudden changes have been identified. Ten of these changes were associated with southward turnings of the IMF, and 10 with northward turnings. It has been found that the corresponding flow changes occurred simultaneously over the whole of the “Polar” field-of-view, extending more than 2° in invariant latitude, and that the ionospheric response delay following northward turnings is the same as that following southward turnings, though the form of the response is different in the two cases. The shortest response time, 5.5 ± 3.2 min, is found in the early- to mid-afternoon sector, increasing to 9.5 ± 3.0 min in the mid-morning sector, and to 9.5 ± 3.1 min near to dusk. These times represent the delays in the appearance of perturbed flows in the “Polar” field-of-view following the arrival of IMF changes at the subsolar magnetopause. Overall, the results agree very well with those derived by Etemadi et al. (1988, Planet. Space Sci.36, 471) from a general cross-correlation analysis of the IMF Bz and “Polar” beam-swinging vector flow data.


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In multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems, the transmitters emit orthogonal waveforms to increase the spatial resolution. New frequency hopping (FH) codes based on chaotic sequences are proposed. The chaotic sequences have the characteristics of good encryption, anti-jamming properties and anti-intercept capabilities. The main idea of chaotic FH is based on queuing theory. According to the sensitivity to initial condition, these sequences can achieve good Hamming auto-correlation while also preserving good average correlation. Simulation results show that the proposed FH signals can achieve lower autocorrelation side lobe level and peak cross-correlation level with the increasing of iterations. Compared to the LFM signals, this sequence has higher range-doppler resolution.


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Imitation is an important form of social behavior, and research has aimed to discover and explain the neural and kinematic aspects of imitation. However, much of this research has featured single participants imitating in response to pre-recorded video stimuli. This is in spite of findings that show reduced neural activation to video vs. real life movement stimuli, particularly in the motor cortex. We investigated the degree to which video stimuli may affect the imitation process using a novel motion tracking paradigm with high spatial and temporal resolution. We recorded 14 positions on the hands, arms, and heads of two individuals in an imitation experiment. One individual freely moved within given parameters (moving balls across a series of pegs) and a second participant imitated. This task was performed with either simple (one ball) or complex (three balls) movement difficulty, and either face-to-face or via a live video projection. After an exploratory analysis, three dependent variables were chosen for examination: 3D grip position, joint angles in the arm, and grip aperture. A cross-correlation and multivariate analysis revealed that object-directed imitation task accuracy (as represented by grip position) was reduced in video compared to face-to-face feedback, and in complex compared to simple difficulty. This was most prevalent in the left-right and forward-back motions, relevant to the imitator sitting face-to-face with the actor or with a live projected video of the same actor. The results suggest that for tasks which require object-directed imitation, video stimuli may not be an ecologically valid way to present task materials. However, no similar effects were found in the joint angle and grip aperture variables, suggesting that there are limits to the influence of video stimuli on imitation. The implications of these results are discussed with regards to previous findings, and with suggestions for future experimentation.


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Flickering is a phenomenon related to mass accretion observed among many classes of astrophysical objects. In this paper we present a study of flickering emission lines and the continuum of the cataclysmic variable V3885 Sgr. The flickering behavior was first analyzed through statistical analysis and the power spectra of lightcurves. Autocorrelation techniques were then employed to estimate the flickering timescale of flares. A cross-correlation study between the line and its underlying continuum variability is presented. The cross-correlation between the photometric and spectroscopic data is also discussed. Periodograms, calculated using emission-line data, show a behavior that is similar to those obtained from photometric datasets found in the literature, with a plateau at lower frequencies and a power-law at higher frequencies. The power-law index is consistent with stochastic events. The cross-correlation study indicates the presence of a correlation between the variability on Ha and its underlying continuum. Flickering timescales derived from the photometric data were estimated to be 25 min for two lightcurves and 10 min for one of them. The average timescales of the line flickering is 40 min, while for its underlying continuum it drops to 20 min.


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Dengue virus type 4 (DENV-4) circulates in tropical and subtropical countries from Asia and the Americas. Despite the importance of dengue virus distribution, little is known about the worldwide viral spread. Following a Bayesian phylogenetic approach we inferred the evolutionary history of 310 isolates sampled from 37 countries during the time period 1956-2008 and the spreading dynamics for genotypes I and II. The region (tropical rainforest biome) comprised by Malaysia-Thailand was the most likely ancestral area from which the serotype has originated and spread. Interestingly, cross-correlation analysis on demographic time series with the Asian sequences showed a statistically significant negative correlation that could be suggestive of competition among genotypes within the same serotype. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This report presents an algorithm for locating the cut points for and separatingvertically attached traffic signs in Sweden. This algorithm provides severaladvanced digital image processing features: binary image which representsvisual object and its complex rectangle background with number one and zerorespectively, improved cross correlation which shows the similarity of 2Dobjects and filters traffic sign candidates, simplified shape decompositionwhich smoothes contour of visual object iteratively in order to reduce whitenoises, flipping point detection which locates black noises candidates, chasmfilling algorithm which eliminates black noises, determines the final cut pointsand separates originally attached traffic signs into individual ones. At each step,the mediate results as well as the efficiency in practice would be presented toshow the advantages and disadvantages of the developed algorithm. Thisreport concentrates on contour-based recognition of Swedish traffic signs. Thegeneral shapes cover upward triangle, downward triangle, circle, rectangle andoctagon. At last, a demonstration program would be presented to show howthe algorithm works in real-time environment.


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We address the problem of adaptive blind source separation (BSS) from instantaneous multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channels. In this paper, we propose a new constant modulus (CM)-based algorithm which employ nonlinear function as the de-correlation term. Moreover, it is shown by theoretical analysis that the proposed algorithm has less mean square error (MSE), i.e., better separation performance, in steady state than the cross-correlation and constant modulus algorithm (CC-CMA). Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed result.


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The performance of the modified adaptive conjugate gradient (CG) algorithms based on the iterative CG method for adaptive filtering is highly related to the ways of estimating the correlation matrix and the cross-correlation vector. The existing approaches of implementing the CG algorithms using the data windows of exponential form or sliding form result in either loss of convergence or increase in misadjustment. This paper presents and analyzes a new approach to the implementation of the CG algorithms for adaptive filtering by using a generalized data windowing scheme. For the new modified CG algorithms, we show that the convergence speed is accelerated, the misadjustment and tracking capability comparable to those of the recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm are achieved. Computer simulations demonstrated in the framework of linear system modeling problem show the improvements of the new modifications.


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This paper studies the problem of blind source separation (BSS) from instantaneous mixtures with the assumption that the source signals are mutually correlated.We propose a novel approach to BSS by using precoders in transmitters.We show that if the precoders are properly designed, some cross-correlation coefficients of the coded signals can be forced to be zero at certain time lags. Then, the unique correlation properties of the coded signals can be exploited in receiver to achieve source separation. Based on the proposed precoders, a subspace-based algorithm is derived for the blind separation of mutually correlated sources. The effectiveness of the algorithm is illustrated by simulation examples.


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We propose a combined character separation and recognition approach for low-resolution images of alphanumeric text. By synthesising the image formation process a set of low-resolution templates is created for each character. Cluster algorithms and normalised cross-correlation are then applied to match these templates and thereby allowing both character separation and recognition to be achieved at the same time. Thus characters are recognised using their low-resolution appearance only without applying image enhancement methods. Experiments showed that this approach is able to recognise low-resolution alphanumeric text of down to 5 pixels in size.


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This study investigated the relationship between the Big 5, measured at factor and facet levels, and dimensions of both psychological and subjective well-being. Three hundred and thirty-seven participants completed the 30 Facet International Personality Item Pool Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Positive and Negative Affectivity Schedule, and Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being. Cross-correlation decomposition presented a parsimonious picture of how well-being is related to personality factors. Incremental facet prediction was examined using double-adjusted r2 confidence intervals and semi-partial correlations. Incremental prediction by facets over factors ranged from almost nothing to a third more variance explained, suggesting a more modest incremental prediction than presented in the literature previously. Examination of semi-partial correlations controlling for factors revealed a small number of important facet-well-being correlations. All data and R analysis scripts are made available in an online repository.


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The aim of this paper is to design and develop an optimal motion cueing algorithm (MCA) based on the genetic algorithm (GA) that can generate high-fidelity motions within the motion simulator's physical limitations. Both, angular velocity and linear acceleration are adopted as the inputs to the MCA for producing the higher order optimal washout filter. The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) method is used to constrain the human perception error between the real and simulated driving tasks. To develop the optimal MCA, the latest mathematical models of the vestibular system and simulator motion are taken into account. A reference frame with the center of rotation at the driver's head to eliminate false motion cues caused by rotation of the simulator to the translational motion of the driver's head as well as to reduce the workspace displacement is employed. To improve the developed LQR-based optimal MCA, a new strategy based on optimal control theory and the GA is devised. The objective is to reproduce a signal that can follow closely the reference signal and avoid false motion cues by adjusting the parameters from the obtained LQR-based optimal washout filter. This is achieved by taking a series of factors into account, which include the vestibular sensation error between the real and simulated cases, the main dynamic limitations, the human threshold limiter in tilt coordination, the cross correlation coefficient, and the human sensation error fluctuation. It is worth pointing out that other related investigations in the literature normally do not consider the effects of these factors. The proposed optimized MCA based on the GA is implemented using the MATLAB/Simulink software. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed GA-based method in enhancing human sensation, maximizing the reference shape tracking, and reducing the workspace usage.