925 resultados para Cartografia, Iconografia, Imagem da Cidade, Torres


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Desde o início da década de 1990, Florianópolis vem sendo exaltada na mídia nacional e internacional por características como belezas naturais, altos índices de Desenvolvimento Humano, segurança, crescimento do setor de tecnologia e promoção de eventos. Esses atributos são conferidos à cidade como parte de um projeto modernizador que vem sendo atualizado desde a década de 1950 de acordo com os interesses de atores públicos e privados que, na tentativa de difundir algumas imagens da cidade, priorizam a de “paraíso turístico”. Este trabalho objetiva investigar a construção da imagem turística atual de Florianópolis – capital de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil – vinculada a um processo de “urbanização turística” da cidade baseado na venda e no consumo do prazer, que favorece a expansão de serviços relacionados ao turismo e ao setor terciário. Para tanto, realizamos revisão bibliográfica, levantamento de dados junto a instituições públicas e privadas, pesquisa de material de divulgação da cidade, além de entrevistas com atores ligados ao turismo em Florianópolis. É possível reconhecer que as imagens turísticas de Florianópolis não elegem apenas fragmentos espaciais para serem difundidos em nome de toda a cidade, mas também fragmentos temporais do passado e do futuro, excluindo assim o presente da cidade.


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A cidade do Recife concentra um patrimônio material e imaterial com valores seculares e intangíveis. Estes bens fazem parte de um acervo histórico construído ou iniciado nos séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII com uma arquitetura barroca de características bem pernambucanas. Com o crescimento da cidade e intervenção humana nesta área, os bens patrimoniais religiosos têm necessitado de cuidados para que seus valores não se percam com o tempo. E na expectativa de contribuir para a conservação e preservação desses, aplica-se a estereoscopia, uma técnica fotogramétrica de obter dados tridimensionais a partir de instrumentos óticos com o propósito de observação e obtenção de dados dignos de confiança. Neste caso, a técnica utilizada foi o anaglifo que faz uso de fotografias terrestres processadas em softwares especializados que resultam no registro impresso e digital de imagens tridimensionais, seja para a promoção do turismo cultural ou para um planejamento do tombamento, conservação e preservação de bens patrimoniais, como os templos católicos pesquisados no Recife.


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Da crescente compressão tempo-espaço, o modelo de urbanização pós-moderno exibe as, cada vez maiores, desigualdades existentes entre os que têm condições e participam dos processos globais e os que estão incluídos de maneira precária dentro da (re)produção do espaço. Estes últimos formam os chamados aglomerados de exclusão, através de processos de des-reterritorializações que podem ser vistos no espaço pela distribuição dos recursos estatais e/ou privados destinados a população do município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Esta cidade, assim como a maioria das metrópoles dos países com capitalismo tardio, mostra imensas desigualdades político, econômicas, sociais e culturais. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar cartograficamente como determinados serviços básicos à população (saúde, educação, segurança, lazer e transporte) se distribuem no espaço de maneira desigual, porém não desordenada. Cabe ressaltar que está cidade estará no centro das atenções mundiais nesta segunda década de século XXI, tanto pelo desenvolvimento estatal brasileiro, quanto pelas realizações dos dois maiores eventos esportivos: a Copa do Mundo e as Olimpíadas, eventos esses que geram grandes transformações no ordenamento urbano municipal. A metodologia empregada se dá pelo uso do geoprocessamento aplicado ao Sistema de Informações Geográficas (GIS), junto aos conceitos de territórios e sua dialética de des-reterritorialização.


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O núcleo urbano de Belmonte localizado no litoral Sul do estado da Bahia se desenvolveu em 1764, a partir do porto fluvial no rio Jequitinhonha. As cheias do rio eram muito comuns entre os meses de dezembro e fevereiro e o risco de inundações sempre foi por muito tempo um problema para os gestores municipais, diante da ameaça à população com perda de residências e de parte da cidade pelas enxurradas. Desta maneira este trabalho teve por objetivo mapear as transformações ocorridas no canal do rio Jequitinhonha após a intervenção na sua calha, com a abertura e desvio do canal, em 1989. Adotou-se para o mapeamento as fotografias aéreas verticais de 1960, 1965 e 1974 na escala de 1: 25.000 e a imagem de satélite CBERS – 2, de 2005 com o trabalho de campo realizado entre 2005 e 2007. O desvio do canal do rio contribuiu para que Belmonte ficasse protegida das cheias dos anos subseqüentes. Por outro lado, alterou a morfologia do canal do rio, com diferentes formas deposicionais, com o adensamento de ilhas fluviais a oeste da cidade e com o assoreamento e estreitamento do antigo leito do rio, transformado em canal secundário, colmatado.


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No ano de 2010, em Uberaba-MG, Brasil, teve início o projeto FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE PROFESSORES DA EDUCAÇÃO BÁSICA: possibilidades inclusivas a partir da Cartografia. A proposta inicial começou com o desejo de um estudante de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro – UFTM, em ajudar alunos surdos a entender a Disciplina Geografia. A idéia ampliou-se de tal forma que hoje participam diversas áreas de conhecimento na escola, além de profissionais da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU. Organizado em Módulos de discussão, o projeto prevê oficinas de Alfabetização Cartográfica para os estudantes do Ensino Fundamental (1º a 9º ano) e também para todos os professores que se interessarem, objetivando, também, a aplicação da Inclusão Escolar. Mini-Cursos sobre Global Positioning System (GPS), Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), Imagens de Satélite, Escalas Gráficas e Numéricas, Localização, Corrida de Orientação, Geopolítica da Cidade, Valorização da Cultura Negra, Organização Política e Direitos do Trabalhador da Educação, e Metodologia do Trabalho Científico para apoiar os professores da Educação Básica que desejem organizar projetos com o objetivo da pesquisa na Pós Graduação: Especialização, Mestrado ou Doutorado.


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This paper is a beginning point for discussing what the literature states about parents’ involvement in their children’s mathematics education. Where possible it will focus on Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Little is known about how Torres Strait Islander parents approach their children’s learning of mathematics and how important early mathematics is to mothers. What is known is that is they are keen for their children to receive an education that provides them with opportunities for their present and future lives. However, gaining access to education is challenging given that the language of instruction in schools is written to English conventions, decontextualised and disconnected from the students’ culture, community and home language. This paper discusses some of the issues raised in the literature about what parents are confronted with when making decisions about their children’s education.


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This abstract provides a preliminary discussion of the importance of recognising Torres Strait Islander knowledges and home languages of mathematics education. It stems from a project involving Torres Strait Islander Teachers and Teacher Aides and university based researchers who are working together to enhance the mathematics learning of students from Years 4-9. A key focus of the project is that mathematics is relevant and provides students with opportunities for further education, training and employment. Veronica Arbon (2008) questions the assumptions underpinning Western mainstream education as beneficial for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which assumes that it enables them to better participate in Australian society. She asks “how de we best achieve outcomes for and with Indigenous people conducive to our cultural, physical and economic sustainability as defined by us from Indigenous knowledge positions?” (p. 118). How does a mainstream education written to English conventions provide students with the knowledge and skills to participate in daily life, if it does not recognise the cultural identity of Indigenous students as it should (Priest, 2005; cf. Schnukal, 2003)? Arbon (2008) states that this view is now brought into question with calls for both ways education where mainstream knowledge and practices is blended with Indigenous cultural knowledges of learning. This project considers as crucial that cultural knowledges and experiences of Indigenous people to be valued and respected and given the currency in the same way that non Indigenous knowledge is (Taylor, 2003) for both ways education to work.


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This paper is a beginning point for discussing what the literature states about parents’ involvement in their children’s mathematics education. Where possible it will focus on Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Little is known about how Torres Strait Islander parents approach their children’s learning of mathematics and how important early mathematics is to mothers. What is known is that is they are keen for their children to receive an education that provides them with opportunities for their present and future lives. However, gaining access to education is challenging given that the language of instruction in schools is written to English conventions, decontextualised and disconnected from the students’ culture, community and home language. This paper discusses some of the issues raised in the literature about what parents are confronted with when making decisions about their children’s education.


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This paper reports research undertaken as part of a larger project in which we examined whether and how values and beliefs communicated by Australian politicians have shaped decades of health policy and influenced health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia. To first characterise those values and beliefs we analysed the public statements of the politicians responsible nationally for the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 1972–2001, using critical discourse analysis. We found that four discourses, communicated through words, phrases, sentences and grammatical structures, dominated public statements over the study period. These four discourses focused on the competence and capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to “manage”; matters of control of and responsibility for the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as “Other”; and the nature of the “problem” concerning the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Analysis of the discursive elements contributing to shaping these four discourses is reported in this paper.


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The Strategy presented in this report was developed through the Australian Women’s Health Network Talking Circle in 2009-2010. Over 400 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women were involved in the consultations. The Action Areas and Recommendations presented in this Strategy were raised and discussed by the women who contributed to the Talking Circle. This Strategy is not intended to replace any other national or state/territory identified priorities or needs. Instead, this Strategy supplements other work. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experience extremely poor health outcomes. They have a right to determine for themselves what their health system will look like. This Strategy is part of that process. If Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women continue to have their sense of identity marginalised and eroded, they will continue to have the poorest health of any group of women in Australian society.


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The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy was launched at the Australian Women’s Health Network (AWHN) National Conference in Hobart on the 19 May 2010. It is important to note that this Strategy does not replace other national or State and Territory documents which identify priorities and needs. The aim is to supplement existing work and contribute to the new National Women's Health Policy (NWHP) being developed. This article will outline the process of the Strategy’s development and its uses for the future.


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Radio Program. Talkin with Tiga Bayles, 98.9 AM National Indigenous Radio Service (NIRS), 9.00-10.00am, Wednesday 21 July 2010. (1 hour program).----- Bronwyn Fredericks discssed the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy was launched at the Australian Women’s Health Network (AWHN) National Conference in Hobart on the 19 May 2010. Within this radio interview the background of the Strategy is discussed, funding, who did the consultations and the writing. In the interview Bronwyn Fredericks outlines the process of the Strategy’s development and its uses for the future.----- It is important to note that this Strategy does not replace other national or State and Territory documents which identify priorities and needs. The aim is to supplement existing work.


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This paper critiques a 2008 Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) assessment initiative known as Queensland Comparable Assessment Tasks, or QCATs. The rhetoric is that these centrally devised assessment tasks will provide information about how well students can apply what they know, understand and can do in different contexts (QSA, 2009). The QCATs are described as ‘authentic, performance-based assessment’ that involves a ‘meaningful problem’, ‘emphasises critical thinking and reasoning’ and ‘provides students with every opportunity to do their best work’ (QSA, 2009). From my viewpoint as a teacher, I detail my professional concerns with implementing the 2008 middle primary English QCAT in one case study Torres Strait Island community. Specifically I ask ‘QCATs: Comparable with what?’ and ‘QCATs: Whose authentic assessment?’. I predict the possible collateral effects of implementing this English assessment in this remote Indigenous community, concluding, rather than being an example of quality assessment, colloquially speaking, it is nothing more than a ‘dog’.


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A one year mathematics project that focused on measurement was conducted with six Torres Strait Islander schools and communities. Its key focus was to contextualise the teaching and learning of measurement within the students’ culture, communities and home languages. There were six teachers and two teacher aides who participated in the project. This paper reports on the findings from the teachers’ and teacher aides’ survey questionnaire used in the first Professional Development session to identify: a) teachers’ experience of teaching in Torres Strait Islands, b) teachers’ beliefs about effective ways to teach Torres Strait Islander students, and c) contexualising measurement within Torres Strait Islander culture, Communities and home languages. A wide range of differing levels of knowledge and understanding about how to contextualise measurement to support student learning were identified and analysed. For example, an Indigenous teacher claimed that mathematics and the environment are relational, that is, they are not discrete and in isolation from one another, rather they interconnect with mathematical ideas emerging from the environment of the Torres Strait Communities.