173 resultados para Bacteremia


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The purpose of this study was to assess whether C. difficile infection (CDI) increases the risk of bacteremia or E. coli infection. The first specific aim of this study was to study the incidence of post C. difficile bacteremia in CDI patients stratified by disease severity vs. controls. The second specific aim was to study the incidence of post C. difficile E. coli infection from normally sterile sites stratified by disease severity vs. controls. This was a retrospective case case control study. The cases came from an ongoing prospective cohort study of CDI. Case group 1 were patients with mild to moderate CDI. Case group 2 were patients who had severe CDI. Controls were hospitalized patients given broad spectrum antibiotics that did not develop CDI. Controls were matched by age (±10 years) and duration of hospital visit (±1 week). 191 cases were selected from the cohort study and 191 controls were matched to the cases. Patients were followed up to 60 days after the initial diagnosis of CDI and assessed for bacteremia and E. coli infections. The Zar score was used to determine the severity of the CDI. Stata 11 was used to run all analyses. ^ The risk of non staphylococcal bacteremia after diagnosis of CDI was higher compared to controls (14% and 7% respectively, OR: 2.27; 95% CI:1.07-5.01, p=0.028). The risk of getting an E.coli infection was higher in cases than in controls (13% and 9% respectively although the results were not statistically significant (OR:1.4; 95% CI:0.38-5.59;p=0.32). Rates of non-staphylococcal bacteremia and E. coli infection did not differ cased on CDI severity. ^ This study showed that the risk of developing non-staphylococcus bacteremia was higher in patients with CDI compared to matched controls. The findings supported the hypothesis that CDI increases the risk of bacterial translocation specifically leading to the development of bacteremia.^


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Objetivo: Evaluar parámetros clínicos, bacteriológicos y morbimortalidad de las bacteriemias en pacientes con leucopenia (<4.000 leucocitos/mm 3) y compararlas con bacteriemias con leucocitosis (>12.000/mm3). Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional en pacientes con 2 o más hemocultivos positivos para el mismo germen hospitalizados en un servicio de clínica médica desde Marzo de 1989 a Agosto de 2007. Resultados: Se identificaron 728 bacteriemias, 94 (12,91%) con leucopenia (Grupo A) y 407 (55,90%) con leucocitosis (Grupo B). La edad media fue de 55,57 años (DS±16,93) en A y de 58,40 años (DS±17,34) en B. No hubo diferencias en la permanencia media: 19,59 días (DS±18,67) en A vs 21,21 (DS±19,53) en B ni en el sexo masculino (65,96 vs 57,25%)(pNS). La adquisición nosocomial (57,44 vs 40,29%) y el foco desconocido (25,53 vs 9,33%) y abdominal (17,14 vs 9,21%) fueron más frecuentes en A (p<0.01). La comorbilidad mayor (82,98 vs 41,24%), neoplasias (45,74 vs 12,84%) y la inmunosupresión (31,91 vs 6,17%) fueron significativas en A (p<0.01). La anemia (86,17 vs 62,40%) y la trombocitopenia (84,04 vs 25,06%) predominaron en A (p<0.01). Los Bacilos Gram Negativos predominaron en A (61,71 vs 37,83%)(p<0.01) [Klebsiella (17,02 vs 9,82%) y Pseudomonas (10,64 vs 1,47%) las más frecuentes (p<0.05)] y en B fue más frecuente S. aureus (31,69 vs 11,70%)(p<0.01). La mortalidad fue de 39,36% en A y 25,30% en B (p=0.006) y se asoció en el grupo A a mayor mortalidad en las primeras 24 horas (32,43 vs 16,50%), inmunosupresión (27,02 vs 7,76%), neumococcemias (52,94 vs 23,07%), sepsis (100 vs 88,35%) y trombocitopenia (75,67 vs 30,09%)(p<0,01).- Conclusiones: Las bacteriemias en pacientes leucopénicos comparadas con aquellas con leucocitosis se asociaron significativamente a adquisición nosocomial, foco desconocido y abdominal, presencia de comorbilidad mayor, neoplasias e inmunosupresión, a bacteriemias por Klebsiella y Pseudomonas y a significativa mayor mortalidad. Palabras claves: leucopenia, bacteriemias


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Objetivo: Determinar etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, morbimortalidad y recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos utilizados en pacientes internados con pancitopenia. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional de 14 meses. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes internados con pancitopenia definida por hemoglobina (Hb) <12 g/dL; plaquetas <150.000/ mL y leucocitos <3.800/mL. Los datos fueron analizados con Epi Info 6.04. Resultados: Se diagnosticaron 54 casos de pancitopenia. Prevalencia: 22/1.000 egresos. Edad media: 48,72 años (DS±20,64); 29,63% fueron > 65 años y 53,70% hombres. Permanencia media: 17,13 días (DS±13,22) vs 7,25 días (DS±5,4) del Servicio (p<0.0001). Charlson medio: 7,16 (DS±2,96) y APACHEII medio: 12 (DS±5,04). El 83,33% (45/54, IC95%70,71-92,08) de las pancitopenias fueron secundarias a compromiso medular, 22 casos (40,74%; IC95%27,57-54,97) postquimioterapia (15 en neoplasias oncohematológicas y 7 en sólidas), 11 (20,37%; IC95%10,63-33,53) por mieloptisis y 4 casos (7,41%; IC95%2,06-17,89) por megaloblastosis. El 16,66% (9/54; IC95%7,92- 29,29) fue secundaria a hiperesplenismo y el 16,66% asociadas a infecciones (3 casos por SIDA). Se realizó estudio de médula ósea en 19 casos (35,18%). El 96,29% (IC95%87,25-99,55) presentó comórbidas. El síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (85,19%), síndrome anémico (77,8%) y púrpura (50%) fueron las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes. Presentó sepsis el 81,48% (IC95%68,57-90,75) y el 29,63% (IC95%17,98-46,31) hemorragias. El 81,48% tuvo infecciones; el 50% de origen nosocomial y el 65,91% clínicamente documentadas. El 34,09% (IC95%20,49-49,92) tuvo aislamiento microbiológico, con hemocultivos positivos en 29,55%. El 51,85% (IC95%37,84-65,66) desarrolló neutropenia febril (75% postquimioterapia). El 64,81% recibió hemoderivados y factores estimulantes de colonias (G-CSF) el 46,34% (IC95%32,62-60,39). La mortalidad fue mayor a la media global del Servicio (16,66 vs 8,65%)(p=0.07).- Conclusiones: Las pancitopenias en pacientes hospitalizados se caracterizaron por ser secundarias a compromiso medular, hiperesplenismo e infecciones, asociarse a permanencia prolongada, altos índices de comorbilidad, complicaciones infecciosas, y mayor mortalidad que la media global del Servicio.


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Objetivos: Evaluar parámetros clínicos, bacteriológicos y morbimortalidad en pacientes mayores de 65 años con bacteriemia (Grupo A) y compararlos con aquellas ocurridas en menores de 65 años (grupo B) hospitalizados en un servicio de clínica médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional, desde 1989-2006. Criterios de inclusión: dos o más hemocultivos positivos. Análisis estadístico con Epi Info 6.4 . Resultados: Se identificaron 668 bacteriemias: 258 (38,6%) en A y 410 (61,4%) en B. La edad media fue de 74,2 años (DS±7.01) y de 47,2 años (DS±13.7) respectivamente. No hubo diferencias en la permanencia media: 19,1 días (DS±17.07) en A y 19,9 (DS±18,1) en B, ni en el origen nosocomial (40,7 vs 44%). Los focos pulmonar (31 vs 21,2%)(p<0,008) y urinario (27 vs 18,8%)(p=0.017) fue más frecuentes en A. La fiebre >de 38 ºC fue menos frecuente en A (83,8 vs 90,9%)(p=0.0068), mientras que la hipotensión arterial (40,8 vs 32,2%)(p=0.03), oliguria (41,7 vs 30,9%)(p=0.005) y encefalopatía (54,5 vs 39,4%)(p=0.00014) fueron mas comunes en A. Los bacilos gram negativos predominaron en A (46 vs 37%)(p<0.01) con diferencias entre A.baumani (9,16 vs 4,6%) y E.coli (54,1 vs 42,7%)(p<0.05) y en B fueron más frecuentes por S.aureus MS (34.39 vs 24,63)(p=0.01). El shock séptico (33,9 vs 22,4%) y nuevas insuficiencias de órganos (31,1 vs 20,1%) prevalecieron en A (p<0,001). La mortalidad fue de 34,49% para A y de 23,41% para B (p=0,018) Conclusiones: Las bacteriemias en pacientes internados mayores de 65 años comparadas con las ocurridas en pacientes. de menor edad, se caracterizaron significativamente por tener predominio del foco pulmonar y urinario, de hipotensión arterial, oliguria y encefalopatía, de bacteriemia por BGN, principalmente A. baumanii y E. coli; mayor desarrollo de shock séptico, menor frecuencia de fiebre >38°C y de bacteriemia por MSS A, y significativa mayor mortalidad.


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Objetivos: Analizar características clínicas y morbimortalidad de las bacteriemias por Pseudomonas aeruginosa comparadas con Klebsiella spp en pacientes hospitalizados en un Servicio de Clínica Médica de adultos. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo, observacional de 15 años de duración. Criterio de inclusión: 2 o más hemocultivos positivos para el germen. Los datos fueron procesados en EPI Info 6.04. El criterio de significación se estableció para un error alfa menor del 5%. Resultados: Se detectaron en el período de estudio 282 bacteriemias por bacilos gram negativos de las cuales 19 fueron por Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6.7%) y 76 por Klebsiella (26.9%). No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ambas en cuanto a edad media [53.9 años (DS±17.9 ) vs 58.7 años (DS±15.2)], sexo (femenino: 26.3 vs 38.2%) ni complicaciones (77.8 vs 77.3%). La presencia de neutropenia (52.6 vs 9.2%)(p<0.0001), comorbilidad mayor (94.7 vs 68.4%)(p<0.05), neoplasias (47.4 vs 22.4%)(p<0.05), uso de corticoides (21.1 vs 3.9%)(p<0.05), e inmunosupresores (31.6 vs 7.9%)(p<0.01), trombocitopenia (77.7 vs 49.3%) (p<0.05) y leucopenia (52.6 vs 21.3%)(p<0.01) fueron más frecuentes en las bacteriemias por P. aeruginosa. Resultó más frecuente la hipoalbuminemia (88.5 vs 37.5%)(p<0.001) en las bacteriemias por Klebsiella spp. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a puerta de entrada conocida (78.9 vs 77.6%), anemia (84.2 vs 71.2%), complicaciones infecciosas (84.2 vs 73.7%), descompensación de comórbidas (55.6 vs 51.3%) y encefalopatía (36.8 vs 57.9%)(pNS). La mortalidad precoz (dentro de los 7 días) fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de las bacteriemias por P.aeruginosa (57.1 vs 12%) (p<0.01), sin diferencias en la mortalidad global (36.8 vs 32.9%) (pNS). Conclusiones: Las bacteriemias por P.aeruginosa comparadas con las producidas por Klebsiella spp. se asociaron significativamente a mayor frecuencia de neoplasias, leucopenia, trombocitopenia y neutropenia, comorbilidad mayor, uso de corticoides e inmunosupresores, y a mortalidad precoz.


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INTRODUCTION Daptomycin is a cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic, frequently administered for Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections. Numerous studies have shown that daptomycin is relatively safe and well tolerated. Serious adverse events possibly related to this antimicrobial compound are rare. We report a case of acute angioedema triggered by daptomycin. CASE REPORT A 60-year-old woman with S. aureus bacteremia without identified source was treated intravenously with high-dose beta-lactams at our institution. Because S. aureus bacteremia persisted on day 6, and in parallel, acute kidney injury developed, antimicrobial treatment was switched to a combination therapy with daptomycin and ceftriaxone. Shortly after completion of the first daptomycin administration, the patient developed lip and tongue swelling and dyspnea. Acute angioedema was clinically evident. Antibiotic therapy was switched to vancomycin, and the further clinical course was favorable. An intradermal test showed a significant wheal diameter for daptomycin, but negative results for ceftriaxone. CONCLUSION The association with daptomycin in this case is either probable or certain. Clinicians should be aware that daptomycin can cause immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions, including acute angioedema, even upon first administration.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Vaccines have been described as weapons of mass protection. The eradication of many diseases is testament to their utility and effectiveness. Nevertheless, many vaccine preventable diseases remain prevalent because of political and economic barriers. Additionally, the effects of immaturity and old age, therapies that incapacitate the adaptive immune system and the multitude of strategies evolved by pathogens to evade immediate or sustained recognition by the mammalian immune system are barriers to the effectiveness of existing vaccines or development of new vaccines. In the front line of defence against the pervasiness of infection are the elements of the innate immune system. Innate immunity is under studied and poorly appreciated. However, in the first days after entry of a pathogen into the body, our entire protective response is dependant upon the various elements of our innate immune repertoire. In spite of, its place as our initial defence against infection, attention is only now turning to strategies which enhance or supplement innate immunity. This review examines the need for and potential of innate immune therapies.


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The clinical usefulness of hemodialysis catheters is limited by increased infectious morbidity and mortality. Topical antiseptic agents, such as mupirocin, are effective at reducing this risk but have been reported to select for antibiotic-resistant strains. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy and the safety of exit-site application of a standardized antibacterial honey versus mupirocin in preventing catheter-associated infections. A randomized, controlled trial was performed comparing the effect of thrice-weekly exit-site application of Medihoney versus mupirocin on infection rates in patients who were receiving hemodialysis via tunneled, cuffed central venous catheters. A total of 101 patients were enrolled. The incidences of catheter-associated bacteremias in honey-treated (n = 51) and mupirocin-treated (n = 50) patients were comparable (0.97 versus 0.85 episodes per 1000 catheter-days, respectively; NS). On Cox proportional hazards model analysis, the use of honey was not significantly associated with bacteremia-free survival (unadjusted hazard ratio, 0.94; 95% confidence interval, 0.27 to 3.24; P = 0.92). No exit-site infections occurred. During the study period, 2% of staphylococcal isolates within the hospital were mupirocin resistant. Thrice-weekly application of standardized antibacterial honey to hemodialysis catheter exit sites was safe, cheap, and effective and resulted in a comparable rate of catheter-associated infection to that obtained with mupirocin (although the study was not adequately powered to assess therapeutic equivalence). The effectiveness of honey against antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and its low likelihood of selecting for further resistant strains suggest that this agent may represent a satisfactory alternative means of chemoprophylaxis in patients with central venous catheters.


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The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of catheter-drawn and peripheral blood cultures. Paired blood culture samples collected over a 44-month period from a 280 bed Brisbane metropolitan hospital were analysed, using standard clinical and microbiological criteria, to determine whether blood culture isolates represented true bacteraemias or contamination. Catheter-collected cultures had a specificity of 85% compared with 97% for peripheral cultures. In only two instances (0.2%) was the diagnosis of clinically significant bacteraemia made on the basis of catheter culture alone. This study concluded that catheter-collected samples are not a good test for true bacteraemia, and that peripheral. cultures are more reliable when the results of the paired cultures are discordant. (c) 2004 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is currently no validated scoring system for quantification of airway secretions in children. A user friendly, valid scoring system of airway secretions during flexible bronchoscopy (FB) would be useful for comparative purposes in clinical medicine and research. The objective of this study was to validate our bronchoscopic secretion (BS) scoring system by examining the relationship between the amount of secretions seen at bronchoscopy with airway cellularity and microbiology. In 106 children undergoing FIB, the relationship of BS grades with bronchocalveolar lavage (BAL) cellularity and infective state (bacterial and viral infections) were examined using receptor operator curves (ROC). BAL was obtained according to European Respiratory Society guidelines; first lavage for microbiology and second lavage for cellularity Area under the ROC was significant for total cell count (TCC) and neutrophil % but not for lymphocyte %. BS grade significantly related to infection positive state (chi(2)(trend) = 5.85, P = 0,016). The area under the ROC for infection positive state versus BS grade was 0.645, 95% Cl 0.527-0.763. The BS scoring system is a valid method for quantifying airway secretions in children undergoing bronchoscopy The system related well to airway cellularity and neutrophilia, as well as to an airway infective state. However, the system is only complementary to cell counts and cultures and cannot replace these laboratory quantification techniques.


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Letter to the Editor refers to: Fredrikke Christie Knudtzen, Stig Lønberg Nielsen, Kim Oren Gradel, Annmarie Touborg Lassen, Hans Jørn Kolmos, Thøger Gorm Jensen, Pernille Just Vinholt, Court Pedersen, Characteristics of patients with community-acquired bacteremia who have low levels of C-reactive protein (≤20 mg/L), Journal of Infection, Volume 68, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 149-155


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Kingella kingae is a bacterial pathogen that is increasingly recognized as an etiology of septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, bacteremia, and endocarditis in young children. The pathogenesis of K. kingae disease starts with bacterial adherence to the respiratory epithelium of the posterior pharynx. Previous work has identified type IV pili and a trimeric autotransporter protein called Knh (Kingella NhhA homolog) as critical factors for adherence to human epithelial cells. Additional studies established that the presence of a polysaccharide capsule interferes with Knh-mediated adherence. Given the inhibitory role of capsule during adherence we sought to uncover the genes involved in capsule expression to understand how capsule is elaborated on the cell surface. Additionally, this work aimed to further characterize capsule diversity among K. kingae clinical isolates and to investigate the relationship between capsule type and site of isolation.

We first set out to identify the carbohydrates present in the K. kingae capsule present in the prototype strain 269-492. Glycosyl composition and NMR analysis of surface extractable polysaccharides demonstrated two distinct polysaccharides, one consisting of GalNAc and Kdo with the structure →3)-β-GalpNAc-(1→5)-β-Kdop-(2→ and the other containing galactose alone with the structure →5)-β-Galf-(1→.

To discern the two polysaccharides we disrupted the ctrA gene required for surface localization of the K. kingae polysaccharide capsule and observed a loss of GalNAc and Kdo but no effect on the presence of Gal in bacterial surface extracts. In contrast, deletion of the pamABCDE locus involved in production of a reported galactan exopolysaccharide eliminated Gal but had no effect on the presence of GalNAc and Kdo in surface extracts. These results established that K. kingae strain KK01 produces a polysaccharide capsule with the structure →3)-β-GalpNAc-(1→5)-β-Kdop-(2→ and a separate exopolysaccharide with the structure →5)-β-Galf-(1→.

Having established that K. kingae produces a capsule comprised of GalNAc and Kdo, we next set out to identify the genetic determinants of capsule through a transposon mutagenesis screen. In addition to the previously identified ctrABCD operon, lipA, lipB, and a putative glycosyltransferase termed csaA (capsule synthesis region A gene A) were found to be essential for the production of surface-localized capsule. The ctr operon, lipA, lipB, and csaA were found to be present at unlinked locations throughout the genome, which is atypical for gram-negative organisms that elaborate a capsule dependent on an ABC-type transporter for surface localization. Through examining capsule localization in the ctrA, lipA, lipB, and csaA mutant strains, we determined that the ctrABCD, lipA/lipB, and csaA gene products respectively function in capsule export, assembly, and synthesis, respectively. The GalNAc transferase and Kdo transferase domains found in CsaA further support its role in catalyzing the synthesis of the GalNAc-Kdo capsule in the K. kingae prototype strain.

To investigate the capsule diversity that exists in K. kingae we screened a panel of strains isolated from patients with invasive disease or healthy carriers for the csaA capsule synthesis locus. We discovered that Kingella kingae expresses one of 4 capsule synthesis loci (csa, csb, csc, or csd) associated with a capsule consisting of Kdo and GalNAc (type a), Kdo and GlcNAc (type b), Kdo and ribose (type c), and GlcNAc and galactose (type d), respectively. Cloning of the csa, csb, csc, or csd locus into the empty flanking gene region in a non-encapsulated mutant (creation of an isogenic capsule swap) was sufficient to produce either the type a, type b, or type c capsule, respectively, further supporting the role of these loci in expression of a specific polysaccharide linkage. Capsule type a and capsule type b accounted for 96% of invasive strains. Conversely, capsule type c and capsule type d were found disproportionately among carrier isolates, suggesting that capsule type is important in promoting invasion and dissemination.

In conclusion, we discovered that Kingella kingae expresses a polysaccharide capsule and an exopolysaccharide on its surface that require distinct genetic loci for surface localization. Further investigation into genetic determinants of encapsulation revealed the loci ctrABCD, lipA/lipB, and a putative glycosyltransferase are required for capsule expression, with the gene products having roles in capsule export, assembly, and synthesis, respectively. The putative glycosyltransferase CsaA was determined to be a bifunctional enzyme with both GalNAc-transferase and Kdo-transferase activity. Furthermore, we discovered a total of 4 capsule types expressed in clinical isolates of K. kingae, each with a distinct capsule synthesis locus. The variation in the proportion of capsule types found between invasive strains and carriage strains suggest that capsule type is important in promoting invasion and dissemination. Taken together, this work expands our knowledge of the capsule types expressed among K. kingae carrier and invasive isolates and provides insights into the common genetic determinants of capsule expression. These contributions may lead to selecting clinically relevant capsule types to develop into a capsule based vaccine to prevent K. kingae colonization.