962 resultados para Automatic control equipment industry.


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The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. In the last years, the required quick response of the ventilation system, from normal to emergency mode, has been improved by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the support to the operators decision taking, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closedloop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc), optimizing the quality of the smoke control process


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The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. The required immediate transition, from normal to emergency functioning of the ventilation equipments, is being strengthened by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the help to the operators, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closed-loop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc.), optimizing smoke control capacity.


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En este proyecto fin de carrera se ha diseñado y construido un equipo de medida automático que permite realizar la medida de la constante de Planck utilizando los principios de Funcionamiento de los diodos LED. El equipo de medida es totalmente automático gracias a la utilización de una placa controladora Arduino MEGA 2560, que se encarga de realizar la iluminación secuencial de cada LED, medir sus tensiones de funcionamiento, y de realizar los cálculos necesarios para hallar la constante de Planck. Todos los datos se muestran por una pantalla LCD de 16 caracteres por 2 lineas. Para comprender el funcionamiento del sistema de medida automático se ha realizado un estudio detallado de cada uno de los sistemas que componen el equipo de medida. Se ha explicado el funcionamiento teórico de los diodos LED y el funcionamiento de los semiconductores. Se ha explicando los diversos tipos de semiconductores que se utilizan para los LED y las modificaciones que se les aplica para mejorar su eficiencia. Para poder comprender en qué consiste la constante de Planck se ha explicado los principios teóricos en que se basa, y se ha realizado una pequeña demostración de su cálculo. Una vez visto todos los principios teóricos se ha pasado a realizar la explicación de cada uno de los grandes bloques que componen el sistema de medida automático. Estos bloques son la placa controladora Arduino, el sistema de iluminación LED, el sistema de control mecánico de LEDs, la pantalla LCD, el sistema de interrupciones y el sistema de alimentación. Para poder observar el espectro de emisión de cada uno de los LED se ha utilizado un analizador de espectros óptico (OSA), el cual ha sido explicado con detenimiento. El código de programación de Arduino ha sido explicado en forma de diagrama de flujo para una mayor facilidad de comprensión. Se ha desarrollado un manual de usuario para facilitar el uso del sistema a cualquier usuario, en el que se ha introducido un ejemplo completo de funcionamiento. ABSTRACT. In this final Project has designed and built an automatic measuring equipment which is able to measure the Planck`s constant using the operation principles of the LEDs. The measuring equipment is fully automated thanks to the use of an Arduino Mega 2560 controller board, which is responsible for conducting sequential illumination of each LED, measure their operating voltages, and perform the necessary calculations of find the Planck constant. All data is displayed by a LCD screen 16 character by 2 lines. To understand the operation of the automatic measuring system has been made a detailed study of each of the systems that make the measurement equipment. It develops the theoretical performance of the LED and the operation of semiconductors. It explains the different types of semiconductors that are used for LEDs and the changes applied to improve efficiency. In order to understand what is the Planck constant has been explained the theoretical principles in which it is based, and a small demonstration of its calculation has been performed. After seeing all the theoretical principles has been made the explanation of each of the main blocks that compose the automatic measuring system. These blocks are the Arduino controller board, LED lighting system, the mechanical control system LEDs, LCD screen, the interrupt system and feeding system. To observe the emission spectrum of each of the LED has been used optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), which has been explained in detail. The Arduino programming code has been explained in flowchart form for an easy understanding. It has developed a manual to facilitate the use of system to any user, which has introduced a complete example of operation.


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In the last years, there has been a continued growth in the number of offshore operations for handling large equipment and objects, with emphasis on installation and maintenance of devices for exploiting marine renewable energy like generators for harnessing wind, waves and currents energy. Considering the behaviour of these devices during manoeuvrings, and due to their size and by the interaction with the surrounding fluid, the effect of inertial forces and torques is very important, which requires a specific modelling. This paper especially discusses the masses and moments of inertia modelling problem, with the aim to use it in the simulation of the complex manoeuvres of these devices and in the automatic control systems designed for their offshore operations. Given the importance and complexity of the added mass modelling, a method for its early design identification, developed by the R&D Group on Marine Renewable Energy Technologies of the UPM (GITERM) and its use on special cases like emersion manoeuvres of devices from underwater to the surface will be presented.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Contract no. 68-01-2821.


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Issued July 1978.


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Cover title.


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"January 1980."


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, McLean, Va.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Item 231-B-1


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ASTIA Document no. AD 212 466