960 resultados para Agriculture--British Columbia--Okanagan Valley (Region)


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This dissertation examines how the crisis of World War I impacted imperial policy and popular claims-making in the British Caribbean. Between 1915 and 1918, tens of thousands of men from the British Caribbean volunteered to fight in World War I and nearly 16,000 men, hailing from every British colony in the region, served in the newly formed British West Indies Regiment (BWIR). Rousing appeals to imperial patriotism and manly duty during the wartime recruitment campaigns and postwar commemoration movement linked the British Empire, civilization, and Christianity while simultaneously promoting new roles for women vis-à-vis the colonial state. In Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, the two colonies that contributed over seventy-five percent of the British Caribbean troops, discussions about the meaning of the war for black, coloured, white, East Indian, and Chinese residents sparked heated debates about the relationship among race, gender, and imperial loyalty.

To explore these debates, this dissertation foregrounds the social, cultural, and political practices of BWIR soldiers, tracing their engagements with colonial authorities, military officials, and West Indian civilians throughout the war years. It begins by reassessing the origins of the BWIR, and then analyzes the regional campaign to recruit West Indian men for military service. Travelling with newly enlisted volunteers across the Atlantic, this study then chronicles soldiers' multi-sited campaign for equal status, pay, and standing in the British imperial armed forces. It closes by offering new perspectives on the dramatic postwar protests by BWIR soldiers in Italy in 1918 and British Honduras and Trinidad in 1919, and reflects on the trajectory of veterans' activism in the postwar era.

This study argues that the racism and discrimination soldiers experienced overseas fueled heightened claims-making in the postwar era. In the aftermath of the war, veterans mobilized collectively to garner financial support and social recognition from colonial officials. Rather than withdrawing their allegiance from the empire, ex-servicemen and civilians invoked notions of mutual obligation to argue that British officials owed a debt to West Indians for their wartime sacrifices. This study reveals the continued salience of imperial patriotism, even as veterans and their civilian allies invoked nested local, regional, and diasporic loyalties as well. In doing so, it contributes to the literature on the origins of patriotism in the colonial Caribbean, while providing a historical case study for contemporary debates about "hegemonic dissolution" and popular mobilization in the region.

This dissertation draws upon a wide range of written and visual sources, including archival materials, war recruitment posters, newspapers, oral histories, photographs, and memoirs. In addition to Colonial Office records and military files, it incorporates previously untapped letters and petitions from the Jamaica Archives, National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados Department of Archives, and US National Archives.


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Cooperatives have a long historical experience in the Spanish economy and have demonstrated their ability to compete against traditional firms in the market. To maintain this capability, while taking advantage of the competitive advantages associated with their idiosyncrasies as social economy enterprises, they should take into consideration that the economy is increasingly globalized and increasingly knowledge-based, especially with regards to technological content. As a consequence, the innovative capacity appears to be a key aspect in order to be able to challenge competitors. This article characterizes the innovative behavior of cooperatives in the region of Castile and Leon and analyses the internal and external factors affecting their innovative performance, based on data from a survey of 581 cooperatives. The results of the empirical analysis, which is performed by multivariate binary logistic regression on various types of innovation, lead us to identify the size of the organizations, the existence of planning, the R & D activities and the human capital as the main determining factors.


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Previous phylogeographical and palaeontological studies on the biota of northern North America have revealed a complex scenario of glacial survival in multiple refugia and differing patterns of postglacial recolonization. Many putative refugial regions have been proposed both north and south of the ice sheets for species during the Last Glacial Maximum, but the locations of many of these refugia remain a topic of great debate. In this study, we used a phylogeographical approach to elucidate the refugial and recolonization history of the herbaceous plant species Orthilia secunda in North America, which is found in disjunct areas in the west and east of the continent, most of which were either glaciated or lay close to the limits of the ice sheets. Analysis of 596-bp of the chloroplast trnS-trnG intergenic spacer and five microsatellite loci in 84 populations spanning the species' range in North America suggests that O.secunda persisted through the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in western refugia, even though palaeodistribution modelling indicated a suitable climate envelope across the entire south of the continent. The present distribution of the species has resulted from recolonization from refugia north and south of the ice sheets, most likely in Beringia or coastal regions of Alaska and British Columbia, the Washington/Oregon region in the northwest USA, and possibly from the region associated with the putative 'ice-free corridor' between the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets. Our findings also highlight the importance of the Pacific Northwest as an important centre of intraspecific genetic diversity, owing to a combination of refugial persistence in the area and recolonization from other refugia.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Anne Taylor was active in the St. Catharines arts community. She is married to Dr. Robert R. Taylor, a retired Brock University history professor. The fonds reflects her involvement in various local heritage and arts organizations. Heritage St. Catharines was active in raising public awareness of the value of heritage properties such as the May-Clark-Seiler house and the Port Dalhousie carousel. Anne Taylor currently resides in British Columbia.


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A brochure produced by Inniskillin that outlines the history and development of the winery. Also described is the Inniskillin Okanagan, British Columbia winery and its production of high quality wine.


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Full Text / Article complet


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El proyecto Perfiles de Mercado de las Provincias de Canadá consiste en una guía de apoyo para los exportadores colombianos, facilitando la toma de decisiones a partir de un panorama detallado de cada una de las provincias que conforman el país. En este documento se exponen el perfil demográfico, político, geográfico, económico y logístico de cada provincia, donde se encuentra información acerca de rutas de acceso, aeropuertos, puertos, zonas francas e infraestructura. Adicionalmente, se evalúan los principales productos importados por cada provincia y sus proveedores más significativos. A su vez se analizan los diez productos con mayor participación en las exportaciones colombianas hacia cada provincia de Canadá, teniendo en cuenta proveedores, participación en el mercado, requisitos de importación, procedimientos de importación y regulaciones arancelarias.


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Estas singularidades, observadas a la luz de la realidad de la industria petrolera y del mercado mundial, han empezado a aumentar la importancia de la región del Cáucaso, convirtiéndola en un enclave geoestratégico de crucial relevancia


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Introducción: La infección por un tipo de Virus del Papiloma Humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR), es el factor principal en el desarrollo de Cáncer de Cérvix (CC). La carga viral puede modular esta asociación, por lo que resulta importante su cuantificación y el establecimiento de su relación con lesiones precursoras de CC. Metodología: 60 mujeres con lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales (LEI) y 120 mujeres sin LEI, confirmadas por colposcopia, fueron incluidas en el estudio. Se determinó la carga viral de 6 tipos de VPH-AR, mediante PCR en tiempo real. Se estimaron OR crudos y ajustados para evaluar la asociación entre la carga viral de cada tipo y las lesiones cervicales. Resultados: 93.22% de mujeres con LEI y 91.23% de mujeres negativas, fueron positivas para al menos un tipo de VPH. VPH-18 y VPH-16 fueron los tipos más prevalentes, junto con VPH-31 en mujeres sin LEI. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de las cargas virales entre éstos dos grupos, aunque se observó un mayor carga viral en lesiones para algunos tipos virales. Una mayor frecuencia de lesiones se asoció a infecciones con carga baja de VPH-16 (ORa: 3.53; IC95%: 1.16 – 10.74), en comparación a mujeres con carga alta de VPH-16, (ORa: 2.63; IC95%: 1.09 – 6.36). En infecciones por VPH-31, la presencia de carga viral alta, se asoció con una menor frecuencia de lesiones (ORa: 0.34; IC95%: 0.15 – 0.78). Conclusiones: La prevalencia tipo-específica de VPH se corresponde con las reportadas a nivel mundial. La asociación entre la carga viral del VPH y la frecuencia de LEI es tipo específica y podría depender de la duración de la infección, altas cargas relacionadas con infecciones transitorias, y bajas cargas con persistentes. Este trabajo contribuye al entendimiento del efecto de la carga viral en la historia natural del CC; sin embargo, estudios prospectivos son necesarios para confirmar estos resultados.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es formular, mediante una profunda revisión documental, bibliográfica y empírica, una fundamentación teórica sobre si existe o no incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos sobre el bienestar laboral de los empleados, y el que grado en que esta se presenta sobre aspecto como el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. Se realizó la revisión de múltiples estudios empíricos que aportaran evidencia sobre la relación que se presenta entre las principales prácticas de recursos humanos – provisión de personal, formación y desarrollo, promoción de personal, evaluación de desempeño, compensación y pago, y balance trabajo-familia – y el bienestar laboral, representado en el engagement y satisfacción en el trabajo de los empleados. Los resultados de este trabajo indican la existencia de una relación e incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos, el bienestar laboral, el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. De igual forma se encontró que estas relaciones son principalmente de carácter positivo, lo cual indica que las organizaciones que desarrollan este tipo de prácticas en su interior, fomentan tanto el desarrollo y la presencia de bienestar laboral en sus empleados, como su perdurabilidad.


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Although shorebirds spending the winter in temperate areas frequently use estuarine and supratidal (upland) feeding habitats, the relative contribution of each habitat to individual diets has not been directly quantified. We quantified the proportional use that Calidris alpina pacifica (Dunlin) made of estuarine vs. terrestrial farmland resources on the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, using stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) of blood from 268 Dunlin over four winters, 1997 through 2000. We tested for individual, age, sex, morphological, seasonal, and weather-related differences in dietary sources. Based on single- (δ13C) and dual-isotope mixing models, the agricultural habitat contributed approximately 38% of Dunlin diet averaged over four winters, with the balance from intertidal flats. However, there was a wide variation among individuals in the extent of agricultural feeding, ranging from about 1% to 95% of diet. Younger birds had a significantly higher terrestrial contribution to diet (43%) than did adults (35%). We estimated that 6% of adults and 13% of juveniles were obtaining at least 75% of their diet from terrestrial sources. The isotope data provided no evidence for sex or overall body size effects on the proportion of diet that is terrestrial in origin. The use of agricultural habitat by Dunlin peaked in early January. Adult Dunlin obtained a greater proportion of their diet terrestrially during periods of lower temperatures and high precipitation, whereas no such relationship existed for juveniles. Seasonal variation in the use of agricultural habitat suggests that it is used more during energetically stressful periods. The terrestrial farmland zone appears to be consistently important as a habitat for juveniles, but for adults it may provide an alternative feeding site used as a buffer against starvation during periods of extreme weather. Loss or reduction of agricultural habitat adjacent to estuaries may negatively impact shorebird fitness, with juveniles disproportionately affected.