859 resultados para 21st Century Skills
In recent decades there has been a transformation of two central concepts of modernity – labour and the household. Ela Bhatt – the founder of the Self-Employed Women’s Association of India (SEWA), has made an important contribution to this transformation. Through the emergence of unions such as SEWA, the notion of who represents labour is being broadened; the marginalised are finding an institutional voice. Increasingly, the household is being recognised as a site of both production and reproduction. SEWA is not a traditional trade union that aims, through collective bargaining with an employer, to improve its members’ wages and working conditions as sellers of their labour power. Instead, it aims to empower women economically in the informal economy by bringing them into the mainstream economy as owners of their labour. The union dimension of SEWA builds their collective power through struggle; the cooperative dimension translates their bargaining power into the economic and social development of its members and their community. Besides, Bhatt’s approach to the self-employed was a direct challenge to the ILO’s tripartism when it was established in the early seventies. The first part of the paper provides a short biography of Ela Bhatt, describes the origins of SEWA, analyses a ‘classification struggle’ over how and who is to define what a worker is. In the second part the author considers SEWAs innovative organizing strategy and is rethinking modernity in the labour context. In the conclusion the paper discusses the lessons that can be learnt from Ela Bhatt.
Begin with a call to action. Present evidence on the dimensions of an employment crisis in the Aerospace Industry. Understand the links to issues of instability and lean. Focus dialogue on high leverage, mutual gains options for all stakeholders in the industry. Identify specific next steps. Under the auspices of LAI. In other forums as appropriate.
Slides for a Level 3 Digital Practice and Theory lecture on using CC, promoting your work and ways to get it out there, some demonstration on the economic value of sharing.
Facilita la exploración de los jóvenes de las principales cuestiones éticas de nuestro tiempo, tales como, la justicia, la comprensión intercultural y la educación para el desarrollo sostenible. Ofrece a los educadores la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre cómo el pensamiento filosófico en los adolescentes puede apoyar su desarrollo en individuos seguros de sí mismos y ciudadanos responsables, y se analiza la conveniencia de este proceso filosófico en las necesidades educativas del siglo veintiuno.
Este recurso proporciona a los alumnos de los cursos de licenciatura en Geografía y de disciplinas afines a las ciencias sociales una visión global de los temas más importantes de la geografía humana a principios del siglo XXI. Así, se incluyen temas como los recursos, la población, economía y desarrollo, geopolítica y territorio, cultura, sociedad, ciudades, medio ambiente y ecologismo, desigualdad, agricultura y medio rural, y globalización.
La preocupación por el cambio climático y por cómo afecta a nuestras comunidades, ecosistemas y vidas, ha aumentado mucho durante los últimos años del siglo XX y principios del siglo XXI. Este libro analiza la situación tanto desde aspectos científicos como sociales y nos facilita una descripción de los problemas y de lo que se puede hacer para contrarrestarlos local y globalmente. Los autores explican diferentes formas de estudiar el cambio climático con métodos interdisciplinarios para medir y preveer sus efectos futuros y adaptar nuestra sociedad, y analizan las conexiones entre el cambio climático y la salud de diferentes ecosistemas, el crecimiento económico y social, y el discurso global sobre el desarrollo sostenible.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
The Nature of air transport 1. Air transport is important • It is a big industry • It is vital to many industries and regions 2. It is multi-facited • Airlines • Airports • Air traffic control • Domestic and international 3. It is a network Industry • Portugal is part of Europe (legal fact) • Portugal is part of the world (globalization) 4. It is not wanted for its own sake • It “facilitates” and does not create 5. It has environmental implications • Noise • Greenhouse gas emissions
El debate sobre el modelo civilizatorio de la modernidad de Occidente, consu economía concentradora y excluyente, y su matriz económico energética petrolera y extractivista no sustentable, ha reavivado en los escenarios políticos y académicos de la salud la discusión de la propuesta del buen vivir inscrita en las nuevas constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador. Ante la crisis social, sanitaria y ambiental producida por la imposición de una economía de la muerte, y la consiguiente multiplicación de modos de vivir malsanos, se discuten aquí las tesis de Bolívar Echeverría sobre la base material de la vida y la cultura, como una herramienta para evaluar históricamente los desempeños de los gobiernos de las izquierdas realmente existentes, y trabajar un modelo de transición histórica y el indispensable remozamiento de la conciencia crítica desde una visión radicalmente renovadora, pero que mire la realidad sin dogmatismo, sin estridencias míticas y con un sentido de profunda autocrítica.
Changes to stratospheric sudden warmings (SSWs) over the coming century, as predicted by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) chemistry climate model [Atmospheric Model With Transport and Chemistry (AMTRAC)], are investigated in detail. Two sets of integrations, each a three-member ensemble, are analyzed. The first set is driven with observed climate forcings between 1960 and 2004; the second is driven with climate forcings from a coupled model run, including trace gas concentrations representing a midrange estimate of future anthropogenic emissions between 1990 and 2099. A small positive trend in the frequency of SSWs is found. This trend, amounting to 1 event/decade over a century, is statistically significant at the 90% confidence level and is consistent over the two sets of model integrations. Comparison of the model SSW climatology between the late 20th and 21st centuries shows that the increase is largest toward the end of the winter season. In contrast, the dynamical properties are not significantly altered in the coming century, despite the increase in SSW frequency. Owing to the intrinsic complexity of our model, the direct cause of the predicted trend in SSW frequency remains an open question.