789 resultados para suggestion


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Sugere medidas para o aperfeiçoamento da transparência do sistema orçamentário federal brasileiro. A partir de pesquisa exploratória busca relacionar o instituto do orçamento público aos conceitos de planejamento, participação popular, controle social, cidadania, accountability e democracia - relações que fundamentam a defesa da transparência orçamentária. Examina se são emitidos dez documentos orçamentários e avalia seus conteúdos. São eles: Declaração Pré-Orçamentária, Proposta de Orçamento do Executivo, Orçamento, Relatórios Mensais, Relatório Semestral, Relatório Anual, Relatório do Auditor, Relatório Pré-Eleitoral, Relatório Plurianual e Orçamento-Cidadão.


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Avalia se as informações orçamentárias disponibilizadas à sociedade brasileira na Internet pelo Poder Legislativo Federal atendem à transparência nos processos de discussão e de aprovação do orçamento público. Tal objetivo é alcançado após o cotejamento das informações disponíveis nos endereços eletrônicos da Câmara dos Deputados, do Senado Federal e da Comissão Mista de Planos, Orçamentos Públicos e Fiscalização – CMO com aquelas disponíveis em outros países, previamente selecionados, que disponibilizam informações orçamentárias em sítios da Internet. A partir daí, são identificadas eventuais necessidades e oportunidades de melhoria para o Brasil. Sedimentam as bases do trabalho referências bibliográficas que buscam relacionar transparência fiscal com transparência orçamentária, e sua importância para a cidadania. São estabelecidas variáveis a serem pesquisadas nos diversos países e, mediante análise quali-quantitativa, é possível analisar a situação dos países selecionados e compará-la à situação do Brasil. Os resultados mostram que o Brasil se encontra à frente dos países pesquisados, em termos de divulgação de informações orçamentárias pelo Poder Legislativo. No entanto, são propostas melhorias quanto à qualidade das informações divulgadas, no sentido de disponibilizá-las de maneira mais sucinta e simples, bem como quanto à disponibilização das informações em um portal de orçamento público único do Poder Legislativo. Assim, pretende-se alcançar o cidadão comum, que não possui conhecimento técnico a respeito das questões orçamentárias. Sugere-se, ainda, que estudos futuros examinem a relação entre cidadania e divulgação de informações orçamentárias.


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During the 18th Annual 2008 SAIL meeting at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, a suggestion was made for the need to digitize and make available through the Aquatic Commons some of the early documents related to the U.S. biological survey of Panama from 1910 to 1912. With SAIL’s endeavor, a new digital project was born and this presentation describes its process, beginning to final product. The main source consulted for determining copyright clear publications was: Heckadon-Moreno. 2004. Naturalists on the Isthmus of Panama: A hundred years of natural history on the biological bridge of the Americas. 1st English ed. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Republic of Panama. (Document contains 26 slides)


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Polyculture, as presently practiced in Nigeria, focuses interest mainly on finfish. This practice, apart from neglecting indigenous valuable species such as clams and water snails, does not make full use of existing biomass. This paper suggests possible deviations from normal practice. Inclusion of macroinvertebrates in a polyculture system and stocking, temporary bodies of water with seasonal species such as the fresh water crayfish are suggested. A final suggestion is to develop a polyculture of swamp rice and crayfish


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Diseases and parasitic problems could constitute significant economic losses in fish production if not controlled, thus the need to continue monitoring its prevalence. Based on field studies on feral and intensively raised fish at the Kainji Lake Research Institute Nigeria, some diseases and parasitic problems have been identified. These include; helminthiasis; fungal disease; protozoa which include Myxosoma sp., Myxobolus spp., Henneguya sp., Trichodina sp., Ichthopthrius sp. bacterial mainly Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., mechanical injuries; death due to unknown causes and economic assessment of myxosporidian infection. Suggestion for disease control in fish production are recommended


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Lake Chad is a very large, shallow eutrophic lake shared by Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroun. It supplies approximately 13% of Nigeria's inland fish. It however lies in an unstable ecological environment characterised by intermittent period of rainfall and drought. This creates a very large draw down area. Consequently, the fisheries are affected by the oscillation in the size of lake due to the drought. Other factors affecting the volume of water are the numerous dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effect of dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effects of dams and overexploitation. Previous records of fish production, species composition and distribution, the status of the fish stocks, their sizes are compared with more recent data. The status of the fishery before and after the contraction of the lake is discussed. Suggestion for a national exploitation of the lake based on habitat improvement, increasing the volume of the water in the lake through controlled use of the influent rivers as well as reduction in overfishing are made


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The impact of acute exposure of Gammalin 20 (an organochlorine pesticide) was investigated in a static bioassay test over a 96-(4-day) period on the fingerlings of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (lacepede). The 96-hLC sub(50) of Gammalin 20 was determined as 2.31 Ug/l with lower and upper limits of toxicities as 2.10 and 4.44 Ug/l respectively. At higher concentrations, the colour of the exposed fish became darker, opercular movement slowed down while pigmentation pattern increased and respiratory distress was observed, erratic swimming, tonic convulsion and no response to gentle prodding, and finally death. The implications of these results were discussed with a suggestion of the total ban on the use of Gammalin 20 in capture fisheries due to its harmful and persistence nature in the aquatic environment


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This report presents a dynamic approach to design process planning which aims to enable design process improvement. The tool utilises a signposting model to direct activity by suggesting the next most appropriate task in the design process. This suggestion is based on the presence of key parameters, their associated confidences and an assessment of the performance of the design process. The assessment approach proposed has the potential to adapt to the experience of the designer. A case study of mechanical component design is presented to illustrate the behaviour of this model for design process improvement.


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Lan honen helburua, egungo gizarte eta hezkuntzaren desoreka digitala egiaztatzea eta horri aurre egiteko proposamen bat planteatzea izan da. Hori burutzeko, irakasle talde bati Informazio eta komunikaziorako Tresnen (IKT) inguruko galdera batzuk egin zaizkie, teknologia berriekiko haien jakintza, prestakuntza eta erabilera zeintzuk diren ezagutzeko. Jasotako emaitzak aztertu dira eta irakasle hauen ezjakintasun maila baliabide teknologiko berritzaileekiko altua dela ondorioztatu da, haien gaitasun digitala oso baxua izanda. Hori dela eta, arazo horri irtenbide berritzaile bat bilatu zaio, Lehen Hezkuntzako irakasleen prestakuntzara bideratutako tutorial ezberdinak sortu direlarik, web 2.0-ko baliabide batzuen erabilera zein den azalduz.


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22 p.


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Topological superconductors are particularly interesting in light of the active ongoing experimental efforts for realizing exotic physics such as Majorana zero modes. These systems have excitations with non-Abelian exchange statistics, which provides a path towards topological quantum information processing. Intrinsic topological superconductors are quite rare in nature. However, one can engineer topological superconductivity by inducing effective p-wave pairing in materials which can be grown in the laboratory. One possibility is to induce the proximity effect in topological insulators; another is to use hybrid structures of superconductors and semiconductors.

The proposal of interfacing s-wave superconductors with quantum spin Hall systems provides a promising route to engineered topological superconductivity. Given the exciting recent progress on the fabrication side, identifying experiments that definitively expose the topological superconducting phase (and clearly distinguish it from a trivial state) raises an increasingly important problem. With this goal in mind, we proposed a detection scheme to get an unambiguous signature of topological superconductivity, even in the presence of ordinarily detrimental effects such as thermal fluctuations and quasiparticle poisoning. We considered a Josephson junction built on top of a quantum spin Hall material. This system allows the proximity effect to turn edge states in effective topological superconductors. Such a setup is promising because experimentalists have demonstrated that supercurrents indeed flow through quantum spin Hall edges. To demonstrate the topological nature of the superconducting quantum spin Hall edges, theorists have proposed examining the periodicity of Josephson currents respect to the phase across a Josephson junction. The periodicity of tunneling currents of ground states in a topological superconductor Josephson junction is double that of a conventional Josephson junction. In practice, this modification of periodicity is extremely difficult to observe because noise sources, such as quasiparticle poisoning, wash out the signature of topological superconductors. For this reason, We propose a new, relatively simple DC measurement that can compellingly reveal topological superconductivity in such quantum spin Hall/superconductor heterostructures. More specifically, We develop a general framework for capturing the junction's current-voltage characteristics as a function of applied magnetic flux. Our analysis reveals sharp signatures of topological superconductivity in the field-dependent critical current. These signatures include the presence of multiple critical currents and a non-vanishing critical current for all magnetic field strengths as a reliable identification scheme for topological superconductivity.

This system becomes more interesting as interactions between electrons are involved. By modeling edge states as a Luttinger liquid, we find conductance provides universal signatures to distinguish between normal and topological superconductors. More specifically, we use renormalization group methods to extract universal transport characteristics of superconductor/quantum spin Hall heterostructures where the native edge states serve as a lead. Interestingly, arbitrarily weak interactions induce qualitative changes in the behavior relative to the free-fermion limit, leading to a sharp dichotomy in conductance for the trivial (narrow superconductor) and topological (wide superconductor) cases. Furthermore, we find that strong interactions can in principle induce parafermion excitations at a superconductor/quantum spin Hall junction.

As we identify the existence of topological superconductor, we can take a step further. One can use topological superconductor for realizing Majorana modes by breaking time reversal symmetry. An advantage of 2D topological insulator is that networks required for braiding Majoranas along the edge channels can be obtained by adjoining 2D topological insulator to form corner junctions. Physically cutting quantum wells for this purpose, however, presents technical challenges. For this reason, I propose a more accessible means of forming networks that rely on dynamically manipulating the location of edge states inside of a single 2D topological insulator sheet. In particular, I show that edge states can effectively be dragged into the system's interior by gating a region near the edge into a metallic regime and then removing the resulting gapless carriers via proximity-induced superconductivity. This method allows one to construct rather general quasi-1D networks along which Majorana modes can be exchanged by electrostatic means.

Apart from 2D topological insulators, Majorana fermions can also be generated in other more accessible materials such as semiconductors. Following up on a suggestion by experimentalist Charlie Marcus, I proposed a novel geometry to create Majorana fermions by placing a 2D electron gas in proximity to an interdigitated superconductor-ferromagnet structure. This architecture evades several manufacturing challenges by allowing single-side fabrication and widening the class of 2D electron gas that may be used, such as the surface states of bulk semiconductors. Furthermore, it naturally allows one to trap and manipulate Majorana fermions through the application of currents. Thus, this structure may lead to the development of a circuit that enables fully electrical manipulation of topologically-protected quantum memory. To reveal these exotic Majorana zero modes, I also proposed an interference scheme to detect Majorana fermions that is broadly applicable to any 2D topological superconductor platform.


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The effect of metal atoms on photochemical transformations has been investigated by studies of the cis-trans isomerization of β-styrylferrocene.

The photostationary state lies entirely on the side of the trans isomer in the cases of direct irradiation at 3130 Å or at 3660 Å. The quantum yield at 3130 Å is 0.00650 and does not vary with concentration. In the presence of benzophenon as sensitizer the quantum yield is 0.00540. On the other hand, the quantum yield for direct irradiation at 3660 Å decreases with increasing concentration of cis β- styrylferrocene varying from 0.00365 to 0.00198.

These results lead to the suggestion that the isomerization takes place from a triplet state of β-styrylferrocene which probably has higher energy than the lowest triplet; reaction from the third triplet seems most likely.


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In view of recent interest in the Cl37 (ʋ solar’e-)Ar37 reaction cross section, information on some aspects of mass 37 nuclei has been obtained using the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 and Cl35 (He3, p) Ar37 reactions. Ar37 levels have been found at 0, 1.41, 1.62, 2.22, 2.50, 2.80, 3.17, 3.27, 3.53, 3.61, 3.71, (3.75), (3.90), 3.94, 4.02, (4.21), 4.28, 4.32, 4.40, 4.45, 4.58, 4.63, 4.74, 4.89, 4.98, 5.05, 5.10, 5.13, 5.21, 5.35, 5.41, 5.44, 5.54, 5.58, 5.67, 5.77, and 5.85 MeV (the underlined values correspond to previously tabulated levels). The nuclear temperature calculated from the Ar37 level density is 1.4 MeV. Angular distributions of the lowest six levels with the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 reaction at Ed = 10 MeV indicate a dominant direct interaction mechanism and the inapplicability of the 2I + 1 rule of the statistical model. Comparison of the spectra obtained with the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 and Cl35 (He3, p) Ar37 reactions leads to the suggestion that the 5.13-MeV level is the T = 3/2 Cl37 ground state analog. The ground state Q-value of the Ca40 (p, ∝) K37 reaction has been measured: -5179 ± 9 keV. This value implies a K37 mass excess of -24804 ± 10 keV. Description of a NMR magnetometer and a sixteen-detector array used in conjunction with a 61-cm double-focusing magnetic spectrometer are included in appendices.