829 resultados para social learning


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Selon la théorie de la double hérédité, les processus de transmission sociale des connaissances permettraient aux cultures humaines d'évoluer de manière darwinienne. On parvient à cette conclusion en inférant que, étant donné qu'une analogie profonde peut être établie entre les mécanismes de transmission génétique et ceux de transmission sociale, on devrait non seulement concevoir que les processus cognitifs d'apprentissage social constituent bel et bien un système d'hérédité distinct du système d'hérédité génétique, mais qu’il est aussi légitime, sur la base de cette même analogie, de transférer les concepts explicatifs et outils formels issus de la biologie évolutionnaire et de les adapter à l'étude des cultures humaines en vue de constituer une théorie darwinienne de l'évolution culturelle. Cette analogie de l’hérédité culturelle fait depuis longtemps l'objet de controverses tant au sein de la littérature scientifique que dans les discussions philosophiques. On ne semble pas s'entendre sur la nature même de cette analogie ni non plus sur la force de justification épistémique qu'une telle analogie donnerait à la mise en place d'une théorie darwinienne de l'évolution culturelle. Néanmoins, à travers plus de quarante années de débats, la structure de cette analogie n'a jamais été examinée en détail et on a rarement examiné l'épistémologie des inférences par analogie dans un tel contexte. L'objectif principal de la présente thèse consistera à offrir une première analyse systématique de la nature, de la structure, de la fonction et de la justification épistémique de l'analogie de l'hérédité culturelle, fondement conceptuel de la théorie de la double hérédité. En portant ici une attention particulière à la structure logique de cette analogie, on pourra constater l'ampleur de sa complexité, complexité passant souvent inaperçue dans les critiques de la théorie de la double hérédité. On défendra ici la thèse selon laquelle l'analogie de l'hérédité culturelle est en fait composée de deux analogies constitutives qui, conjointement, ouvrent la voie à la mise en place et à l’organisation d’un programme de recherche visant à mettre au point une théorie darwinienne de l’évolution culturelle.


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Chez l'être humain, le pouvoir d'influence peut être accordé volontairement aux individus qui se démarquent par leurs habiletés exceptionnelles. Dans cette étude, deux théories issues de la perspective évolutionniste sur ce type de pouvoir sont confrontées : celle de la transmission sociale de l'information (Henrich et Gil-White 2001) et celle de l'échange social (Chapais 2012). Cinq hypothèses principales sont extraites et mises à l'épreuve : 1) la compétence supérieure de certains individus leur permet d'acquérir un statut supérieur; 2) la compétence d'un individu est évaluée par comparaison sociale et par l'intermédiaire de mécanismes psychosociaux; 3) les experts sont utiles à autrui puisqu'ils sont de meilleurs modèles à imiter et de meilleurs partenaires de coopération; 4) ces experts reçoivent de la déférence de leurs admirateurs en échange d'un partenariat avec eux ; 5) conséquemment, une compétition pour l'acquisition d'un statut supérieur émerge via la démonstration publique de la compétence et la recherche d'une réputation favorable. Ces prévisions sont testées par une analyse comparative de la littérature ethnographique portant sur dix sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs relativement égalitaires en utilisant la base de données du eHRAF of World Cultures. Les résultats appuient très fortement toutes les prévisions et indiquent que des asymétries de statut sont omniprésentes chez tous les peuples de l'échantillon, ce qui refléterait l'universalité des propensions psychosociales qui sous-tendent ces inégalités.


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School of Management Studies,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Die Diskussion in den Planungswissenschaften beschreibt den Paradigmenwechsel vom so genannten DEAD-Model (Decide-Announce-Defend) zum Tripple-D-Model (Dialogue-Decide-Deliver) und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit dem Thema Governance. Komplexe Planungsaufgaben brauchen eine Vielfalt an Lösungsideen unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher Gruppen. Planung verfolgt u. a. die Umsetzung der Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung, die die Einbeziehung der Öffentlichkeit (Zivilgesellschaft, Unternehmen und Bürger) verlangt. Darüber hinaus wird eine Erweiterung der Perspektive über Verfahren und Steuerungsformen hinaus auf Akteure und Prozesse gefordert. Räumliche Entwicklungen sollen stärker im Zusammenhang mit Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse untersucht werden. Die Dissertation ergänzt eine wirkungsorientierte Perspektive, die Wirkungen, sowohl räumliche als auch soziale, in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stellt. Sie stützt sich auf Beobachtungen, dass klassisches Projektmanagement für erfolgreiche Planungsprozesse nicht ausreicht, sondern zusätzlich Prozessmanagement braucht. Mit der Weiterentwicklung der partizipativen Planung, die zusätzlich in den Kontext gesellschaftlicher Lernprozesse und zukunftsfähiger Veränderungen gesellschaftlicher Bedingungen gestellt wird, ergänzt die Dissertation planungswissenschaftliche Theorien. Aus einem fachübergreifenden Blickwinkel wird die räumliche Planung in die Reihe von Management- und Organisationswissenschaften eingeordnet. Ausgehend von der Frage, welche räumlichen und sozialen Wirkungen durch Beteiligungsprozesse unter welchen Bedingungen erzielt werden, wurden Fallstudien aus der Wasserwirtschaft und ihre Prozessbiografien umfassend evaluiert. Als Evaluierungsmethode wurde ein von der EU-Kommission empfohlener Evaluierungsrahmen gewählt, der sowohl den Prozess selbst, seine Rahmenbedingungen und Durchführung, als auch Wirkungen analysiert und bewertet. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse und theoretischer Erkenntnisse, vorrangig aus der Evaluationsforschung, wird ein umfassender Beteiligungsansatz konzipiert. Dabei handelt es sich um ein offenes Gerüst, in das sich bewährte und innovative Elemente strategisch gezielt integrieren lassen. Die Struktur verbindet verschiedene Beteiligungswerkzeuge unterschiedlicher Intensitäten und für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen zu einem Gesamtkonzept, mit dem Ziel, möglichst die gewünschten Wirkungen zu erreichen. Wesentlich an dem Ansatz ist, dass bereits das Prozessdesign unter Mitwirkung von Projektträgern, Beratern und Schlüsselakteuren erfolgt. Die partizipative Beteiligungsplanung bedeutet somit Klärung der Vorgehensweise und gleichzeitig Bewusstseins- und Kompetenzerweiterung der verantwortlichen Akteure. Im Ausblick werden künftige Forschungsaufgaben im Bereich der Mitwirkung in der räumlichen Planung formuliert und Handlungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt, um Partizipation als Teil planerischer „Alltagskultur“ weiterzuentwickeln. Dies erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund der Bedeutung von Partizipation und Bildung als Umsetzungsstrategie von Ideen der Landschaftsentwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit.


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Este trabajo contribuye al análisis de la incidencia del paradigma del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el proceso de toma de decisiones legislativas en Colombia, concentrándose en la discusión y definición de la agenda legislativa sobre asuntos urbanos, durante el periodo 1991-2006.


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Como proyecto de grado, el presente trabajo consiste en una revisión teórica de los conceptos de liderazgo, poder e influencia, junto con las posibles relaciones que entre ellos se pueden presentar. Para ello, cada concepto es definido de manera individual, y con base en ello, se identifica la dependencia que tienen estos conceptos entre sí y la importancia dentro del desarrollo del liderazgo transformacional actual. Para lograr lo propuesto, se llevó a cabo la revisión de una parte de la literatura académica presente en libros, revistas académicas, bases de datos y documentos relacionados con los temas y conceptos tratados. A partir de ello, se entendió la evolución del concepto del liderazgo y los enfoques presentados desde la década de los 1920´s hasta la actualidad, junto con el modelo de rango total y el tipo transaccional y transformacional del liderazgo, para luego definir el papel y la importancia de los conceptos de poder, los tipos de poder, la influencia y las tácticas de influencia, y así, identificar las posibles relaciones que se presentan entre los conceptos y la importancia de estos en el entorno organizacional actual.


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Twenty first century challenges facing agriculture include climate change, threats to food security for a growing population and downward economic pressures on rural livelihoods. Addressing these challenges will require innovation in extension theory, policy and education, at a time when the dominance of the state in the provision of knowledge and information services to farmers and rural entrepreneurs continues to decline. This paper suggests that extension theory is catching up with and helping us to understand innovative extension practice, and therefore provides a platform for improving rural development policies and strategies. Innovation is now less likely to be spoken of as something to be passed on to farmers, than as a continuing process of creativity and adaptation that can be nurtured and sustained. Innovation systems and innovation platforms are concepts that recognise the multiple factors that lead to farmers’ developing, adapting and applying new ideas and the importance of linking all actors in the value chain to ensure producers can access appropriate information and advice for decision making at all stages in the production process. Concepts of social learning, group development and solidarity, social capital, collective action and empowerment all help to explain and therefore to apply more effectively group extension approaches in building confidence and sustaining innovation. A challenge facing educators is to ensure the curricula for aspiring extension professionals in our higher education institutions are regularly reviewed and keep up with current and future developments in theory, policy and practice.


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There is substantial research interest in tutor feedback and students’ perception and use of such feedback. This paper considers some of the major issues raised in relation to tutor feedback and student learning. We explore some of the current feedback drivers, most notably the need for feedback to move away from simply a monologue from a tutor to a student to a valuable tutor–student dialogue. In relation to moving feedback forward the notions of self regulation, dialogue and social learning are explored and then considered in relation to how such theory can translate into practice. The paper proposes a framework (GOALS) as a tool through which tutors can move theory into practice with the aim of improving student learning from feedback.


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Cities, which are now inhabited by a majority of the world's population, are not only an important source of global environmental and resource depletion problems, but can also act as important centres of technological innovation and social learning in the continuing quest for a low carbon future. Planning and managing large-scale transitions in cities to deal with these pressures require an understanding of urban retrofitting at city scale. In this context performative techniques (such as backcasting and roadmapping) can provide valuable tools for helping cities develop a strategic view of the future. However, it is also important to identify ‘disruptive’ and ‘sustaining’ technologies which may contribute to city-based sustainability transitions. This paper presents research findings from the EPSRC Retrofit 2050 project, and explores the relationship between technology roadmaps and transition theory literature, highlighting the research gaps at urban/city level. The paper develops a research methodology to describe the development of three guiding visions for city-regional retrofit futures, and identifies key sustaining and disruptive technologies at city scale within these visions using foresight (horizon scanning) techniques. The implications of the research for city-based transition studies and related methodologies are discussed.


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Adaptive governance is the use of novel approaches within policy to support experimentation and learning. Social learning reflects the engagement of interdependent stakeholders within this learning. Much attention has focused on these concepts as a solution for resilience in governing institutions in an uncertain climate; resilience representing the ability of a system to absorb shock and to retain its function and form through reorganisation. However, there are still many questions to how these concepts enable resilience, particularly in vulnerable, developing contexts. A case study from Uganda presents how these concepts promote resilient livelihood outcomes among rural subsistence farmers within a decentralised governing framework. This approach has the potential to highlight the dynamics and characteristics of a governance system which may manage change. The paper draws from the enabling characteristics of adaptive governance, including lower scale dynamics of bonding and bridging ties and strong leadership. Central to these processes were learning platforms promoting knowledge transfer leading to improved self-efficacy, innovation and livelihood skills. However even though aspects of adaptive governance were identified as contributing to resilience in livelihoods, some barriers were identified. Reflexivity and multi-stakeholder collaboration were evident in governing institutions; however, limited self-organisation and vertical communication demonstrated few opportunities for shifts in governance, which was severely challenged by inequity, politicisation and elite capture. The paper concludes by outlining implications for climate adaptation policy through promoting the importance of mainstreaming adaptation alongside existing policy trajectories; highlighting the significance of collaborative spaces for stakeholders and the tackling of inequality and corruption.


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Interest in the role that cities can play in climate change as sites of transformation has increased but research has been limited in its practical applications and there has been limited consideration of how policies and technologies play out. These challenges necessitate a re-thinking of existing notions of urban governance in order to account for the practices that emerge from governments and a plethora of other actors in the context of uncertainty. We understand these practices to constitute adaptive governance, underpinned by social learning guiding the actions of the multiplicity of actors. The aim here is to unpack how social learning for adaptive governance requires attention to competing understandings of risk and identity, and the multiplicity of mechanisms in which change occurs or is blocked in urban climate governance. We adopt a novel lens of 'environmentalities' which allows us to assess the historical and institutional context and power relations in the informal settlements of Maputo, Mozambique. Our findings highlight how environmental identities around urban adaptation to climate change are constituted in the social and physical divisions between the formal and informal settlements, whilst existing knowledge models prioritise dominant economic and political interests and lead to the construction of new environmental subjects. While the findings of this study are contextually distinct, the generalizable lessons are that governance of urban adaptation occurs and is solidified within a complex multiplicity of socioecological relations.


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I denna kvalitativa studie har vi valt att undersöka hur man på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd arbetar förebyggande för att motverka att det långvariga biståndstagandet går i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. För att ta reda på detta har vi intervjuat socialsekreterare med erfarenhet och kompetens inom området. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats utifrån den sociala inlärningsteorin som ett försök till att förstå hur det sociala arvet kan föras vidare mellan generationer. Som ett komplement till teorin används även barnperspektivet i analysen då barnen har stor del i studien. Denna studie visar och bekräftar att långvarigt ekonomiskt biståndstagande kan komma att gå i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. Studien visar även på vilket sätt förebyggande arbete för dessa familjer sker på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd.


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No presente estudo analisamos as práticas de ensino de docentes de mestrado acadêmico e doutorado em administração de três instituições do Rio de Janeiro e uma do Rio Grande do Sul. À luz da epistemologia construtivista buscamos compreender como essa epistemologia se insere na formação de gestores e docentes. Os pontos de partida teóricos foram as múltiplas abordagens de ensino, a aprendizagem situada e as comunidades de prática. Os resultados da pesquisa foram analisados com base na técnica da análise de conteúdo. Por meio desta técnica construímos sete categorias de análise, a saber: aprendizagem, avaliação, comunidade de prática, contexto sócio-histórico-cultural, educação, práticas de ensino e relação professor-aluno. Concluímos nessa pesquisa que as práticas de ensino à luz do construtivismo são inseridas na formação de gestores e de docentes por meio de microprocessos de aprendizagem que consideram o contexto sócio-histórico-cultural em que o aluno está inserido, que privilegiam a aprendizagem social e que incentivam a construção de comunidades de prática. Sendo assim, práticas de ensino que apreciam o contexto do aluno como os exercícios que buscam resolver problemas reais do dia-a-dia e a simulação realista, ou que visam unir teoria e prática como a visita técnica, o núcleo de pesquisa e os estudos de caso e que privilegiam o debate como a discussão de artigos e os seminários são práticas que podem ser chamadas de práticas construtivistas e são consideradas, pelos educadores que defendem a epistemologia construtivista, como as mais eficazes para a formação de gestores e docentes em Administração.


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Muitos são os maçons que se destacaram como líderes nas mais diferentes épocas e nos mais diversos setores da sociedade. Tendo a experiência e formação maçônica como característica comum entre tais líderes, a compreensão da relação entre a Maçonaria e a liderança e a mensuração da influência dos líderes maçônicos sobre seus liderados, os quais podem também serem líderes em suas atividades sociais e profissionais, tornam-se de grande relevância para a ciência da administração e a sociedade, de uma forma geral. Tomando por base as teorias de aprendizagem social, de troca social e de identidade social, e partindo da premissa da liderança ética, referenciada pela literatura maçônica, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto da liderança ética na identidade moral e na identificação com a organização, considerando ainda as respectivas consequências nos comportamentos dos liderados dentro e fora da organização maçônica. Ao todo, 13 hipóteses foram formuladas, gerando dois modelos de pesquisa que foram testados empiricamente por meio de estudo quantitativo realizado com 1571 maçons de todas as Unidades Federativas do Brasil. A discussão dos resultados foi enriquecida com a análise de conteúdo de uma questão aberta presente no questionário, respondida por 933 participantes. Os resultados indicam uma influência positiva da liderança ética sobre a identidade moral simbolizada e internalizada dos maçons, sobre seu comportamento prósocial, sua identificação com a Loja Maçônica, sua satisfação com a vida e com a consciência e voz de grupo. Por fim, as implicações teóricas e práticas dos resultados obtidos são discutidas e sugestões para futuras pesquisas são apresentadas.


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This dissertation is about Architect and town planner inserts in the technical support of the Rural establishment and of the possibilities of changes in their habitat. It also looks for its participation through the production of those spaces with or without its performance through two references cases, in Rio Grande do Norte , one called settlement Eldorado de Carajás and another one called Maria da Paz. At first the process represents the model that was adopted systematically by Incra until the middle of the year 2000 with the sub-contracting of their construction work through small companies. These standardized projects which are executed without registration in the system CONFEA/CREA without demand of professional authorship and of technical responsibility of the work. But the process taken place at Maria da Paz s area was configured as one of the first initiatives that stopped with those practices. Consolidated through a partnership among UFRN MST and INCRA/RN, the Architect s technical support and town planner brought new technician-scientific organization and execution of the soil parcels and its habitat. The participation of UFRN was done through a group of studies in land reform and Habitat (GERAH) being this author and coordinator of the methodological proposal, based on the regressive-progressive method and in the inclusion of the conflict as responsible of the ruptures and transductions both done by Henry Léfèbvre and in the research action approached by Carlos Brandão. Therefore it included the process of social learning and collective production of new knowledge and attitudes in relation to the environment in the process called as attended self management in spite of the transformations happened with this new agent s participation. The people re-located to the new areas that got involved in the process and finished their constructions reelaborating the daily practice of the collective effort passed to the self management without technical support. Years later the implantation of those two experiences our research verified that there is a positive image concerning the Architect and town planner, related, most of all to the conception of the activities, orientation and execution of constructions projects and of acceptance of those professionals to the processes of implementation of the Habitats of the Rural establishments. This dissertation analyses this form of performance, from and beyond these images trying to find the professional, specificities or methodological in such a way to demonstrate the importance of its insertion in the formulation and attendance of the more of 100.000 habitats of Rural establishments of the land reform of the country that correspond to most of the housing social interest in the country side