993 resultados para single molecules


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Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) of Rhodamine 6G (R6G) adsorbed on colloidal silver clusters in a liquid has been studied. The first observation of single molecule resonance Raman scattering in a liquid in a probed volume of 10 pL was achieved. Anisotropy of SERRS spectra of single R6G molecule and huge SERRS spectra were observed and compared with that of single molecule fixed in the dried films of sols, which revealed the intricate complex interaction between R6G molecules and the environment in a liquid.


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In the cell, the binding of proteins to specific sequences of double helical DNA is essential for controlling the processes of protein synthesis (at the level of DNA transcription) and cell proliferation (at the level of DNA replication). In the laboratory, the sequence-specific DNA binding/cleaving properties of restriction endonuclease enzymes (secreted by microorganisms to protect them from foreign DNA molecules) have helped to fuel a revolution in molecular biology. The strength and specificity of a protein:DNA interaction depend upon structural features inherent to the protein and DNA sequences, but it is now appreciated that these features (and therefore protein:DNA complexation) may be altered (regulated) by other protein:DNA complexes, or by environmental factors such as temperature or the presence of specific organic molecules or inorganic ions. It is also now appreciated that molecules much smaller than proteins (including antibiotics of molecular weight less than 2000 and oligonucleotides) can bind to double-helical DNA in sequence-specific fashion. Elucidation of structural motifs and microscopic interactions responsible for the specific molecular recognition of DNA leads to greater understanding of natural processes and provides a basis for the design of novel sequence-specific DNA binding molecules. This thesis describes the synthesis and DNA binding/cleaving characteristics of molecules designed to probe structural, stereochemical, and environmental factors that regulate sequence-specific DNA recognition.

Chapter One introduces the DNA minor groove binding antibiotics Netropsin and Distamycin A, which are di- and tri(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide) peptides, respectively. The method of DNA affinity cleaving, which has been employed to determine DNA binding properties of designed synthetic molecules is described. The design and synthesis of a series of Netropsin dimers linked in tail-to-tail fashion (by oxalic, malonic, succinic, or fumaric acid), or in head-to-tail fashion (by glycine, β-alanine, and γ-aminobutanoic acid (Gaba)) are presented. These Bis(Netropsin)s were appended with the iron-chelating functionality EDTA in order to make use of the technique of DNA affinity cleaving. Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds are analogs of penta(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide)-EDTA (P5E), which may be considered a head-to-tail Netropsin dimer linked by Nmethylpyrrolecarboxamide. Low- and high-resolution analysis of pBR322 DNA affinity cleaving by the iron complexes of these molecules indicated that small changes in the length and nature of the linker had significant effects on DNA binding/cleaving efficiency (a measure of DNA binding affinity). DNA binding/cleaving efficiency was found to decrease with changes in the linker in the order β-alanine > succinamide > fumaramide > N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide > malonamide >glycine, γ-aminobutanamide > oxalamide. In general, the Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA:Fe compounds retained the specificity for seven contiguous A:T base pairs characteristic of P5E:Fe binding. However, Bis(Netropsin)Oxalamide- EDTA:Fe exhibited decreased specificity for A:T base pairs, and Bis(Netropsin)-Gaba-EDT A:Fe exhibited some DNA binding sites of less than seven base pairs. Bis(Netropsin)s linked with diacids have C2-symmmetrical DNA binding subunits and exhibited little DNA binding orientation preference. Bis(Netropsin)s linked with amino acids lack C2-symmetrical DNA binding subunits and exhibited higher orientation preferences. A model for the high DNA binding orientation preferences observed with head-to-tail DNA minor groove binding molecules is presented.

Chapter Two describes the design, synthesis, and DNA binding properties of a series of chiral molecules: Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds with linkers derived from (R,R)-, (S,S)-, and (RS,SR)-tartaric acids, (R,R)-, (S,S)-, and (RS,SR)-tartaric acid acetonides, (R)- and (S)-malic acids, N ,N-dimethylaminoaspartic acid, and (R)- and (S)-alanine, as well as three constitutional isomers in which an N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide (P1) subunit and a tri(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide)-EDTA (P3-EDTA) subunit were linked by succinic acid, (R ,R)-, and (S ,S)-tartaric acids. DNA binding/cleaving efficiencies among this series of molecules and the Bis(Netropsin)s described in Chapter One were found to decrease with changes in the linker in the order β-alanine > succinamide > P1-succinamide-P3 > fumaramide > (S)-malicamide > N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide > (R)-malicamide > malonamide > N ,N-dimethylaminoaspanamide > glycine = Gaba = (S,S)-tartaramide = P1-(S,S)-tanaramide-P3 > oxalamide > (RS,SR)-tartaramide = P1- (R,R)-tanaramide-P3 > (R,R)-tartaramide (no sequence-specific DNA binding was detected for Bis(Netropsin)s linked by (R)- or (S)-alanine or by tartaric acid acetonides). The chiral molecules retained DNA binding specificity for seven contiguous A:T base pairs. From the DNA affinity cleaving data it could be determined that: 1) Addition of one or two substituents to the linker of Bis(Netropsin)-Succinamide resulted in stepwise decreases in DNA binding affinity; 2) molecules with single hydroxyl substituents bound DNA more strongly than molecules with single dimethylamino substituents; 3) hydroxyl-substituted molecules of (S) configuration bound more strongly to DNA than molecules of (R) configuration. This stereochemical regulation of DNA binding is proposed to arise from the inherent right-handed twist of (S)-enantiomeric Bis(Netropsin)s versus the inherent lefthanded twist of (R)-enantiomeric Bis(Netropsin)s, which makes the (S)-enantiomers more complementary to the right-handed twist of B form DNA.

Chapter Three describes the design and synthesis of molecules for the study of metalloregulated DNA binding phenomena. Among a series of Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds linked by homologous tethers bearing four, five, or six oxygen atoms, the Bis(Netropsin) linked by a pentaether tether exhibited strongly enhanced DNA binding/cleaving in the presence of strontium or barium cations. The observed metallospecificity was consistent with the known affinities of metal cations for the cyclic hexaether 18-crown-6 in water. High-resolution DNA affinity cleaving analysis indicated that DNA binding by this molecule in the presence of strontium or barium was not only stronger but of different sequence-specificity than the (weak) binding observed in the absence of metal cations. The metalloregulated binding sites were consistent with A:T binding by the Netropsin subunits and G:C binding by a strontium or barium:pentaether complex. A model for the observed positive metalloregulation and novel sequence-specificity is presented. The effects of 44 different cations on DNA affinity cleaving by P5E:Fe were examined. A series of Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds linked by tethers bearing two, three, four, or five amino groups was also synthesized. These molecules exhibited strong and specific binding to A:T rich regions of DNA. It was found that the iron complexes of these molecules bound and cleaved DNA most efficiently at pH 6.0-6.5, while P5E:Fe bound and cleaved most efficiently at pH 7.5-8.0. Incubating the Bis(Netropsin) Polyamine-EDTA:Fe molecules with K2PdCl4 abolished their DNA binding/cleaving activity. It is proposed that the observed negative metalloregulation arises from kinetically inert Bis(Netropsin) Polyamine:Pd(II) complexes or aggregates, which are sterically unsuitable for DNA complexation. Finally, attempts to produce a synthetic metalloregulated DNA binding protein are described. For this study, five derivatives of a synthetic 52 amino acid residue DNA binding/cleaving protein were produced. The synthetic mutant proteins carried a novel pentaether ionophoric amino acid residue at different positions within the primary sequence. The proteins did not exhibit significant DNA binding/cleaving activity, but they served to illustrate the potential for introducing novel amino acid residues within DNA binding protein sequences, and for the development of the tricyclohexyl ester of EDTA as a superior reagent for the introduction of EDT A into synthetic proteins.

Chapter Four describes the discovery and characterization of a new DNA binding/cleaving agent, [SalenMn(III)]OAc. This metal complex produces single- and double-strand cleavage of DNA, with specificity for A:T rich regions, in the presence of oxygen atom donors such as iodosyl benzene, hydrogen peroxide, or peracids. Maximal cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]OAc was produced at pH 6-7. A comparison of DNA singleand double-strand cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ and other small molecules (Methidiumpropyl-EDTA:Fe, Distamycin-EDTA:Fe, Neocarzinostatin, Bleomycin:Fe) is presented. It was found that DNA cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ did not require the presence of dioxygen, and that base treatment of DNA subsequent to cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ afforded greater cleavage and alterations in the cleavage patterns. Analysis of DNA products formed upon DNA cleavage by [SalenMn(III)] indicated that cleavage was due to oxidation of the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA. Several mechanisms consistent with the observed products and reaction requirements are discussed.

Chapter Five describes progress on some additional studies. In one study, the DNA binding/cleaving specificities of Distamycin-EDTA derivatives bearing pyrrole N-isopropyl substituents were found to be the same as those of derivatives bearing pyrrole N-methyl substituents. In a second study, the design of and synthetic progress towards a series of nucleopeptide activators of transcription are presented. Five synthetic plasmids designed to test for activation of in vitro run-off transcription by DNA triple helix-forming oligonucleotides or nucleopeptides are described.

Chapter Six contains the experimental documentation of the thesis work.


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Morphogenesis is a phenomenon of intricate balance and dynamic interplay between processes occurring at a wide range of scales (spatial, temporal and energetic). During development, a variety of physical mechanisms are employed by tissues to simultaneously pattern, move, and differentiate based on information exchange between constituent cells, perhaps more than at any other time during an organism's life. To fully understand such events, a combined theoretical and experimental framework is required to assist in deciphering the correlations at both structural and functional levels at scales that include the intracellular and tissue levels as well as organs and organ systems. Microscopy, especially diffraction-limited light microscopy, has emerged as a central tool to capture the spatio-temporal context of life processes. Imaging has the unique advantage of watching biological events as they unfold over time at single-cell resolution in the intact animal. In this work I present a range of problems in morphogenesis, each unique in its requirements for novel quantitative imaging both in terms of the technique and analysis. Understanding the molecular basis for a developmental process involves investigating how genes and their products- mRNA and proteins-function in the context of a cell. Structural information holds the key to insights into mechanisms and imaging fixed specimens paves the first step towards deciphering gene function. The work presented in this thesis starts with the demonstration that the fluorescent signal from the challenging environment of whole-mount imaging, obtained by in situ hybridization chain reaction (HCR), scales linearly with the number of copies of target mRNA to provide quantitative sub-cellular mapping of mRNA expression within intact vertebrate embryos. The work then progresses to address aspects of imaging live embryonic development in a number of species. While processes such as avian cartilage growth require high spatial resolution and lower time resolution, dynamic events during zebrafish somitogenesis require higher time resolution to capture the protein localization as the somites mature. The requirements on imaging are even more stringent in case of the embryonic zebrafish heart that beats with a frequency of ~ 2-2.5 Hz, thereby requiring very fast imaging techniques based on two-photon light sheet microscope to capture its dynamics. In each of the hitherto-mentioned cases, ranging from the level of molecules to organs, an imaging framework is developed, both in terms of technique and analysis to allow quantitative assessment of the process in vivo. Overall the work presented in this thesis combines new quantitative tools with novel microscopy for the precise understanding of processes in embryonic development.


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The electron diffraction investigation of the following compounds has been carried out: sulfur, sulfur nitride, realgar, arsenic trisulfide, spiropentane, dimethyltrisulfide, cis and trans lewisite, methylal, and ethylene glycol.

The crystal structures of the following salts have been determined by x-ray diffraction: silver molybdateand hydrazinium dichloride.

Suggested revisions of the covalent radii for B, Si, P, Ge, As, Sn, Sb, and Pb have been made, and values for the covalent radii of Al, Ga, In, Ti, and Bi have been proposed.

The Schomaker-Stevenson revision of the additivity rule for single covalent bond distances has been used in conjunction with the revised radii. Agreement with experiment is in general better with the revised radii than with the former radii and additivity.

The principle of ionic bond character in addition to that present in a normal covalent bond has been applied to the observed structures of numerous molecules. It leads to a method of interpretation which is at least as consistent as the theory of multiple bond formation.

The revision of the additivity rule has been extended to double bonds. An encouraging beginning along these lines has been made, but additional experimental data are needed for clarification.


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Synthetic metalloporphyrin complexes are often used as analogues of natural systems, and they can be used for the preparation of new Solid Coordination Frameworks (SCFs). In this work, a series of six metalloporphyrinic compounds constructed from different meso substituted metalloporphyrins (phenyl, carboxyphenyl and sulfonatophenyl) have been structurally characterized by means of single crystal X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The compounds were classified considering the dimensionality of the crystal array, referred just to coordination bonds, into 0D, 1D and 2D compounds. This way, the structural features and relationships of those crystal structures were analyzed, in order to extract conclusions not only about the dimensionality of the networks but also about possible applications of the as-obtained compounds, focusing the interest on the interactions of coordination and crystallization molecules. These interactions provide the coordination bonds and the cohesion forces which produce SCFs with different dimensionalities.


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Based on numerous pharmacological studies that have revealed an interaction between cannabinoid and opioid systems at the molecular, neurochemical, and behavioral levels, a new series of hybrid molecules has been prepared by coupling the molecular features of two well-known drugs, ie, rimonabant and fentanyl. The new compounds have been tested for their affinity and functionality regarding CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid and mu opioid receptors. In [S-35]-GTP.S (guanosine 5'-O-[gamma-thio] triphosphate) binding assays from the post-mortem human frontal cortex, they proved to be CB1 cannabinoid antagonists and mu opioid antagonists. Interestingly, in vivo, the new compounds exhibited a significant dual antagonist action on the endocannabinoid and opioid systems.


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The effect of KI encapsulation in narrow (HiPCO) single-walled carbon nanotubes is studied via Raman spectroscopy and optical absorption. The analysis of the data explores the interplay between strain and structural modifications, bond-length changes, charge transfer, and electronic density of states. KI encapsulation appears to be consistent with both charge transfer and strain that shrink both the C-C bonds and the overall nanotube along the axial direction. The charge transfer in larger semiconducting nanotubes is low and comparable with some cases of electrochemical doping, while optical transitions between pairs of singularities of the density of states are quenched for narrow metallic nanotubes. Stronger changes in the density of states occur in some energy ranges and are attributed to polarization van der Waals interactions caused by the ionic encapsulate. Unlike doping with other species, such as atoms and small molecules, encapsulation of inorganic compounds via the molten-phase route provides stable effects due to maximal occupation of the nanotube inner space.


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Cell biology is characterised by low molecule numbers and coupled stochastic chemical reactions with intrinsic noise permeating and dominating the interactions between molecules. Recent work [9] has shown that in such environments there are hard limits on the accuracy with which molecular populations can be controlled and estimated. These limits are predicated on a continuous diffusion approximation of the target molecule (although the remainder of the system is non-linear and discrete). The principal result of [9] assumes that the birth rate of the signalling species is linearly dependent on the target molecule population size. In this paper, we investigate the situation when the entire system is kept discrete, and arbitrary non-linear coupling is allowed between the target molecule and downstream signalling molecules. In this case it is possible, by relying solely on the event triggered nature of control and signalling reactions, to define non-linear reaction rate modulation schemes that achieve improved performance in certain parameter regimes. These schemes would not appear to be biologically relevant, raising the question of what are an appropriate set of assumptions for obtaining biologically meaningful results. © 2013 EUCA.


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Two kinds of quantum computation systems using artificial molecules: quantum computer and quantum analog computer are described. The artificial molecule consists of two or three coupled quantum dots stacked along z direction and one single electron, In quantum computer, one-qubit and two-qubit gates are constructed by one molecule and two molecules, respectively. The coupling between two qubits in a quantum gate can be controlled by thin film electrodes. We also constructed a quantum analog computer by designing a three-dot molecule network and mapping a graph 3-colorability problem onto the network. The ground-state configuration of the single electrons in the network corresponds to one of the problem solutions, We numerically study the operations of the two kinds of the quantum computers and demonstrate that they quantum gates can perform the quantum computation and solve complex problems.


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We report for the first time the proper conditions to observe Autler-Townes splitting (ac-Stark splitting) from vibrationally coherent states belonging to the different electronic terms of a diatomic molecule. Wave packet dynamics simulations demonstrate that such a process is feasible by multiphoton resonance ionization of the molecule Na-2 with a single ultrashort intense laser pulse. With the ultrahigh time resolution of a femtosecond laser pulse, one can directly measure the absolute value of the transition dipole moment between any kinds of molecular states by this kind of Autler-Townes splitting, which is a function of the internuclear distance R.


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In this paper, based on Einstein relationship between diffusion and random walk, the electrochemical behavior of a system with a limited number of molecules was simulated and explored theoretically. The transition of the current vs time responses from discrete to continuous was clearly obtained as the number of redox molecules increased from 10 to 10(6).


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All messenger-RNA (mRNA) molecules in eukaryotic cells have a polyadenylic acid [poly (rA)] tail at the 3'-end and human poly (rA) polymerase (PAP) has been considered as a tumor-specific target. A ligand that is capable of recognizing and binding to the poly(M) tail of mRNA might interfere with the full processing of mRNA by PAP and can be a potential therapeutic agent. We report here for the first time that single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) can cause single-stranded poly (M) to self-structure and form a duplex structure, which is studied by UV melting, atomic force microscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and NMR spectrometry.


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The structural changes of genomic DNA upon interaction with small molecules have been studied in real time using dual-polarization interferometry (DPI). Native or thermally denatured DNA was immobilized on the silicon oxynitride surface via a preadsorbed poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) layer. The mass loading was similar for both types of DNA, however, native DNA formed a looser and thicker layer due to its rigidity, unlike the more flexible denatured DNA, which mixed with PEI to form a denser and thinner layer. Ethidium bromide (EtBr), a classical intercalator, induced the large thickness decrease and density increase of native DNA (double-stranded), but a slight increase in both the thickness and density of denatured DNA (partial single-stranded).


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A novel metal-organic framework with unprecedented interweaving of coaxial single-helical and equal double-helical chains of opposite chirality, which features a super-connective helix simultaneously tangling with eight helices, was reported.


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A new hydrogen-bonded dinuclear copper(II) coordination compound has been synthesized from the Schiff-base ligand 6-(pyridine-2-ylhydrazonomethyl)phenol (Hphp). The molecular structure of [Cu-2(php)(2)(H2O2)(2)(ClO4)](ClO4)- (H2O) (1), determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, reveals the presence of two copper(II) centers held together by means of two strong hydrogen bonds, with O center dot O contacts of only 2.60-2.68 angstrom. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements down to 3 K show that the two metal ions are antiferromagnetically coupled (J = -19.8(2) cm(-1)). This exchange is most likely through two hydrogen-bonding pathways, where a coordinated water on the first Cu, donates a H bond to the O atoms of the coordinated php at the other Cu. This strong O center dot H (water) bonding interaction has been clearly evidenced by theoretical calculations. In the relatively few related cases from the literature, this exchange path, mediated by a (neutral) coordinated water molecule, was not recognized.