987 resultados para sequence identity
The vast majority of known proteins have not yet been experimentally characterized and little is known about their function. The design and implementation of computational tools can provide insight into the function of proteins based on their sequence, their structure, their evolutionary history and their association with other proteins. Knowledge of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of a protein can lead to a deep understanding of its mode of action and interaction, but currently the structures of <1% of sequences have been experimentally solved. For this reason, it became urgent to develop new methods that are able to computationally extract relevant information from protein sequence and structure. The starting point of my work has been the study of the properties of contacts between protein residues, since they constrain protein folding and characterize different protein structures. Prediction of residue contacts in proteins is an interesting problem whose solution may be useful in protein folding recognition and de novo design. The prediction of these contacts requires the study of the protein inter-residue distances related to the specific type of amino acid pair that are encoded in the so-called contact map. An interesting new way of analyzing those structures came out when network studies were introduced, with pivotal papers demonstrating that protein contact networks also exhibit small-world behavior. In order to highlight constraints for the prediction of protein contact maps and for applications in the field of protein structure prediction and/or reconstruction from experimentally determined contact maps, I studied to which extent the characteristic path length and clustering coefficient of the protein contacts network are values that reveal characteristic features of protein contact maps. Provided that residue contacts are known for a protein sequence, the major features of its 3D structure could be deduced by combining this knowledge with correctly predicted motifs of secondary structure. In the second part of my work I focused on a particular protein structural motif, the coiled-coil, known to mediate a variety of fundamental biological interactions. Coiled-coils are found in a variety of structural forms and in a wide range of proteins including, for example, small units such as leucine zippers that drive the dimerization of many transcription factors or more complex structures such as the family of viral proteins responsible for virus-host membrane fusion. The coiled-coil structural motif is estimated to account for 5-10% of the protein sequences in the various genomes. Given their biological importance, in my work I introduced a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that exploits the evolutionary information derived from multiple sequence alignments, to predict coiled-coil regions and to discriminate coiled-coil sequences. The results indicate that the new HMM outperforms all the existing programs and can be adopted for the coiled-coil prediction and for large-scale genome annotation. Genome annotation is a key issue in modern computational biology, being the starting point towards the understanding of the complex processes involved in biological networks. The rapid growth in the number of protein sequences and structures available poses new fundamental problems that still deserve an interpretation. Nevertheless, these data are at the basis of the design of new strategies for tackling problems such as the prediction of protein structure and function. Experimental determination of the functions of all these proteins would be a hugely time-consuming and costly task and, in most instances, has not been carried out. As an example, currently, approximately only 20% of annotated proteins in the Homo sapiens genome have been experimentally characterized. A commonly adopted procedure for annotating protein sequences relies on the "inheritance through homology" based on the notion that similar sequences share similar functions and structures. This procedure consists in the assignment of sequences to a specific group of functionally related sequences which had been grouped through clustering techniques. The clustering procedure is based on suitable similarity rules, since predicting protein structure and function from sequence largely depends on the value of sequence identity. However, additional levels of complexity are due to multi-domain proteins, to proteins that share common domains but that do not necessarily share the same function, to the finding that different combinations of shared domains can lead to different biological roles. In the last part of this study I developed and validate a system that contributes to sequence annotation by taking advantage of a validated transfer through inheritance procedure of the molecular functions and of the structural templates. After a cross-genome comparison with the BLAST program, clusters were built on the basis of two stringent constraints on sequence identity and coverage of the alignment. The adopted measure explicity answers to the problem of multi-domain proteins annotation and allows a fine grain division of the whole set of proteomes used, that ensures cluster homogeneity in terms of sequence length. A high level of coverage of structure templates on the length of protein sequences within clusters ensures that multi-domain proteins when present can be templates for sequences of similar length. This annotation procedure includes the possibility of reliably transferring statistically validated functions and structures to sequences considering information available in the present data bases of molecular functions and structures.
Die verschiedenen Lichtsammelproteine (Lhc-Proteine) höherer Pflanzen unterscheiden sich im Oligomerisierungsverhalten. Im Photosystem II existieren 6 Lhc-Proteine, die entweder die monomeren Lichtsammelkomplexe (LHC) CP24 (Lhcb6), CP26 (Lhcb5) und CP29 (Lhcb4) oder den trimeren LHCII (Lhcb1, Lhcb2 und Lhcb3) bilden. Im Photosystem I sind laut Kristallstruktur vier Lhc-Proteine lokalisiert, die als Heterodimere organisiert vorliegen. Der schwerpunktmäßig untersuchte LHCI-730 setzt sich aus Lhca1 und Lhca4 zusammen, während der LHCI-680 aus Lhca2 und Lhca3 besteht. Das Ziel der Arbeit bestand in der Identifizierung der für das unterschiedliche Oligomerisierungsverhalten verantwortlichen Proteinbereiche und Aminosäuren. Die für diese Arbeit generierten Consensussequenzalignments verschiedener Lhca- und Lhcb-Proteine vieler Arten unterstützen die Folgerungen aus Strukturdaten und anderen Sequenzalignments, dass den LHCs eine gemeinsame Monomerstruktur zu Grunde liegt. Die Helices 1 und 3 weisen weitgehend sehr hohe Sequenzidentitäten auf, während die N- und C-Termini, die zwei Schleifenregionen und die Helix 2 nur schwach konserviert sind. Falls die Bereiche mit hoher Sequenzübereinstimmung für das Zustandekommen ähnlicher monomerer LHC-Strukturen verantwortlich sind, könnten in den schwach konservierten Domänen die Ursachen für das unterschiedliche Oligomerisierungsverhalten lokalisiert sein. Aufgrund dessen wurden die schwach konservierten Domänen des monomerisierenden Lhcb4, des mit dem Lhca1 dimerisierenden Lhca4 und des Trimere bildenden Lhcb1 gegen die entsprechenden Domänen der anderen Proteine ausgetauscht und bezüglich ihres Oligomerisierungsverhaltens untersucht. Im Lhca4 konnten mit der Helix 2 und der stromalen Schleife zwei für eine Heterodimerisierung essentielle Domänen gefunden werden. Im Lhcb1 waren neben dem N-Terminus auch die 2. Helix und die stromale Schleifendomäne unentbehrlich für eine Trimerisierung. Zusätzlich waren Dimerisierung und Trimerisierung bei Austausch der luminalen Schleife beeinträchtigt. Ein geringer Beitrag zur Lhcb1-Trimerisierung konnte auch für den C-Terminus belegt werden. Ein zusätzliches Ziel der Arbeit sollte der Transfer der Oligomerisierungseigenschaften durch umfangreichen Domänentausch von einem auf ein anderes Protein sein. Der Transfer der Fähigkeit zur Dimerbildung durch Substitution gegen essentielle Lhca4-Domänen (50% luminale Schleife, 100% Helix 2 und 100% stromale Schleife) gelang beim Lhcb4, nicht aber beim Lhcb1. Der Transfer der Trimerisierungsfähigkeit auf Lhca4 und Lhcb4 scheiterte. Eine Lhca1-Mutante mit allen für eine Dimerisierung essentiellen Lhca4-Domänen, die durch Interaktion einzelner Moleküle untereinander multimere LHCs bilden sollte, war bereits in ihrer Monomerbildung beeinträchtigt. Eine Übertragung der Oligomerisierungsfähigkeit auf andere Proteine durch massiven Domänentransfer gestaltete sich somit schwierig, da vermutlich im mutierten Protein immer noch ursprüngliche Tertiärstrukturanteile enthalten waren, die nicht mit den transferierten Proteinbestandteilen kompatibel sind. Bei zukünftigen Experimenten zur Klärung der Transferierbarkeit der Oligomerisierungseigenschaft sollten deswegen neben dem unberücksichtigten 1. Teil der luminalen Schleife auch wenig konservierte Aminosäuren in der 1. und 3. Helix Beachtung finden. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die LHCI-730-Dimerisierung im Detail zu untersuchen. Mutationsanalysen bestätigten den von früheren Untersuchungen bekannten Einfluss des Isoleucins 103 und Histidins 99. Letzteres geht möglicherweise durch sein gebundenes Chlorophyll eine Interaktion mit dem Lhca1 ein. Das Phenylalanin 95 stellte sich ebenfalls als ein wichtiger Interaktionspartner heraus und könnte in Wechselwirkung mit einem zwischen Lhca1 und Lhca4 lokalisierten Phosphatidylglycerin treten. Das ebenfalls an der Dimerbildung beteiligte Serin 88 des Lhca4 könnte auf Grund der räumlichen Nähe bei Modellierungen direkt mit dem am C-Terminus des Lhca1 lokalisierten Glycin 190 interagieren. Darüber hinaus wurde ein in der luminalen Lhca4-Schleife lokalisiertes Phenylalanin 84 als Interaktionspartner des Tryptophans 185 im C-Terminus von Lhca1 identifiziert. Der simultane Austausch des Isoleucins 109 und Lysins 110 in der stromalen Schleife des Lhca4, konnte deren Einfluss auf die Dimerisierung belegen. Nachdem bislang an der Dimerbildung beteiligte Aminosäuren am N- und C-Terminus des Lhca1 und Lhca4 identifiziert werden konnten, wurden in dieser Arbeit viele an einer Dimerbildung beteiligten Proteinbereiche und Aminosäuren in der Helix 2 und den Schleifenregionen des Lhca4 identifiziert. Um alle an der Lhca1-Lhca4-Interaktion beteiligten Aminosäuren aufzuklären, müssten durch Mutationsanalysen die in der stromalen Lhca4-Schleife vermuteten Interaktionspartner des für die Dimerisierung wichtigen Tryptophans 4 am N-Terminus von Lhca1 identifiziert, und die in der Helix 3 des Lhca1 vermuteten Interaktionspartner der Helix 2 des Lhca4 ermittelt werden.
During the last twenty years, Cydia pomonolla granulovirus (CpGV, Baculoviridae) has become the most important biological control agent for the codling moth (CM) in organic and integrated apple production. All registered products in Europe are based on the isolate CpGV-M, which was discovered 1964 in Mexico. A serious threat to future application of CpGV is the occurrence of CM field populations resistant to CpGV. Since 2003, populations with up to 10,000-fold reduced susceptibility were reported from orchards in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands. A putative alternative to CpGV-M are novel CpGV isolates which are able to overcome CM resistance. This thesis focuses on the identification and characterisation of resistance overcoming CpGV isolates and the analysis of their molecular difference to CpGV-M.rnSixteen CpGV isolates were tested against CM lab strains in bioassays. Hereby, five isolates were identified which were able to completely overcome resistance. The genomes of these isolates were compared to CpGV-M by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. To identify the molecular factor responsible for improved virulence of some CpGV isolates, major genomic differences were sequenced and analysed. A 0.7 kb insertion was found in CpGV-I01, -I12 and -E2, but not in other resistance overcoming isolates. Analysis of the insertions sequence revealed that it might be due to a transposition event, but not involved in overcoming resistance. rnFor unequivocal identification of CpGV isolates, a new method based on molecular analysis was established. Partial sequencing of the conserved polyhedrin/granulin (polh/gran), late expression factor-8 (lef-8) and late expression factor-9 (lef-9) genes revealed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNP analysis correlated with the grouping obtained by RFLP analysis. A phylogenetic classification due to different genome types A-E is proposed. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that CpGV-M was the phylogenetically youngest of the tested CpGV isolates.rnWhole genome sequencing of two resistance overcoming isolates CpGV-I12 (type D genome) and -S (type E genome) and CpGV-M (type A genome) was performed. Comparison of the three genomes revealed a high sequence identity. Several insertions and deletions ranging from 1-700 nucleotides (nt) were found. Comparison on open reading frame (ORF) level revealed that CpGV-I12 and -S shared only one protein alteration when compared to CpGV-M: a stretch of 24 nt present in ORF cp24 was not found in any of the resistance overcoming isolates. Cp24 codes for the early gene pe38. Combined with the results of phylogenetic analysis, it is proposed that these 24 nt are a recent insertion into the CpGV-M genome. The role of pe38 in overcoming resistance was investigated by knocking out pe38 of a CpGV-M based bacmid and swapping of CpGV-I12 pe38 of into the k.o. bacmid. When pe38 of CpGV-I12 was inserted into the k.o. bacmid, the infectivity could not be rescued, suggesting that the genomic portion of pe38 might play a role in its function.rnIt can be concluded that the recently observed CpGV resistance in CM is only related to type A genomes. RFLP and SNP analysis provide tools for identifying and characterising different CpGV isolates reliably, a pre-condition for a future registration of CpGV products based on novel CpGV isolates.rnrnrn
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Bereich aus der geschlechtsbestimmenden Chromosomenregion, der „Contig SDR“, von C. tentans mit einer Größe von ~87 kb untersucht. Zur Erstellung des Contigs wurden 8 BAC-Klone aus C. tentans isoliert, teilweise subkloniert und sequenziert. Innerhalb des Contigs SDR konnten insgesamt 13 Gene sowie ein Teilbereich des Gens rpS5-like im distalen Bereich des Contigs SDR identifiziert werden. Hierbei handelt es sich um dieselben Gene, welche schon im Contig SDR von C. thummi identifiziert werden konnten. Ein Vergleich der beiden Contigs zeigt, dass die Abfolge der Gene zwischen den beiden Arten C. thummi und C. tentans identisch ist. Weiterhin konnten im Contig SDR von C. tentans sechs Bereiche lokalisiert werden, in denen repetitive oder transposable Elemente zu finden sind. Ein Vergleich der larvalen Transkripte (L4-Stadium) von 11 Genen des Contigs SDR aus C. thummi ♂ und C. thummi ♀ per RT-PCR und Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung zeigte mit Ausnahme der Gene luc7(p)-like sowie fs(1)K10-like bislang keine weiteren geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede. Im Gen luc7(p)-like konnte in C. thummi ♀ und C. piger ♀ ein alternativ gespleißtes Intron im eigentlichen Exon 2 identifiziert werden. Bei fs(1)K10-like konnte in C. thummi ♂ eine Duplikation des Gens nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurden mit Hilfe des RACE-Verfahrens die 5’UTR- und 3’UTR-Bereiche der Transkripte analysiert. Hierdurch konnten differentielle Spleißprodukte identifiziert werden, welche jedoch nicht geschlechtsspezifisch auftreten. Die bioinformatische Bearbeitung der von den Genen der SDR kodierten Proteine auf konservierte Domänen zeigt vier Proteine, die möglicherweise als Transkriptions- oder Spleißfaktoren wirken können. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Proteine der Gene mi-er1-like, luc7(p)-like, polyhomeotic-like sowie rpn5-like. Für das auf Grund der männchenspezifischen Duplikation in C. thummi in den Fokus geratene Genprodukt von fs(1)K10-like konnten keine Domänen vorhergesagt werden. Somit kann nicht gesagt werden, ob das Protein im Rahmen der Geschlechtsdetermination eine Funktion haben könnte. Die Sequenzidentität der abgeleiteten AS-Sequenz liegt für alle Gene außer mi-er1-like (87,6 %) zwischen den beiden Arten C. tentans und C. thummi bei 93,3 %.
In Hinsicht darauf, dass sich S. cerevisiae-Stämme im Laufe der Domestizierung und Anpassung an verschiedene Habitate genetisch verändert haben, wurde in dieser Arbeit eine repräsentative Auswahl von Labor-, kommerziellen und in der Natur vorkommenden Saccharomyces-Stämmen und ihren Interspezies-Hybriden auf die Verbreitung alleler Varianten der Hexokinase-Gene HXK1 und HXK2 getestet. Von den Hexose-Transportern stand Hxt3p im Mittelpunkt, da seine essentielle Rolle bei der Vergärung von Glucose und Fructose bereits belegt wurde.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass es bedeutende Unterschiede in der Vergärung von Glucose und Fructose zwischen Weinhefen der Gattung Saccharomyces gibt, die z.T. mit Struktur-Varianten des Hexose-Transporter Hxt3p korrelieren. rnInsgesamt 51 Hefestämme wurden auf ihre allele Variante des HXT3-Gens untersucht. Dabei haben sich drei Hauptgruppen (die Fermichamp®-Typ Gruppe, Bierhefen und Hybrid-Stämme) mit unterschiedlichem HXT3-Allel ergeben. Im Zusammenhang mit der Weinherstellung wurden signifikante Nukleotid-Substitutionen innerhalb des HXT3-Gens der robusten S. cerevisiae-Stämme (wie z.B. Sekthefen, kommerzielle Starterkulturen) und Hybrid-Stämmen festgestellt. Diese Hefen zeichneten sich durch die Fähigkeit aus, den Most trotz stressigen Umwelt-Bedingungen (wie hohe Ethanol-Konzentration, reduzierter Ammonium-Gehalt, ungünstiges Glucose:Fructose-Verhältnis) zu vergären. rnDie Experimente deuten darauf hin, dass die HXT3-Allel-Variante des als Starterkultur verwendbaren Stammes Fermichamp®, für den verstärkten Fructose-Abbau verantwortlich ist. Ein gleiches Verhalten der Stämme mit dieser Allel-Variante wurde ebenfalls beobachtet. Getestet wurden die S. cerevisiae-Stämme Fermichamp® und 54.41, die bezüglich Hxt3p-Aminosäuresequenz gleich sind, gegenüber zwei S. cerevisiae-Stämmen mit dem HXT3-Standard-Alleltyp Fermivin® und 33. Der Unterschied in der Hexose-Verwertung zwischen Stämmen mit Fermichamp®- und Standard-Alleltyp war in der Mitte des Gärverlaufs am deutlichsten zu beobachten. Beide Gruppen, sowohl mit HXT3 Fermichamp®- als auch Fermivin®-Alleltyp vergoren die Glucose schneller als die Fructose. Der Unterschied aber zwischen diesen HXT3-Alleltypen bei der Zucker-Verwertung lag darin, dass der Fermichamp®-Typ eine kleinere Differenz in der Abbau-Geschwindigkeit der beiden Hexosen zeigte als der Fermivin®-Typ. Die Zuckeraufnahme-Messungen haben die relativ gute Fructose-Aufnahme dieser Stämme bestätigt.rnEbenfalls korrelierte der fructophile Charakter des Triple-Hybrides S. cerevisiae x S. kudriavzevii x S. bayanus-Stamm HL78 in Transportexperimenten mit verstärkter Aufnahme von Fructose im Vergleich zu Glucose. Insgesamt zeigte dieser Stamm ähnliches Verhalten wie die S. cerevisiae-Stämme Fermichamp® und 54.41. rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde ein Struktur-Modell des Hexose-Transporters Hxt3p erstellt. Als Basis diente die zu 30 % homologe Struktur des Proton/Xylose-Symporters XylE aus Escherichia coli. Anhand des Hxt3p-Modells konnten Sequenzbereiche mit hoher Variabilität (Hotspots) in drei Hxt3p-Isoformen der Hauptgruppen (die Fermichamp®-Typ Gruppe, Bierhefen und Hybrid-Stämme) detektiert werden. Diese signifikanten Aminosäure-Substitutionen, die eine mögliche Veränderung der physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des Carriers mit sich bringen, konzentrieren sich auf drei Bereiche. Dazu gehören die Region zwischen den N- und C-terminalen Domänen, die cytosolische Domäne und der Outside-Loop zwischen Transmembranregion 9 und Transmembranregion 10. rnObwohl die Transportmessungen keinen Zusammenhang zwischen Stämmen mit unterschiedlichen HXT3-Allelen und ihrer Toleranz gegenüber Ethanol ergaben, wurde ein signifikanter Anstieg in der Zuckeraufnahme nach vorheriger 24-stündiger Inkubation mit 4 Vol% Ethanol bei den Teststämmen beobachtet. rnInsgesamt könnten allele Varianten von HXT3-Gen ein nützliches Kriterium bei der Suche nach robusten Hefen für die Weinherstellung oder für andere industrielle Anwendungen sein. Die Auswirkung dieser Modifikationen auf die Struktur und Effizienz des Hexose-Transporters, sowie der mögliche Zusammenhang mit Ethanol-Resistenz müssen weiter ausführlich untersucht werden. rnEin Zusammenhang zwischen den niedrig variablen Allel-Varianten der Hexokinase-Gene HXK1 und HXK2 und dem Zucker-Metabolismus wurde nicht gefunden. Die Hexokinasen der untersuchten Stämme wiesen allerdings generell eine signifikante geringere Affinität zu Fructose im Vergleich zu Glucose auf. Hier liegt sicherlich eine Hauptursache für den Anstieg des Fructose:Glucose-Verhältnisses im Laufe der Vergärung von Traubenmosten.rn
Phylogenetic and virulence analysis of tick-borne encephalitis virus field isolates from Switzerland
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an endemic disease in Switzerland, with about 110-120 reported human cases each year. Endemic areas are found throughout the country. However, the viruses circulating in Switzerland have not been characterized so far. In this study, the complete envelope (E) protein sequences and phylogenetic classification of 72 TBE viruses found in Ixodes ricinus ticks sampled at 39 foci throughout Switzerland were analyzed. All isolates belonged to the European subtype and were highly related (mean pairwise sequence identity of 97.8% at the nucleotide and 99.6% at the amino acid level of the E protein). Sixty-four isolates were characterized in vitro with respect to their plaque phenotype. More than half (57.8%) of isolates produced a mixture of plaques of different sizes, reflecting a heterogeneous population of virus variants. Isolates consistently forming plaques of small size were associated with recently detected endemic foci with no or only sporadic reports of clinical cases. All of six virus isolates investigated in an in vivo mouse model were highly neurovirulent (100% mortality) but exhibited a relatively low level of neuroinvasiveness, with mouse survival rates ranging from 50% to 100%. Therefore, TBE viruses circulating in Switzerland belong to the European subtype and are closely related. In vitro and in vivo surrogates suggest a high proportion of isolates with a relatively low level of virulence, which is in agreement with a hypothesized high proportion of subclinical or mild TBE infections.
The protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus is well known as an important causative agent of infertility and abortion in cattle (bovine trichomonosis). This World Organisation for Animal Health (O.I.E.) notifiable disease is thought to be under control in many countries including Switzerland. In recent studies, however, T. foetus has also been identified as an intestinal parasite that causes chronic large-bowel diarrhoea in cats. Since the feline isolates were considered indistinguishable from bovine isolates, the possibility and risk of parasite transmission from cats to cattle and vice versa has been intensively discussed in current literature. Therefore, we investigated if cat and cattle isolates are genetically distinct from each other or in fact represent identical genotypes. For this purpose, two independent genetic loci were selected that turned out to be well-suited for a PCR sequencing-based genotyping of trichomonad isolates: (i) previously published internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS-2) and (ii) a semi-conserved sequence stretch of the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1alpha) gene used for the first time in the present study. Respective comparative analyses revealed that both loci were sufficiently variable to allow unambiguous genetic discrimination between different trichomonad species. Comparison of both genetic loci confirmed that T. suis and T. mobilensis are phylogenetically very close to T. foetus. Moreover, these two genetic markers were suited to define host-specific genotypes of T. foetus. Both loci showed single base differences between cat and cattle isolates but showed full sequence identity within strains from either cat or cattle isolates. Furthermore, an additional PCR with a forward primer designed to specifically amplify the bovine sequence of EF-1alpha was able to discriminate bovine isolates of T. foetus from feline isolates and also from other trichomonads. The implications these minor genetic differences may have on the biological properties of the distinct isolates remain to be investigated.
FGFRL1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family that controls the formation of musculoskeletal tissues. Some vertebrates, including man, cow, dog, mouse, rat and chicken, possess a single copy the FGFRL1 gene. Teleostean fish have two copies, fgfrl1a and fgfrl1b, because they have undergone a whole genome duplication. Vertebrates belong to the chordates, a phylum that also includes the subphyla of the cephalochordates (e.g. Branchiostoma floridae) and urochordates (tunicates, e.g. Ciona intestinalis). We therefore investigated whether other chordates might also possess an FGFRL1 related gene. In fact, a homologous gene was found in B. floridae (amphioxus). The corresponding protein showed 60% sequence identity with the human protein and all sequence motifs identified in the vertebrate proteins were also conserved in amphioxus Fgfrl1. In contrast, the genome of the urochordate C. intestinalis and those from more distantly related invertebrates including the insect Drosophila melanogaster and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans did not appear to contain any related sequences. Thus, the FGFRL1 gene might have evolved just before branching of the vertebrate lineage from the other chordates.
The sequences of rat testis carbonyl reductase (rCR1) and rat ovary carbonyl reductase (rCR2) are 98% identical, differing only at amino acids 140, 141, 143, 235 and 238. Despite such strong sequence identity, we find that rCR1 and rCR2 have different catalytic constants for metabolism of menadione and 4-benzoyl-pyridine. Compared to rCR1, rCR2 has a 20-fold lower K(m) and 5-fold lower k(cat) towards menadione and a 7-fold lower K(m) and 7-fold lower k(cat) towards 4-benzoyl-pyridine. We constructed hybrids of rCR1 and rCR2 that were changed at either residues 140, 141 and 143 or residues 235 and 238. rCR1 with residues 140, 141 and 143 of rCR2 has similar catalytic efficiency for menadione and 4-benzoyl-pyridine as rCR1. rCR1 with Thr-235 and Glu-238 of rCR2 has the catalytic constants of rCR2, indicating that it is this part of rCR2 that contributes to its lower K(m) for menadione and 4-benzoyl-pyridine. Comparisons of three-dimensional models of rCR1 and rCR2 show how Thr-235 and Glu-238 stabilize rCR2 binding of NADPH and menadione.
The Growth/Differentiation Factors (GDFs) are a subgroup of the Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) well known for their role in joint formation and chondrogenesis. Mice deficient in one of these signaling molecules, GDF-5, have recently been shown to exhibit a decreased rate of endochondral bone growth in the proximal tibia due to a significantly longer hypertrophic phase duration. GDF-7 is a related family member, which exhibits a high degree of sequence identity with GDF-5. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether GDF-7 deficiency also alters the endochondral bone growth rate in mice and, if so, how this is achieved. Stereologic and cell kinetic parameters in proximal tibial growth plates from 5-week-old female GDF-7 -/- mice and wild type control littermates were examined. GDF-7 deficiency resulted in a statistically significant increase in growth rate (+26%; p = 0.0084) and rate of cell loss at the chondrosseous junction (+25%; p = 0.0217). Cells from GDF-7 deficient mice also exhibited a significantly shorter hypertrophic phase duration compared to wild type controls (-27%; p = 0.0326). These data demonstrate that, in the absence of GDF-7, the rate of endochondral bone growth is affected through the modulation of hypertrophic phase duration in growth plate chondrocytes. These findings further support a growing body of evidence implicating the GDFs in the formation, maturation, and maintenance of healthy cartilage.
Cementum is a highly specialized connective tissue that covers tooth roots. The only cementum-specific protein described to date is the cementum attachment protein (CAP). A putative sequence for CAP was established from a cDNA clone isolated from a human cementifying fibroma cDNA library. This sequence overlaps with a phosphatase-like protein in muscle termed the protein-tyrosine phosphatase-like member A (PTPLA). To clarify the nature of CAP/PTPLA, we cloned the homologous rat protein and determined its sequence. The rat protein shared 94% sequence identity with the human protein. On Northern blots containing RNA from various rat tissues of different developmental stages, the cDNA hybridized to an mRNA expressed in heart and skeletal muscle but not in teeth. These results were confirmed by real-time PCR. Thus, the sequence deposited in public databanks under the name 'cementum attachment protein' does not represent genuine CAP.
Ketamine is an anesthetic and analgesic regularly used in veterinary patients. As ketamine is almost always administered in combination with other drugs, interactions between ketamine and other drugs bear the risk of either adverse effects or diminished efficacy. Since cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) play a pivotal role in the phase I metabolism of the majority of all marketed drugs, drug-drug interactions often occur at the active site of these enzymes. CYPs have been thoroughly examined in humans and laboratory animals, but little is known about equine CYPs. The characterization of equine CYPs is essential for a better understanding of drug metabolism in horses. We report annotation, cloning and heterologous expression of the equine CYP2B6 in V79 Chinese hamster fibroblasts. After computational annotation of all CYP2B genes, the coding sequence (CDS) of equine CYP2B6 was amplified by RT-PCR from horse liver total RNA and revealed an amino acid sequence identity of 77% and a similarity of 93.7% to its human ortholog. A non-synonymous variant c.226G>A in exon 2 of the equine CYP2B6 was detected in 97 horses. The mutant A-allele showed an allele frequency of 82%. Two further variants in exon 3 were detected in one and two horses of this group, respectively. Transfected V79 cells were incubated with racemic ketamine and norketamine as probe substrates to determine metabolic activity. The recombinant equine CYP2B6 N-demethylated ketamine to norketamine and produced metabolites of norketamine, such as hydroxylated norketamines and 5,6-dehydronorketamine. V(max) for S-/and R-norketamine formation was 0.49 and 0.45nmol/h/mg cellular protein and K(m) was 3.41 and 2.66μM, respectively. The N-demethylation of S-/R-ketamine was inhibited concentration-dependently with clopidogrel showing an IC(50) of 5.63 and 6.26μM, respectively. The functional importance of the recorded genetic variants remains to be explored. Equine CYP2B6 was determined to be a CYP enzyme involved in ketamine and norketamine metabolism, thus confirming results from inhibition studies with horse liver microsomes. Clopidogrel seems to be a feasible inhibitor for equine CYP2B6. The specificity still needs to be established with other single equine CYPs. Heterologous expression of single equine CYP enzymes opens new possibilities to substantially improve the understanding of drug metabolism and drug interactions in horses.
Based on the detection of expressed sequence tags that are similar to known galactosyltransferase sequences, we have isolated three novel UDP-galactose:beta-N-acetylglucosamine beta1, 3-galactosyltransferase (beta3GalT) genes from a mouse genomic library. The three genes, named beta3GalT-I, -II, and -III, encode type II transmembrane proteins of 326, 422, and 331 amino acids, respectively. The three proteins constitute a distinct subfamily as they do not share any sequence identity with other eucaryotic galactosyltransferases. Also, the entire protein-coding region of the three beta3GalT genes was contained in a single exon, which contrasts with the genomic organization of the beta1,4- and alpha1, 3-galactosyltransferase genes. The three beta3GalT genes were mainly expressed in brain tissue. The expression of the full-length murine genes as recombinant baculoviruses in insect cells revealed that the beta3GalT enzymes share the same acceptor specificity for beta-linked GlcNAc, although they differ in their Km for this acceptor and the donor UDP-Gal. The identification of beta3GalT genes emphasizes the structural diversity present in the galactosyltransferase gene family.
The protein P29 is a potential serological marker for post-treatment monitoring of cystic echinococcosis (CE) especially in young patients. We now have demonstrated that P29 is encoded in the Echinococcus genus by a single gene consisting of 7 exons spanning 1.2 kb of DNA. Variability of the p29 gene at inter- and intra-species level was assessed with 50 cDNA and 280 genomic DNA clones isolated from different E. granulosus s.l. isolates (E. granulosus sensu stricto (G1), E. equinus (G4), E. ortleppi (G5), E. canadensis (G6), E. canadensis (G7) and E. canadensis (G10)) as well as four E. multilocularis isolates. Scarce interspecies polymorphism at the p29 locus was observed and affected predominantly E. granulosus s.s. (G1), where we identified two alleles (A1 and A2) coding for identical P29 proteins and yielding in three genotypes (A1/A1, A2/A2 and A1/A2). Genotypic frequencies expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium revealed a high rate of heterozygosity (47%) that strongly supports the hypothesis that E. granulosus s.s. (G1) is predominantly outbreeding. Comparative sequence analyses of the complete p29 gene showed that phylogenetic relationships within the genus Echinococcus were in agreement with those of previous nuclear gene studies. At the protein level, the deduced P29 amino acid (AA) sequences exhibited a high level of conservation, ranging from 97.9% AA sequence identity among the whole E. granulosus s.l. group to 99.58% identity among E. multilocularis isolates. We showed that P29 proteins of these two species differ by three AA substitutions without implication for antigenicity. In Western-blot analyses, serum antibodies from a human CE patient infected with E. canadensis (G6) strongly reacted with recombinant P29 from E. granulosus s.s. (G1) (recEg(G1)P29). In the same line, human anti-Eg(G1)P29 antibodies bound to recEcnd(G6)P29. Thus, minor AA sequence variations appear not to impair the prognostic serological use of P29.
Most organisms are able to synthesize vitamin C whereas humans are not. In order to contribute to the elucidation of the molecular working mechanism of vitamin C transport through biological membranes, we cloned, overexpressed, purified, functionally characterized, and 2D- and 3D-crystallized a bacterial protein (UraDp) with 29% of amino acid sequence identity to the human sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter 1 (SVCT1). Ligand-binding experiments by scintillation proximity assay revealed that uracil is a substrate preferably bound to UraDp. For structural analysis, we report on the production of tubular 2D crystals and present a first projection structure of UraDp from negatively stained tubes. On the other hand the successful growth of UraDp 3D crystals and their crystallographic analysis is described. These 3D crystals, which diffract X-rays to 4.2Å resolution, pave the way towards the high-resolution crystal structure of a bacterial homologue with high amino acid sequence identity to human SVCT1.