791 resultados para research method
The aged people in the target group of my study belong to generation, which has experienced the shift from agricultural society via industrial society up to the society which has been described as information society. They have grown up concurrently with the technological development, but during the recent years the technological development has accelerated. One can say that the older the target study group has come the more information technological skills they need to possess to be equal actors in our society. However, especially in case of aged people the learning and maintaining of skills in information technology has mainly been left dependent on their personal motivation. The purpose of this report is to study the use of computers in the life of the aged people. The report studies the will and ability of the aged people to learn the skill of using computers, and the new possibilities which this brings into their lives. The study questions are the following: 1) Why the aged people start to use computers? 2) How the aged people benefit information technology in their own life? 3) How computers have extended the environment of the aged people? 4) What kind of problems the aged people have experienced in use of computers? The research material consists of group interviews and individual interviews (total of 23 people). The interview material has been collected among the participants on information technology courses of the Senior University of Helsinki University during years 2004-2005. The research method used is theme interviewing. In addition, the material of opinions about information technology of people born in decades of 1920 and 1930, gathered as part of the Ikihyvä Päijät-Häme 2002 -research has been used. On basis of this research one can say that the aged people do have motivation to study the use of computers, although many interviewees commented that they also have met problems in use of computers. The motivation has grown also because the fear that without the skills to use computers they could drift into outsiders of the society, whereas instead as skilled computer users they felt to be equal citizens compared with the younger age groups, and that they can maintain their independence and autonomy. Especially, the independent use of banking routines over the Internet and use of emails seem to give them a position as modern actors. Many interview statements also underline that computers will bring both joy and benefit to the users. Studying the use of computers is a new and interesting hobby, which can fill the hole left in the life after leaving the working life. Using skills of text processing and processing of pictures one can, for example, record the traditional knowledge of the family and ancestry to the younger generations, and write articles or even books on the professional area of ones own. Single people emphasize that computers can even act as companionship substitutes. One can use Internet for virtual traveling, which provides a new dimension in use of computers. Internet can also be used to maintain family relationships, especially between grandparents and remote grandchildren. Typical problems in use of computers appeared to be that reaching the right professional helpdesk advisers of the service providers is difficult and requires lots of time and patience. However, the interviewees were not willing to give up their computers, because they had already used to these. Keywords: digital divide, aging, Internet, usability, motivation, information technology, information society.
Children s involvement is a key quality factor in Early Years Education. As a process variable it concentrates on children s actions and experiences. The involved children are operating in their zone of proximal development. The aim of this study was to find out how the children involved themselves in the Finnish day care centres. The problems of the study were: (1) how the children are involved in different situations between the hours 8.00 and 12.00, (2) how do the skills of children whose involvement level is high differ from the skills of children whose involvement level is low and (3) how do the learning environments of the children whose involvement level is high differ from the learning environments of the children whose involvement level is low? The research method was observation and children s involvement levels were assessed using LIS-YC Scale. In addition, the kindergarten teachers evaluated the children s skills and the team workers did the evaluations of the educational settings. The data used in this study was a part of the Orientaation lähteillä research. The 802 children, who took part in the study, were from 48 different groups of eight different municipalities in Central Uusimaa. There were 18358 observations of children s involvement and the quantitative data was analyzed using correlation, cross tabulation and t-test. Children s involvement was an average at a moderate level. The involvement levels were the highest during playing time and adult guided tasks and lowest during eating and basic care situations. The level of involvement was higher if the children were adaptable, proactive, self-motivated and good players. The involvement lever was lower if the children needed some special care. The children s involvement is supported if the educators had at least once a week a meeting and if children s confidence and identity construction was frequently considered in educational discussions. Furthermore, the appreciation of the ethical issues and positive atmosphere appeared to confirm the involvement. The children s involvement is decreased if the educators had been perpetually short of time or resources or there has been lack of joy and humour in the group.
Artikkelissa esitellään uusi julkisen keskustelun tutkimiseen kehitetty analyysimenetelmä, julkisen oikeuttamisen analyysi (JOA). JOA perustuu Luc Boltanskin ja Laurent Thévenot'n oikeuttamisteorian seitsemän "maailman" – inspiraation, kodin, maineen, kansalaisuuden, markkinoiden, teollisuuden ja ekologian – muodostamalle analyysikehikolle. Se tutkii keskusteluissa esiintyvien vaateiden moraalisia oikeutuksia, niiden yhdistelmiä ja tapoja kiistää ja tuomita kiistakumppaneiden oikeutuksia. JOA:n avulla voidaan kvalitatiiviseen tekstianalyysiin yhdistää myös kvantitatiivista luokittelua, jolloin menetelmä soveltuu suurtenkin aineistojen analyysiin. JOA:n käyttöä havainnollistetaan artikkelissa kahden tutkimusesimerkin avulla. Ensimmäinen esimerkki käsittelee Helsingin Sanomissa globalisaatiosta vuosina 1999–2005 käydyn keskustelun osapuolten, erityisesti kansalaisyhteiskunnan sekä taloudellisen ja poliittisen eliitin, argumentteja ja niille annettuja oikeutuksia. Tämän esimerkin kautta kuvataan erilaisten oikeuttamisyhdistelmien ilmaisuvoimaa yhteiskunnallisten kiistakysymysten moraalisten ulottuvuuksien analysoimisessa. Toinen esimerkki keskittyy paikallisiin kiistoihin Suomessa ja Ranskassa tarkastelemalla kansalaisten ja kaupungin edustajien esittämiä oikeutuksia paikallislehdistössä. Tämä esimerkki osoittaa JOA:n vahvuudet vertailevan tutkimuksen työkaluna.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the role of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) in shaping consumer attitudes towards various products and services with concentration on the consumer attitude change. eWOM has long been proven to play an important role in influencing consumer attitudes and has been researched from a variety of perspectives. This study attempts to look deeper into the process of consumer attitude change by applying as the central theory of the study the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion by Petty and Cacioppo. In the processes of examining the background academic and empirical research the Internet and Web 2.0 are closely depicted in order to understand how throughout the past centuries technology allowed the rise of various mediums where consumers can not only share their opinions online about products and services but also communicate with other consumers. Manuel Castel’s Internet Galaxy, Gildin’s, Carl and Noland’s, Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh and Gremler’s researches on eWOM are the central works that helped to shape both the theoretical and empirical parts of this study. The mixed method approach was chosen as a research method for this study. An online survey was conducted via the Surveymonkey.com platform and eight qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted. The results of the study show that central route queues as text quality and text argumentativeness are more prominent among the research subjects and the peripheral route queues: source credibility and source expertise did not show considerable significance. Also more experience and participation consumers have with user-rating websites and applications more inclined they are to elaborate on the central route cues and are more likely to search for opinions that they consider rational and credible. Also these respondents are less inclined to search for ratings that confirm their existing beliefs about products or services. Less experience/participation they have about eWOM more likely they are to search for reviews confirmatory to their own.
Berta Raposo Fernández e Ingrid García Wistädt (editoras)
Esta tese relata o meu encontro com um grupo de idosos em um projeto denominado Conversas & Memórias, e a experiência comunitária ali produzida. O objetivo central foi analisar de que forma os dispositivos utilizados na intervenção ajudaram na construção dessa experiência. Partindo de um campo de problematização que coloca em questão as possibilidades de vivermos juntos, busquei responder às seguintes perguntas: de que forma a vida coletiva nos contagia e nos constitui? que apostas podemos arriscar que nos permitam afirmar a possibilidade de construirmos experiências comunitárias no mundo de hoje? quais práticas de cuidado de si e de cuidado do outro podemos encontrar (ou inventar) em nossa cultura? como essas práticas podem produzir, como efeito, experiências de vida comunitária? como podemos viver juntos? Foi em torno dessas questões que desenvolvi o trabalho em dois campos distintos, visando à construção, por um lado, de um solo teórico-conceitual, e, por outro, de um plano prático-experimental. Na primeira parte desta tese, apresento os conceitos e intercessores que fundamentam as ideias aqui defendidas. Começo discutindo o processo de subjetivação, em um diálogo com o pensamento de Gilles Deleuze, Gilbert Simondon e Baruch Espinosa, e termino apresentando as apostas de Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, Antonio Negri e Michael Hardt, Maurice Blanchot, Giorgio Agamben e Jean-Luc Nancy em uma comunidade por vir. Em seguida, apresento minhas próprias apostas, fundamentadas no diálogo de Michel Foucault com a filosofia antiga sobre as práticas de si e a construção de um novo ethos, desenhado por uma estética da existência. Descrevo, em outro capítulo, o método da pesquisa, partindo de uma discussão sobre a cartografia e as possibilidades que ela ofereceu para que eu pudesse acompanhar processos e habitar o território da pesquisa; discuto, ainda, o conceito de dispositivo e os efeitos que são produzidos ao desembaraçarem-se suas linhas; por fim, descrevo o material que utilizei nas análises da experiência do projeto. Na segunda parte da tese, arrisco-me em um campo prático-experimental, dando movimento aos conceitos discutidos anteriormente e incorporando-os à discussão dos quatro dispositivos que examino aqui. No primeiro, a Roda de Conversação e os efeitos, como o exercício ético e político, que essa prática anuncia. No segundo dispositivo, os Agenciamentos, apresento as poesias, músicas, crônicas, passeios que foram utilizados como disparadores das conversas, analisando os diálogos e as virtualidades produzidos por eles. No dispositivo três, a Experiência Narrativa, descrevo o processo de publicação de um livro com as histórias de alguns participantes do projeto. No quarto dispositivo, a Imagem Revelada, descrevo os efeitos provocados pelas imagens publicadas em um livro de fotografias. O último capítulo retoma a pergunta inicial - como viver junto? -, e oferece algumas pistas sobre as possibilidades de construirmos uma outra forma de sociabilidade nos dias de hoje.
Escrever como obra. Essa é a proposta de //. Produzir uma publicação que não separe o texto da plasticidade tendo como tema o afeto- sua produção, permanência e evanescência. Neste livro-objeto, pensar a escrita como arte [um fazer] e a escrita na arte [um localizar] é um mesmo movimento, um mesmo exercício. // incide sobre o campo do afeto como tema e da escrita como forma, partindo de trabalhos que problematizem o campo afetivo e/ou existam no contato escrita-arte. Nos vastos estudos que localizam o afeto como força central na constituição da paisagem urbana e das relações sociais, políticas e econômicas, busquei me movimentar por um espaço que tratasse das novas modalidades de um afeto íntimo e de uma intimidade pública. O cruzamento da pesquisa teórica com a produção de artistas contemporâneos apareceu como método de pesquisa e impulso produtivo apontando para um trabalho prático-teórico que trouxesse tanto uma escrita de si quanto uma escrita conceitual para dentro do trabalho. Em // a produção de um texto/obra parte da investigação sobre os modos de aparição de subjetividade e afetividade no contemporâneo, sobre como ressonâncias psicológicas e afetivas dão origem a uma escrita de superfícies estéticas, matérias visuais e operações gráficas
No Brasil, o início do processo de convergência às normas internacionais de contabilidade no setor público ocorre desde 2007 na União, nos Estados e nos Municípios, o que acaba gerando muitas mudanças e também muitos desafios na adoção dos novos procedimentos. Um dos novos procedimentos envolve a avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado. Nota técnica divulgada recentemente pela STN descreve que os Entes estão encontrando dificuldades em adotar as novas regras. Nesse contexto, este estudo se propõe a responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: como superar os desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis sobre avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro? Tem como objetivo geral identificar os desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis sobre avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e como objetivo específico investigar e analisar a estrutura contábil e patrimonial, assim como propor soluções básicas e essenciais para a aplicação dos procedimentos contábeis. Quanto aos fins, foi realizada pesquisa descritiva e quanto aos meios, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e o estudo de caso, com a realização de entrevistas com os responsáveis de patrimônio e almoxarifado de 23 órgãos da Administração Direta do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A análise dos dados coletados revela que não há integração entre o setor contábil, o setor de patrimônio e o setor de almoxarifado nestes órgãos. Os setores possuem baixo quantitativo de funcionários e estes são pouco valorizados, não existindo padronização dos procedimentos sobre gestão patrimonial. O desafio de adotar esses procedimentos ultrapassa a competência do setor de contabilidade e exige a integração dos setores de patrimônio, almoxarifado e contábil. Assim, o estudo propõe a aquisição ou desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de controle de bens, em que a contabilidade, o patrimônio e o almoxarifado acessem os mesmos dados e possuam uma ferramenta de comunicação confiável, que possibilite a elaboração de relatórios que gerem informações úteis ao gestor e aos demais interessados. Propõe também a regulamentação dos novos procedimentos, o fortalecimento da carreira dos funcionários que atuam no patrimônio e no almoxarifado e orienta sobre a adoção de procedimentos iniciais, para o período de transição.
A presente pesquisa investiga as escolhas temáticas de textos jornalísticos, especificamente de reportagens, que partem do mesmo evento, mas que são produzidos e publicados em linhas editoriais distintas. Nosso objetivo geral, com este estudo, é proporcionar subsídios para que sejam superados paradigmas ainda baseados na dicotomia texto e gramática na Escola Básica, como também colaborar para a promoção de um ensino mais crítico e reflexivo, a fim de que os estudantes possam atuar em sociedade com autonomia. Para isso, elegemos como corpus duas reportagens de veículos ideologicamente antagônicos: o jornal A Nova Democracia e a revista Veja. Considerando que o contexto de cultura e o contexto de situação são determinantes para as escolhas linguísticas dos textos, examinamos a organização temática dos períodos que compõem as reportagens. Como referencial teórico, elegemos a Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (GSF) de Halliday (1978; 1994; 2004), centrando-se especificamente na função Tema, pertencente à Estrutura Temática na Metafunção Textual, um dos níveis de análise da GSF, que organiza a oração como mensagem e sistematiza os significados ideacionais. O objetivo específico deste trabalho é, portanto, analisar até que ponto as diferenças ideológicas afetam as escolhas temáticas dos textos. Com essa finalidade, dedicamo-nos à análise dos Temas Ideacionais e seus significados, pois são eles os responsáveis por indicar de que maneira os autores priorizaram as informações nos períodos que compõem e organizam as mensagens contidas nos textos. Como método de pesquisa, anotamos e classificamos manualmente cada um dos dados quantitativos e, em seguida, passamos a uma análise qualitativa dos Temas assinalados. Os resultados apontam que ambos os textos apresentam uma alta frequência de Temas Ideacionais Participantes, mas semanticamente distintos. Quanto aos Temas Ideacionais Processos e Circunstâncias, eles evidenciam discrepâncias sintáticas e semânticas significativas, que revelam representações diferentes dos narradores frente ao mesmo evento.
随着软件应用领域的不断扩展,社会对软件产品的需求也在急剧膨胀。经过近三十年的锤炼与积累的经验教训,软件组织已不再以开发出满足用户需求的产品作为唯一的项目成功目标,而是将控制预算、提高生产率、更有效利用资源等方面都列入了考虑范围。 对于软件组织而言,要获得组织整体的长远发展,需要实施量化项目管理、开发过程控制、持续过程改进等一系列措施,在项目的不同时期设立合理的控制点和决策点来指导和监控项目的进行情况。当前,全球性分布式开发、敏捷开发与开源代码开发等已经形成了软件开发的新趋势;同时,大型软件企业在选择外包承接商时需要考虑众多因素,包括软件开发过程因素、人员因素、产品技术因素等多项可以为他们的决策提供辅助支持的信息。软件项目相关的决策支持除了组织内部需求以外,也存在于其他场景。例如,政府在进行软件资助项目挑选时、在购买合同软件时,也需要更客观更严谨的对这些项目予以评价并作出决策。 而种种这些软件行业的决策支持所需要的信息主要借鉴两方面信息源,一方面是在行业或市场背景下的软件组织所积累的特征和经验数据,另一方面是来自学术研究领域的相关理论和模型的支持。正是在这样的应用环境下,软件工程领域的经验研究在过去的二十多年里逐渐兴起(最后演变为“经验软件工程”这个独立的研究方向),它强调从实际观察和历史数据中挖掘信息或设计一定的实验来进行对已有理论与模型的验证与推进。 本文以经验软件工程领域的研究特征为基础,提出了一种问题驱动的经验研究方法框架,以及遵循这个研究框架进行的实例化经验研究。其中主要的独创性内容包括: 提出了一种问题驱动的经验软件工程研究方法框架QD-ESE (Question-Driven Empirical Software Engineering),其结构上由开发实践层、经验研究层、经验管理层三个部分组成。在经验研究步骤的进行过程中,融合经验软件工程的研究成果,通过三个部分的交互,实现经验研究所需信息支持与利用、数据分析、知识提取与经验积累等工作。 通过对QD-ESE框架的实例化应用,实现了针对工作量分布的经验研究,分析了市场演变等五个维度对产品演化项目中工作量分布的影响。该实例是针对软件项目中对工作量阶段分布预测的困难而提出的。其中基于某组织系列版本的产品开发数据,从市场演变、产品内容、开发过程、开发团队与采用技术五个维度,分析了它们对各版本项目中的工作量分布的具体影响,为开发组织在项目中的工作量阶段分配提炼并积累了可以借鉴的实际经验。 在针对生产率的经验研究实例中,得到对中国软件行业生产率整体状况的调查结果,并发掘出开发类型、业务领域、团队规模等多个影响生产率差异的显著因素。该实例研究是在中国软件行业缺乏产业数据及相应的重要指标基准问题的实际背景下提出的,尤其针对产品演化项目。遵循QD-ESE研究框架,并基于首次发布并可用的中国软件基准组数据,对软件开发生产率的影响因子进行了分析,为软件组织在提高生产率和改善开发过程方面提供了有价值的数据、信息和建议。 最后,QD-ESE研究框架在针对软件成本估算的经验研究实例中进一步得到应用,提出了一套针对政府软件合同定价的估算建模方法并在政府资助等实际项目中予以应用。该实例是在分析政府在软件项目合同定价中遇到的挑战并发现软件成本预算与核算中问题的实际背景下提出的。最终,提出了针对政府软件合同定价的COGOMO成本估算模型(COnstructive GOvernment cost MOdel)。
The hydrolysis/precipitation behaviors of Al3+, Al-13 and Al-30 under conditions typical for flocculation in water treatment were investigated by studying the particulates' size development, charge characteristics, chemical species and speciation transformation of coagulant hydrolysis precipitates. The optimal pH conditions for hydrolysis precipitates formation for AlCl3, PAC(A113) and PAC(A130) were 6.5-7.5, 8.5-9.5, and 7.5-9.5, respectively. The precipitates' formation rate increased with the increase in dosage, and the relative rates were AlCl3 >> PAC(A130) > PACA113. The precipitates' size increased when the dosage increased from 50 mu M to 200 mu M, but it decreased when the dosage increased to 800 AM. The Zeta potential of coagulant hydrolysis precipitates decreased with the increase in pH for the three coagulants. The isoelectric points of the freshly formed precipitates for AlCl3, PAC(A113) and PAC(A130) were 7.3, 9.6 and 9.2, respectively. The Zeta potentials of AlCl3 hydrolysis precipitates were lower than those of PAC(A113) and PAC(A130) when pH > 5.0. The Zeta potential of PAC(A130) hydrolysis precipitates was higher than that of PACA113 at the acidic side, but lower at the alkaline side. The dosage had no obvious effect on the Zeta potential of hydrolysis precipitates under fixed pH conditions. The increase in Zeta potential with the increase in dosage under uncontrolled pH conditions was due to the pH depression caused by coagulant addition. Al-Ferron research indicated that the hydrolysis precipitates of AlCl3 were composed of amorphous AI(OH)3 precipitates, but those of PACA113 and PACA130 were composed of aggregates of Al-13 and Al-30, respectively. Al3+ was the most un-stable species in coagulants, and its hydrolysis was remarkably influenced by solution pH. Al-13 and Al-30 species were very stable, and solution pH and aging had little effect on the chemical species of their hydrolysis products. The research method involving coagulant hydrolysis precipitates based on Al-Ferron reaction kinetics was studied in detail. The Al species classification based on complex reaction kinetic of hydrolysis precipitates and Ferron reagent was different from that measured in a conventional coagulant assay using the Al--Ferron method. The chemical composition of Al-a, Al-b and Al-c depended on coagulant and solution pH. The Al-b measured in the current case was different from Keggin Al-13, and the high Alb content in the AlCl3 hydrolysis precipitates could not used as testimony that most of the Al3+ Was converted to highly charged Al-13 species during AlCl3 coagulation.
The sediment and diagenesis process of reservoir are the key controlling factors for the formation and distribution of hydrocarbon reservoir. For quite a long time, most of the research on sediment-diagenesis facise is mainly focusing on qualitative analysis. With the further development on exploration of oil field, the qualitative analysis alone can’t meet the requirements of complicated requirements of oil and gas exploreation, so the quantitative analysis of sediment-diagenesis facise and related facies modling have become more and more important. On the basis of the research result from stratum and sediment on GuLong Area Putaohua Oil Layer Group, from the basic principles of sedimentology, and with the support from the research result from field core and mining research results, the thesis mainly makes the research on the sediment types, the space framework of sands and the evolution rules of diagenesis while mainly sticking to the research on sediment systement analysis and diagenetic deformation, and make further quantitative classification on sediment-diageneses facies qualitatively, discussed the new way to divide the sediment-diagenesis facies, and offer new basis for reservoir exploration by the research. Through using statistics theory including factor analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis, the thesis devided sediment-diagenesis facies quantitatively. This research method is innovative on studying sediment-diagenesis facies. Firstly, the factor analysis could study the main mechanism of those correlative variables in geologic body, and then could draw a conclusion on the control factors of fluid and capability of reservoir in the layer of studying area. Secondly, with the selected main parameter for the cluster analysis, the classification of diagenesis is mainly based on the data analysis, thus the subjective judgement from the investigator could be eliminated, besides the results could be more quantitative, which is helpful to the correlative statistical analysis, so one could get further study on the quantitative relations of each sediment-diagenesis facies type. Finally, with the reliablities of discriminant analysis cluster results, and the adoption of discriminant probability to formulate the chart, the thesis could reflect chorisogram of sediment-diagenesis facies for planar analysis, which leads to a more dependable analytic results.According to the research, with the multi-statistics analysis methods combinations, we could get quantitative analysis on sediment-diagenesis facies of reservoir, and the final result could be more reliable and also have better operability.
In the intermediary and later stage of oil field development, remaining oil disperses fiercely, the contradiction in the layer has become the main problem and the distribution of remaining oil is transforming to the difference of single sand-body. So, the fine description research of reservoir is becoming a tendency and the methods of remaining oil research need new developments. In the research of “The Single-sand-body Architectural Element and Potentiality Analysis Research of Meandering River, GuDao Oil Field”, the research principle is analytical hierarchy process and schema prescription what are reservoir fine description methods under the condition of dense well pattern. The knowledge of regional sedimentary system and sedimentary facies is the foundation of this research. According to the 3D distribution model of the microfacies sand-body of fluvial facies, stratigraphic unit classification & coenocorrelation of 154 wells are completed in the research of meandering river sand-body in Ng3-4. In this research, the 3D distribution of microfacies sand-body in the main layers are settled. The architectural element model of Ng4 point bar is analysed using the drill core and FMI data. According to the overgrow model of point bar, the surfaces of lateral accretion is traced and the architectural element model of point bar is settled. In the research, the control of micro-facies sand-body of meandering river to the distribution of remaining oil is analysed and the potential area is proposed. All these will play an important role in the development of GuDao oil field. In this research, abundant of logging data, drill core data and production performance data are used to analyse the contributing factor of single sand-body in the Ng3-4 meandering river. Using the technology of geological modeling, all that are researched including the 3D distribution scales of meandering river point bar, the control affection of inner lateral accretion layer to the distribution of oil & gas and remaining. Then, the way of remaining oil development in the sand-body of meandering river is improved. The innovation of the research technology includes (1) the presentation of the conception and research methods of micro-facies sand-body (2) enriching the content of reservoir architectural element research and (3) to renew the research method of remaining oil analysis. The research has practiced with obvious effect.(1)It is deepened into understand the river facies reservoir construction of Gudao oil field, By Building the reservoir construction and studying the effect of diffent deposit or geological interface to fluid partition and to the distribution of the remaining oil, we improved the understanding to the distribution of the remaining oil;(2)By building the distribution mod of the remaining oil in the reservoir construction and making the remaining oil description detailed,the development direction of old oil field is more clear;(3)Expanded the application scales of the horizontal well and enhanced the application effects of the horizontal well technique , we designed and drilled 23 ports horizontal wells in all , the cumulative hydrocarbon production is 10.6*104 t;(4) According to the findings of the internal building structure in reservoir of the fluvial facies in the region of interest, and uniting the injection/production corresponding states、the producing history and the dynamic monitoring documents of the oil/water wells in the flooding units , we researched the residual oil distribution in the point bar , and found the distribution regular patterns of the remaining oil, and comprehended the distribution of the remaining oil . In base of that , we proceeded the optimizing designs of the oil well potentialities , and advanced the effect of the treatment potentials . It is proved that , it was very important that internal building structure research of the single sand body of reservoir for guiding the high efficiency potentialities of the remaining oil in the high water cut stage .
The thesis show you seven interpretation models of erosion of MAs1+2 in the west of prospect and eroded gully of middle and east, form the interpretation technique how to built up eroded gully of the Ordovician top, according of the practical demand of oil-gas exploration in the ShanGanNing basin, using seismic information, combining well logging and well drilling data, Carefully analyzing geologic deposition background and well logging data, through a great quantity forward and inversion for geologic model and combination geologic model with seismic section. Related to research of reservoir absorption in the ShanGanNing basin, it firstly introduces PRONY transformation multidimensional filter. It can simultaneously express relationship of frequency and absorption decay coefficient, better than FUSAIPU analysis method; PRONY filter have obtain the better effect in the gas field of ZhenChuanBao in the ShanBei area after adopting PRONY filtering method to predict reservoir absorption, by analyzing fixed well and prediction of non-well drilling. In the ShanGanNing basin, general seismic inversion method can produce evident different results or misunderstanding because wave impedance and lithology, physical property, gas property are not sole, especially while have little impedance contrast and even have contract direction; the author carefully analyzes multi-parameter inversion technique, add natural gamma ray and natural potential and other parameter combined making model inversion method according of theory of seismic inversion and applying reservoir velocity and wave impedance information at last, we get the more directly reservoir physical property parameter, judging reservoir physical property is more exact. In accordance with geologic, seismic feature of Shan basin, the thesis conclude Ordovician system top erosion interpretation technology with ChangQing character, and reservoir thickness prediction technique combining inversion technique with wave character analysis, Reservoir physical property that is mainly absorption factor analysis and multi-parameter inversion and oil-gas prediction technology. These technologies obtain the better result in the oil-gas field exploration and have formed comprehensive research method and technology series with ShanGanNing character.
Saprolite is the residual soil resulted from completely weathered or highly weathered granite and with corestones of parent rock. It is widely distributed in Hong Kong. Slope instability usually happens in this layer of residual soil and thus it is very important to study the engineering geological properties of Saprolite. Due to the relic granitic texture, the deformation and strength characteristics of Saprolite are very different from normal residual soils. In order to investigate the effects of the special microstructure on soil deformation and strength, a series of physical, chemical and mechanical tests were conducted on Saprolite at Kowloon, Hong Kong. The tests include chemical analysis, particle size analysis, mineral composition analysis, mercury injection, consolidation test, direct shear test, triaxial shear test, optical analysis, SEM & TEM analysis, and triaxial shear tests under real-time CT monitoring.Based on the testing results, intensity and degree of weathering were classified, factors affecting and controlling the deformation and strength of Saprolite were identified, and the interaction between those factors were analyzed.The major parameters describing soil microstructure were introduced mainly based on optical thin section analysis results. These parameters are of importance and physical meaning to describe particle shape, particle size distribution (PSD), and for numerical modeling of soil microstructure. A few parameters to depict particle geometry were proposed or improved. These parameters can be used to regenerate the particle shape and its distribution. Fractal dimension of particle shape was proposed to describe irregularity of particle shapes and capacity of space filling quantitatively. And the effect of fractal dimension of particle shape on soil strength was analyzed. At the same time, structural coefficient - a combined parameter which can quantify the overall microstructure of rock or soil was introduced to study Saprolite and the results are very positive. The study emphasized on the fractal characteristics of PSD and pore structure by applying fractal theory and method. With the results from thin section analysis and mercury injection, it was shown that at least two fractal dimensions Dfl(DB) and Df2 (Dw), exist for both PSD and pore structure. The reasons and physical meanings behind multi-fractal dimensions were analyzed. The fractal dimensions were used to calculate the formation depth and weathering rate of granite at Kowloon. As practical applications, correlations and mathematical models for fractal dimensions and engineering properties of soil were established. The correlation between fractal dimensions and mechanical properties of soil shows that the internal friction angle is mainly governed by Dfl 9 corresponding to coarse grain components, while the cohesion depends on Df2 , corresponding to fine grain components. The correlations between the fractal dimension, friction angle and cohesion are positive linear.Fractal models of PSD and pore size distribution were derived theoretically. Fragmentation mechanism of grains was also analyzed from the viewpoint of fractal. A simple function was derived to define the theoretical relationship between the water characteristic curve (WCC) and fractal dimension, based on a number of classical WCC models. This relationship provides a new analytical tool and research method for hydraulic properties in porous media and solute transportation. It also endues fractal dimensions with new physical meanings and facilitates applications of fractal dimensions in water retention characteristics, ground water movement, and environmental engineering.Based on the conclusions from the fractal characteristics of Saprolite, size effect on strength was expressed by fractal dimension. This function is in complete agreement with classical Weibull model and a simple function was derived to represent the relationship between them.In this thesis, the phenomenon of multi-fractal dimensions was theoretically analyzed and verified with WCC and saprolite PSD results, it was then concluded that multi-fractal can describe the characteristics of one object more accurately, compared to single fractal dimension. The multi-fractal of saprolite reflects its structural heterogeneity and changeable stress environment during the evolution history.