932 resultados para relation to malaria


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The late Variscan (275-278 Ma) Pribram uranium deposit is one of the largest known accumulations of uraniferous bitumens in hydrothermal veins. The deposit extends along the northwestern boundary of the Central Bohemian pluton (345-335 Ma) with low-grade metamorphosed Late Proterozoic and unmetamorphosed Cambrian rocks. From a net uranium production of 41,742 metric tons (t), more than 6,000 t were extracted from bitumen-uraninite ores during 43 years of exploration and mining. Three morphological varieties of solid bitumen are recognized: globular, asphaltlike, and cokelike. While the globular bitumen is uranium free, the other two types are uraniferous. The amount of bitumen in ore veins gradually decreases toward the contact with the plutonic body and increases with depth. Two types of bitumen microtextures are recognized using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy: amorphous and microporous, the former being less common in uraniferous samples. A lower Raman peak area ratio (1,360/1,575 cm(-1)) in mineralized bitumens (0.9) compared with uranium-free samples (2.0) indicates a lower degree of microtextural organization in the latter The H/C and O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.9-1.1 and 0.09, respectively) are higher than those in mineralized samples (H/C = 0.3-0.8, O/C = 0.03-0.09). The chloroform extractable matter yield is Very low in uranium-free bitumens (0.30-0.35% of the total organic carbon,TOC) and decreases with uranium content increase. The extracted solid uraniferous bitumen infrared spectra show depletion in aliphatic CH2 and CH3 groups compared to uranium-free samples. The concentration of oxygen-bearing functional groups relative to aromatic bonds in the IR spectra of uranium-free and mineralized bitumen, however, do not differ significantly. C-13 NMR confirmed than the aromaticity of a uraniferous sample is higher (F-ar = 0.61) than in the uranium-free bitumen (F-ar = 0.51). Pyrolysates from uraniferous and nonuraniferous bitumens do not differ significantly, being predominantly cresol, alkylphenols, alkylbenzenes, and alkylnaphthalenes. The liquid pyrolysate yield decreases significantly with increasing uranium content. The delta(13)C Values of bulk uranium-free bitumens and low-grade uraniferous, asphaltlike bitumens range from -43.6 to 52.3 per mil. High-grade, cokelike, uraniferous bitumens are more C-13 depleted (54.5 to -58.4 parts per thousand). In contrast to the very light isotopic ratios of the high-grade uraniferous cokelike bitumen bulk carbon, the individual n-alkanes and isoprenoids (pristane and phytane) extracted from the same sample are significantly C-13 enriched. The isotopic composition of the C13-24 n-alkanes extracted from the high-grade uraniferous sample (delta(13)C = -28.0 to 32.6 parts per thousand) are heavier compared with the same compounds in a uranium-free sample (delta(13)C = 31.9 to 33.8 parts per thousand). It is proposed that the bitumen source was the isotopically light (delta(13)C = 35.8 to 30.2 parts per thousand) organic matter of the Upper Proterozoic host rocks that were pyrolyzed during intrusion of the Central Bohemian pluton. The C-13- depleted pyrolysates were mobilized from the innermost part of the contact-metamorphic aureole, accumulated in structural traps in less thermally influenced parts of the sedimentary complex and were later extracted by hydrothermal fluids. Bitumens at the Pribram deposit are younger than the main part of the uranium mineralization and were formed through water-washing and radiation-induced polymerization of both the gaseous and liquid pyrolysates. Direct evidence for pyrolysate reduction of uranium in the hydrothermal system is difficult to obtain as the chemical composition of the original organic fluid phase was modified during water-washing and radiolytic alteration. However, indirect evidence-e.g., higher O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.1) relative to the Upper Proterozoic source rocks (0.02-0.05), isotopically very light carbon in associated whewellite (delta(13)C = 31.7 to -28.4 parts per thousand), and the striking absence of bitumens in the pre-uranium, hematite stage of the mineralization-indicates that oxidation of organic fluids may have contributed to lowering of aO(2) and uraninite precipitation.


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El present projecte s'ha dut a terme a l'American Museum of Natural History (AMNH, New York) entre el 31 de Desembre de 2010 i el 30 de Desembre de 2012. L'objectiu del projecte era elucidar la història evolutiva de la mà humana: traçar els canvis evolutius en la seva forma i proporcions que van propiciar la seva estructura moderna que permet als humans manipular amb precisió. El treball realitzat ha inclòs recol•lecció de dades i anàlisis, redacció de resultats i formació en mètodes analítics específics. Durant aquest temps, l'autor a completat la seva de base de dades existent en mesures lineals de la mà a hominoides. També s'han agafat dades del peu; d'aquesta forma ara mateix es compta amb una base de dades amb més de 500 individus, amb més de 200 mesures per cada un. També s'han agafat dades en tres imensions utilitzant un làser escàner. S'han après tècniques de morfometria geomètrica 3D directament dels pioners al camp a l'AMNH. Com a resultat d'aquesta feina s'han produït 10 resums (publicats a congressos internacionals) i 9 manuscrits (molts d'ells ja publicats a revistes internacionals) amb resultats de gran rellevància: La mà humana posseeix unes proporcions relativament primitives, que són més similars a les proporciones que tenien els hominoides fòssils del Miocè que no pas a la dels grans antropomorfs actuals. Els darrers tenen unes mans allargades amb un polzes molt curts que reflexen l'ús de la mà com a eina de suspensió sota les branques. En canvi, els hominoides del Miocè tenien unes mans relativament curtes amb un polze llarg que feien servir per estabilitzar el seu pes quan caminaven per sobre de les branques. Una vegada els primers homínids van aparèixer al final del Miocè (fa uns 6 Ma) i van començar a fer servir el bipedisme com a mitjà més comú de locomoció, les seves mans van ser "alliberades" de les seves funcions locomotores. La selecció natural—ara només treballant en la manipulació—va convertir les proporcions ja existents de la mà d'aquests primats en l'òrgan manipulatori que representa la mà humana avui dia.


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OBJECTIVES: To examine whether the humoural response to malaria vaccine candidate antigens, Plasmodium falciparum [circumsporozoite repetitive sequence (NANP)(5) GLURP fragments (R0 and R2) and MSP3] varies with the level of malaria transmission and to determine whether the antibodies (IgG) present at the beginning of the malaria transmission season protect against clinical malaria. METHODS: Cross-sectional surveys were conducted to measure antibody response before, at the peak and at the end of the transmission season in children aged 6 months to 10 years in two villages with different levels of malaria transmission. A cohort study was performed to estimate the incidence of clinical malaria. RESULTS: Antibodies to these antigens showed different seasonal patterns. IgG concentrations to any of the four antigens were higher in the village with high entomological inoculation rate. Multivariate analysis of combined data from the two villages indicated that children who were classified as responders to the selected antigens were at lower risk of clinical malaria than children classified as non-responders [(NANP)(5) (incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 0.65, 95% CI: 0.46-0.92; P = 0.016), R0 (IRR = 0.69, 95% CI: 0.48-0.97; P = 0.032), R2 (IRR = 0.73, 95% CI: 0.50-1.06; P = 0.09), MSP3 (IRR = 0.52, 95% CI: 0.32-0.85; P = 0.009)]. Fitting a model with all four antibody responses showed that MSP3 looked the best malaria vaccine candidate (IRR = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.38-1.05; P = 0.08). CONCLUSION: Antibody levels to the four antigens are affected by the intensity of malaria transmission and associated with protection against clinical malaria. It is worthwhile investing in the development of these antigens as potential malaria vaccine candidates.


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The present thesis comprises two study populations. The first study sample (SS1) consisted of 411 adults examined and interviewed at three annual visits. The second study sample (SS2) consisted of 1720 adults who filled in a mailed questionnaire about secondary otalgia, tinnitus and fullness of ears. In the second phase of the SS2, 100 subjects with otalgia were examined and interviewed by specialist in stomatognathic physiology and otorhinolaryngology. In the third phase, 36 subjects participated in a randomized, controlled and blinded trial of effectiveness of occlusal appliance on secondary otalgia, facial pain, headache and treatment need of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The standardized prevalence of recurrent secondary otalgia was 6%, tinnitus 15% and fullness of ears 8%. Aural symptoms were more frequent among young than old subjects. They were associated with other, simultaneous aural symptoms, TMD pain, head and neck region pain, and visits to a physician. The subjects with aural symptoms more often had tenderness on palpation of masticatory muscles and clinical signs of temporomandibular joint than the subjects without. 85% of the subjects reporting secondary otalgia had cervical spine or temporomandibular disorder or both. In SS1, the final model of secondary otalgia included active need treatment for TMD, elevated level of stress symptoms, and bruxism. In SS2, the final models of aural symptoms included associated aural symptoms, young age, TMD pain, headache and shoulder ache. Stabilization splint more effectively alleviated secondary otalgia and active treatment need for TMD than a palatal control splint. In patients with aural pain, tinnitus or fullness of ears, it is important to first rule out otologic and nasopharyngeal diseases that may cause the symptoms. If no explanation for aural symptoms is found, temporomandibular and cervical spine disorders should be rouled out to minimize unnecessary visits to a physician.


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OBJECTIVES: (1) To evaluate the changes in surface roughness and gloss after simulated toothbrushing of 9 composite materials and 2 ceramic materials in relation to brushing time and load in vitro; (2) to assess the relationship between surface gloss and surface roughness. METHODS: Eight flat specimens of composite materials (microfilled: Adoro, Filtek Supreme, Heliomolar; microhybrid: Four Seasons, Tetric EvoCeram; hybrid: Compoglass F, Targis, Tetric Ceram; macrohybrid: Grandio), two ceramic materials (IPS d.SIGN and IPS Empress polished) were fabricated according to the manufacturer's instructions and optimally polished with up to 4000 grit SiC. The specimens were subjected to a toothbrushing (TB) simulation device (Willytec) with rotating movements, toothpaste slurry and at three different loads (100g/250g/350g). At hourly intervals from 1h to 10h TB, mean surface roughness Ra was measured with an optical sensor and the surface gloss (Gl) with a glossmeter. Statistical analysis was performed for log-transformed Ra data applying two-way ANOVA to evaluate the interaction between load and material and load and brushing time. RESULTS: There was a significant interaction between material and load as well as between load and brushing time (p<0.0001). The microhybrid and hybrid materials demonstrated more surface deterioration with higher loads, whereas with the microfilled resins Heliomolar and Adoro it was vice versa. For ceramic materials, no or little deterioration was observed over time and independent of the load. The ceramic materials and 3 of the composite materials (roughness) showed no further deterioration after 5h of toothbrushing. Mean surface gloss was the parameter which discriminated best between the materials, followed by mean surface roughness Ra. There was a strong correlation between surface gloss and surface roughness for all the materials except the ceramics. The evaluation of the deterioration curves of individual specimens revealed a more or less synchronous course suspecting hinting specific external conditions and not showing the true variability in relation to the tested material. SIGNIFICANCE: The surface roughness and gloss of dental materials changes with brushing time and load and thus results in different material rankings. Apart from Grandio, the hybrid composite resins were more prone to surface changes than microfilled composites. The deterioration potential of a composite material can be quickly assessed by measuring surface gloss. For this purpose, a brushing time of 10h (=72,000 strokes) is needed. In further comparative studies, specimens of different materials should be tested in one series to estimate the true variability.


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This study explored the links between having older siblings who get drunk, satisfaction with the parent-adolescent relationship, parental monitoring, and adolescents' risky drinking. Regression models were conducted based on a national representative sample of 3725 8th to 10th graders in Switzerland (mean age 15.0, SD = .93) who indicated having older siblings. Results showed that both parental factors and older siblings' drinking behaviour shape younger siblings' frequency of risky drinking. Parental monitoring showed a linear dose-response relationship, and siblings' influence had an additive effect. There was a non-linear interaction effect between parent-adolescent relationship and older sibling's drunkenness. The findings suggest that, apart from avoiding an increasingly unsatisfactory relationship with their children, parental monitoring appears to be important in preventing risky drinking by their younger children, even if the older sibling drinks in such a way. However, a satisfying relationship with parents does not seem to be sufficient to counterbalance older siblings' influence.


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An analysis is presented of the diversity and faunal turnover of Jurassic ammonites related to transgressive /regressive events. The data set contained 400 genera and 1548 species belonging to 67 ammonite zones covering the entire Jurassic System. These data were used in the construction of faunal turnover curves and ammonite diversities, that correlate with sea-level fluctuation curves. Twenty-four events of ammonite faunal turnover are analyzed throughout the Jurassic. The most important took place at the Sinemurian-Carixian boundary, latest Carixian-Middle Domerian, Domerian-Toarcian boundary, latest Middle Toarcian-Late Toarcian, Toarcian-Aalenian boundary, latest Aalenian-earliest Bajocian, latest Early Bajocian-earliest Late Bojocian, Early Bathonian-Middle Bathonian boundary, latest Middle Bathonian-earliest Late Bathonian, latest Bathonian-Early Callovian, earliest Early Oxfordian-Middle Oxfordian, earliest Late Oxfordian-latest Oxfordian, latest Early Kimmeridgian, Late Kimmeridgian, middle Early Tithonian and Early Tithonian-Late Tithonian boundary. More than 75 percent of these turnovers correlate with regressive-transgressive cycles in the Exxon, and /or Hallam's sea-level curves. Inmost cases the extinction events coincide with regressive intervals, whereas origination and radiation events are related to transgressive cycles. The turnovers frequently coincide with major or minor discontinuities in the Subbetic basin (Betic Cordillera).


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There is no study aiming to investigate if Noctuidae moths are responsible for piercing cultivated fruits in South America. This research aims to survey noctuid moths and list the species with mouth-parts (proboscis) morphology that suggest the capacity to cause damages to grape orchards in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Catches were carried out weekly from late November 2007 to late March 2008 (fructification period) using light traps and McPhail traps in three grape orchards in the region of Serra Gaúcha. The catches resulted in 187 taxa, with 149 identified at the specific level and 38 at genus level. The proboscises of representative taxa were removed and analyzed under stereomicroscope and scan electron microscope. It was verified that only Oraesia argyrosema (Hampson, 1926) and Gonodonta biarmata Guenée, 1852 show proboscis with suitable morphology for piercing rind and pulp of a grape berry. Achaea ablunaris (Guenée, 1852); Ascalapha odorata (Linnaeus, 1758); Letis mineis Geyer, 1827; Mocis latipes Hübner, 1823; Ophisma tropicalis Guenée, 1852, and Zale exhausta (Guenée, 1852) show proboscis only adapted to lacerate the pulp. The proboscis morphology of the remaining noctuid moths suggests lack of capacity to cause damage. Despite the presence of species capable of piercing grape berries, the populations of such species are very reduced and unable to cause damage of economic level.


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Seven different electron microscopy techniques habe been employed to study the RecA protein of E. coli. This review provides a summary of the conclusions that have been drawn from these studies, and attempts to relate these observations to models for the role of RecA protein in homologous recombination.


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Carcasses represent a trophic and reproductive resource or shelter for arthropods, which are a representative component of the decomposition process. Four experiments, one per season, were conducted in a semi-rural area of Bahía Blanca, Argentina, to study the trophic roles of cadaveric beetles, evaluating the abundance, composition and dominance during all decomposition stages and seasons. Species of necrophagous, necrophilous and omnivorous habits were found. Abundance, composition and dominance of beetles in relation to their trophic roles changed according to seasons and decomposition stages. Guilds and patterns of succession were established in relation to those periods. Trophic roles could be an indicator of beetle associations with decomposition stages and seasons.


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Introduction: Besides therapeutic effectiveness, drug tolerability is a key issue for treatments that must be taken indefinitely. Given the high prevalence of toxicity in HIV therapy, the factors implicated in drug-induced morbidities should be identified in order to improve the safety, tolerability and adherence to the treatments. Current approaches have focused almost exclusively on parent drug concentrations; whereas recent evidence suggests that drug metabolites resulting from complex genetic and environmental influences can also contribute to treatment outcome. Pharmacogenetic variations have shown to play a relevant role in the variability observed in antiretroviral drug exposure, clinical response and sometimes toxicity. The integration of pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenetic and metabolic determinants will more probably address current therapeutic needs in patients. Areas covered: This review offers a concise description of three classes of antiretroviral drugs. The review looks at the metabolic profile of these drugs and gives a comprehensive summary of the existing literature on the influence of pharmacogenetics on their pharmacokinetics and metabolic pathways, and the associated drug or metabolite toxicity. Expert opinion: Due to the high prevalence of toxicity and the related risk of low adherence to the treatments, association of kinetic, genetic and metabolic markers predictive of therapeutic or toxicity outcomes could represent a more complete approach for optimizing antiretroviral therapy.


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The increase in weight, fat and energy content of queens was studied in Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr) in relation to the mode of colony founding in ants. The increase in energy content of gynes during the time between emergence and mating reaches only 80% in this species in which queens found colonies with the help of workers (dependent mode), whereas it can reach 470% in species in which queens found colonies without the help of workers (independent mode). These results are discussed with regard to the investment in energy required by each mode of colony founding.


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Selostus: Lihassolutyypin ja lihassolun poikkipinta-alan yhteys sian kasvuun ja ruhon koostumukseen maatiaisessa ja yorkshiressa


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In many bird populations, individuals display one of several genetically inherited colour morphs. Colour polymorphism can be maintained by several mechanisms one of which being frequency-dependent selection with colour morphs signalling alternative mating strategies. One morph may be dominant and territorial, and another one adopt a sneaky behaviour to gain access to fertile females. We tested this hypothesis in the barn owl Tyto alba in which coloration varies from reddish-brown to white. This trait is heritable and neither sensitive to the environment in which individuals live nor to body condition. In Switzerland, reddish-brown males were observed to feed their brood at a higher rate and to produce more offspring than white males. This observation lead us to hypothesize that white males may equalise fitness by investing more effort in extra-pair copulations. This hypothesis predicts that lighter Coloured males produce more extra-pair young, have larger testes and higher levels of circulating testosterone. However, our results are not consistent with these three predictions. First, paternity analyses of 54 broods with a total of 211 offspring revealed that only one young was not sired by the male that was feeding it. Second, testes size was not correlated with male plumage coloration suggesting that white males are not sexually more active. Finally, in nestlings at the time of feather growth testosterone level was not related to plumage coloration suggesting that this androgen is not required for the expression of this plumage trait. Our study therefore indicates that in the barn owl colour polymorphism plays no role in the probability of producing extra-pair young.


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BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated the influence of colectomy on antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) positivity in ulcerative colitis (UC). In small series of patients it has been suggested that ANCA positivity in UC might be predictive for development of pouchitis after colectomy. AIMS: To assess the prevalence of ANCA in UC patients treated by colectomy and a Brooke's ileostomy (UC-BI) or ileal pouch anal anastomosis (UC-IPAA), and the relation between the presence of ANCA, the type of surgery, and the presence of pouchitis. SUBJECTS: 63 UC patients treated by colectomy (32 with UC-BI and 31 with UC-IPAA), 54 UC, and 24 controls. METHODS: Samples were obtained at least two years after colectomy. ANCA were detected by indirect immunofluorescent assay. RESULTS: There were no differences between patients with (36.3%) or without pouchitis (35.0%) and between patients with UC (55%), UC-BI (40.6%), and UC-IPAA (35.4%). However, ANCA prevalence significantly decreases in the whole group of operated patients (38.0%) compared with non-operated UC (p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of ANCA in operated patients was significantly lower than in non-operated UC, suggesting that it might be related either to the presence of inflamed or diseased tissue. ANCA persistence is not related to the surgical procedure and it should not be used as a marker for predicting the development of pouchitis.