436 resultados para palate


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Intersex is the condition whereby an individual is born with biological features that are simultaneously perceived as male and female. Ranging from the ambiguous genitalia of the true 'hermaphrodite' to the 'mildly or internally intersexed', the condition may be as common as cleft palate. Like cleft palate, it is hidden and surgically altered, but for very different reasons. Intersex draws heavily on the personal testimony of intersexed individuals, their loved ones and medical carers. The impact of early sex-assignment surgery on an individual's later life is examined within the context of ethical and clinical questions. Harper challenges the conventional and radical 'treatment' of intersexuality through non-consensual infant sex-assignment surgery. In doing so, she exposes powerful myths, taboos and constructions of gender - the perfect phallus, a bi-polar model of gender and the infallibility of medical decisions. Handling sensitive material with care, this book deepens our understanding of a condition that has itself only been medically understood in recent years.


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The Acacia Light Wall is a permanent public artwork within the 3 stage Eden on the Yarra – a residential / commercial development on Victoria Street Abbotsford, Melbourne. The work was commissioned by the Hampton Group for Acacia Place, the first building in the development. The stylised screen was inspired by tangled wattle trees (Australia’s most common Acacia). The work consists of two walls, made from laser cut aluminium screen, acrylic ‘windows” Philips Colour Kinetic controllable LED (1250 nodes), Philips Colour Kinetics control ‘iPlayers”. One wall is 10 m long x 3 to 5 metres and the second is 12m by 3m. The windows are lit by an array of 600+ LED’s in each wall. These lights change colour from week to week marking the progress of the seasons. We worked with the project horticulturalist to develop a palate of colours for each week’s ‘light show’ that was drawn from local flowers and foliage likely to be in bloom that week. The lighting display is not static but rather a very slow moving (morphing) light show. It isn’t fast and flashy. Instead it’s restful and profound.


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Class II division 1 malocclusion occurs in 3.5 to 13 percent of 7 12 year-old children. It is the most common reason for orthodontic treatment in Finland. Correction is most commonly performed using headgear treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cervical headgear treatment on dentition, facial skeletal and soft tissue growth, and upper airway structure, in children. 65 schoolchildren, 36 boys and 29 girls were studied. At the onset of treatment a mean age was 9.3 (range 6.6 12.4) years. All the children were consequently referred to an orthodontist because of Class II division 1 malocclusion. The included children had protrusive maxilla and an overjet of more than 2mm (3 to 11 mm). The children were treated with a Kloehn-type cervical headgear as the only appliance until Class I first molar relationships were achieved. The essential features of the headgear were cervical strong pulling forces, a long upward bent outer bow, and an expanded inner bow. Dental casts and lateral and posteroanterior cephalograms were taken before and after the treatment. The results were compared to a historical, cross-sectional Finnish cohort or to historical, age- and sex-matched normal Class I controls. The Class I first molar relationships were achieved in all the treated children. The mean treatment time was 1.7 (range 0.3-3.1) years. Phase 2 treatments were needed in 52% of the children, most often because of excess overjet or overbite. The treatment decreased maxillary protrusion by inhibiting alveolar forward growth, while the rest of the maxilla and mandible followed normal growth. The palate rotated anteriorly downward. The expansion of the inner bow of the headgear induced widening of the maxilla, nasal cavity, and the upper and lower dental arches. Class II malocclusion was associated with narrower oro- and hypopharyngeal space than in the Class I normal controls. The treatment increased the retropalatal airway space, while the rest of the airway remained unaffected. The facial profile improved esthetically, while the facial convexity decreased. Facial soft tissues masked the facial skeletal convexity, and the soft tissue changes were smaller than skeletal changes. In conclusion, the headgear treatment with the expanded inner bow may be used as an easy and simple method for Class II correction in growing children.


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Meckel syndrome (MKS, MIM 249000) is an autosomal recessive developmental disorder causing death in utero or shortly after birth. The hallmarks of the disease are cystic kidney dysplasia and fibrotic changes of the liver, occipital encephalocele with or without hydrocephalus and polydactyly. Other anomalies frequently seen in the patients are incomplete development of the male genitalia, club feet and cleft lip or palate. The clinical picture has been well characterized in the literature while the molecular pathology underlying the disease has remained unclear until now. In this study we identified the first MKS gene by utilizing the disease haplotypes in Finnish MKS families linked to the MKS1 locus on chromosome 17q23 (MKS1) locus. Subsequently, the genetic heterogeneity of MKS was established in the Finnish families. Mutations in at least four different genes can cause MKS. These genes have been mapped to the chromosomes 17q23 (MKS1), 11q13 (MKS2), 8q22 (MKS3) and 9q33 (MKS4). Two of these genes have been identified so far: The MKS1 gene (this work) and the MKS3 gene. The identified MKS1 gene was initially a novel human gene which is conserved among species. We found three different MKS mutations, one of them being the Finnish founder mutation. The information available from MKS1 orthologs in other species convinced us that the MKS1 gene is required for normal ciliogenesis. Defects of the cilial system in other human diseases and model organisms actually cause phenotypic features similar to those seen in MKS patients. The MKS3 (TMEM67) gene encodes a transmembrane protein and the gene maps to the syntenic Wpk locus in the rat, which is a model with polycystic kidney disease, agenesis of the corpus callosum and hydrocephalus. The available information from these two genes suggest that MKS1 would encode a structural component of the centriole required for normal ciliary functions, and MKS3 would be a transmembrane component most likely required for normal ciliary sensory signaling. The MKS4 locus was localized to chromosme 9q32-33 in this study by using an inbred Finnish family with two affected and two healthy children. This fourth locus contains TRIM32 gene, which is associated to another well characterized human ciliopathy, Bardet Biedl syndrome (BBS). Future studies should identify the MKS4 gene on chromosome 9q and confirm if there are more than two genes causing MKS Finnish families. The research on critical signaling pathways in organogenesis have shown that both Wnt and Hedgehog pathways are dependent on functional cilia. The MKS gene products will serve as excellent model molecules for more detailed studies of the functional role of cilia in organogenesis in more detail.


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A expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida tornou-se amplamente utilizada e muito aceitável no tratamento da deficiência maxilar de pacientes adolescentes e adultos. Diversas técnicas cirúrgicas foram propostas ao longo dos anos com o objetivo de solucionar este problema de forma eficiente, com estabilidade dos resultados e baixa morbidade. Controvérsias em relação ao procedimento cirúrgico persistem, principalmente relacionadas a quais osteotomias devem ser realizadas para se obter bons resultados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os resultados da expansão ortocirúrgica da maxila realizando osteotomias nas paredes laterais da maxila e na sutura palatina mediana. Foram selecionados dezessete pacientes adultos portadores de deficiência transversa maxilar, com média de idade de 24 anos e 8 meses; todos foram submetidos a exames de tomografia computadorizada convencional e moldagens maxilares previamente ao procedimento cirúrgico e após três meses, no mínimo, do término de ativação e estabilização do aparelho expansor. As medidas do pós-cirúrgico foram confrontadas com as do pré-cirúrgico e os resultados foram comparados e analisados estatisticamente. Foi obtida a expansão desejada clinicamente em todos os pacientes. No entanto, a quantidade de expansão na região de molares foi estatisticamente maior nas áreas referentes aos dentes, enquanto que os resultados obtidos referentes aos caninos se mostraram similares nas três regiões maxilares avaliadas. Quando comparadas às regiões de caninos e molares entre si, a expansão intercaninos foi maior na altura dos forames palatinos e o inverso ocorreu nas regiões de processo alveolar e dentária, nas quais a expansão intermolar foi maior.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurobehavioral disorder associated with mental retardation, absence of language development, characteristic electroencephalography (EEG) abnormalities and epilepsy, happy disposition, movement or balance disorders, and autistic behaviors. The molecular defects underlying AS are heterogeneous, including large maternal deletions of chromosome 15q11-q13 (70%), paternal uniparental disomy (UPD) of chromosome 15 (5%), imprinting mutations (rare), and mutations in the E6-AP ubiquitin ligase gene UBE3A (15%). Although patients with UBE3A mutations have a wide spectrum of neurological phenotypes, their features are usually milder than AS patients with deletions of 15q11-q13. Using a chromosomal engineering strategy, we generated mutant mice with a 1.6-Mb chromosomal deletion from Ube3a to Gabrb3, which inactivated the Ube3a and Gabrb3 genes and deleted the Atp10a gene. Homozygous deletion mutant mice died in the perinatal period due to a cleft palate resulting from the null mutation in Gabrb3 gene. Mice with a maternal deletion (m-/p+) were viable and did not have any obvious developmental defects. Expression analysis of the maternal and paternal deletion mice confirmed that the Ube3a gene is maternally expressed in brain, and showed that the Atp10a and Gabrb3 genes are biallelically expressed in all brain sub-regions studied. Maternal (m-/p+), but not paternal (m+/p-), deletion mice had increased spontaneous seizure activity and abnormal EEG. Extensive behavioral analyses revealed significant impairment in motor function, learning and memory tasks, and anxiety-related measures assayed in the light-dark box in maternal deletion but not paternal deletion mice. Ultrasonic vocalization (USV) recording in newborns revealed that maternal deletion pups emitted significantly more USVs than wild-type littermates. The increased USV in maternal deletion mice suggests abnormal signaling behavior between mothers and pups that may reflect abnormal communication behaviors in human AS patients. Thus, mutant mice with a maternal deletion from Ube3a to Gabrb3 provide an AS mouse model that is molecularly more similar to the contiguous gene deletion form of AS in humans than mice with Ube3a mutation alone. These mice will be valuable for future comparative studies to mice with maternal deficiency of Ube3a alone.


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Impressionism serves as the transition between romantic and modern music. This dissertation examines the varying characteristics and colors of Impressionism in the works of late-romantic French composers, French Impressionistic composers, and composers with Impressionistic influence from countries other than France. Violin Sonata in g minor, L. 140 (1917) is the last work composed by Claude Debussy. The impressionistic characters in this work includes the ambiguous yet innovative and variant sonority and form. As a work also written in 1917, Ottorino Respighi's Violin Sonata in b minor is deeply rooted in Italian Romanticism. Some of the Impressionistic characters can be found in the second movement where the harmonies are in parallel motion. César Franck, a forerunner of impressionism, heavily influenced Debussy with the use of cyclic form. The Violin Sonata in A major (1886) is rich in harmonic language. Ernest Chausson's works mark the transition between Franck and Debussy. The Poème portrays a love story, Song of Love Triumphant by Turgenev. The work is a symphonic poem for violin and orchestra. The Mythes, Op. 30 (1915) by Karol Szymanowski is based on Greek mythology. Ravel's Sonata for Violin and Cello (1922), dedicated to Debussy, points to the future with a sophisticated harmonic language extending into atonality, spare texture, and expanded palate of impressionistic colors and techniques. Ernest Bloch's Violin Sonata No. 1 (1920) portrays the feeling of torment. Beneath the soaring cries of the violin, the harmonic sonority of Impressionism are present. Gabriel Fauré's Violin Sonata No. 1 in A major, op. 13 (1876) is the earliest work of this project. The scherzo movement became a prototype for future scherzo movements for Ravel and Debussy. Ravel's Tzigane (1924), at once a paragon of French impressionism, a delightful gypsy-style dance-fantasy, and a breathtaking virtuoso piece, is the perfect conclusion to my dissertation project. The pieces discussed above were presented in three recitals. Compact disc recordings of these recitals are available in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland.


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We report a male child born with complete absence of his external ear, hemifacial microsomia of the right side, high arched palate, a down-turned upper lip and slightly upslanting palpebral fissures. The features were suggestive of facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum. Investigations showed a tandem duplication of the short arm of one chromosome 10 with apparent breakpoints at p14 and p15. This case extends the list of chromosomal abnormalities associated with the facio-auriculo-vertebral phenotype and also adds useful clinical information to possible trisomy 10p phenotypes.


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The p63 transcription factor (TP63) is critical in development, growth and differentiation of stratifying epithelia. This is highlighted by the severity of congenital abnormalities caused by TP63 mutations in humans, the dramatic phenotypes in knockout mice and de-regulation of TP63 expression in neoplasia altering the tumour suppressive roles of the TP53 family. In order to define the normal role played by TP63 and provide the basis for better understanding how this network is perturbed in disease, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) to identify >7500 high-confidence TP63-binding regions across the entire genome, in primary human neonatal foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs). Using integrative strategies, we demonstrate that only a subset of these sites are bound by TP53 in response to DNA damage. We identify a role for TP63 in transcriptional regulation of multiple genes genetically linked to cleft palate and identify AP-2alpha (TFAP2A) as a co-regulator of a subset of these genes. We further demonstrate that AP-2gamma (TFAP2C) can bind a subset of these regions and that acute depletion of either TFAP2A or TFAP2C alone is sufficient to reduce terminal differentiation of organotypic epidermal skin equivalents, indicating overlapping physiological functions with TP63.


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Specialty Registrars in Restorative Dentistry (StRs) should be competent in the independent restorative management of patients with developmental disorders including hypodontia and cleft lip/palate upon completion of their specialist training.1 Knowledge and management may be assessed via the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (ISFE) in Restorative Dentistry.2


The aim of this study was to collate and compare data on the training and experience of StRs in the management of patients with developmental disorders across different training units within the British Isles.


Questionnaires were distributed to all StRs attending the Annual General Meeting of the Specialty Registrars in Restorative Dentistry Group, Belfast, in October 2015. Participants were asked to rate their confidence and experience of assessing and planning treatment for patients with developmental disorders, construction of appropriate prostheses, and provision of dental implants. Respondents were also asked to record clinical supervision and didactic teaching at their unit, and to rate their confidence of passing a future ISFE station assessing knowledge of developmental disorders.


Responses were obtained from 32 StRs (n=32) training within all five countries of the British Isles. The majority of respondents were based in England (72%) with three in Wales, and two in each of Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. Approximately one third of respondents (34%) were in the final years of training (years 4-6). Almost half of the StRs reported that they were not confident of independently assessing (44%) new patients with a developmental disorder, with larger numbers (72%) indicating a lack of confidence in treatment planning. Six respondents rated their experience of treating obturator patients as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’. The majority (56%) rated their experience of implant provision in these cases as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ with three-quarters (75%) rating clinical supervision at their unit as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’. Less than half (41%) rated the didactic teaching at their unit as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’, and only 8 StRs indicated that they were confident of passing an ISFE station focused on developmental disorders.


Experience and training regarding patients with developmental disorders is inconsistent for StRs across the British Isles with a number of trainees reporting a lack of clinical exposure.


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O tema desta investigação é a análise dos fatores de risco associados às perturbações da linguagem na criança, em particular, o estudo das relações entre hábitos orais, alterações orofaciais e perturbações da fala. Centra-se nas crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 9 anos, para identificar o papel de hábitos orais (aleitamento materno, sucção da chupeta, do biberão, do dedo e da língua e onicofagia), tipo de respiração (oral, nasal e misto), alterações orofaciais (oclusão dentária, lábios, língua, palato e freio lingual) nas perturbações da linguagem da criança. A literatura indica que esses hábitos orais, ocorridos de modo prolongado nos primeiros anos de vida da criança, potencializam alterações orofaciais e constituem fatores de risco de determinados tipos de perturbações da fala. A amostra compreende 763 crianças portuguesas com perturbações da linguagem, avaliadas em consulta de terapia da fala, em instituições públicas e privadas, durante os anos de 2008 e 2009; e um grupo de controlo com 100 crianças sem perturbações da fala. A recolha de dados efetuou-se através do preenchimento de uma ficha de registo disponibilizada a cada terapeuta da fala envolvida no estudo. Os dados foram analisados através de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Os principais resultados apontam para a importância dos antecedentes familiares, da respiração oral, das alterações na língua, nos lábios e no palato enquanto fatores preditivos das perturbações da fala das crianças. Quanto à interferência nociva que os hábitos orais poderão ter no desenvolvimento e nas perturbações da linguagem da criança, os resultados não a confirmam. Estes dados contribuem para a intervenção e prevenção terapêuticas mais sustentadas nas perturbações da fala e apontam para a necessidade de maior investimento científico neste domínio.


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Vax1 and Vax2 have been implicated in eye development and the closure of the choroid fissure in mice and zebrafish. We sequenced the coding exons of VAX1 and VAX2 in 70 patients with anophthalmia/microphthalmia. In VAX1, we observed homozygosity for two successive nucleotide substitutions c.453G>A and c.454C>A, predicting p.Arg152Ser, in a proband of Egyptian origin with microphthalmia, small optic nerves, cleft lip/palate and corpus callosum agenesis. This mutation affects an invariant residue in the homeodomain of VAX1 and was absent from 96 Egyptian controls. It is likely that the mutation results in a loss of function, as the mutation results in a phenotype similar to the Vax1 homozygous null mouse. We did not identify any mutations in VAX2. This is the first description of a phenotype associated with a VAX1 mutation in humans and establishes VAX1 as a new causative gene for anophthalmia/microphthalmia. ©2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Objectifs: Observer l’évolution de la stomatite prothétique dans le temps quant à la fréquence et la sévérité ainsi que son association avec de potentiels facteurs de risque au cours d’un suivi longitudinal de 2 ans. Matériels et méthodes : Cent trente-cinq patients âgés complètement édentés et en bonne santé ont été sélectionnés pour participer à cette étude et ont été divisés de façon randomisée en deux groupes. Ils ont tous reçu une prothèse dentaire amovible totale conventionnelle au maxillaire supérieur. La moitié d’entre eux a reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire implanto-portée retenue par deux attachements boule et l’autre moitié une prothèse conventionnelle. Ils ont été suivis sur une période de deux ans. Les données sociodémographiques, d’habitudes de vie, d’hygiène et de satisfaction des prothèses ont été amassées à l’aide de questionnaires. Les patients ont aussi subi un examen oral complet lors duquel une évaluation de la stomatite prothétique, basée sur la classification de Newton, a été effectuée ainsi qu’un prélèvement de la plaque prothétique. Les analyses microbiologiques pertinentes afin de détecter la présence de Candida ont ensuite été effectuées. Des tests Chi-carré de Pearson et McNemar ont été utilisés pour analyser la fréquence de la stomatite, son association avec de possibles facteurs de risque ainsi que son évolution dans le temps. Des rapports de cotes (odds ratio) et leurs intervalles de confiance (95%) ont été effectués afin de déterminer la force d’association entre les facteurs de risque et la stomatite prothétique. Résultats : La prévalence de la stomatite a augmenté entre la première (63,6%) et la deuxième année de suivi (88,7%) avec une incidence de 78,8%. Les patients souffrant d’une stomatite de type 2 ou 3 et qui brossent leur palais ont environ 6 fois plus de chance de voir la sévérité de leur stomatite diminuer [p = 0,04 OR 5,88 CI (1,1-32,2)]. Il n’y a pas d’association statistiquement significative entre la fréquence de la stomatite et les facteurs de risque investigués. La prévalence de la candidose est demeurée stable dans le temps (45,8% et 49,2% à la première et deuxième année de suivi respectivement, p > 0,05). Il n’y a pas d’association entre la présence d’une candidose orale, la stomatite prothétique et les facteurs de risque étudiés. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que la stomatite prothétique progresse dans le temps indépendamment de la présence d’une candidose. Le brossage du palais pourrait être une approche simple à conseiller aux patients souffrant d’une stomatite prothétique de type 2 ou 3.