920 resultados para o lugar da cultura na agenda global
El desplazamiento de personas a lo largo del planeta, las situaciones de injusticia y violación de derechos humanos en las que en muchos casos se contextualiza su desplazamiento, la vulnerabilidad de estas personas durante el proceso de desplazamiento físico, social, jurídico y económico, así como los dispositivos que intentan controlarlo y gestionarlo, y las experiencias vividas y narradas del desplazamiento han protagonizado los últimos años del siglo XXI. Mientras que la teoría política calificaba doblemente el inicio del nuevo milenio como la era de los derechos y la era de la migración, un vistazo a la realidad que los medios de comunicación ponen ante nosotros cada día, nos muestra de forma clara lo desproporcionado de esas expectativas. La actual crisis de los refugiados que se desplazan desde Oriente Medio a otros lugares del mundo y la respuesta que ofrecen las instituciones supranacionales y la legalidad internacional para proteger los derechos humanos de estas personas, revelan la necesidad de repensar desde un discurso normativo pegado a la realidad otra forma política para nuestro mundo...
El turismo, objeto de diversas disciplinas, es uno de los sectores más relevantes de la economía mundial, siendo en España la primera industria nacional. En los últimos años el turismo cultural se ha revelado como un motor esencial de desarrollo para bastantes territorios. Un caso sobresaliente es el conocido como «efecto Guggenheim» que desde su creación en 1997 se ha configurado como un icono arquitectónico que ha remodelado la ciudad de Bilbao. El objeto del presente estudio ha sido reflexionar sobre las ventajas e inconvenientes desde el ámbito económico, social y medioambiental que ha tenido lugar en Bilbao desde la construcción de dicho museo.
The EU’s effective multilateralism doctrine is hardly a defining characteristic of the international system of today. While established multilateral structures are far from reflective of the realities of the twenty-first century, multilateral practices remain dominant in most parts of the world. Multilateralism, however, carries a different meaning to different actors. Emerging powers have become increasingly assertive in promoting their own multilateral approach and now set the pace in international affairs. The EU remains, nonetheless, well-placed to respond to this challenge through a revision of its multilateral agenda.
Este artigo procura explorar algumas das inquietações epistemológicas, metodológicas e éticas suscitadas pela prática da investigação em Antropologia e Sociologia quando o investigador-autor se cruza com o tema da morte. Num contexto marcado pelo crescente silenciamento da sociedade ocidental contemporânea sobre os assuntos relacionados com a morte, a notícia do falecimento de Nelson Mandela, em Dezembro de 2013, trouxe esta temática para o centro da agenda mediática e política à escala global. Metodologicamente, e à microescala da pesquisa em ciências sociais, o discurso do presidente sul-africano Jacob Zuma, no comunicado então apresentado ao país (e ao mundo), serve de mote para a exploração de dois apontamentos reflexivos disciplinarmente ancorados na antropologia e sociologia. No final, sintetizam-se ideias-chave e levantam-se pistas de investigação que inspirem, quiçá provoquem, novas investigações.
Estuda-se a poética de Verney a partir das cartas iniciais do "Verdadeiro Método de Estudar" dedicadas à Língua, à Retórica e à Poética.
La crisis de gobcrnabilidad de los recursos hídricos es clara y evidente en Costa Rica. Estos recursos están en proceso de deterioro y peligrosamente amenazados. En tan solo cinco décadas se pasó de la riqueza y abundancia de agua, a la vulnerabilidad y escasez de ésta. Un conjunto de realidades ha originado la mencionada crisis: la ausencia de políticas hídricas integrales, claras y estables, un marco legal desactualizado. estático y de mínimo cumplimiento, que ha permitido el uso ineficiente y la contaminación de los cuerpos de agua y desde luego la cultura dominante de poca o ninguna valoración del agua como recurso vital para el desarrollo presente y futuro de todas las especies que poblamos el país.La Agenda Ambiental del Agua en Costa Rica ha sido elaborada mediante un proceso parlicipativo. donde diversos actores sociales en diferentes regiones —Limón, Liberia y la Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM)— priorizaron los 10 principales problemas y sus potenciales soluciones:1) La educación formal e informal es muy débil respecto a como alcanzar el uso eficiente e inteligente de los recursos hrdricos. Igualmente, es débil para revertir el patrón de manejo de vertidos sin responsabilidad social.2) La excesiva centralización de las decisiones. Muy poca participación ciudadana tanto en la estructura organizativa como en la toma de decisiones.3) La inoperancia del marco institucional y legal —desconocimiento por parte de la sociedad civil de los procesos de denuncia y otros; la tramitología de denuncia es demasiado lenta e ineficiente, razón por la cual los denunciantes se cansan y desaniman—.4) La deficiente y casi nula valoración económica del agua, que tome en cuenta el manejo integral de las cuencas y la búsqueda de la permanencia del recurso en el futuro.5) La ausencia de planes hídricos de cuencas donde el plan regulador sea un componente básico.6) La desigual calidad del agua para los costarricenses según operador del servicio y región geográfica.7) La contaminación de aguas superficiales y subterráneas.8) La ausencia de conocimiento, socialización, sistematización y movilización en relación con el manejo del agua. Es necesario el aumento de las capacidades tanto técnicas y científicas como de cambio de cultura y conocimiento popular.9) Falta de información básica y mecanismos claros para poder utilizarla.10) La información existente en la actualidad se encuentra dispersa en diferentes orgarnza ciones y en algunos investigadores, lo que impide su uso efectivo.La Agenda Ambiental del Agua en Costa Rica aproxima los costos para la solución de los problemas apuntados anteriormente. Se necesita invertir alrededor de US$J .500 millones para abordar la gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos en el país.Abstract: The crisis of governance of thc watcr resources is clear and evideni in Costa Rica. These resources are in proccss oídeterioration anddangerously threatened. In only five decades it passed of che wealth and water abundance, to che vulnerability and shortagc of thc same one. A set of realities has originated dic mentioned crisis; dic abscncc of an integral, clear and siable water policy, a legal framework out of date. static one and of minimal fulfillmeni. which has allowed che inefficicrn use and ihe pollution ofihe water bodies. And certainly. hc dominecring culture of small ci no valuation to the water as vital resource for thc prcscnt and future dcvclopment of alI dic species. thai we populate che country.The Environmental Agenda of the Water in Costa Rica has bccn claborated by means of a participatory proccss. which includes several social actors in diverse regions —Limon. Liberia and Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) These actors prioritized lO principal problems related to water resources and thcir potential solutions:1) The formal and informal education is very weak with regard to since as reaches the efficient and intelligeni use of thc water resources. Equally. dic boss of managing is weak for revert of spilt without social responsibilicy.2) The excessive centralization of che decisions with very little civil parlicipation. both in the organizational siructure and in the decision making process.3) The un.workability of ihe institutional and legal framewoik —ignorance cii che pan of civil society of che proces.ses of denunciation and others the denunciation niechanism is ioo slow and inefticieni, a reason for which dic cbtmants get tired and discouragc—.4) Thedeficientone and almosi voideconomic valuationofthe waier. which bears in mmd the integral managing of the basin and dic scarc h of dic permancncy of dic resource to future.5) Thc absence of water plans of basin where dic regulatory plan is a basic component.6) The unequal quality of the water for dic Costa Ricans according tooperacor of dic service and geographica] region.7) The pollution of superficial and underground waters.8) The absence of knowledgc. socializ.arion, systematizing and mobilization in relation co the waier managing. Thc increase of dic capacities is necessary so much tcchnical and scicntific like of change of culture and popular knowledge.9) Lack of basic information and clear mechanisms to be able to use it.10) Thc cxisting information aL preseni is dispersed in different organizations and in sorne investigators, which prevents ihe effective use of the same one.The Environmental Agenda of the Water in Costa Rica brings the costs near for the solution of the pointed problems previously. Costa Rica needs to invest about US$1.500 million Lo approach ihe integrated managcment of the water resources in the country.
A Agenda 21 Global, desenvolvida no âmbito da ONU e ratificada por diversos países a partir da CNUMAD/Rio-92, prevê o desdobramento dos seus preceitos e o estabelecimento de diretrizes e metas em agendas de sustentabilidade em diferentes escalas e abordagens. O trabalho apresenta uma análise da aplicação da Agenda 21 Escolar a partir da realização de uma pesquisa participante em uma escola pública, localizada no município de São Paulo - Brasil. Tendo como base o conceito de interdisciplinaridade, buscou-se avaliar se esse tipo de projeto consegue ampliar o entendimento das questões socioambientais em escala local pelos diversos sujeitos envolvidos (alunos, professores, funcionários, direção, pais, comunidade local, órgãos públicos, etc.), bem como estimular a participação e o envolvimento da comunidade escolar na busca de soluções para os problemas do “lugar”.
A formação de consciência ambientalista envolve a procura e aquisição de conhecimentos dos aspectos locais da ecologia, da cultura, e da sociedade por meio da Educação Ambiental. Desta forma, a Agenda 21 Escolar é um recurso didático para a escola e a sociedade, servindo para reabilitar o ensino e a melhoria na qualidade de vida no ambiente escolar e social. É um documento, ou melhor, um plano de ação que apresenta as problemáticas a serem debatidas pelas assembléias e, até mesmo, as possíveis soluções para os problemas. Para o desenvolvimento do projeto, foram realizadas atividades de forma direta, as assembléias com as próprias pessoas envolvidas, e de forma indireta, os abaixo assinados encaminhados à Câmara Municipal ou à Assembléia Legislativa Estadual cobrando providências para a escola e a localidade em questão.
This chapter describes current trends in the global media environment, with a focus on their implications for the management of public agendas and political processes. It assesses the extent to which trends such as the growth of the blogosphere, "citizen journalism," and other forms if user-generated content, have complicated and problematized news and agenda management as engaged in by both media and political elites. It argues that, in large part due to the rise of the internet and the proliferation if online producers of information and commentary, alongside 24-hour news channels such as CNN and Al Jazeera, political and social actors today face a much more complex, chaotic communication environment than ever bifore, an environment characterized as one of cultural chaos. Having outlined the roots of this trend in the emergence of an expanded, globalized public sphere, the chapter goes on to ask if elite control over the political agenda has been eroded, and if it has, what the consequences for governmmt and the exercise if power might be. Can authoritarian regimes in China, the Middle East, and elsewhere survive the onset if internet-fueled global journalism, for example? In a political environment where public opinion is driven and buffeted by news coverage if unprecedented speed and volume, can democratic governments retain sufficient control over decision- and policy-making processes to enable competent social administration al'ld political management? Can the citizens of contemporary democracies use the emerging media environment to enhance elite accountability and strengthen the democratic process? The chapter concludes that the changing global media environment has the potmtial to strengthen democratic processes, though there is no sil'lgle template for the impact of the internet and other new media on specific countries.
A re-examination of design education at all levels is needed to ensure global economic competitiveness and social and environmental sustainment. This paper presents an emerging research agenda modelling design led innovation approaches from the business sector to secondary education curriculum. To do this, a review of literature is provided and current knowledge gaps surrounding design education are detailed. A regional secondary school design immersion program is outlined as a future research case study using action research. A framework and recommendations for developing and delivering pedagogical approaches for 21st century skill outcomes in secondary education are briefly introduced and future research objectives are overviewed and discussed.
This paper investigates the social and environmental disclosure practices of two large multinational companies, specifically Nike and Hennes&Mauritz. Utilising a joint consideration of legitimacy theory and media agenda setting theory, we investigate the linkage between negative media attention, and positive corporate social and environmental disclosures. Our results generally support a view that for those industry‐related social and environmental issues attracting the greatest amount of negative media attention, these corporations react by providing positive social and environmental disclosures. The results were particularly significant in relation to labour practices in developing countries – the issue attracting the greatest amount of negative media attention for the companies in question.
BACKGROUND Measuring disease and injury burden in populations requires a composite metric that captures both premature mortality and the prevalence and severity of ill-health. The 1990 Global Burden of Disease study proposed disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) to measure disease burden. No comprehensive update of disease burden worldwide incorporating a systematic reassessment of disease and injury-specific epidemiology has been done since the 1990 study. We aimed to calculate disease burden worldwide and for 21 regions for 1990, 2005, and 2010 with methods to enable meaningful comparisons over time. METHODS We calculated DALYs as the sum of years of life lost (YLLs) and years lived with disability (YLDs). DALYs were calculated for 291 causes, 20 age groups, both sexes, and for 187 countries, and aggregated to regional and global estimates of disease burden for three points in time with strictly comparable definitions and methods. YLLs were calculated from age-sex-country-time-specific estimates of mortality by cause, with death by standardised lost life expectancy at each age. YLDs were calculated as prevalence of 1160 disabling sequelae, by age, sex, and cause, and weighted by new disability weights for each health state. Neither YLLs nor YLDs were age-weighted or discounted. Uncertainty around cause-specific DALYs was calculated incorporating uncertainty in levels of all-cause mortality, cause-specific mortality, prevalence, and disability weights. FINDINGS Global DALYs remained stable from 1990 (2·503 billion) to 2010 (2·490 billion). Crude DALYs per 1000 decreased by 23% (472 per 1000 to 361 per 1000). An important shift has occurred in DALY composition with the contribution of deaths and disability among children (younger than 5 years of age) declining from 41% of global DALYs in 1990 to 25% in 2010. YLLs typically account for about half of disease burden in more developed regions (high-income Asia Pacific, western Europe, high-income North America, and Australasia), rising to over 80% of DALYs in sub-Saharan Africa. In 1990, 47% of DALYs worldwide were from communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders, 43% from non-communicable diseases, and 10% from injuries. By 2010, this had shifted to 35%, 54%, and 11%, respectively. Ischaemic heart disease was the leading cause of DALYs worldwide in 2010 (up from fourth rank in 1990, increasing by 29%), followed by lower respiratory infections (top rank in 1990; 44% decline in DALYs), stroke (fifth in 1990; 19% increase), diarrhoeal diseases (second in 1990; 51% decrease), and HIV/AIDS (33rd in 1990; 351% increase). Major depressive disorder increased from 15th to 11th rank (37% increase) and road injury from 12th to 10th rank (34% increase). Substantial heterogeneity exists in rankings of leading causes of disease burden among regions. INTERPRETATION Global disease burden has continued to shift away from communicable to non-communicable diseases and from premature death to years lived with disability. In sub-Saharan Africa, however, many communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders remain the dominant causes of disease burden. The rising burden from mental and behavioural disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and diabetes will impose new challenges on health systems. Regional heterogeneity highlights the importance of understanding local burden of disease and setting goals and targets for the post-2015 agenda taking such patterns into account. Because of improved definitions, methods, and data, these results for 1990 and 2010 supersede all previously published Global Burden of Disease results.