917 resultados para new food products


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Restructuring by adding Sodium Alginate or Microbial Transglutaminase (MTGase) using cold gelation technology make it possible to obtain many different raw products from minced and/or chopped fish muscle that are suitable for being used as the basis of new restructured products with different physicochemical properties and even different compositions. Special consideration must be given to their shelf-life and the changes that may take place during chilling, both in visual appearance and physicochemical properties. After chilled storage, the restructured models made with different muscular particle size and composition at low temperature (5 °C), it was observed that microbial growth limited the shelf-life to 7-14 days. Mechanical properties increased (p < 0.05) during that time, and higher values were observed in samples elaborated by joining small muscle particle size than in those elaborated by homogenization. There was no clear increase in the cooking yield and purge loss, and no significant colour change (p > 0.05) was detected during storage.


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The intake of carotenoids is associated with antioxidant properties and some of these substances have activity of pro-vitamin A. This study aimed to estimate the intake of carotenoids (average values) by the Brazilian population focusing on beneficiaries of the 'Bolsa Família' Program and identify the dietary sources, according to the purpose and degree of processing and the inclusion of food additives. The database used is the personal food consumption module of the Household Budget Survey of 2008-2009, conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The content of carotenoids in foods was obtained primarily from a National data source. Food products were classified into three categories: 1) fresh and minimally processed foods; 2) processed foods (containing food additives, except for flavoring and coloring agents); and 3) highly processed foods (containing flavoring and coloring agents). Insufficient intakes were identified for the conditional cash transfer program beneficiaries (3,547.1 µg). Fresh and minimally processed foods supplied between 48.6% (for girls) and 65.7% (for male adults) of pro-vitamin carotenoids. Processed foods were sources of between 55.5% and 57.0% of lutein + zeaxanthin for elderly and between 58.0% and 67.8% of lycopene for adults. Highly processed foods contributed to less than 5.0% of total carotenoids.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut kehittää elintarvikeyrityksen palveluruokamarkkinoille uusi innovatiivinen toimintamalli haastattelujen, havainnoinnin ja kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tutkimusongelman päätutkimuskysymys on: Miten yrityksen palveluruoka- eli valmisruokatuotteille suunnitellaan innovatiivinen toimintamalli tuoteperheen ja jakelun suhteen? Tavoitteena on kartoittaa yrityksen palveluruoan nykytilanne ja luoda toimintamalli, joka toisi yritykselle selkeää lisäarvoa ja kilpailuetua. Teoreettisessa osuudessa selvitetään elintarviketeollisuuden, valmisruoan ja elintarvikelogistiikan tilannetta suomalaisesta ja globaalista näkökulmasta. Työssä on tarkasteltu elintarvikepuolen nykytilannetta ja tulevaisuuden suuntauksia tuotteiden, ruokailutottumusten ja logistiikan osalta. Innovaatioiden osalta työ painottuu palveluruokapuolen konseptin ja uuden logistisen yhteistyöhön pohjautuvan mallin kehittämiseen. Työn käytännön osiossa on tehty case-tutkimus ”yrityksen palveluruoan nykytilanne tuotteiden ja logistiikan osalta”. Toimialan markkinatilannetta on kartoitettu, jotta hahmotetaan, missä on potentiaalisimmat markkinat palveluruoalle. Työn tavoitteena on ollut kehittää Hoviruoka Oy:lle palveluruoan segmentointiin ja logistiikkaan liittyvä innovatiivinen toimintamalli. Toimintamallin avulla yritys saa kilpailuetua ja taloudellista hyötyä kilpailijoihin nähden, ja on edelläkävijä kyseisen toimintamallin ansiosta. Työn tuloksissa on käsitelty keskeiset tulokset ja mahdolliset jatkotoimenpiteet. Työssä kehitettiin yritykselle uusi toimintamalli palveluruoka puolelle. Työlle asetetut tavoitteet saavutettiin kaikkien kolmen - tekijän, yliopiston ja yrityksen - kannalta.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M)"


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Marine product export does something pivotal in the fish export economy of Kerala. The post WTO period has witnessed a strengthening of food safety and quality standards applied on food products in the developed countries. In the case of the primary importers, like the EU, the US and Japan, market actions will have far reaching reverberations and implications for the marine product exports from developing nations. The article focuses on Kerala’s marine product exports that had been targeting the markets of the EU, the US and Japan, and the concomitant shift in markets owing to the stringent stipulations under the WTO regime. Despite the overwhelming importance of the EU in the marine product exports of the state, the pronounced influence of irregular components on the quantity and value of marine product exports to the EU in the post WTO period raises concern. However, the tendencies of market diversification validated by the forecast generated for the emerging markets of the SEA, the MEA and others, to an extent, allay the pressures on the marine product export sector of the state which had hitherto relied heavily on the markets of the EU, the US and Japan


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Fish and fishery products are having a unique place in global food market due to its unique taste and flavour; moreover, the presence of easily digestible proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals make it a highly demanded food commodity.Fishery products constitute a major portion of international trade, which is a valuable source of foreign exchange to many developing countries.Several new technologies are emerging to produce various value added products from food; “extrusion technology” is one among them. Food extruder is a better choice for producing a wide variety of high value products at low volume because of its versatility. Extruded products are shelf-stable at ambient temperature. Extrusion cooking is used in the manufacture of food products such as ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, expanded snacks, pasta, fat-bread, soup and drink bases. The raw materialin the form of powder at ambient temperature is fed into extruder at a known feeding rate. The material first gets compacted and then softens and gelatinizes and/or melts to form a plasticized material, which flows downstream into extruder channel and the final quality of the end products depends on the characteristics of starch in the cereals and protein ingredient as affected by extrusion process. The advantages of extrusion process are the process is thermodynamically most efficient, high temperature short time enables destruction of bacteria and anti-nutritional factors, one step cooking process thereby minimizing wastage and destruction of fat hydrolyzing enzymes during extrusion process and enzymes associated with rancidity.


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Organic food is increasingly available in the conventional food retail, where organic products are offered alongside with various other types of products and compete mainly with conventional and the so-called conventional-plus products. The latter are conventional products displaying particular quality attributes on the product packaging, such as ‘no artificial additives’, or ‘from animal welfare husbandry’. Often, these quality attributes also apply to organic products. Occasional organic consumers might prefer such conventional-plus alternatives that are perceived to be ‘between’ organic and conventional products. The overall objective of this PhD thesis was to provide information about the segment of occasional organic consumers. In particular, the thesis focussed on consumer perceptions and attitudes towards the quality of, and preferences for, organic, conventional and conventional-plus products in two countries: Germany and Switzerland. To achieve these objectives, qualitative and quantitative consumer research was combined in order to explore occasional organic consumers’ perceptions and attitudes as well as to observe their preferences and buying behaviour regarding different types of food products: organic, conventional and conventional-plus products. The qualitative research showed that, depending on single criteria, organic production was both positively as well as negatively assessed by consumers. Consumer perception of organic food was found to be highly selective and primarily focussed on the final stage of the particular production process. A major problem is that consumers are still mostly unfamiliar with factors associated with organic production, have a lack of confidence, and often confuse organic with conventional products. Besides this, consumer expectations of organic products are different from the expectations of conventional products. The quantitative research revealed that attitudes strongly determine consumers’ preferences for organic, conventional and conventional-plus products. Consumer attitudes tended to differ more between organic and conventional choices rather than conventional-plus and conventional choices. Furthermore, occasional organic consumers are heterogeneous in their preferences. They can be grouped into two segments: the consumers in one segment were less price sensitive and preferred organic products. The consumers in the other segment were more price sensitive and rather preferred conventional-plus or conventional products. To conclude, given the selective and subjective nature of consumer perception and the strong focus of consumer perception on the final stage of the food production process, specific additional values of organic farming should be communicated in clear and catchy messages. At the same time, these messages should be particularly focussed on the final stage of organic food production. The communication of specific added values in relation with organic products to improve the perceived price-performance-ratio is important since conventional-plus products represent an interesting alternative particularly for price sensitive occasional organic consumers. Besides this, it is important to strengthen affirmative consumer attitudes towards organic production. Therefore, policy support should emphasise on long-term communication campaigns and education programmes to increase the consumer awareness and knowledge of organic food and farming. Since consumers expect that organic food is regionally or at least domestically produced while they less accept organic imports, policy support of domestic and regional producers is a crucial measure to fill the current gap between the increasing consumer demand of organic food and the stagnation of the domestic and regional organic food supply.


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Alimentos Especializados “ALES” Ltda., es una empresa colombiana que se dedica al Diseño, producción y comercialización de productos alimenticios industriales especializados para personas con problemas asociados al consumo de azúcar. La comercialización se realiza a través del canal minorista, el mercado institucional, tiendas especializadas, tiendas naturistas y al detal. En los últimos años ALES ha disminuido sustancialmente sus ventas a causa del aumento de marcas propias de las cadenas en el sector y a los elevados costos, que asignan los canales a la comercialización de los productos a través de los mismos. A finales del año 2011, ALES implementa una estrategia de diversificación y de mercado por medio del desarrollo de una nueva unidad de negocio que penetra un nuevo segmento y emplea el canal directo de distribución, un segmento antes no explotado: Postres preparados. Para la organización, la calidad de la decisión dependerá de los objetivos cumplidos por la unidad de negocio. Buscando contribuir con el análisis de la decisión estratégica, el trabajo constituye un análisis para ALES Ltda, que incluye herramientas sólidas con las que podrá analizar su decisión estratégica. Inicialmente se realiza un Análisis Matricial, cuyo análisis muestra la posición estratégica de ALES y el estado del sector, luego se realiza un Análisis Estructural de Sectores Estratégicos AESE, se verifica el estado actual del sector estratégico, se ratifica que la empresa es líder en el segmento de postres preparados. Posteriormente se realiza un modelo sugerido de un Balance Score Card BSC para con indicadores de gestión evaluar la línea de negocio (estrategia) y establecer una cadena de valor alineada a los objetivos estratégicos.


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A lo largo de la historia los mercados poco a poco se fueron abasteciendo de productos que buscaban brindar beneficios extras a sus compradores, tales que pudieran verse reflejados ya sea en facilitar las tareas habituales de los seres humanos, o simplemente brindar satisfacción por su consumo o percepción; A partir del nuevo milenio y dadas las cualidades dinámicas del mercado, las tendencias de compra del mercado de los bienes para el consumo humano han venido teniendo una desviación un poco más naturista; esta consiste en la búsqueda de alimentos producidos bajo altos estándares de calidad, pero diferentes a los productos convencionales. Actualmente se han venido desarrollando nuevas prácticas agrícolas, para evitar contaminar la tierra y lograr obtener alimentos más sanos, todos estos se llaman productos orgánicos, y su principal cualidad es que son más saludables y de valor agregado, ya que no se cultivan con ningún tipo de producto de síntesis química, lo que permite una mayor fertilidad de los suelos e incremento de la biodiversidad. Por estas razones y agregando la globalización de los mercados mundiales, es que queremos desarrollar un plan de exportación de Café Orgánico mediante la comercializadora POINT LTDA, aprovechando además brindarle a la empresa las herramientas necesarias para una futura internacionalización, teniendo en cuenta las grandes oportunidades que hay en estos momentos de expandir y tener negocios rentables en todo el mundo.


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Esta investigación se va a enfocar principalmente en el comportamiento del consumidor final con relación a la compra de una marca propia. Estas han tenido un gran crecimiento en el país lo cual ha creado una nueva tendencia de compra para los consumidores colombianos. Según un estudio de “El poder de las marcas privadas” se establece que Colombia se cataloga como uno de los 10 países con un crecimiento más rápido a nivel mundial. Aunque, el mercado de marcas privadas esté en crecimiento, existen diversos factores como los ingresos de los individuos, el riesgo percibido y la calidad percibida del producto que influyen drásticamente en la elección de estas marcas con respecto a las reconocidas. El problema que se va a desarrollar en la presente investigación es conocer detalladamente cuál es el impacto que tienen las marcas propias de acuerdo con los ingresos de los individuos la percepción de riesgo y calidad que tiene el consumidor final a la hora de tomar la decisión de comprar una marca propia a una marca reconocida de productos alimenticios en la cadena minorista Éxito en la ciudad de Bogotá – Colombia? Esta investigación busca, mediante la aplicación de la teoría y los conceptos básicos del comportamiento del consumidor encontrar explicaciones y soluciones para las cadenas minoristas que fabrican marcas propias, ofreciéndoles sugerencias para que sus estrategias de mercadeo en la venta de marcas propias sean exitosas y aceptadas por el consumidor final y el mercado.


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This paper applies stationarity tests to examine evidence of market integration for a relatively large sample of food products in Colombia. We Önd little support for market integration when using the univariate KPSS tests for stationarity. However, within a panel context and after allowing for cross sectional dependence, the Hadri tests provide much more evidence supporting the view that food markets are integrated or, in other words, that the law of one price holds for most products.


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La presencia de microorganismos patógenos en alimentos es uno de los problemas esenciales en salud pública, y las enfermedades producidas por los mismos es una de las causas más importantes de enfermedad. Por tanto, la aplicación de controles microbiológicos dentro de los programas de aseguramiento de la calidad es una premisa para minimizar el riesgo de infección de los consumidores. Los métodos microbiológicos clásicos requieren, en general, el uso de pre-enriquecimientos no-selectivos, enriquecimientos selectivos, aislamiento en medios selectivos y la confirmación posterior usando pruebas basadas en la morfología, bioquímica y serología propias de cada uno de los microorganismos objeto de estudio. Por lo tanto, estos métodos son laboriosos, requieren un largo proceso para obtener resultados definitivos y, además, no siempre pueden realizarse. Para solucionar estos inconvenientes se han desarrollado diversas metodologías alternativas para la detección identificación y cuantificación de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario, entre las que destacan los métodos inmunológicos y moleculares. En esta última categoría, la técnica basada en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) se ha convertido en la técnica diagnóstica más popular en microbiología, y recientemente, la introducción de una mejora de ésta, la PCR a tiempo real, ha producido una segunda revolución en la metodología diagnóstica molecular, como pude observarse por el número creciente de publicaciones científicas y la aparición continua de nuevos kits comerciales. La PCR a tiempo real es una técnica altamente sensible -detección de hasta una molécula- que permite la cuantificación exacta de secuencias de ADN específicas de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario. Además, otras ventajas que favorecen su implantación potencial en laboratorios de análisis de alimentos son su rapidez, sencillez y el formato en tubo cerrado que puede evitar contaminaciones post-PCR y favorece la automatización y un alto rendimiento. En este trabajo se han desarrollado técnicas moleculares (PCR y NASBA) sensibles y fiables para la detección, identificación y cuantificación de bacterias patogénicas de origen alimentario (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis y Salmonella spp.). En concreto, se han diseñado y optimizado métodos basados en la técnica de PCR a tiempo real para cada uno de estos agentes: L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, Listeria spp. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis, y también se ha optimizado y evaluado en diferentes centros un método previamente desarrollado para Salmonella spp. Además, se ha diseñado y optimizado un método basado en la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. También se evaluó la aplicación potencial de la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de formas viables de este microorganismo. Todos los métodos presentaron una especificidad del 100 % con una sensibilidad adecuada para su aplicación potencial a muestras reales de alimentos. Además, se han desarrollado y evaluado procedimientos de preparación de las muestras en productos cárnicos, productos pesqueros, leche y agua. De esta manera se han desarrollado métodos basados en la PCR a tiempo real totalmente específicos y altamente sensibles para la determinación cuantitativa de L. monocytogenes en productos cárnicos y en salmón y productos derivados como el salmón ahumado y de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis en muestras de agua y leche. Además este último método ha sido también aplicado para evaluar la presencia de este microorganismo en el intestino de pacientes con la enfermedad de Crohn's, a partir de biopsias obtenidas de colonoscopia de voluntarios afectados. En conclusión, este estudio presenta ensayos moleculares selectivos y sensibles para la detección de patógenos en alimentos (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis) y para una rápida e inambigua identificación de Salmonella spp. La exactitud relativa de los ensayos ha sido excelente, si se comparan con los métodos microbiológicos de referencia y pueden serusados para la cuantificación de tanto ADN genómico como de suspensiones celulares. Por otro lado, la combinación con tratamientos de preamplificación ha resultado ser de gran eficiencia para el análisis de las bacterias objeto de estudio. Por tanto, pueden constituir una estrategia útil para la detección rápida y sensible de patógenos en alimentos y deberían ser una herramienta adicional al rango de herramientas diagnósticas disponibles para el estudio de patógenos de origen alimentario.


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The development of high throughput techniques ('chip' technology) for measurement of gene expression and gene polymorphisms (genomics), and techniques for measuring global protein expression (proteomics) and metabolite profile (metabolomics) are revolutionising life science research, including research in human nutrition. In particular, the ability to undertake large-scale genotyping and to identify gene polymorphisms that determine risk of chronic disease (candidate genes) could enable definition of an individual's risk at an early age. However, the search for candidate genes has proven to be more complex, and their identification more elusive, than previously thought. This is largely due to the fact that much of the variability in risk results from interactions between the genome and environmental exposures. Whilst the former is now very well defined via the Human Genome Project, the latter (e.g. diet, toxins, physical activity) are poorly characterised, resulting in inability to account for their confounding effects in most large-scale candidate gene studies. The polygenic nature of most chronic diseases offers further complexity, requiring very large studies to disentangle relatively weak impacts of large numbers of potential 'risk' genes. The efficacy of diet as a preventative strategy could also be considerably increased by better information concerning gene polymorphisms that determine variability in responsiveness to specific diet and nutrient changes. Much of the limited available data are based on retrospective genotyping using stored samples from previously conducted intervention trials. Prospective studies are now needed to provide data that can be used as the basis for provision of individualised dietary advice and development of food products that optimise disease prevention. Application of the new technologies in nutrition research offers considerable potential for development of new knowledge and could greatly advance the role of diet as a preventative disease strategy in the 21st century. Given the potential economic and social benefits offered, funding for research in this area needs greater recognition, and a stronger strategic focus, than is presently the case. Application of genomics in human health offers considerable ethical and societal as well as scientific challenges. Economic determinants of health care provision are more likely to resolve such issues than scientific developments or altruistic concerns for human health.


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The different compartments of the gastrointestinal tract are inhabited by populations of micro-organisms. By far the most important predominant populations are in the colon where a true symbiosis with the host exists that is a key for well-being and health. For such a microbiota, 'normobiosis' characterises a composition of the gut 'ecosystem' in which micro-organisms with potential health benefits predominate in number over potentially harmful ones, in contrast to 'dysbiosis', in which one or a few potentially harmful micro-organisms are dominant, thus creating a disease-prone situation. The present document has been written by a group of both academic and industry experts (in the ILSI Europe Prebiotic Expert Group and Prebiotic Task Force, respectively). It does not aim to propose a new definition of a prebiotic nor to identify which food products are classified as prebiotic but rather to validate and expand the original idea of the prebiotic concept (that can be translated in 'prebiotic effects'), defined as: 'The selective stimulation of growth and/or activity(ies) of one or a limited number of microbial genus(era)/species in the gut microbiota that confer(s) health benefits to the host.' Thanks to the methodological and fundamental research of microbiologists, immense progress has very recently been made in our understanding of the gut microbiota. A large number of human intervention studies have been performed that have demonstrated that dietary consumption of certain food products can result in statistically significant changes in the composition of the gut microbiota in line with the prebiotic concept. Thus the prebiotic effect is now a well-established scientific fact. The more data are accumulating, the more it will be recognised that such changes in the microbiota's composition, especially increase in bifidobacteria, can be regarded as a marker of intestinal health. The review is divided in chapters that cover the major areas of nutrition research where a prebiotic effect has tentatively been investigated for potential health benefits. The prebiotic effect has been shown to associate with modulation of biomarkers and activity(ies) of the immune system. Confirming the studies in adults, it has been demonstrated that, in infant nutrition, the prebiotic effect includes a significant change of gut microbiota composition, especially an increase of faecal concentrations of bifidobacteria. This concomitantly improves stool quality (pH, SCFA, frequency and consistency), reduces the risk of gastroenteritis and infections, improves general well-being and reduces the incidence of allergic symptoms such as atopic eczema. Changes in the gut microbiota composition are classically considered as one of the many factors involved in the pathogenesis of either inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome. The use of particular food products with a prebiotic effect has thus been tested in clinical trials with the objective to improve the clinical activity and well-being of patients with such disorders. Promising beneficial effects have been demonstrated in some preliminary studies, including changes in gut microbiota composition (especially increase in bifidobacteria concentration). Often associated with toxic load and/or miscellaneous risk factors, colon cancer is another pathology for which a possible role of gut microbiota composition has been hypothesised. Numerous experimental studies have reported reduction in incidence of tumours and cancers after feeding specific food products with a prebiotic effect. Some of these studies (including one human trial) have also reported that, in such conditions, gut microbiota composition was modified (especially due to increased concentration of bifidobacteria). Dietary intake of particular food products with a prebiotic effect has been shown, especially in adolescents, but also tentatively in postmenopausal women, to increase Ca absorption as well as bone Ca accretion and bone mineral density. Recent data, both from experimental models and from human studies, support the beneficial effects of particular food products with prebiotic properties on energy homaeostasis, satiety regulation and body weight gain. Together, with data in obese animals and patients, these studies support the hypothesis that gut microbiota composition (especially the number of bifidobacteria) may contribute to modulate metabolic processes associated with syndrome X, especially obesity and diabetes type 2. It is plausible, even though not exclusive, that these effects are linked to the microbiota-induced changes and it is feasible to conclude that their mechanisms fit into the prebiotic effect. However, the role of such changes in these health benefits remains to be definitively proven. As a result of the research activity that followed the publication of the prebiotic concept 15 years ago, it has become clear that products that cause a selective modification in the gut microbiota's composition and/or activity(ies) and thus strengthens normobiosis could either induce beneficial physiological effects in the colon and also in extra-intestinal compartments or contribute towards reducing the risk of dysbiosis and associated intestinal and systemic pathologies.


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The very long chain (VLC) n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are widely recognised to have beneficial effects on human health. However, recommended intakes of VLC n-3 PUFA (450 mg/day) are not being met by the diet in the majority of the population mainly because of low consumption of oil-rich fish. Current mean intake of VLC n-3 PUFA by adults is estimated to be about 282 mg/day with EPA and DHA contributing about 244 mg/day. Furthermore, the fact that only about 27% of adults eat any oil-rich fish (excluding canned tuna) and knowledge of the poor conversion of α-linolenic acid to EPA and DHA in vivo, particularly in men, leads to the need to review current dietary sources of these fatty acids. Animal-derived foods are likely to have an important function in increasing intake and studies have shown that feeding fish oils to animals can increase the EPA and DHA content of the resulting food products. This paper highlights the importance of examining current and projected consumption trends of meat and other animal products when exploring the potential impact of enriched foods by means of altering animal diets. When related to current food consumption data, potential dietary intakes of EPA+DHA from foods derived from animals fed enriched diets are calculated to be about 231 mg/day. If widely consumed, such foods could have a significant impact on progression of conditions such as cardiovascular disease. Consideration is also given to the sources of VLC n-3 PUFA in animal diets, with the sustainability of fish oil being questioned and the need to investigate the use of alternative dietary sources such as those of algal origin.