869 resultados para hospital human resources administration
Networks have come to the fore as a means by which government can achieve its strategic objectives, particularly when addressing complex or “wicked” issues. Such joined-up arrangements differ in their operations from other forms of organizing as they require collaborative effort to deliver the collaborative advantage. Strategic Human Resource Management is concerned with the matching of human resource practices to the strategic direction of organizations. It is argued that the strategic direction of government has been towards network involvement and that, as a result, a reconfiguration of Human Resource Management practices is needed to support this new direction. Drawing on eight network case studies findings are presented in relation to the roles government is expected to play in networks and conclusions are drawn about what types of human resource management practices would best support those roles. Implications for Strategic Human Resource Management are posited.
In this paper we discuss the failure of the employee voice system at the Bundaberg Base Hospital (BBH) in Australia. Surgeon Jayant Patel was arrested over the deaths of patients on whom he operated when he was the director of surgery at the hospital. Our interest is in the reasons the established employee voice mechanisms failed when employees attempted to bring serious issues to the attention of managers. Our data is based on an analysis of the sworn testimonies of participants who participated in two inquiries concerning these events. An analysis of the events with a particular focus on the failings of the voice system is presented. We ask the following: how and why did the voice systems in the case of the BBH fail?
With new national targets for patient flow in public hospitals designed to increase efficiencies in patient care and resource use, better knowledge of events affecting length of stay will support improved bed management and scheduling of procedures. This paper presents a case study involving the integration of material from each of three databases in operation at one tertiary hospital and demonstrates it is possible to follow patient journeys from admission to discharge. What is known about this topic? At present, patient data at one Queensland tertiary hospital are assembled in three information systems: (1) the Hospital Based Corporate Information System (HBCIS), which tracks patients from in-patient admission to discharge; (2) the Emergency Department Information System (EDIS) containing patient data from presentation to departure from the emergency department; and (3) Operation Room Management Information System (ORMIS), which records surgical operations. What does this paper add? This paper describes how a new enquiry tool may be used to link the three hospital information systems for studying the hospital journey through different wards and/or operating theatres for both individual and groups of patients. What are the implications for practitioners? An understanding of the patients’ journeys provides better insight into patient flow and provides the tool for research relating to access block, as well as optimising the use of physical and human resources.
In Cambodia, water has a special purpose as a source of life and livelihoods. Along with agriculture, fishing and forest use, industry, hydropower, navigation and tourism compete for the water resources. When rights and responsibilities related to essential and movable water are unclear, conflicts emerge easily. Therefore, water management is needed in order to plan and control the use of water resources. The international context is characterized by the Mekong River that flows through six countries. All of the countries by the river have very different roles and interests already depending on their geographical location. At the same time, water is also a tool for cooperation and peace. Locally, the water resources and related livelihoods create base for well-being, for economical and human resources in particular. They in turn are essential for the local people to participate and defend their rights to water use. They also help to construct the resource base of the state administration. Cambodia is highly dependent on the Mekong River. However, Cambodia has a volatile history whose effects can be seen for example in population structure, once suspended public institutions and weakened trust in the society. Relatively stable conditions came to the country as late as in the 1990s, therefore Cambodia for example has a weak status within the Mekong countries. This Master s thesis forms international, national and local interest groups of water use and analyzes their power relations and resources to affect water management. The state is seen as the salient actor as it has the formal responsibility of the water resources and of the coordination between the actions of different levels. In terms of water use this study focuses on production, in management on planning and in power relations on the resources. Water resources of Cambodia are seen consisting of the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake and the time span of the study is between the years 1991 and 2006. The material consists of semi-structured interviews collected during summer 2006 in Finland and in Cambodia as well as of literature and earlier studies. The results of the study show that the central state has difficulties to coordinate the actions of different actors because of its resource deficit and internal conflicts. The lessons of history and the vested interests of the actors of the state make it difficult to plan and to strengthen legislation. It seems that the most needed resources at the central state level are intangible as at the village level instead, the tangible resources (fulfilling the basic needs) are primarily important. The local decision-making bodies, NGOs and private sector mainly require legislation and legitimacy to support their role. However, the civil society and the international supporters are active and there are possibilities for new cooperation networks. Keywords: Water management, resources, participation, Cambodia, Mekong
O cenário atual das instituições públicas de saúde caracteriza-se pelas peculiaridades do modelo de reestruturação produtiva, em que o enxugamento da máquina pública traduz-se num contexto de precarização das condições de trabalho. Em meio à escassez e inadequação dos recursos materiais e ao déficit de recursos humanos, os trabalhadores de enfermagem vêem-se diante da necessidade de elaborarem adaptações e improvisações de materiais, equipamentos e, até mesmo, de pessoal. Diante desta problemática, selecionou-se como objeto de estudo: a percepção do trabalhador de enfermagem sobre as adaptações e improvisações no trabalho hospitalar e suas implicações na saúde do trabalhador. Apresenta como objetivos: identificar a percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre as adaptações e improvisações; descrever as situações que conduzem os trabalhadores de enfermagem à realização desta prática e analisar as implicações das adaptações e improvisações na saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem. Pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, cujo cenário foi um hospital público universitário, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os sujeitos foram vinte trabalhadores das equipes de enfermagem, atuantes nos setores de terapia intensiva e enfermarias cirúrgicas. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, no mês de julho do ano de 2009. Procedeu-se à análise temática de conteúdo, a qual propiciou a criação de quatro categorias empíricas: categoria 1: contextos e determinantes das adaptações/improvisações; categoria 2: pré-requisitos para a realização das adaptações/improvisações; categoria 3: aspectos subjetivos vinculados à prática do adaptar/improvisar e categoria 4: a face positiva e a face negativa do adaptar/improvisar as repercussões na saúde do trabalhador. Concluiu-se que as percepções dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre a prática do adaptar/improvisar caracteriza-se contraditória ou dialética, com respostas que envolvem o sofrimento e o prazer; a satisfação e a insatisfação; a motivação e a desmotivação, entre outras contradições. Constatou-se que as adaptações e improvisações são elaboradas, predominantemente, para garantir que o cuidado seja prestado, pois diante de um contexto de precarização, a falta de recursos quase que inviabiliza a prestação do cuidado, e esta prática caracteriza-se como uma artimanha ou um ajuste no processo de trabalho o qual assegura que a tarefa seja cumprida. Verificou-se que esta prática tem impactos negativos na saúde, espoliando física e psiquicamente os trabalhadores de enfermagem.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, retrospectiva de fonte secundária,que adota uma abordagem quantitativa descritiva-exploratória. A partir da constatação de altos índices de absenteísmo nas unidades hospitalares, despertou-se o interesse em estudar os custos diretos das doenças ocupacionais que levam aos afastamentos e seu impacto econômico para o orçamento de recursos humanos de um hospital universitário do Rio de Janeiro. Neste contexto, definiu-se como objeto de estudo, o impacto econômico do absenteísmo por doença na equipe de enfermagem e, como objetivos: identificar as causas prevalentes de afastamentos no hospital universitário, de acordo com Classificação Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados a Saúde (CID-10); estimar os custos diretos mínimos das doenças que afastaram o trabalhador de enfermagem; estimar o custo real aproximado do absenteísmo relacionado a 1 (um) dia de trabalho prestado pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem, com projeção de 1 (um) mês e 1(um) ano numa visão operacional do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Foi utilizada uma amostra estratificada de prontuários dos profissionais de saúde da equipe de enfermagem (enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem), a partir do seguinte critério de inclusão: profissionais de enfermagem concursados com afastamento no ano de 2010 e com diagnóstico médico determinante do afastamento, definido claramente. Para a coleta das informações foi feita a apreciação dos documentos arquivados no Serviço de Saúde do Trabalhador do hospital estudado e contou com a apreciação de especialistas médicos relativos aos grupos de diagnósticos estudados, orientados por roteiros criados pela pesquisadora. Os dados foram analisados e armazenados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 15 e no editor Microsoft excel 2003. Dentre os resultados obtidos tiveram destaque para as seguintes causas de afastamento, respectivamente, às doenças do sistema osteomuscular, os fatores que influenciam o estado de saúde e o contato com serviços de saúde, os transtornos mentais e comportamentais, as lesões, envenenamento e outras consequencias de causas externas e, as doenças do sistema circulatório, que representam um custo estimado aproximado de R$ 2,6 milhões. Pôde-se constatar que o impacto econômico do absenteísmo decorrentes dos agravos à saúde para o orçamento de recursos humanos do hospital universitário foi de aproximadamente 2,7%. O custo real aproximado do absenteísmo de enfermagem por dia, foi avaliado em R$ 92,50, tendo projeção mensal de R$ 2.775,00 e anual de R$ 33.300,00. Recomenda-se avaliar o absenteísmo dos profissionais regularmente para identificar as causas reais do absenteísmo por doença, a fim de definir metas para os programas de intervenção à saúde dos trabalhadores e promover uma Gestão participativa que favoreça uma análise do processo de trabalho no que concerne o atendimento das necessidades de saúde e operacionais da força de trabalho, determinantes do absenteísmo.
Learning has an important position in the development of employees and their expertise. This article focuses on the role and utilization of intra and interorganizational formal and informal learning within different types of learning networks. Specifically, we investigate different types of networks (inter- or intraorganizational) and different types of learning (formal or informal) that can occur within such networks. Our qualitative case study is based on 46 expert interviews involving 49 interviewees, through which we explore how formal and informal learning was used in the development and implementation of quality improvement initiatives at a large public teaching hospital in Portugal. Our analysis suggests that formal and informal learning can take place within different types of learning networks that draw on internal resources as well as on the collaboration with external entities. The article argues that it is important for HRD managers, seeking to support organizational learning, to understand how different types of learning take place, and which features of learning networks support these processes.
Volunteer administrators from 105 hospitals in five states in the northeast and southern United States provided open-ended survey responses about what they perceived to be the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing healthcare volunteer management. Taken together, these 105 hospitals used a total of 39,008 volunteers and 5.3 million volunteer hours during a 12-month period between 2010 and 2011. A qualitative content analysis of administrator responses suggests that primary challenges include volunteer recruitment and retention, administrative issues, and operational difficulties brought about by the current economic crisis. Key opportunities include more explicitly linking the volunteer function to hospital outcomes and community impact, expanding volunteer recruitment pools and roles and jobs, and developing organizational support for volunteers and making the volunteer management function more efficient and effective.
L'épidémie de l'infection au virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) constitue une crise majeure en santé publique de nos jours. Les efforts de la communauté internationale visent à rendre les traitements antirétroviraux (TARV) plus accessibles aux personnes vivant avec le VIH, particulièrement dans les contextes à ressources limitées. Une observance quasi-parfaite aux TARV est requise pour tirer le maximum de bénéfices thérapeutiques à l'échelle individuelle et à l'échelle populationnelle. Cependant, l’accroissement de la disponibilité des TARV s'effectue dans des pays africains qui disposent de systèmes de santé fragiles et sous-financés. Ceux-ci souffrent également d'une pénurie de personnel de santé, lequel joue un rôle central dans la mise en oeuvre et la pérennité des interventions, notamment celle du soutien à l'observance thérapeutique. La présente étude ethnographique relate l'expérience de personnel de santé dans la fourniture des services de soutien à l'observance dans un contexte de ressources limitées et d'accroissement de l'accès aux TARV. L'étude a été menée dans deux centres hospitaliers de la capitale du Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. Trois conclusions principales sont mises au jour. Tout d'abord, une bonne organisation – tant logistique que matérielle – dans la provision de services de soutien à l'observance est capitale. L’infrastructure d’observance doit aller au-delà des unités de prise en charge et s’intégrer au sein du système de santé pour assurer un impact durable. De plus, la provision des TARV dans le cadre d'une prise en charge médicale exhaustive est essentielle pour un soutien à l'observance efficace. Ceci implique la présence de professionnelles de santé en nombre suffisant et disposant d‘outils pour soutenir leur pratique clinique (tests de laboratoire, traitements pour infections opportunistes), ainsi que des mécanismes pour leur permettre d’aider les patients à gérer la vie quotidienne (gratuité des services, programmes d’alphabétisation et soutien psychosociale). Enfin, une amélioration de la coordination des programmes VIH au niveau national et international est nécessaire pour assurer une prise en charge cohérente au niveau local. La programmation conçue dans les pays étrangers qui est incomplète et de courte durée a un impact majeur sur la disponibilité de ressources humaines et matérielles à long terme, ainsi que sur les conditions de travail et de prestation de services dans les unités de soins.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Introduction : The acute care surgery (ACS) units are dedicated to the prompt management of surgical emergencies. It is a systemic way of organizing on-call services to diminish conflict between urgent care and elective obligations. The aim of this study was to define the characteristics of an ACS unit and to find common criteria in units with reported good functioning. Methods : As of July 1st 2014, 22 Canadian hospitals reported having an ACS unit. A survey with questions about the organization of the ACS units, the population it serves, the number of emergencies and trauma cases treated per year, and the satisfaction about the implementation of this ACS unit was sent to those hospitals. Results : The survey’s response rate was 73%. The majority of hospitals were tertiary or quaternary centers, served a population of more than 200 000 and had their ACS unit for more than three years. The median number of surgeons participating in an ACS unit was 8.5 and the majority were doing seven day rotations. The median number of operating room days was 2.5 per week. Most ACS units (85%) had an estimated annual volume of more than 2500 emergency consultations (including both trauma and non-trauma) and 80% operated over 1000 cases per year. Nearly all the respondents (94%) were satisfied with the implementation of the ACS unit in their hospital. Conclusion : Most surgeons felt that the implementation of an ACS unit resulted in positive outcomes. However, there should be a sizeable catchment population and number of surgical emergencies to justify the resulting financial and human resources.
La globalización y la competitividad como realidad de las empresas, implica que los gerentes preparen a sus empresas de la mejor manera para sobrevivir en este mundo tan inestable y cambiante. El primer paso consta de investigar y medir como se encuentra la empresa en cada uno de sus componentes, tales como recurso humano, mercadeo, logística, operación y por último y más importante las finanzas. El conocimiento de salud financiera y de los riesgos asociados a la actividad de las empresas, les permitirá a los gerentes tomar las decisiones correctas para ser rentables y perdurables en el mundo de los negocios inmerso en la globalización y competitividad. Esta apreciación es pertinente en Avianca S.A. esto teniendo en cuenta su progreso y evolución desde su primer vuelo el 5 de diciembre de 1919 comercial, hasta hoy cuando cotiza en la bolsa de Nueva York. Se realizó un análisis de tipo descriptivo, acompañado de la aplicación de ratios y nomenclaturas, dando lugar a establecer la salud financiera y los riesgos, no solo de Avianca sino también del sector aeronáutico. Como resultado se obtuvo que el sector aeronáutico sea financieramente saludable en el corto plazo, pero en el largo plazo su salud financiera se ve comprometida por los riegos asociados al sector y a la actividad desarrollada.
Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.
How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? We exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. We explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and statistically significant effect for the latter. Transfers to local governments from mining tax revenues are linked to an increase in math test scores of around 0.23 standard deviations. We find that the hiring of permanent teachers as well as the increases in parental employment and improvements in health outcomes of adults and children are plausible mechanisms for such large effect on learning. These findings suggest that redistributive policies could facilitate the accumulation of human capital in resource abundant developing countries as a way to avoid the natural resources curse.