980 resultados para double-dark state


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The ground state binding energy and the average interparticle distances for a hydrogenic impurity in double quantum dots with Gaussian confinement potential are studied by the variational method. The probability density of the electron is calculated, too. The dependence of the binding energy on the impurity position is investigated for GaAs quantum dots. The result shows that the binding energy has a minimum as a function of the distance between the two quantum dots when the impurity is located at the center of one quantum dot or at the center of the edge of one quantum dot. When the impurity is located at the center of the two dots, the binding energy decreases monotonically. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wafer bonding between p-Si and an n-InP-based InGaAsP multiple quantum well (MQW) wafer was achieved by a direct wafer bonding method. In order to investigate the strain at different annealing temperatures, four pre-bonded pairs were selected, and pair one was annealed at 150 degrees C, pair two at 250 degrees C, pair three at 350 degrees C, and pair four at 450 degrees C, respectively. The macroscopical strains on the bonded epitaxial layer include two parts, namely the internal strain and the strain caused by the mismatching of the crystalline orientation between InP (100) and Si (100). These strains were measured by the X-ray double crystalline diffraction, and theoretical calculations of the longitudinal and perpendicular thermal strains at different annealing temperatures were calculated using the bi-metal thermostats model, both the internal strain and the thermal strain increase with the annealing temperature. Normal thermal stress and the elastic biaxial thermal strain energy were also calculated using this model. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the photocurrent response in a double barrier structure with quantum dots-quantum well inserted in central well. When this quantum dots-quantum well hybrid heterostructure is biased beyond + 1 or -I V, the photocurrent response manifests itself as a steplike enhancement, increasing linearly with the light intensity. Most probably, at proper bias condition, the pulling down of the X minimum of GaAs at the outgoing interface of the emitter barrier by the photovoltaic effect in GaAs QW will initiate the r,-X-X tunneling at much lower bias as compared with that in the dark. That gives rise to the observed photocurrent response. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spin-polarized tunneling current through a double barrier resonant tunneling diode (RTD) made with a semimagnetic semiconductor is studied theoretically. The calculated spin-polarized current and polarization degree are in agreement with recent experimental results. It is predicted that the polarization degree can be modulated continuously from + 1 to - 1 by changing the external voltage such that the quasi-confined spin-up and spin-down energy levels shift downwards from the Fermi level to the bottom of the conduction band. The RTD with low potential barrier or the tunneling through the second quasi-confined state produces larger spin-polarized current. Furthermore a higher magnetic field enhances the polarization degree of the tunneling current. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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GaAs/AlAs/GaAlAs double barrier quantum well (DBQW) structures are employed for making 3-5 um photovoltaic infrared (IR) detectors with a peak detectivity of 5 x 10(11) cm Hz(1/2)/W at 80 K. Double crystal X-ray diffraction is combined with synchrotron radiation X-ray analysis to determine successfully the exact thickness of GaAs, AlAs and GaAlAs sublayers. The interband photovoltaic (PV) spectra of the linear array of the detectors are measured directly by edge excitation method, providing the information about spatial separation processes of photogenerated carriers in the multiquantum wells and the distribution of built-in field in the active region. The spectral response of the IR photocurrent of the devices is also measured and compared with the temperature dependent IR absorption of the DBQW samples in order to get a better understanding of the bias-controlled optical and transport behavior of the detector photoresponse and thus to optimize the detector performance. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new ECTT-DHPT with InGaAsP(lambda=1.55 mu m) as base and InGaAsP(lambda=1.3 mu m) as collector as well as waveguide was designed and fabricated, the DC characteristics reveal that the ECTT-DRPT can perform good optoelectronic mix operation and linear amplification operation by optically biased at two appropriate value respectively. Responsivity of more than 52A/W and dark current of 70nA (when V-ce=1V) were obtained.


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In this paper we consider the continuous weak measurement of a solid-state qubit by single electron transistors (SET). For single-dot SET, we find that in nonlinear response regime the signal-to-noise ratio can violate the universal upper bound imposed quantum mechanically on any linear response detectors. We understand the violation by means of the cross-correlation of the detector currents. For double-dot SET, we discuss its robustness against wider range of temperatures, quantum efficiency, and the relevant open issues unresolved.


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We present a comprehensive study of the one-dimensional modulation instability of broad optical beams in biased photo refractive-photovoltaic crystals under steady-state conditions. We obtain the one-dimensional modulation instability growth rate by globally treating the space-charge field and by considering distinction between values of Eo in nonlocal effects and local effects in the space-charge field, where Eo is the field constant correlated with terms in the space-charge field, which depends on the external bias field, the bulk photovoltaic effect, and the ratio of the optical beam's intensity to that of the dark irradiance. The one-dimensional modulation instability growth rate in local effects can be determined from that in nonlocal effects. When the bulk photovoltaic effect is neglectable, irrespective of distinction between values of Eo in nonlocal effects and local effects in the space-charge field, the one-dimensional modulation instability growth rates in nonlocal effects and local effects are those of broad optical beams studied previously in biased photorefractive-nonphotovoltaic crystals. When the external bias field is absent, the one-dimensional modulation instability growth rates in nonlocal effects and local effects predict those of broad optical beams in open- and closed-circuit photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BR-D96N is a kind of genetically site-specific mutants of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with obvious photochromic effect. Compared to the wild type BR, the lifetime of M state of BR-D96N is prolonged to several minutes so that the photochromic kinetics and the intermediates formation can be studied by the conventional spectra analysis. In the experiment, the absorption spectra of the sample at different time after light illumination are measured with spectrophotometer. By fitting and analyzing the variation of the spectra, we suppose that there are three main states in the, photochromic process, i.e., B state (light-adapted state), M state and D state (dark-adapted state). The absorption spectra of the B state, M state and D state are extracted from the experimental data based on this three-state model and the spectra at various time are fitted with the least-square method. So, the variations of population percentages of the M state, B state and D state are obtained and the M state and B state lifetimes are estimated. In another way, from the measurement of the absorption dynamics at 407 and 568 nm, the M state and B state lifetimes are also obtained by two exponential data fitting, which give coincident results with those of the spectra analysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nonresonant electron tunneling between asymmetric double quantum wells in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs systems has been investigated by using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra. Experimental evidence of LO-phonon-assisted tunneling through thick barriers has been obtained by enhancing excitation power densities or applying electric fields perpendicular to the well plane. LO-phonon-assisted tunneling times have also been estimated from the variation of the decay time of the narrow-well photoluminescence with applied electric fields. Our findings suggest that LO phonons in the barriers play an important role in the tunneling transfer.


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With contributions from both three-dimensional (3D) electrons in heavily doped contacts and 2D electrons in the accumulation layer, a self-consistent calculation based on effective mass theory is presented for studying the anomalous behaviour of the quasi-bound levels in the accumulation layer and that in the central well of an asymmetric double barrier structure (DBS). By choosing the thickness of the incident barrier properly, it is revealed that these two quasi-bound levels may merge into a unique bound level in the off-resonance regime which shows a very good 2D nature in contrast to the conventional picture for level crossing. An evident intrinsic I-V bistability is also shown. It is noticeable that the effect of charge build-up in the central well is so strong that the electric field in the incident barrier even decreases when the applied bias increases within the resonant region.


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Quantum interference properties of GaAs/AlGaAs symmetric double quantum wells were investigated in a magnetic field parallel to heterointerfaces at 1.9 K. For two types of samples used in our experiments, two GaAs quantum wells with the same width of 60 Angstrom are separated by an AlGaAs barrier layer of 120 Angstrom and 20 degrees thick, respectively. The channels with the length of 2 mu m are defined by alloyed ohmic contacts. The conductance oscillation as a function of the magnetic flux Phi(= B/s) was observed and oscillation period is approximately equal to h/e. The results are in agreement with the theoretical expectation of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Conductance oscillations are apparent slightly in the samples with a thinner AlGaAs barrier.


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The behaviors of lateral propagating modes in the aperture and the oxidized regions are investigated numerically for selectively oxidized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The results show that the lateral propagating modes in the oxidized region are greatly affected by the oxide layer due to its low index, the modes are divergence for the VCSELs with sufficient thick double oxide layers. So the coupling between the modes in the aperture and oxidized regions is very weak, and we can expect that the lateral spontaneous emission is greatly affected in this case. Ignoring the contribution of the lateral spontaneous emission, we calculate spontaneous emission factor by counting the total number of the guided modes in selectively oxidized VCSELs with double oxide layers. The results agree very well with the reported measurements and are inversely proportional to the lateral index step.


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A new methodology is proposed in this paper to predict the lowest power consumption for a double-tube-socket (DTS) pneumatic conveying system. This methodology is established on both experimental work and numerical simulation. After parametric studies by numerical simulation, the desired conveying cases which have the lowest power consumption were obtained. Finally those cases were carried out in our experimental system. The measured power consumption was close to that predicted. In this paper the experimental work is discussed and the numerical simulation introduced. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.