790 resultados para disciplinary
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito e Informática
A aprendizagem cooperativa é concebida como uma estratégia pedagógica que privilegia uma aprendizagem personalizada e que potencia o sucesso educativo não só individual mas também coletivo. É conseguida através da cooperação de todos os membros do grupo, em que o desempenho de cada um influencia e é influenciado pelo desempenho do Outro. O grupo é concebido como uma organização social cuja eficiência implica a capacidade de construção e manutenção do grupo como um todo e de promoção do sucesso educativo de todos os elementos. É este quadro teórico que enforma a conceção, implementação e avaliação de uma intervenção pedagógica em Biologia Humana do 10º ano do Curso Tecnológico de Desporto. A estratégia pedagógica carateriza-se pela operacionalização articulada de estruturas e papéis de cooperação na abordagem da unidade didática - Transformação e Utilização de Energia - com a finalidade de promover a aprendizagem integrada de competências de cooperação e de conhecimento substantivo da área da Biologia. A avaliação da intervenção pedagógica incidiu nos objetivos de investigação - 1) Identificar o impacto da estratégia de intervenção pedagógica no desenvolvimento de competências de cooperação e 2) Identificar o impacto da estratégia de intervenção pedagógica no desenvolvimento de competências disciplinares –, efetuada a partir da análise de tarefas de aprendizagem e de um questionário de avaliação final global aplicado aos alunos. A estratégia de intervenção pedagógica é percecionada pelos alunos como tendo contribuído para a promoção do desenvolvimento não só de competências de cooperação mas também do conhecimento substantivo e do pensamento crítico.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Crianças, Família e Sucessões
This study is in line with the analyses of university and working career in their interaction in relation with conditioning factors. It comprises two central issues: the issue of identity bound to the issue of professionalization within the domain of training and employment. Nowadays, professionalization of the individuals, inside a troubled occupational world, demands the implementation of mechanisms favoring the development of both the individuals and the institution in which they work. All this has an impact at the local, regional and even national levels. Three levels of analysis interplay from a sui generis perspective: macro-meso-micro-macro (Aparicio, 2005; 2007a; 2007b, 2013a, 2014, 2015 b, d – See the Three- Dimensional Spiral of Sense Theory). The aim was to be aware of the doctors’ representations regarding the value of such degree under the present “degree devaluation”, and its impact on the professional future as well as on the core issues of the labor market which need urgent measures with a view to a belter interaction between the two systems. The methodology used was quanti-qualitative (semi-structured questionnaires, interviews, and hierarchical evocations). The population consisted of doctors (2005-2012) from the National University of Cuyo, in Argentina. The results helped us understand the nucleus of such representations and the peripheral aspects by career and institution, thus revealing professional and disciplinary identities. The professional identities show the situated needs in terms of professionalization within the different contexts and, particularly, within the labor market.
El projecte de recerca s'ha basat en el projecte Miquel Martí i Pol, que ha consistit en la creació i manteniment d'un jardí dedicat a la memòria del poeta, amb persones en situació d'exclusió social (per motius de malaltia mental, immigració, pobresa) i estudiants de teràpia ocupacional de la Universitat de Vic, des d'una sinergia única entre la Universitat de Vic i institucions públiques, socials i empresarials. La recerca ve a cobrir la falta de coneixement sobre l'impacte terapèutic de la jardineria, com afirmava Sempik al 2003. Així mateix, genera coneixements sobre l'ocupació humana, la ciutadania, les comunitats inclusives, les aliances estratègiques i sobre noves praxis educatives en el marc del nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES). El marc teòric s'ha basat en una visió transdisciplinària, des de l'educació, la filosofia, la psicologia, la sociologia, la teràpia ocupacional, la política, l'ecologia i l'antropologia. S'ha desenvolupat una recerca inspirada per la investigació acció participativa que ha aprofundit en el significat que ha tingut aquesta experiència per a les persones implicades en el procés de creació del jardí: les persones procedents de col•lectius en situació d'exclusió, els estudiants, així com els representants de les institucions públiques, socials, empresarials i la pròpia Universitat de Vic. Així es van desenvolupar una sèrie d'entrevistes a fons i formularis amb 5 jardiners; 2 estudiants; la Consellera d'Acció Social de l'Ajuntament de Vic; el Conseller d'Acció Social del Consell Comarcal d'Osona; el President de Caritas; la terapeuta ocupacional de la Fundació Centre Mèdic Psicopedagògic d'Osona; la Rectora de la Universitat de Vic; la Directora de l'EUCS i el President del Rotary Club. Els temes que han sorgit en la recerca són: La construcció de l'ocupació significativa; la jardineria com a font de benestar; un espai de bellesa; la dignitat de la ciutadania; la creació de comunitats inclusives; una Universitat al servei de la Humanitat: noves praxis educatives; l'art de les aliances estratègiques i de les sinergies. Els coneixements generats tenen relació amb els estudis de teràpia ocupacional, així com per a educació social, infermeria, psicologia i ciències ambientals. A més a més són una aposta per al desenvolupament de noves praxis educatives en el nou EEES. El treball ha estat qualificat com a excel•lent per unanimitat del tribunal.
En els darrers temps el debat dels agrocombustibles s’ha caracteritzat per l’aparició d’incerteses científiques i la discussió dels impactes ambientals i socioeconòmics, sovint difícils de mesurar i quantificar, que es podrien derivar de la implementació de la política pública d’impuls d’aquesta nova font energètica. Els sistemes tradicionals d’avaluació experta i les eines de decisió polítiques es veuen limitats per trobar solucions als problemes ambientals complexes com és el dels agrocombustibles, ja que es basen en el coneixement disciplinari i la previsió, sense considerar de forma explícita les incerteses. En l’estudi del debat i del procés d’elaboració de la política pública s’ha percebut una manca d’espais de comunicació i presa de decisions estructurats i integradors. Davant d’aquest context, en aquest treball s’ha dissenyat un procés participatiu d’avaluació de la implementació de la política pública. La proposta elaborada consta d’uns escenaris de futur sobre l’aplicació dels agrocombustibles a Catalunya, que han de ser valorats de forma participativa en grups de discussió. La identificació de les variables determinants i els nous escenaris de futur que resulten del procés, esdevindrien la informació per a reiniciar un nou procés d’avaluació. L’aplicació de nous procediments i noves eines d’anàlisi pot ser útil per reestructurar el problema i fonamentar les decisions polítiques, per tal d’augmentar-ne l’eficàcia,la legitimitat, i assegurar-ne criteris social i ambientalment justos.
Introduction: Low back pain is a common disorder touching up to 80% of the population, with redundancies of up to 70%. A small proportion would go on to develop chronic low back pain (LBP) with reduced work capacity and they would count for the majority of the costs. Up to day, a multi-disciplinary treatment program is one of the best approaches. In the program one of the mile-stones is restoration of function. The aim of this study was to follow patients, according to the endurance change after the program and its influence on workability during one year after inclusion in a such program. Method: Patients were following a multidisciplinary treatment for 3 weeks including physiotherapy, occupation measures combined with an educational program with behavioural and psychological interventions on an outpatient program. We studied the endurance with the help of the Bruce test, accomplished at the beginning and at the end of the program. On the other hand the patients filled out pain questionnaires and PACT score according their own impression on workability. Results: There were a clear relation between the increase in the cardiovascular endurance and the increased workability. Almost every patient presented an increase in the VO2 max, even though the workability did not follow. This increase were associated with a decrease in pain apprehension. Conclusion: A multidisciplinary treatment program, teaching the patients how to care with their pain and to accept it even if it persist is successful in lowering the global pain. If the program allows the patients to strengthen the endurance, the workability will increase in parallel. In this way the patients were able to reduce the consummation of medicaments and to increase the work capacity.
Altruism is a malleable notion that is understood differently in various disciplines. The common denominator of most definitions of altruism is the idea of unidirectional helping behaviour. However, a closer examination reveals that the term altruism sometimes refers to the outcomes of a helping behaviour for the agent and its neighbours - i.e. reproductive altruism - and sometimes to what motivates the agent to help others - i.e. psychological altruism. Since these perspectives on altruism are crucially different, it is important to use a clear terminology to avoid confusion. In particular, we show that the notion of altruism used by biologists profoundly differs from the ones used by philosophers, psychologists and economists in cross-disciplinary debates about human altruism.
Aquest informe complementa l’estudi Estrangers a les presons catalanes i fa un aprofundiment qualitatiu d’aquell estudi. Recull les particularitats de cadascun dels casos seleccionats i profunditza en l’experiència migratòria de l’estranger, la seva situació familiar i social aquí i al seu país, la seva trajectòria delictiva, la seva experiència penitenciària i les expectatives cara el futur un cop surti de la presó. Totes aquestes aportacions es descriuen però també s’interpreten i es valoren per tal que ajudin a establir nous matisos a tenir en compte per valorar les necessitats d’intervenció amb la població estrangera als centres penitenciaris i les seves perspectives específiques d’inserció social. La principal conclusió d’aquesta part de l’estudi és la identificació dels dos elements clau que permeten definir unes perspectives de futur pessimistes, incertes o optimistes respecte les possibilitats dels estrangers encarcerats un cop surtin de presó. Aquests dos elements clau per pronosticar-ho són: 1) la distància que hi ha entre les expectatives de futur i les possibilitats reals d’assolir-les, i 2) la pròpia voluntat de la persona.
We conceptualize new ways to qualify what themes should dominate the future international business and management (IB/IM) research agenda by examining three questions: Whom should we ask? What should we ask, and which selection criteria should we apply? What are the contextual forces? Our main findings are the following: (1) wider perspectives from academia and practice would benefit both rigor and relevance; (2) four key forces are climate change, globalization, inequality, and sustainability; and (3) we propose scientific mindfulness as the way forward for generating themes in IB/IM research. Scientific mindfulness is a holistic, cross-disciplinary, and contextual approach, whereby researchers need to make sense of multiple perspectives with the betterment of society as the ultimate criterion.
Network analysis naturally relies on graph theory and, more particularly, on the use of node and edge metrics to identify the salient properties in graphs. When building visual maps of networks, these metrics are turned into useful visual cues or are used interactively to filter out parts of a graph while querying it, for instance. Over the years, analysts from different application domains have designed metrics to serve specific needs. Network science is an inherently cross-disciplinary field, which leads to the publication of metrics with similar goals; different names and descriptions of their analytics often mask the similarity between two metrics that originated in different fields. Here, we study a set of graph metrics and compare their relative values and behaviors in an effort to survey their potential contributions to the spatial analysis of networks.
The Department’s Sanctions and Redress Policy sets out an approach to be applied throughout the Department, HSC and associated bodies in respect of disciplinary, civil and criminal proceedings and financial recovery against those persons/organisations who have committed fraud.
This paper builds on the experience of the on-going, mainly ethnographic, research project called Teacher training in’ multicultural’ Sweden. Class, gender and ethnicity. In this multi-disciplinary project a number of scholars conduct research through participant observation in, and through the study and analysis of documents from, a number of teacher training colleges in Sweden. In this paper I will use empirical material gathered from two teacher training colleges to discuss this basic issue. One college is situated in a suburb outside Stockholm and it consciously portrays itself as a college for ‘multicultural’ students who will later teach in ‘multicultural’ suburbs. The other college is situated in a small town and although ‘multiculturalism’ is seen as important in the educational system students with mainly ‘Swedish’ background are recruited. In the first college ‘differences’ are lauded and students are encouraged to ponder upon and develop their ethnic profile. In the second ‘similarities’ are more taken for granted. I will argue, however, that within these colleges ‘differences’ and ’similarities’ are not only discussed but actually created against a backdrop of macro-constraints which are not much scrutinized within these colleges.
Haematological cancers in adults include a range of diseases including leukaemias, lymphomas and myeloma, all of which differ in diagnosis and management. Collectively they account for about 1 in 14 cancers. This guidance provides a profile of the major haematological malignancies with brief reference to relevant epidemiological factors and management implications. It emphasises the collaborative and specialised nature of the clinical haematology service currently being delivered in the Cancer Centre and Cancer Units on a hub and spoke basis. The guidance sets out recommendations aimed at strengthening the current clinical service, which should continue to operate as a network, facilitating rapid referrals and the use of shared protocols. Specifically, it recommends that patients should be managed by a multi-disciplinary approach and that the provision of diagnostic facilities including radiological and cytogenetic analysis must be sufficient to provide high quality and timely information. åÊ
A Position Paper for the Professions Allied to Medicine Patients with cancer are living longer due to early diagnosis and better treatment. In recent years there has been increasing attention to issues related to the quality of life of patients with cancer and a recognition of the potential for habilitation and rehabilitation. As a result, PAMs as members of the multi-disciplinary team are now more actively involved with patients diagnosed with cancer during all phases of their disease. Each person’s life possesses a unique blend of psychological, social, economic and physical factors and comprehensive care requires the needs of the whole person to be addressed. This requires patients and carers having timely access to the most appropriate range of professional skills that will allow individual patients and their carers to retain control of their lives and associated circumstances for as long as possible. It also requires professions, in all locations, to work in a collaborative patient centred manner that affords the best outcome for patients. The need has been highlighted for a multi-professional approach to the delivery of cancer services in “Investing for the Future” and “A Framework for the Multi-professional Contribution to Cancer Care in Northern Ireland”. This need has also been highlighted in the PAM Strategy document. åÊ