571 resultados para contradiction


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Abstract With the Development of the West Regions, the contradiction between economy and geological hazards was once again brought to our face in the Loess Plateau where was ,and is liable to geological hazards for the unique conditions of geology, hydrogeology, geography and meteorology. The goal to realize harmonious development between human and the earth was always there, and landslide hazard zoning provided us an effective way against geological hazards and damage. In the background of the construction of 750KV transformer substation in TianShui, we summarized some theories, methods and development of landslide hazard zoning and discussed the application of information value model in landslide hazard zoning. A called “judgement matrix” like in AHP was introduced to the information value model to solve the key point of landslide hazard zoning — choice of factors and weight of each factor. GIS was applied in the landslide hazard zoning, with its comprehensive function on data management, spatial analysis and mapping. A zonation map of landslide hazard was worked out on MAPGIS aimed to have something of reference and instruction on the construction of the transformer substation. Key words: landslide; hazard zoning; information value model; GIS; judgement matrix


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The author of the article attempts to present the situation of comparative studies as a field of research and a way of thinking about the contemporary world on the basis of the analyses presented in Comparative Literature at a Crossroads? in the monographic issue of “Comparative Studies” 2006. Much attention is paid to the phenomenon of the crisis of comparative studies connected with a noticeable reluctance towards great theoretical models shared by many researchers, the extensiveness of the topic area and resulting methodological problems but also the fact that comparatists abandon the studies of other languages. This results in a need of searching for a satisfactory definition of this field of study, its scope of research and applicable research methods. Among the specific issues raised in the article there is, e.g. the case of world literature seen in the context of the classical contradiction between cultural hegemony and cultural pluralism. Moreover, an interesting review of the picture of the Polish culture from the perspective of postcolonial theories and intracultural differences is presented.


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Artykuł koncentruje się na etycznym aspekcie „Familiaris Consortio”, zakładając równocześnie bogatą problematykę pastoralną. Pytanie etyczne, które pojawiało się wraz z ukazaniem się tego dokumentu wiązało się z nastrojami wahania i oczekiwania w wyniku ujawnienia się silnej opozycji wobec nauki zawartej w encyklice „Humanae Vitae” Pawła VI. Adhortacja nie podejmuje bezpośredniej polemiki z przeciwnikami nauki Kościoła, lecz przedstawia pozytywny wykład całościowej nauki na temat powołania małżeństwa i rodziny. Powołanie stanowi w tym dokumencie podstawową kategorię teologiczno-moralną, wyjaśniającą i uzasadniającą istotne wymogi moralne małżeństwa i rodziny i przenoszącą życie ludzkie na poziom świętości. Powołanie ma swe źródło w Boskim planie zbawienia i objawia się wraz z dokonaniem dzieła zbawienia w Jezusie Chrystusie. Tajemnica powołania uobecnia się w dziejach ludzkości jako ukryta a zarazem objawiona w misterium Chrystusa i Kościoła. Powołanie rzuca istotne światło na stworzenie mężczyzny i kobiety czyli stworzenie rodziny opartej na fundamencie małżeństwa. Odtąd prawda antropologiczna posiada wymiar sakramentalny. Powołanie przenikając wewnętrznie rzeczywistość stworzoną, umieszcza w samej głębi bytu „nie dające się stłumić wezwanie: rodzino, stań się tym, czym jesteś” (FC 17). Bóg Stwórca i Odkupiciel powierzył człowiekowi – mężczyźnie i kobiecie- zadanie budowania rodziny mocą tej samej Miłości, przez którą istnieje świat i człowiek, oraz tej samej Miłości, którą Objawił Syn Boży na Krzyżu, ustanawiając nowy porządek stworzenia. Odtąd prawda życia ludzkiego i prawda miłości musi być odczytywana wyłącznie w świetle tajemnicy Paschalnej. To wezwanie płynące z głębi sakramentu odzywa się mocą łaski w sercu małżeństwa, w sercu męża i żony, którzy są wezwani do miłowania się tą samą Miłością, która płynie z Misterium Krzyża. Ta koncepcja powołania, wypływająca z sakramentalnego charakteru chrześcijańskiego istnienia stanowi klucz do rozstrzygania szczegółowych pytań mogących się pojawić w kontekście życia małżeńskiego. Wizja przedstawiona przez „Familiaris Consortio” jest jednorodna i charyzmatyczna, jest teologiczna i antropologiczna zarazem, dotyczy bowiem człowieka jako człowieka, a nie tylko „pewnych jednostek” ludzkich uwikłanych w sidła małżeńskie. W „Familiaris Consortio” jest jedna norma małżeńska i jedna norma rodzicielska: to jest zawsze ta sama Miłość, która z Serca Boga poprzez sakrament przenika do serca małżonków. Dlatego miłość małżeńska jest miłością rodzicielską, czyli odpowiedzialną za świętość tajemnicy zrodzenia, to jest równocześnie za świętość Boga – Stwórcy i za godność człowieka powoływanego na świat. Zarówno miłość małżeńska jak miłość rodzicielska, nie mogą istnieć bez czystości małżeńskiej. Tu leży prawdopodobnie główna przyczyna powodująca opór wobec nauki „Humanae Vitae”. „Familiaris Consortio” odrzuca wszelką manipulację antykoncepcyjna, podkreślając sprzeczność postawy antykoncepcyjnej nie tylko z prawem Bożym, ale i z istotą człowieczeństwa. Zawiera się to w twierdzeniu, które głosi, że pomiędzy prawidłowym życiem małżeńskim a antykoncepcją zachodzi nie tylko różnica moralna, lecz także antropologiczna (FC 32). Jest to surowy osąd tej praktyki, ale prawdziwy: ci, którzy stosują antykoncepcję, staczają się na poziom poniżej-ludzki.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The representation and manipulation of natural human understanding of temporal phenomena is a fundamental field of study in Computer Science, which aims both to emulate human thinking, and to use the methods of human intelligence to underpin engineering solutions. In particular, in the domain of Artificial Intelligence, temporal knowledge may be uncertain and incomplete due to the unavailability of complete and absolute temporal information. This paper introduces an inferential framework for deriving logical explanations from partial temporal information. Based on a graphical representation which allows expression of both absolute and relative temporal knowledge in incomplete forms, the system can deliver a verdict to the question if a given set of statements is temporally consistent or not, and provide understandable logical explanation of analysis by simplified contradiction and rule based reasoning.


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Students' learning process can be negatively affected when their reading and comprehension control is not appropriated. This research focuses on the analysis of how a group of students from high school evaluate their reading comprehension in manipulated scientific texts. An analysis tool was designed to determine the students' degree of comprehension control when reading a scientific short text with an added contradiction. The results have revealed that the students from 1st and 3rd ESO do not properly self-evaluated their reading comprehension. A different behavior has been observed in 1st Bachillerato, where appropriate evaluation and regulation seem to be more frequent. Moreover, no significant differences have been found regarding the type of text, year or gender. Finally, as identified by previous research, the correlations between the students' comprehension control and their school marks have shown to have a weak relationship and inversely proportional to the students' age.


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The purpose of this article is to give a report about a research related with the conditions of inclusion of students with disability in a Chilean university. This research is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. To collect the data required, a survey was developed, which was applied to 38 students with disability. The main results reveal a high retention rate of students, who exhibit a positive perception of their inclusion in their university life and also a high level of satisfaction with most of the services provided. Seven out of ten students surveyed recognize having received some sort of education care from their programs to pursue their studies. However, there still exists a lack of connection between the current initiatives developed at the university to support the enrollment and permanence of students. Added to this fact, there is a lack of protocols and training for teachers and staff. In this study it is proposed that the university must establish a management system that defines objectives, strategies and actions that contribute to improve inclusion of people with disabilities.


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This paper represents analysis of one aspect of a larger research project examining the everyday lives and experiences of young women in Northern Ireland. As an introductory exercise within focus groups, 48 young women considered and discussed the good and not so good things about being a young woman in Northern Ireland. Through these accounts many issues emerged, some in direct contrast and contradiction to one another. The area focused upon for the purpose of this paper is the body, particularly with regard to body image (self-expression versus pressure) and becoming a woman (growing up versus menarche). The aim is to illustrate that what young women cite as being potentially positive aspects of growing up or being a young woman often have negative experiences and implications attached to them. In light of the advancements made by young women in Northern Irish society, an opening of opportunities and their awareness of the persistence of gendered messages regarding their bodies, many young women are of the belief that such messages have less impact upon them today and that gender is a barrier that can be overcome. It is illustrated and argued here, however, that dominant cultural messages regarding women’s bodies are more subtle, confusing and perhaps pervasive than they ever have been. As a consequence, this has created more pressure and confusion for young women and tensions exist in terms of young women’s beliefs and their actions. In light of these research findings, this paper considers practice implications for those working with and for young women.


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Efficient production of coherent harmonic radiation from solid targets relies critically on the formation of smooth, short density scalelength plasmas. Recent experimental results (Dromey et al 2009 Nat. Phys. 5 146) suggest, however, that the target roughness on the scale of the emitted harmonic wavelength does not result in diffuse reflection-in apparent contradiction to the Rayleigh criterion for coherent reflection. In this paper we show, for the first time, using analytic theory and 2D PIC simulations, that the interaction of relativistically strong laser pulses with corrugated target surfaces results in a highly effective smoothing of the interaction surface and consequently the generation of highly collimated and temporally confined XUV pulses from rough targets, in excellent agreement with experimental observations.


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Research on the Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank has emphasized not only that these checkpoints have dire implications for the Palestinians living there, at the personal, familial, and communal levels, and devastating eff ects on the Palestinian economy, but also that they have far-reaching consequences for the ability of the Palestinians to establish an independent political entity. At the same time, analysis of the Israeli forms of domination over the Palestinians has also stressed the role of a Palestinian governing authority in sustaining the Israeli rule, since the former relieves the latter of its responsibility to care for the occupied Palestinian population. This paper aims to address this apparent contradiction claiming that a comprehensive analysis of Israeli forms of domination requires a spatial examination of the operation of sovereignty with an assessment of governmentalizing arrays. This combined analysis suggests that a Palestinian sovereignty, but one which is emptied of its actual ruling power, is construed at the checkpoints as an epiphenomenon of Israeli apparatuses of control. © 2013 Pion and its Licensors.


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This study identifies and analyzes the effect that aging time and temperature have on the CO light-off activity of three-way catalyst samples, aged in a static air (oxidizing) atmosphere. The bench aging time (BAT) equation proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which describes aging as dependent upon time at temperature, was used to calculate a range of oven aging times and temperatures based on a RAT-A engine bench aging cycle.

CO light-off tests carried out on cores aged between 800 and 900 °C have shown that it is the aging temperature that has the greatest effect on catalyst deterioration for static aging testing, with aging time having little effect. These results were in contradiction to the BAT equation, an industry norm for the aging of catalysts. This demonstrates that static aging, whilst showing how temperature affects aging, gives little or no time effects. The results have shown that static aging is not representative of actual aging on a vehicle.

Progressive aging conducted at a temperature of 1000 °C was shown to cause a decrease in catalyst activity as the aging time increased. However, even in these extreme conditions, static aging gave a slower rate of aging with time when compared to engine aging as defined by the BAT equation. Overall, static aging in air has been shown to produce a greater increase in aging due to temperature than predicted by the BAT equation, but less aging due to aging time.


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The contradiction between acknowledgement of cultural differences and their accommodation in public has been a constant theme in studies of diverse societies. This review essay discusses five volumes that grapple with questions of Romani inclusion and the problems Roma face across Europe. The volumes under review point to problems faced by Romani communities and analyse the various legal, political and social challenges that situation of the Roma poses to institutions of contemporary societies. The essay reviews the challenging nature of the status of Roma as we move away from the one-sided towards more reciprocal relationship engagement of state with society in general, and the multiply excluded groups, in particular. The essay finds that the role Roma play in these relationships is either over-, or under-estimated by the literature, largely as a result of limited opportunities to acknowledge and, in effect, accommodate Roma who are rarely understood as actors in their own right.


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This chapter discusses the use of proportionality in age discrimination cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union. It argues that the Court does not use this concept systematically - indeed it exposes some contradiction that make the case law seem arbitrary - and proposes a more fruitful use of the principle, which is in line with a modern conception of human rights. The chapter argues that the principle of proportionality stems from the time when human rights served the recently liberated burgeois elite in guarding their rights to property and liberty against the state. Today, states not only respect human rights (which is fully sufficient for this elite, who can rely on their inherited wealth to fend for themselves). They also protect and promote human rights, and these activities are a precondition for human rights to be practically relevant for the whole population. This also means that state activity, which is experienced as a limitation of rights to property and liberty by some, may constitute a measure to promote and protect human rights of others. In employment law - the only field where the EU ban on age discrimination is applied - this is a typical situation. If such a situation occurs, the principle of proportionality must be applied in a bifurcated way.It is not sufficient that the limitation of property rights is proportionate for the achievement of a public policy aim. If the aim of public policy is to enable the effective use of human rights, the limitation of the state action must be proportionate to the protection and promotion of those human rights. It is argued that the principle of proportionality is superior to less structures balancing acts (e.g. the Wednesbury principle), if it is applied both ways. Going over to the field of age discrimination, the chapter identifies a number of potentially colliding aims pursued in this field. Banning age discrimination may relate to genuine aims of anti-discrimination law if bias against older or very young workers is addressed. However, the EU ban of discrimination against all ages also serves to restructure employment law and policy to the age of flexibilisation, replacing the synchronisation principle that has been predominant for the welfare states of the 20th century. The former aim is related to human rights protection, while the latter aim is not (at least not always). This has consequences for applying the proportionality test. The chapter proposes different ways to argue the most difficult age discrimination cases, where anti-discrimination rationales and flexibilisation rationales clash


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Health care services offered to the public should be based on the best available evidence. We aimed to explore pharmacy tutors' and trainees' views on the importance of evidence when making decisions about over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and also to investigate whether the tutor influenced the trainee in practice.

METHODS: Following ethical approval and piloting, semi-structured interviews were conducted with pharmacy graduates (trainees) and pharmacist tutors. Transcribed interview data were entered into the NVivo software package (version 10), coded and analysed via thematic analysis.

RESULTS: Twelve trainees (five males, seven females) and 11 tutors (five males, six females) participated. Main themes that emerged were (in)consistency and contradiction, confidence, acculturation, and continuation and perpetuation. Despite having an awareness of the importance and potential benefits, an evidence-based approach did not seem to be routinely or consistently implemented in practice. Confidence in products was largely derived from personal use and patient feedback. A lack of discussion about evidence was justified on the basis of not wanting to lessen patient confidence in requested product(s) or possibly negating the placebo effect. Trainees became acculturated to 'real-life' practice; university teaching and evidence was deemed less relevant than meeting customer expectations. The tutor's actions were mirrored by their trainee resulting in continuation and perpetuation of the same professional attitudes and behaviours.

CONCLUSIONS: Evidence appeared to have limited influence on OTC decision making. The tutor played a key role in the trainee's professional development. More work could be performed to investigate how evidence can be regarded as relevant and something that is consistently implemented in practice.


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This article is written to celebrate the fine contribution and constant optimism of Louk Hulsman to the debate about penal abolition, the rethinking of popular and political discourses on ‘crime’, and the institutionalised responses of the ‘criminal justice system’. Reflecting on his experiences of incarceration and on his critical analysis of the political economic relations of power, Louk Hulsman talked of the defining ‘moment of abolition’ – his reading of Thomas Mathiesen’s ground-breaking text, The Politics of Abolition. Having considered the key elements of Louk Hulsman’s work and its critical challenge to the criminological enterprise, the article explores the apparent political contradiction in campaigning for humane conditions while seeking abolition within the context of an ever-expanding, global prison-industrial complex.