912 resultados para Strategic planning -- Standards


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The Iowa Department of Public Health's Office of Multicultural Health invited 21 representatives, key informants throughout the State of Iowa and five state personnel to help chart a strategic map for the OMH staff and it constituents to travel during the next 3-5 years, as the office strengthens its infrastructure and continues to meet its mission. This two day strategic planning session brought forth the consensus of maintaining the four major function areas held within the 2007 to 2011 strategic plan. Those four areas are: education, advocacy, data and training and development. 2


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The Department of Cultural Affairs was created in the state government reorganization in 1986. The department’s two divisions, the Iowa Arts Council and the State Historical Society (SHSI) have a much longer history of service to Iowans. With such a rich history, it is fitting that the Department of Cultural Affairs calls the State Historical Museum home, a facility which collects, preserves and showcases Iowa’s treasures that itself can trace its roots in state government back 120 years. Generations of Iowans have been touched by the programs and services provided through this department. Though organized as one department, the DCA has never undergone strategic planning as a single, cohesive organization. With a desire to move forward as a stronger, more unified entity, a department wide strategic planning process becomes critical to future success as the department continues to better assess its resources and expertise internally, while ensuring it is focused on the common goal of leveraging cultural resources across the state of Iowa.


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The Citadel conducted a campus-wide planning process that engaged the campus community in a discussion of the institution’s strategic goals and future vision, culminating in The Citadel’s 2009-2012 Strategic Plan. This planning document communicates The Citadel’s priorities and lays the foundation for a successful capital campaign that will take the institution to new heights of academic and leadership excellence. Building upon previous strategic planning processes, our mission, and core values, eight strategic initiatives will continue to form the foundation of the institution’s planning efforts and help define the college’s planning priorities.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a importância da inclusão da perspectiva das mulheres na avaliação do Programa de Humanização do Pré-Natal e Nascimento. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo qualitativo realizado em base a dados primários coletados para a avaliação do Programa de Humanização do Pré-Natal e Nascimento, do Ministério da Saúde, em 2003, em sete municípios das cinco regiões do Brasil, selecionados a partir de dados extraídos de sistemas de bancos de dados oficiais já existentes. Um dos atores considerado fundamental para a coleta de informações foi a mulher atendida pelo Programa, abordada por meio de dezesseis grupos focais realizados em unidades de saúde. Para o tratamento dos dados empíricos foi utilizado o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. A análise e discussão foram realizadas com o apoio dos conceitos em saúde pública de acessibilidade e Saúde Paidéia. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: O Programa estudado normatiza para todos os serviços de saúde do país os procedimentos para a atenção ao pré-natal e o parto e os fluxos a serem observados. A análise do discurso das gestantes, nos grupos focais realizados, trouxe clareza quanto à dissonância existente entre muitas dessas recomendações e os desejos e necessidades da mulher, o que faz com que ela procure traçar para si um outro fluxo de atendimentos. Esta ocorrência traz prejuízos ao vínculo que estabelece com o serviço de saúde, além de dificuldades de controle pelo serviço do seguimento real que está sendo oferecido. CONCLUSÕES: A reflexão realizada do Programa, tomando por base a perspectiva das mulheres atendidas, identificou aspectos cuja consideração no momento da avaliação poderia resultar em maior efetividade e humanização do controle pré-natal oferecido


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Aim. Data were collected on tenure, mobility and retention of the nursing workforce in Queensland to aid strategic planning by the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU). Background. Shortages of nurses negatively affect the health outcomes of patients. Population rise is increasing the demand for nurses in Queensland. The supply of nurses is affected by recruitment of new and returning nurses, retention of the existing workforce and mobility within institutions. Methods. A self-reporting, postal survey was undertaken by the QNU members from the major employment sectors of aged care, public acute and community health and private acute and community health. Results. Only 60% of nurses had been with their current employer more than 5 years. In contrast 90% had been in nursing for 5 years or more and most (80%) expected to remain in nursing for at least another 5 years. Breaks from nursing were common and part-time positions in the private and aged care sectors offered flexibility. Conclusion. The study demonstrated a mobile nursing workforce in Queensland although data on tenure and future time in nursing suggested that retention in the industry was high. Concern is expressed for replacement of an ageing nursing population.


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Globalisation, increasing complexity, and the need to address triple-bottom line sustainability has seen the proliferation of Learning Organisations (LO) who, by definition, have the capacity to anticipate environmental changes and economic opportunities and adapt accordingly. Such organisations use system dynamics modelling (SDM) for both strategic planning and the promotion of organisational learning. Although SDM has been applied in the context of tourism destination management for predictive reasons, the current literature does not analyse or recognise how this could be used as a foundation for an LO. This study introduces the concept of the Learning Tourism Destinations (LTD) and discusses, on the basis of a review of 6 case studies, the potential of SDM as a tool for the implementation and enhancement of collective learning processes. The results reveal that SDM is capable of promoting communication between stakeholders and stimulating organisational learning. It is suggested that the LTD approach be further utilised and explored.


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We describe administrative reform involving management innovation undertaken at the Superior Tribunal of Justice, Brazil`s highest appellate court for infra-constitutional cases. The innovation is the introduction of a new management model based on strategic planning and a process management approach to work processes. Introduction of the new model has been supported by the use of information technology and project management techniques. Qualitative methods were used for data collection and analysis. Findings reveal that the innovation is contributing to the development of a systemic overview of key processes, reducing the fragmenting effects of the division of work activities within the Tribunal. At least three new organizational routines or capabilities have been developed as a result of the innovation studied: Electronic Court Management, Project Management, and Process Management. The paper contributes to knowledge about court management, a field that has received little research attention in the public administration literature.


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Objective To assist with strategic planning for the eradication,of malaria in Henan Province, China, which reached the consolidation phase of malaria control in 1992, when only 318 malaria cases were reported, Methods We conducted a prospective two-year study of the costs for Henan's malaria control programme. We used a cost model that could also be applied to other malaria programmes in-mainland China, and analysed the cost of the three components of Henan's malaria programme. suspected malaria case management,, vector surveillance,,and population blood surveys. Primary cost data were collected from the government, and data on suspected malaria patient's were collected in two malaria counties (population 2 093 100). We enlisted the help of 260 village doctors. in six-townships or former communities (population 247 762), and studied all 12 315 reported cases of suspected malaria in catchment areas in 1994 and 1995. Findings The average-annual government investment in malaria control was estimated to be US$ 111 516 (case-management 59%; active blood surveys 25%;vector surveillance 12%; and contingencies and special projects 4%). The average cost (direct and indirect) for-patients seeking-treatment for suspected malaria was US$ 3.48, equivalent,to 10 days' income for rural residents. Each suspected malaria case cost the government an, average of US$ 0.78. Conclusion Further cuts in government funding will increase future costs, when epidemic malaria returns; investment in malaria control should therefore continue at least at current levels,of US$ 0.03 per person a risk.


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Objectives: To determine whether awareness of the moderate physical activity message and prevalence of participation changed among Australian adults between 1997 and 1999, and if changes differed across Australia. Methods: Data were compared on awareness of the moderate physical activity message and on physical activity participation from identical national physical activity surveys in 1997 and 1999. Results: In 1999, following integrated public health efforts, recognition of the Active Australia campaign was substantially higher in NSW/ACT (61.7%) than elsewhere (29.3%). Knowledge about benefits of moderate activity increased between 1997 and 1999, more so in States with public health campaigns. National participation in 'sufficient physical activity' declined between 1997 and 1999, from 63% to 57%, but the decline was smaller in NSW/ACT (4.4%) than in the other States (6.0%). Conclusions and implications: Declining trends in physical activity in Australia require increased public health investments, including strategic planning and public education, such as occurred in NSW (1997/98).


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Este estudo de caso aborda a crise vivida pelo setor de transporte a??reo brasileiro nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Deflagrada por um acidente de vulto, a crise teve como protagonistas os controladores de tr??fego a??reo, que, sob suspeita de falha funcional e comunica????o dif??cil com as autoridades do setor, reagiram por meio de uma estrat??gia de opera????o-padr??o (greve branca). Essa situa????o, somada ?? escassez de pessoal, provocou, de novembro de 2006 at?? meados de 2007, o descontrole operacional dos principais aeroportos do pa??s, com grandes preju??zos aos usu??rios. Um novo acidente a??reo, no decorrer da crise, agravou ainda mais a situa????o do setor, expondo defici??ncias estruturais e profissionais ?? opini??o p??blica brasileira, em uma ??rea at?? ent??o considerada segura. O caso relata as tentativas de equacionamento da crise por parte das autoridades respons??veis pela pol??tica de transporte a??reo, frente ao descontentamento e ??s reivindica????es dos controladores de tr??fego a??reo e ?? indigna????o da sociedade. O objetivo do estudo de caso ?? ilustrar uma situa????o de crise e de processo de negocia????o, tendo sido originalmente utilizado em uma oficina sobre negocia????es no setor p??blico. O caso pode ser utilizado como material de apoio em cursos que abordem, entre outros, os seguintes t??picos: negocia????o, gest??o de crises, comunica????o e planejamento estrat??gico


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O estudo de caso trata do desastre natural ocorrido na regi??o serrana do Rio de Janeiro nos dias 11 e 12 de janeiro de 2011, considerado a maior cat??strofe clim??tica e geot??cnica do pa??s, causado por fortes chuvas que provocaram enchentes e deslizamentos em sete munic??pios. O caso tem por finalidade despertar a discuss??o sobre as vari??veis e atores que influenciaram o processo de gest??o da crise, contextualizando o desastre no cen??rio da regi??o e reconstituindo, especialmente, o processo de resposta imediata dada ?? trag??dia pelos ??rg??os envolvidos. O estudo pode ser utilizado em cursos que abordem, entre outros, os seguintes t??picos: gest??o de crise e gest??o de riscos, negocia????o, comunica????o e planejamento estrat??gico


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O objetivo deste artigo ?? compreender a percep????o dos gestores, que atuam com o planejamento estrat??gico de uma organiza????o p??blica, sobre o construto de comprometimento no trabalho, bem como a influ??ncia dessa percep????o em suas pr??ticas cotidianas de gest??o. Para tanto, realizou-se, inicialmente, pesquisa bibliogr??fica focando quest??es relacionadas ao sentido e natureza do construto, bem como sobre os estudos realizados sobre o tema do comprometimento no contexto da administra????o p??blica. Em seguida, foram coletados dados com gestores mediante entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado, os quais foram analisados por meio da t??cnica de an??lise de conte??do. As evid??ncias indicam que os gestores associam o v??nculo ao trabalho a quest??es atitudinais e de inten????es comportamentais e que suas pr??ticas cotidianas s??o influenciadas pela percep????o de comprometimento dos indiv??duos, admitindo que as decis??es tomadas, motivadas por essa percep????o, podem trazer consequ??ncias negativas tanto para a organiza????o quanto para o indiv??duo.


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Este artigo pretende ser uma colabora????o para o debate na ??rea de gest??o estrat??gica da sa??de, com foco na vigil??ncia sanit??ria. Nele buscou-se compreender as configura????es organizacionais que viabilizam (maior) ades??o ?? formula????o de estrat??gias em uma ag??ncia reguladora, a Ag??ncia Nacional de Vigil??ncia Sanit??ria (Anvisa). Foram consultados documentos da Anvisa dispon??veis ao p??blico na Internet, al??m de documentos internos nos arquivos da ??rea de planejamento da Ag??ncia. Foram analisados dois momentos de planejamento estrat??gico da Ag??ncia, ?? luz dos aspectos relacionados aos conceitos de poder e cultura, da configura????o organizacional, al??m das formas de controle sobre as ag??ncias reguladoras. Conclui-se que mecanismos que refor??am a transpar??ncia institucional levam ao sucesso de uma formula????o estrat??gica e ?? maior sustentabilidade das pol??ticas.