925 resultados para Spanish as a Second Language


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The English-as-a-second-language (ESL) community college student population has increased notably in the past decade, but a decreasing number of these students are completing courses, programs, or degrees (Erisman & Looney, 2008). These students come to college with unique background experiences, and once in college, deal with challenging linguistic, academic, and social integration issues. Though they are not linguistically homogenous, and they do not have a common purpose, ESL students share the common goal of attending community college to learn to speak English (Szelényi & Chang, 2002). Course completion is a primary measure of progress toward that goal, and is therefore an issue of concern for both ESL students and community colleges, which continue to be the access point for language-minority students progressing into higher education (Laden, 2004).^ The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that predict in-term persistence of community college ESL students. A mixed methods research design consisting of two phases was utilized, and participants in this study were ESL students enrolled in a large community college in south Florida. Phase 1 students completed the Community College ESL Student Questionnaire (CCSEQ), which collected demographic data and data on entry characteristics, academic integration, and social integration. Discriminant and descriptive analyses were used to report the data collected in Phase I. Phase 2 students were a matching cohort of completing and non-completing students who participated in semi-structured interviews at the end of the term. Data collected in the interviews were analyzed thematically, using a constant comparative method as described by Glaser and Strauss (1967).^ Students’ self reported demographic data, background characteristics, goal commitment, and integration factors on the CCSEQ showed no significance between the students who completed the term and the students who did not complete the term. However, several differentiating themes emerged from the interview data, which indicated differences in goal commitment and integration between the two groups. The focus of non-completers on getting good grades rather than completing the course, and the commitment of completers to the goal of finishing the class in order to go forward, both raise questions for future research studies.^


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This is a study of a peer support program to aid students in secondary school struggling to learn a second language (for college entrance requirements) who have Asperger Syndrone and primary language deficits.


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This case study follows eleven non-English speaking students as they adapt to community college, content courses. The three classes examined are required freshman classes--Humanities, Social Environment, and Individual in Transition. In order to cope with the demands of these classes, students must penetrate the academic discourse community and have effective relationships with their instructors and their peers. The results of the study are based on interviews with eleven non-native speaking (NNS) students and their instructors and on an analysis of student writing assignments, course syllabi, and exams. Three general areas are examined: (a) students' first-language (L1) education, (b) the requirements of their content classes, and (c) the affective factors which influence their adaptation process. The case of these students reveals that: 1. Students draw on their L1 education, especially in terms of content, as they cope with the demands of these content classes. 2. In some areas L1 educational experiences interfere with students' ability to adapt. 3. The content classes require students to have well developed reading, writing, oral, and aural skills. 4. Students must use higher level cognitive skills to be successful in content classes. 5. Affective factors play a role in students' success in content classes. The discussion section includes possible implications of this data for college level English as a Second Language courses.


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The purpose of this experiment was to explore whether listening positions (close or distant location from the sound source) in the classroom, and classroom reverberation, influence students' score on a test for second-language (L2) listening comprehension (i.e., comprehension of English in Swedish speaking participants). The listening comprehension test administered was part of a standardized national test of English used in the Swedish school system. A total of 125 high school pupils, 15 years old, participated. Listening position was manipulated within subjects, classroom reverberation between subjects. The results showed that L2 listening comprehension decreased as distance from the sound source increased. The effect of reverberation was qualified by the participants' baseline L2 proficiency. A shorter reverberation was beneficial to participants with high L2 proficiency, while the opposite pattern was found among the participants with low L2 proficiency. The results indicate that listening comprehension scores-and hence students' grade in English-may depend on students' classroom listening position.


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Abstract: This study was designed to validate a constructivist learning framework, herein referred to as Accessible Immersion Metrics (AIM), for second language acquisition (SLA) as well as to compare two delivery methods of the same framework. The AIM framework was originally developed in 2009 and is proposed as a “How to” guide for the application of constructivist learning principles to the second language classroom. Piloted in 2010 at Champlain College St-Lambert, the AIM model allows for language learning to occur, free of a fixed schedule, to be socially constructive through the use of task-based assessments and relevant to the learner’s life experience by focusing on the students’ needs rather than on course content.||Résumé : Cette étude a été principalement conçu pour valider un cadre d'apprentissage constructiviste, ci-après dénommé Accessible Immersion Metrics - AIM, pour l'acquisition d'une langue seconde - SLA. Le cadre de l'AIM est proposé comme un mode d'emploi pour l'application des principes constructivistes à l'apprentissage d’une langue seconde. Créé en 2009 par l'auteur, et piloté en 2010 au Collège Champlain St-Lambert, le modèle de l'AIM permet l'apprentissage des langues à se produire, sans horaire fixe et socialement constructive grâce à l'utilisation des évaluations alignées basées sur des tâches pertinentes à l'expérience de vie de l'étudiant en se concentrant sur les besoins des élèves plutôt que sur le contenu des cours.


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The main purpose of the current study was to examine the role of vocabulary knowledge (VK) and syntactic knowledge (SK) in L2 listening comprehension, as well as their relative significance. Unlike previous studies, the current project employed assessment tasks to measure aural and proceduralized VK and SK. In terms of VK, to avoid under-representing the construct, measures of both breadth (VB) and depth (VD) were included. Additionally, the current study examined the role of VK and SK by accounting for individual differences in two important cognitive factors in L2 listening: metacognitive knowledge (MK) and working memory (WM). Also, to explore the role of VK and SK more fully, the current study accounted for the negative impact of anxiety on WM and L2 listening. The study was carried out in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context, and participants were 263 Iranian learners at a wide range of English proficiency from lower-intermediate to advanced. Participants took a battery of ten linguistic, cognitive and affective measures. Then, the collected data were subjected to several preliminary analyses, but structural equation modeling (SEM) was then used as the primary analysis method to answer the study research questions. Results of the preliminary analyses revealed that MK and WM were significant predictors of L2 listening ability; thus, they were kept in the main SEM analyses. The significant role of WM was only observed when the negative effect of anxiety on WM was accounted for. Preliminary analyses also showed that VB and VD were not distinct measures of VK. However, the results also showed that if VB and VD were considered separate, VD was a better predictor of L2 listening success. The main analyses of the current study revealed a significant role for both VK and SK in explaining success in L2 listening comprehension, which differs from findings from previous empirical studies. However, SEM analysis did not reveal a statistically significant difference in terms of the predictive power of the two linguistic factors. Descriptive results of the SEM analysis, along with results from regression analysis, indicated to a more significant role for VK.


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Over the last few years, the massive popularity of video streaming platforms has managed to impact our daily habits by making the watching of movies and TV shows one of the main activities of our free time. By providing a wide range of foreign language audiovisual content, these entertainment services may represent a powerful resource for language learners, as they provide them with the possibility to be exposed to authentic input. Moreover, research has shown the beneficial role of audiovisual textual aids such as native language subtitles and target language captions in enhancing language skills such as vocabulary and listening comprehension. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the existing literature on the subject of subtitled and captioned audiovisual materials used as a pedagogical tool for informal language learning.


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In the construction industry, Hispanics have the highest rate of fatal work injuries among the racial/ethnic groups, and productivity in the field is limited by the language barrier between Hispanic workers and their supervisors and the level of education of many Hispanic craft workers. This research developed a training program designed to facilitate the integration process between American supervisors and Hispanic craft workers in a practical and cost-effective way, thus improving productivity and lowering fatality rates. The Iowa State University research team conducted a survey of 38 American supervisors, representing 14 Iowa construction companies. Survey results confirm that communication is the main problem experienced by American supervisors in the job site. Many American supervisors also use or depend on a link-person (an individual who interprets tasks to the rest of the Hispanic crew) to communicate to the Hispanic crew members. Research findings show that language differences affect productivity and workplace safety in the construction industry. Additionally, the educational levels of Hispanic workers indicate that they may not have the literacy skills necessary to understand training materials. This research developed two training courses designed to expand the Spanish communication skills of American supervisors. The research team modified the English-as-a-second-language course developed in Phase I into the Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) Survival Course. A series of technical training courses were also developed, titled Concrete Pavement Construction Basics (CPCB), that cover general practices in concrete pavement construction. They are much shorter and more specialized than the SSL course. The CPCB courses provide American supervisors simple and practical communication tools on a variety of topics to choose from according to their specific needs.


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En este estudio se apuesta por utilizar el material audiovisual en el aula de español como segunda lengua, ya que este material actúa como un sustituto de la realidad en la clase y conecta con el mundo conocido por el aprendiente


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Mon sujet de recherche traite sur la prononciation de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère chez les élèves québécois, sur leurs difficultés concrètes et lignes de correction qui peuvent leur être attribuées. Dans une première partie plus générale, nous traiterons sur l'enseignement de la prononciation, de la place qu'elle occupe dans l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère. Nous croyons que la prononciation est un aspect de la langue qui a été mis de côté pour mettre en valeur la communication. Si une "mauvaise" prononciation n'entrave pas à la compréhension ou à la communication, elle n'est pas corrigée ni travaillée. Nous pouvons donc nous retrouver avec des étudiants ayant un haut niveau d'espagnol mais dont la prononciation connaît certaines lacunes. Nous déterminerons également ce que nous entendons par "meilleure" ou "mauvaise" prononciation, nous nous interrogerons également sur la pertinence de l'enseignement de la phonétique. Nous nous poserons aussi la question sur la place de la prononciation selon la méthodologie didactique utilisée, et analyserons la quantité et qualité des exercices de prononciation présents ou pas dans les manuels scolaires, et s'ils correspondent aux exigences des documents officiels tels le Cadre commun européenne de référence, ou le Plan curricular de l'institut Cervantès. Dans une deuxième partie nous nous questionnons sur les facteurs qui conditionnent l'apprentissage d'une langue et le perfectionnement de la prononciation dans une langue étrangère, car nous croyons que peut importe l'âge de l'étudiant, il y a toujours place à l'amélioration dans la prononciation. Nous nous interrogeons ensuite sur les tendances générales des francophones lors de leur prononciation de l'espagnol, nous ferons une étude contrastive des phonèmes espagnols et français, puis nous étudierons plus en détail les tendances des élèves québécois, car nous croyons que ces derniers sont dotés de certains atouts en comparaison à d'autres francophones. Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons des exercices visant à améliorer la prononciation chez nos élèves, et afin de vérifier l'efficacité de ces exercices, nous enregistrerons des étudiants ayant bénéficié de ces exercices, et d'autres qui n'y auront pas eu droit. Cette étude comparative cherche à prouver que ces exercices aident réellement et qu'ils, ou d'autres exercices de ce genre, devraient être inclus dans l'enseignement. Le questionnaire dont il s'agit s'attarde principalement au phénomène du [r], que nous croyons être un, ou le son le plus difficile à prononcer en espagnol (autant la vibrante simple comme multiple). Bien entendu, une partie de ce chapitre sera consacrée à l'analyse de résultats.


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Cette recherche se construit autour d’un travail de terrain réalisé dans trois communautés autochtones quichuas vivant au nord de l’Équateur. Il prétend étudier l’incidence que devrait avoir la diversité culturelle et linguistique dans les politiques éducatives en milieu plurilingue et multiculturel. En Amérique hispanique, l’éducation des peuples autochtones n’a jamais été très attentive à leurs besoins spécifiques en ce qui a trait à l’apprentissage de l’espagnol comme langue seconde. En effet, les motivations des apprenants, plus instrumentales qu’intégratives, prouvent que les autochtones apprennent la langue espagnole presqu’exclusivement pour communiquer, sans vraiment être intéressés au groupe natif de cette langue. De plus, notre recherche sur le terrain avec les apprenants du peuple Otavalo nous a démontré que leur très forte identification ethnique influence l’acquisition de l’espagnol. D’une part, ils sont plus enclins à se distinguer des autres, spécialement des hispano parlants, et de l’autre, ils réussissent plus difficilement à atteindre une compétence élevée dans la langue seconde. Notre recherche conclut donc que l’éducation, qu’elle soit issue du système national ou bilingue, devrait davantage prendre en considération l’identité ethnolinguistique des nombreux enfants indigènes, afin de ne pas préjudicier leurs droits. Ceci permettrait de favoriser un apprentissage positif et significatif de l’espagnol comme langue seconde ou langue maternelle, mais tout en consolidant l’identité autochtone des apprenants.


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Enseigner l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et utiliser la Littérature comme moyen didactique n’est pas une activité qui a été favorisée, ni dans l’aspect théorique comme pratique, dans les salles de classe, on l’a plutôt évitée. On a constaté que la plupart de temps on l’a réduit à un échantillon culturelle qui se situe à la fin des unités didactiques dans le manuelles d’ELE. Ces visions ont radicalement changé ces dernières années et des nombreux auteurs ont revendiqué son potentiel didactique et pédagogique. La présente mémoire s’inscrit dans la courante qui revendique l’utilisation du texte littéraire (TL) à cause du potentiel didactique qu’il renferme. On propose une série d’activités didactiques qui s’appuient dans le texte littéraire pour renforcer les compétences du discours au niveau de la description, la narration et la argumentation dans le cours d’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) au niveau collégial et universitaire au Québec (Canada), en s’ appuyant sur les critères établis par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues, le Plan curricular de l’Institut Cervantès, et le Programme du Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Auparavant, on a fait un bref parcours sur les différentes méthodes et approches pédagogiques dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol (ELE) ainsi que plusieurs études et articles qui proposent l’utilisation du texte littéraire en ayant comme objectif d’améliorer les compétences linguistique et communicatives des étudiants.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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En este artículo se proponen claves de selección de textos literarios para adolescentes inmigrantes de niveles A2 de competencia comunicativa en español. El diseño de la investigación se configura a partir del paradigma cualitativo/interpretativo de corte etnográfico y de la investigación-acción en el escenario de cuatro aulas de español. El análisis de una muestra de treinta jóvenes inmigrantes ante el corpus leído durante el trabajo de campo, aporta seis variables menos centradas en la proyección explícita de la migración, y más sujetas al concepto de distancia como elemento transcendente de la lectura literaria.