904 resultados para Spaces of measurable functions
Ich untersuche die nicht bereits durch die Arbeit "Singular symplectic moduli spaces" von Kaledin, Lehn und Sorger (Invent. Math. 164 (2006), no. 3) abgedeckten Fälle von Modulräumen halbstabiler Garben auf projektiven K3-Flächen - die Fälle mit Mukai-Vektor (0,c,0) sowie die Modulräume zu nichtgenerischen amplen Divisoren - hinsichtlich der möglichen Konstruktion neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten. Ich stelle einen Zusammenhang zu den bereits untersuchten Modulräumen und Verallgemeinerungen derselben her und erweitere bekannte Ergebnisse auf alle offenen Fälle von Garben vom Rang 0 und viele Fälle von Garben von positivem Rang. Insbesondere kann in diesen Fällen die Existenz neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten, die birational über Komponenten des Modulraums liegen, ausgeschlossen werden.
Given a reductive group G acting on an affine scheme X over C and a Hilbert function h: Irr G → N_0, we construct the moduli space M_Ө(X) of Ө-stable (G,h)-constellations on X, which is a common generalisation of the invariant Hilbert scheme after Alexeev and Brion and the moduli space of Ө-stable G-constellations for finite groups G introduced by Craw and Ishii. Our construction of a morphism M_Ө(X) → X//G makes this moduli space a candidate for a resolution of singularities of the quotient X//G. Furthermore, we determine the invariant Hilbert scheme of the zero fibre of the moment map of an action of Sl_2 on (C²)⁶ as one of the first examples of invariant Hilbert schemes with multiplicities. While doing this, we present a general procedure for the realisation of such calculations. We also consider questions of smoothness and connectedness and thereby show that our Hilbert scheme gives a resolution of singularities of the symplectic reduction of the action.
In questa tesi si mostrano alcune applicazioni degli integrali ellittici nella meccanica Hamiltoniana, allo scopo di risolvere i sistemi integrabili. Vengono descritte le funzioni ellittiche, in particolare la funzione ellittica di Weierstrass, ed elenchiamo i tipi di integrali ellittici costruendoli dalle funzioni di Weierstrass. Dopo aver considerato le basi della meccanica Hamiltoniana ed il teorema di Arnold Liouville, studiamo un esempio preso dal libro di Moser-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems and Spectral Theory, dove si prendono in considerazione i sistemi integrabili lungo la geodetica di un'ellissoide, e il sistema di Von Neumann. In particolare vediamo che nel caso n=2 abbiamo un integrale ellittico.
A child's brain shows a remarkable ability to recover from adverse events such as stroke. Language functions recover particularly well, while visuo-spatial skills are more affected by brain damage, regardless of its localization. This study investigated the lateralization of language and visual search after childhood stroke.
This article examines religious practices in the United States, which govern modesty and other dress norms for men. I focus both on the spaces within which they most collide with regulatory regimes of the state and the legal implications of these norms, particularly for observant Muslim men. Undergirding the research are those ‘‘gender equality’’ claims made by many religious adherents, that men are required to maintain proper modesty norms just as are women. Also undergirding the research is the extensive anti-Islam bias in American culture today. The spaces within which men’s religiously proscribed dress and grooming norms are most at issue—indicated by First Amendment legal challenges to rights of religious practice—are primarily those state-controlled, total institutions Goffman describes, such as in the military and prisons. The implications of gendered modesty norms are important, as state control over religious expression in prisons, for example, is much more difficult to contest than in other spaces, although this depends entirely on who is doing the contesting and within which religious context. In American society today—and particularly within the context of growing Islamaphobia following the 9/11 attacks—the implications are greatest for those men practicing ‘‘prison Islam.’’
This study investigated whether children aged between 8 and 12 years born very preterm (VPT) and/or at very low birth weight (VLBW) performed lower than same-aged term-born controls in cognitive and behavioral aspects of three executive functions: inhibition, working memory, and shifting. Special attention was given to sex differences. Fifty-two VPT/VLBW children (26 girls, 50%) born in the cohort of 1998-2003 and 36 same-aged term-born children (18 girls, 50%) were recruited. As cognitive measures, children completed tasks of inhibition (Color-Word Interference Test, D-KEFS; Delis, Kaplan, & Kramer, 2001 ), working memory (digit span backwards, HAWIK-IV; Petermann & Petermann, 2008 ), and shifting (Trail Making Test, number-letter-switching, D-KEFS; Delis et al., 2001 ). As behavioral measures, mothers completed the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000 ). Scales of interest were inhibit, working memory, and shift. Analyses of the cognitive aspects of executive functions revealed that VPT/VLBW children performed significantly lower than controls in the shifting task but not in the working memory and inhibition tasks. Analyses of behavioral aspects of executive functions revealed that VPT/VLBW children displayed more problems than the controls in working memory in everyday life but not in inhibition and shifting. No sex differences could be detected either in cognitive or behavioral aspects of executive functions. To conclude, cognitive and behavioral measures of executive functions were not congruent in VPT/VLBW children. In clinical practice, the combination of cognitive and behavioral instruments is required to disclose children's executive difficulties.