933 resultados para Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies


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Infection by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) occurs in approximately 95% of the world s population. EBV was the first human virus implicated in oncogenesis. Characteristic for EBV primary infection are detectable IgM and IgG antibodies against viral capsid antigen (VCA). During convalescence the VCA IgM disappears while the VCA IgG persists for life. Reactivations of EBV occur both among immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. In serological diagnosis, measurement of avidity of VCA IgG separates primary from secondary infections. However, in serodiagnosis of mononucleosis it is quite common to encounter, paradoxically, VCA IgM together with high-avidity VCA IgG, indicating past immunity. We determined the etiology of this phenomenon and found that, among patients with cytomegalovirus (CMV) primary infection a large proportion (23%) showed antibody profiles of EBV reactivation. In contrast, EBV primary infection did not appear to induce immunoreactivation of CMV. EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is a life threatening complication of allogeneic stem cell or solid organ transplantation. PTLD may present with a diverse spectrum of clinical symptoms and signs. Due to rapidity of PTLD progression especially after stem cell transplantation, the diagnosis must be obtained quickly. Pending timely detection, the evolution of the fatal disease may be halted by reduction of immunosuppression. A promising new PTLD treatment (also in Finland) is based on anti-CD-20 monoclonal antibodies. Diagnosis of PTLD has been demanding because of immunosuppression, blood transfusions and the latent nature of the virus. We set up in 1999 to our knowledge first in Finland for any microbial pathogen a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) for detection of EBV DNA in blood serum/plasma. In addition, we set up an in situ hybridisation assay for EBV RNA in tissue sections. In collaboration with a group of haematologists at Helsinki University Central Hospital we retrospectively determined the incidence of PTLD among 257 allogenic stem cell transplantations (SCT) performed during 1994-1999. Post-mortem analysis revealed 18 cases of PTLD. From a subset of PTLD cases (12/18) and a series of corresponding controls (36), consecutive samples of serum were studied by the new EBV-qPCR. All the PTLD patients were positive for EBV-DNA with progressively rising copy numbers. In most PTLD patients EBV DNA became detectable within 70 days of SCT. Of note, the appearance of EBV DNA preceded the PTLD symptoms (fever, lymphadenopathy, atypical lymphocytes). Among the SCT controls, EBV DNA occurred only sporadically, and the EBV-DNA levels remained relatively low. We concluded that EBV qPCR is a highly sensitive (100%) and specific (96%) new diagnostic approach. We also looked for and found risk factors for the development of PTLD. Together with a liver transplantation group at the Transplantation and Liver Surgery Clinic we wanted to clarify how often and how severely do EBV infections occur after liver transplantation. We studied by the EBV qPCR 1284 plasma samples obtained from 105 adult liver transplant recipients. EBV DNA was detected in 14 patients (13%) during the first 12 months. The peak viral loads of 13 asymptomatic patients were relatively low (<6600/ml), and EBV DNA subsided quickly from circulation. Fatal PTLD was diagnosed in one patient. Finally, we wanted to determine the number and clinical significance of EBV infections of various types occurring among a large, retrospective, nonselected cohort of allogenic SCT recipients. We analysed by EBV qPCR 5479 serum samples of 406 SCT recipients obtained during 1988-1999. EBV DNA was seen in 57 (14%) patients, of whom 22 (5%) showed progressively rising and ultimately high levels of EBV DNA (median 54 million /ml). Among the SCT survivors, EBV DNA was transiently detectable in 19 (5%) asymptomatic patients. Thereby, low-level EBV-DNA positivity in serum occurs relatively often after SCT and may subside without specific treatment. However, high molecular copy numbers (>50 000) are diagnostic for life-threatening EBV infection. We furthermore developed a mathematical algorithm for the prediction of development of life-threatening EBV infection.


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The 1H and 13C chemical shifts, characteristic vibrational frequencies and force constants for some substituted azolidines are correlated with the results of the CNDO/2 calculations. The influence of the exo and endo heteroatoms on the electronic structure of the heterocyclic ring are discussed.


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A suite of co-occurring eriophyid mite species are significant pests in subtropical Australia, causing severe discolouration, blistering, necrosis and leaf loss to one of the region's most important hardwood species, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (F. Muell.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Myrtaceae). In this study, we examined mite population dynamics and leaf damage over a 1-year period in a commercial plantation of C. citriodora subsp. variegata. Our aims were to link the incidence and severity of mite damage, and mite numbers, to leaf physical traits (moisture content and specific leaf weight (SLW)); to identify any seasonal changes in leaf surface occupancy (upper vs. lower lamina); and host tree canopy strata (upper, mid or lower canopy). We compared population trends with site rainfall, temperature and humidity. We also examined physical and anatomical changes in leaf tissue in response to mite infestation to characterize the plants' physiological reaction to feeding, and how this might affect photosynthesis. Our main findings included positive correlations with leaf moisture content and mite numbers and with mite numbers and damage severity. Wet and dry leaf mass and SLW were greater for damaged tissue than undamaged tissue. Mites were distributed equally throughout the canopy and on both leaf surfaces. No relationships with climatic factors were found. Damage symptoms occurred equally and were exactly mirrored on both leaf surfaces. Mite infestation increased the overall epidermal thickness and the number and size of epidermal cells and was also associated with a rapid loss of chloroplasts from mesophyll cells beneath damage sites. The integrity of the stomatal complex was severely compromised in damaged tissues. These histological changes suggest that damage by these mites will negatively impact the photosynthetic efficiency of susceptible plantation species.


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Corymbia species from different sections hybridize readily, with some of increasing economic importance to plantation forestry. This study explores the locations of reproductive barriers between interspecific Corymbia hybrids and investigates the reproductive success of a wide taxonomic range of C. torelliana hybrid crosses. Pollen, pistil and embryo development were investigated for four C. torelliana crosses (C. torelliana, C. citriodora subsp. citriodora, C. tessellaris and C. intermedia) using fluorescent and standard microscopy to identify the locations of interspecific reproductive isolating barriers. Corymbia torelliana was also crossed with 16 taxa, representing six of the seven Corymbia sections, both Corymbia subgenera and one species each from the related genera, Angophora and Eucalyptus. All crosses were assessed for capsule and seed yields. Interspecific C. torelliana hybridization was controlled by pre-zygotic reproductive isolating barriers inhibiting pollen adhesion to the stigma, pollen germination, pollen tube growth in the style and pollen tube penetration of the micropyle. Corymbia torelliana (subgenus Blakella, sect. Torellianae) was successfully hybridized with Corymbia species from subgenus Blakella, particularly C. citriodora subsp. citriodora, C. citriodora subsp. variegata, C. henryi (sect. Maculatae) and C. tessellaris (sect. Abbreviatae), and subgenus Corymbia, particularly C. clarksoniana and C. erythrophloia (sect. Septentrionales). Attempted intergeneric hybrids between C. torelliana and either Angophora floribunda or Eucalyptus pellita were unsuccessful. Corymbia hybrids were formed between species from different sections and subgenera, but not with species from the related genera Angophora or Eucalyptus. Reproductive isolation between the interspecific Corymbia hybrid crosses was controlled by early- and late-acting pre-zygotic isolating barriers, with reproductive success generally decreasing with increasing taxonomic distance between parent species. These findings support the monophyly of Corymbia and the close relationships of infrageneric clades. The hybridizing propensity of Corymbia species provides opportunities for breeding but suggests risks of environmental gene flow. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com


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A suite of co-occurring eriophyid mite species are significant pests in subtropical Australia, causing severe discolouration, blistering, necrosis and leaf loss to one of the region's most important hardwood species, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (F. Muell.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Myrtaceae). In this study, we examined mite population dynamics and leaf damage over a 1-year period in a commercial plantation of C. citriodora subsp. variegata. Our aims were to link the incidence and severity of mite damage, and mite numbers, to leaf physical traits (moisture content and specific leaf weight (SLW)); to identify any seasonal changes in leaf surface occupancy (upper vs. lower lamina); and host tree canopy strata (upper, mid or lower canopy). We compared population trends with site rainfall, temperature and humidity. We also examined physical and anatomical changes in leaf tissue in response to mite infestation to characterize the plants' physiological reaction to feeding, and how this might affect photosynthesis. Our main findings included positive correlations with leaf moisture content and mite numbers and with mite numbers and damage severity. Wet and dry leaf mass and SLW were greater for damaged tissue than undamaged tissue. Mites were distributed equally throughout the canopy and on both leaf surfaces. No relationships with climatic factors were found. Damage symptoms occurred equally and were exactly mirrored on both leaf surfaces. Mite infestation increased the overall epidermal thickness and the number and size of epidermal cells and was also associated with a rapid loss of chloroplasts from mesophyll cells beneath damage sites. The integrity of the stomatal complex was severely compromised in damaged tissues. These histological changes suggest that damage by these mites will negatively impact the photosynthetic efficiency of susceptible plantation species.


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Several iron(II, III) complexes of N, N'-di(2-)pyridyl thiourea have been synthesized. The preparation of the complexes from iron(III) salts proceeds through a reduction of iron(III) to iron(II) followed by a subsequent reoxidation. The Moumlssbauer, electronic and infrared spectra of these complexes have been measured. The results are concordant with the coordination of pyridine nitrogens and thiocarbonyl sulfur yielding polymeric complexes. A variable temperature NMR study of the free ligand shows that two conformation are accessible for it in solution at subambient temperatures.


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The variable temperature proton and ambient temperature carbon-13 NMR spectra of S-methyl dithiocarbamate esters have been recorded. The results of the theoretical energy calculations (CNDO/2 and EHT types) together with the experimental data have been interpreted in terms of the molecular conformations. The barrier heights for the rotation about the thioamide C—N bond are calculated using the CNDO/2 method and the results are discussed in terms of the computed charge densities and bond orders.


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The complexes of thiophene 2-thiocarboxamide (TTCA) with some metal chlorides and bromides [M = Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II) and Cu(I)] are described. Elemental analyses, magnetic susceptibilities and conductance studies, electronic, IR, proton and 13C magnetic resonance spectra are reported. The results suggest exclusive coordination of TTCA through the thiocarbonyl sulfur. The influence of the thiophene ring on the donor properties of the thioamide are discussed.


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Recently established moderate size free piston driven hypersonic shock tunnel HST3 along with its calibration is described here. The extreme thermodynamic conditions prevalent behind the reflected shock wave have been utilized to study the catalytic and non-catalytic reactions of shock heated test gases like Ar, N2 or O2 with different material like C60 carbon, zirconia and ceria substituted zirconia. The exposed test samples are investigated using different experimental methods. These studies show the formation of carbon nitride due to the non-catalytic interaction of shock heated nitrogen gas with C60 carbon film. On the other hand, the ZrO2 undergoes only phase transformation from cubic to monoclinic structure and Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 in fluorite cubic phase changes to pyrochlore (Ce2Zr2O7±δ) phase by releasing oxygen from the lattice due to heterogeneous catalytic surface reaction.


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α-d-Mannopyranosyl units were attached to an aromatic scaffold through disulfide linkages to obtain mono- to trivalent glycosylated ligands for lectin binding studies. Isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) measurements indicated that binding affinities of these derivatives to Concanavalin A (Con A) were comparable to or slightly higher than that of methyl α-d-mannopyranoside (Ka values in the range of 104 M−1). The stoichiometries of the lectin-ligand complexes were in agreement with the formal valencies (1–3) of the respective ligands indicating cross-linking in interactions with the di- and trivalent derivatives. Multivalency effects could not, however, be observed with the latter. These ligands were shown to bind to the carbohydrate binding site of Con A using saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR competition experiments.