225 resultados para Slum Redevelopment


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as principais características de famílias onde os filhos mais velhos são responsabilizados pela execução das tarefas domésticas e pelo cuidado aos irmãos menores, durante a ausência dos pais. Participaram deste estudo vinte famílias residentes à Vila Paranoá, Distrito Federal, com filhos de um a dezesseis anos de idade. Os dados foram colhidos através de entrevistas e sessões de observação sistemática do comportamento em ambiente natural, realizadas durante o período de almoço. A análise se deteve na organização familiar, desempenho em tarefas domésticas e interação entre irmãos, tendo sido possível classificar as famílias em três grupos qualitativamente distintos. Os resultados são discutidos em termos da necessidade de se considerar fatores de ordem social na análise do grupo familiar.


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By 2010 it is estimated that one third of the African children will be orphans as an effect of HIV/AIDS. The crisis is already a fact and most orphans are absorbed by the extended family where the grandparents become the primary caretakers. This qualitative study was carried out in Kenya to explore the situation of these grandparents and to define their current resources and needs. Eight grandparents living in rural village or urban slum caring for their orphaned grandchildren were interviewed. The results showed that these families live under extremely poor conditions lacking food, other vital neccesities and a basic social network. Local churches and support groups emerged as the grandparents main sources to enhance strength and support. Key factors causing the acute poverty is HIV-related stigma and lack of access to land.


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Questa riflessione sulla città contemporanea nasce dall’esigenza di definire delle pratiche d’intervento utili alla gestione di una realtà urbana. Seguendo il pensiero di studiosi delle varie discipline quali la composizione e l’urbanistica, mi assumo la responsabilità di analizzare una pratica urbana utile alla gestione delle realtà conflittuali, senza voler entrare nel merito di burocrazie, a volte caotiche, ma semplicemente seguendo l’aspetto sociale e urbanistico di un intervento. Un riflessione generale su quelle che sono le pratiche urbane contemporanee, alla ricerca di una soluzione che possa infine risolvere le problematiche delle città: Agopuntura Urbana. Durante lo studio delle dinamiche, che portano alla formazione di un tessuto urbano, spesso veniamo a conoscenza di realtà malate frutto della continua evoluzione della città. Il progresso, in ogni suo campo, ha anche determinato un’evoluzione del comportamento sociale: ci troviamo spesso all’interno di una frenetica rete d’idee e di cambiamenti. La strategia dell’Agopuntura Urbana proposta da Jaime Lerner ci fornisce le soluzioni per risolvere il corpo urbano e la sua visione olistica, le analisi, lo studio e le conseguenti soluzioni, le quali, non sono da ricercare nella complessità ma piuttosto nella semplicità degli interventi: un’oculata riqualificazione che metta in primo piano le necessità della collettività. Nell’incontenibile serie di eventi, che hanno caratterizzato l’ultimo secolo, ritroviamo una realtà che ricerca soluzioni: la società vuole soluzioni per migliorare le realtà sociali contemporanee all’interno del proprio panorama urbano. ANDREA FALCO


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Il campo d’interesse della ricerca è stato l’attuale processo di ricentralizzazione del Social Housing nelle periferie urbane in una parte del contesto internazionale, che sembra stia portando le città a ricrearsi e ripensarsi grazie alla presa di coscienza delle differenze esistenti, rispetto al passato, nei nuovi processi di trasformazione nei quali la città è intesa sia come spazio costruito ma anche sociale. In virtù di quest’ultimi due aspetti complementari della città, oggi, il ruolo della periferia contemporanea sembra essere diversamente interpretato, così come gli interventi di riqualificazione di tipo assistenziale - migliorativo tenderebbero a trasformarne i suoi caratteri alla ricerca del “modello di città”. L’interesse alla tematica è inoltre scaturito dalla constatazione che alla base della crisi dei modelli d’intervento pubblico starebbero sia l’insostenibilità economica ma soprattutto l’errata lettura dei bisogni delle famiglie nella loro specificità e diversità e che in tal senso l’eventuale partecipazione della cittadinanza costituirebbe effettivamente una proposta valida, anche per risolvere la crescente domanda abitativa che si pone a livello mondiale. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello d’analizzare, nel contesto internazionale del Social Housing, le caratteristiche di partecipazione e sussidiarietà che connotano particolarmente gli interventi di riqualificazione destinati a famiglie economicamente carenti, nello specifico analizzando i metodi e gli strumenti atti alla comunicazione partecipativa del progetto in aree urbane periferiche italiane e brasiliane. Nella prima e seconda fase della ricerca è stato svolto, rispettivamente, un lavoro di analisi bibliografica sul tema dell’emergenza casa e sulle nuove politiche abitative di sviluppo urbano ed uno specifico sulla tematica della riqualificazione partecipata del Social Housing in aree della periferia urbana, infine nella terza fase sono stati analizzati i casi di studio prescelti dando rilievo all’analisi delle caratteristiche e requisiti prestazionali delle tecniche partecipative di rappresentazione - comunicazione, più idonee ad influenzare positivamente il suddetto processo.


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Cities are key locations where Sustainability needs to be addressed at all levels, as land is a finite resource. However, not all urban spaces are exploited at best, and land developers often evaluate unused, misused, or poorly-designed urban portions as impracticable constraints. Further, public authorities lose the challenge to enable and turn these urban spaces into valuable opportunities where Sustainable Urban Development may flourish. Arguing that these spatial elements are at the centre of SUD, the paper elaborates a prototype in the form of a conceptual strategic planning framework, committed to an effective recycling of the city spaces using a flexible and multidisciplinary approach. Firstly, the research focuses upon a broad review of Sustainability literature, highlighting established principles and guidelines, building a sound theoretical base for the new concept. Hence, it investigates origins, identifies and congruently suggests a definition, characterisation and classification for urban “R-Spaces”. Secondly, formal, informal and temporary fitting functions are analysed and inserted into a portfolio meant to enhance adaptability and enlarge the choices for the on-site interventions. Thirdly, the study outlines ideal quality requirements for a sustainable planning process. Then, findings are condensed in the proposal, which is articulated in the individuation of tools, actors, plans, processes and strategies. Afterwards, the prototype is tested upon case studies: Solar Community (Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna) and Hyllie Sustainable City Project, the latter developed via an international workshop (ACSI-Camp, Malmö, Sweden). Besides, the qualitative results suggest, inter alia, the need to right-size spatial interventions, separate structural and operative actors, involve synergies’ multipliers and intermediaries (e.g. entrepreneurial HUBs, innovation agencies, cluster organisations…), maintain stakeholders’ diversity and create a circular process open for new participants. Finally, the paper speculates upon a transfer of the Swedish case study to Italy, and then indicates desirable future researches to favour the prototype implementation.


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The long-term performance of infrastructure depends on reliable and sustainable designs. Many of Pennsylvania’s streams experience sediment transport problems that increase maintenance costs and lower structural integrity of bridge crossings. A stream restoration project is one common mitigation measure used to correct such problems at bridge crossings. Specifically, in an attempt to alleviate aggradation problems with the Old Route 15 Bridge crossing on White Deer Creek, in White Deer, PA, two in-stream structures (rock cross vanes) and several bank stabilization features were installed along with a complete channel redevelopment. The objectives of this research were to characterize the hydraulic and sediment transport processes occurring at the White Deer Creek site, and to investigate, through physical and mathematical modeling, the use of instream restoration structures. The goal is to be able to use the results of this study to prevent aggradation or other sediment related problems in the vicinity of bridges through improved design considerations. Monitoring and modeling indicate that the study site on White Deer Creek is currently unstable, experiencing general channel down-cutting, bank erosion, and several local areas of increased aggradation and degradation of the channel bed. An in-stream structure installed upstream of the Old Route 15 Bridge failed by sediment burial caused by the high sediment load that White Deer Creek is transporting as well as the backwater effects caused by the bridge crossing. The in-stream structure installed downstream of the Old Route 15 Bridge is beginning to fail because of the alignment of the structure with the approach direction of flow from upstream of the restoration structure.


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Extracellular enzymes that white-rot fungi secrete during lignin decay have been proposed as promising agents for oxidizing pollutants. We investigated the abilities of the white-rot fungi Punctularia strigosozonata, Irpex lacteus, Trichaptum biforme, Phlebia radiata, Trametes versicolor, and Pleurotus ostreatus to degrade Number 6 fuel oil in wood sawdust cultures. Our goals are to advise bioremediation efforts at a brownfield redevelopment site on the Blackstone River in Grafton, Massachusetts and to contribute to the understanding of decay mechanisms in white-rot fungi. All species tested degraded a C10 alkane. When cultivated for 6 months, Irpex lacteus, T. biforme, P. radiata, T. versicolor and P. ostreatus also degraded a C14 alkane and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene. Gene expression analyses of P. strigosozonata indicate differential gene expression in the presence of Number 6 oil and on pine and aspen sawdust.


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Eine Strandbar im Dortmunder Kanalhafen, ein Zeltplatz in einem ungenutzten Freibad in Berlin – zwei Beispiele für ungewöhnliche kurzfristige Nutzungen, die es regelmäßig in die Tagespresse schaffen und fast schon ein fester Bestandteil des städtischen Veranstaltungskalenders sind. Brachen werden besetzt, die unter normalen Bedingungen nicht genutzt werden, und Plätze werden gefunden, die gar nicht (mehr) im Blickfeld der Öffentlichkeit standen. Häufig gibt es auf Grund der schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen – der demografischen oder wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung – einen Flächenüberschuss, so dass nicht sofort für eine brachgefallene Fläche wieder Nutzer oder Interessenten zu finden sind. Daher greifen die herkömmlichen, langfristig orientierten Planungswerkzeuge nicht. Bis zu einer neuen, endgültigen Nutzung muss also eine Brückennutzung gefunden werden. Eine solche „Zwischennutzung“ kann gleichzeitig Impulse geben, ohne alles festlegen zu müssen. Es ist eben jener Charakter des Experimentellen, der die Zwischennutzung in der Stadtentwicklung für Architekten oder Landschaftsarchitekten interessant macht.


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Tax motivated takings are takings by a local government aimed purely at increasing its tax base. Such an action was justified by the Supreme Court's ruling in Kelo v. New London, which allowed the use of eminent domain for a private redevelopment project on the grounds that the project promised spillover public benefits in the form of jobs and taxes. This paper argues that tax motivated takings can lead to inefficient transfers of land for the simple reason that assessed values understate owners' true values. We therefore propose a reassessment scheme that greatly reduces the risk of this sort of inefficiency.


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The investigator conducted an action-oriented investigation of pregnancy and birth among the women of Mesa los Hornos, an urban squatter slum in Mexico City. Three aims guided the project: (1) To obtain information for improving prenatal and maternity service utilization; (2) To examine the utility of rapid ethnographic and epidemiologic assessment methodologies; (3) To cultivate community involvement in health development.^ Viewing service utilization as a culturally-bound decision, the study included a qualitative phase to explore women's cognition of pregnancy and birth, their perceived needs during pregnancy, and their criteria of service acceptability. A probability-based community survey delineated parameters of service utilization and pregnancy health events, and probed reasons for decisions to use medical services, lay midwives, or other sources of prenatal and labor and delivery assistance. Qualitative survey of service providers at relevant clinics, hospitals, and practices contributed information on service availability and access, and on coordination among private, social security, and public assistance health service sectors. The ethnographic approach to exploring the rationale for use or non-use of services provided a necessary complement to conventional barrier-based assessment, to inform planning of culturally appropriate interventions.^ Information collection and interpretation was conducted under the aegis of an advisory committee of community residents and service agency representatives; the residents' committee formulated recommendations for action based on findings, and forwarded the mandate to governmental social and urban development offices. Recommendations were designed to inform and develop community participation in health care decision-making.^ Rapid research methods are powerful tools for achieving community-based empowerment toward investigation and resolution of local health problems. But while ethnography works well in synergy with quantitative assessment approaches to strengthen the validity and richness of short-term field work, the author strongly urges caution in application of Rapid Ethnographic Assessments. An ethnographic sensibility is essential to the research enterprise for the development of an active and cooperative community base, the design and use of quantitative instruments, the appropriate use of qualitative techniques, and the interpretation of culturally-oriented information. However, prescribed and standardized Rapid Ethnographic Assessment techniques are counter-productive if used as research short-cuts before locale- and subject-specific cultural understanding is achieved. ^


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En este artículo se analiza la política sobre asentamientos informales Ilevada a cabo por los distintos gobiernos de la provincia, desde la apertura del proceso democrático hasta la actualidad. Cada uno de los programas analizados se contextualiza en el marco de las transformaciones socioeconómicas que caracterizaron las décadas de los '80, '90, la década actual y en determinadas concepciones de política social. El anáIisis de los programas se efectúa a partir de las siguientes categorías: segregación/integración residencial; potencialidad de los programas para enfrentar situaciones de pobreza; enfoques de los organismos internacionales en tomo a la pobreza; derecho a la vivienda y derecho a la ciudad.


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En Argentina, la reflexión académica sobre la cuestión social tomó como prioridad a las villas miseria. Asimismo, el eje centro-periferia resultó clave en la articulación del imaginario social hegemónico sobre las villas. En la asociación entre villas y periferias, las representaciones se organizaron de acuerdo a una distancia física, pero también moral respecto de un centro urbano. Dichas conexiones entre periferia, villas y espacios relegados, suponen una serie de obstáculos epistemológicos. El primero de ellos reside en las dificultades propias de una lectura moral sobre los territorios urbanos relegados. El segundo responde a una lógica sociocéntrica: si la villa fue retratada en función de la realidad histórico-social de las principales urbes industrializadas del país, ¿hasta qué punto es aplicable dicho concepto en ciudades de menor tamaño, con una tradición urbana diferente? Producto de un estudio etnográfico sobre las ocupaciones de tierras y la conformación de asentamientos en Comodoro Rivadavia, el artículo pretende analizar cómo los imaginarios urbanos sobre la “villa" afecta los discursos locales sobre el modo en que la cuestión social se expresa en el territorio. En los relatos sobre los asentamientos, la villa es una categoría que solamente es invocada cuando se pretende evaluar moralmente a determinados espacios urbanos relegados.


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Interventions that seek to change the areas occupied by squatters have been one of the most common forms of Urban Management Policies, trying revolver one of the major problems of Brazilian metropolises, namely the precarious living conditions of a large part of the population in the city. A Pedreira Prado Lopes, a slum located in the northwestern region of Belo Horizonte, is one of twelve local benefit program by urbanization of slums Vila Viva, a program of structural intervention in Slums at the municipal level. These interventions, which are benefiting 9,000 residents have funds of R$37,4 millions the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program) and were guided by PGE - Specific Global Plan prepared by technicians URBEL (Urbanization Company of Belo Horizonte) in 1998. This project intervention was the creation of a set of housing for former slum housing. The objective of this research is to know how this intervention impacted the lives of residents after settling in condominiums, seeking to describe the changes on the horizon of women who are in most household heads residents of these buildings, as shown by studies of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), 2011


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El 17 de octubre de 2003 falleció uno de los autores más salientes de las letras españolas de las últimas décadas: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. Estas páginas quieren presentar una semblanza de su obra y de su actividad y su imagen como escritor en general, caudalosa y febril, atravesada por las tensiones y conflictos entre el campo literario y el campo político; la alta literatura, el mercado y el acceso a un público masivo; la reelaboración y recodificación de diversos géneros, incluyendo la de sus objetivos, niveles de lectura y horizontes estéticos y políticos. En las últimas líneas se refiere y comenta brevemente la última novela del autor, Erec y Enide.